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Quote# 94588

Something else is an exclusively White Ethnostate which has as its fundamental and unbreakable foundation, a new system of government that places the preservation of White European people as its #1, non-negotiable, most important criteria.

And, which prohibits residency of race treasonous white cockroaches like Juan McCain, Lindsey Graham, the entire despicably evil Bush family, the equally race traitorous Paul family, and every other one of these RINOs and Neo-Cons who've been supporting open borders immigration policies and the deliberate, genocidal, race replacement policies of the multi-cultural enemy, who's identity we all are so keenly aware of, but are not supposed to ever name.

Oh, and Mr. Engelman is also included on the list of prohibited residency applicants.

Tucker, American Renaissance 16 Comments [5/29/2013 3:42:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 94587

Multiculturalism and multi-racialism via immigration spells death to white nations. So why do white nations, and only white nations, embark on such ethno=suicidal nation destroying endeavors? The answer is not as simple as “Liberalism is a mental disorder.” Liberalism is a problem but not the sole problem. There is something much more sinister and insidious than mere liberalism taking place. Moreover, it’s taking place in ALL the white homelands. Why? For what reason is it taking place?….. and Who’s the force behind it?

DJ, Moonbattery 10 Comments [5/29/2013 3:42:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 94555

Having legalized abortion, miscegnation, and faggotry, I suspect that organized Jewry’s next target – after legalizing pedophilia – will be the incest taboo. Last to be legalized will be bestiality, i.e. human-animal sex. When the Jew rules, Satan rules.

MajikFireHornet, The Seductive Jewess 13 Comments [5/28/2013 3:21:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 94546

I don't agree with the Christian Identity people on a lot of things - but their idea that negroes literally have the spirit of Satan within them has made a lot of sense to me in recent years. In a way, it's the converse of the Christian idea of God's presence being within Christians( in the form of the Holy Spirit).

WhiteMansBurden82, Stormfront 8 Comments [5/28/2013 3:19:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 94523

In cahoots with the media, which along with major companies, banks and parliaments are owned by the tribeless ruling elite a stereotype is put forward of the ideal man or woman. The ideal man in their eyes is metrosexual, effeminate[buys plenty of cosmetics and skin moisturisers] university-indoctrinated[it helps to make the masses indebted to the banks and brainwashed into `thinking` the same thing], race-mixing[in order that a single raceless non-Aryan mass may emerge in the future], cosmopolitan, Americanised, humanistic and with leanings towards bumming other men.
The ideal woman is a lager lout, a tart, a `career woman`, disrespectful and incontinent towards their husbands and if they are Aryan have a strong desire to churn out mongrel babies because this is the ultimate proof that they are "not a racist".

I could not give a toss about the Elizabethan or girly romantic poets, these blogs are concerned with Solar, Polar and virile Aryan spirituality, not getting inebriated and writing bad poety because you can`t get a girlfriend.
On the contrary emotionalism is the more recent of the two ways of being and this is linked to the increasing degeneracy of the modern world. Nordic man is hard, he is tough and sees no need to indulge in emotional behaviour-this is for women and weak ones at that. If you care to read the Icelandic sagas Germanic men and women takes great pride in their hardness and lack of emotion-this is why they have survived for so long in a degenerate and hostile world.

If you wish to read Aryan and manly poetry try the Elder or Poetic Edda and the Volsunga Saga.
Southern Europeans do a lot of weeping "without shame" just as Homer`s contemporaries no doubt did a lot of bumming too-all signs of degeneracy in the Kali Yuga, followers of a lunar, cthonic and feminine spirituality.
With regards to homosexuality being "known among the Germans and Celts too" that is true and this unnatural practice was punished by death. As far as the "ancient world" is concerned you are confusing the mongrelised south of Europe with the Aryan north-an entirely different world!

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 16 Comments [5/28/2013 2:39:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 94512

Jason Richwine is spot on, and the theses (pl) of the Bell Curve has NEVER been refuted by credible psychometricians, evolutionary psychologists, or geneticists. However — for all the obvious politically correct reasons — it has been roundly condemned by liberal social scientists and radical-egalitarians.

Radical-egalitarians believe in equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity. Furthermore, they beleive any disparity in outcomes of non-whites vis-a-vis whites is proof of racial discrimination. That’s the irrational cornerstone radical-egalitarianism is built around.

DJ, Moonbattery 12 Comments [5/26/2013 4:01:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94511

(Over a painting that supposedly depicts Jews sacrificing a young girl)
2,000 years since the orchestration of the murder of a God Jesus Christ and the eternal jew and his/her father the devil remain the same as they ever were.
Beware my beloved white brethren and sisters.
The time period the USSA is going through right now shares all the similarities seen in the jewish USSR last century. Surely the Russian Tzar of the 1880s perceived the eternal jew accurately. The evidence is in the actions of eternal jew via Stalin and their predecessors.

The USSA is under jewish occupation presently. Its not as obvious now to the average joe as it is obvious that the USSR was under the dominion of the jews last century. The reason is because most people live too close to it to perceive it yet. With time...the truth will become more clear.
"by their fruits ye shall know them"
Stay safe everybody

HeartofLeonidas, Stormfront 11 Comments [5/26/2013 4:00:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: MadmanJohnson

Quote# 94494

One of the specialized modifications of the Jew is his ability to suck the blood of the gentile host without alarming his victim, weakening it without being discovered, through the highly sophisticated and refined instruments and techniques which the Jew has developed over a period of centuries for these specific purposes, and which have no counterpart in any other species. In view of these techniques, need we be surprised that some of the gentiles who have been most weakened by the blood-lettings of the Jew are among his most vociferous defenders, and who will fight to the death to protect their Jewish "benefactors." They are totally unable to recognize their danger, or the insidious nature of the parasitic attack.

Eustace Mullins, Fourwinds10.com 18 Comments [5/25/2013 1:20:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 94478

Necrophilia, as I stated elsewhere, is a black running thread in the Jewish identity syndrome.

Hematophilia must be added too: an obsessive drive to spill the blood of non-Jews, while resorting to the most repugnant rituals to avoid letting a drop of “Jewish” blood … go to waste (look up “mohels”).

If you area a non-Jew a proper prayer of thanks should be:
Thank God/the gods/my lucky stars (take your pick) that I was neither raised as a Jew nor did I ever allow myself to become a Shabbat Goy.

If you are an ex-Jew the thanks should be given because although raised as a Jew you had the mental capacity and the moral fortitude to leave the Tribe and become a moral member of humanity.

Ariadna Theokopoulos, Boldface News 38 Comments [5/25/2013 3:50:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 94466

What our race is grappling with is massive non-white immigration in ALL white countries and ONLY white countries. But that's not enough for Obamanation's cohorts. They then make the DEMAND that we assimilate, i.e. intermarry and have sex with, all those non-whites. They make the DEMAND by brainwashing our posterity in schools, through advertisements and popular culture, and through implementation of anti-white legislation that we are unable to reverse by any legal means.

That being said, is it any wonder that a person might question the motives of the very people who bed down with these same Progressive Liberals and Respectable Conservatives? When they sacrifice four young EUROPEAN AMERICAN men (and their future generations)? For what?


Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white


Genseric, Stormfront 20 Comments [5/24/2013 3:19:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94465

"The reality is that Iraq's "Weapons of Mass Destruction" was a pack of lies from Israel , good men died for nothing,and nothing is being done about it. Or is that too simplified for you.
*An effective weapon to use against your enemy is your enemy's other enemy."

I'm not denying a bit of that, but i'm not going to cry over Moslems getting a reminder of western (white) military might now and then. 'Rum' (Roman Imperium) is their enemy forever, while they remember the Jews opening the gates of Christian cities to their hordes always, while we forgot.

The Jew is the internal enemy while the Moslem is the external one. the reason why either would or could succeed in the face of our absolute racial and spiritual supremacy is the subject of a whole other thread. Suffice it to say we are like Giants being assailed by Pygmies, while an evil spell makes us think we're assaulted by Dragons instead.

thorongil2012, Stormfront 13 Comments [5/24/2013 3:19:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94463

I think [Jews] use the word human as a code-word. The sound "hue" probably is used like "tinted" which does not fit for Whites. Snakes have forked tongues and Jews speak with forked tongues. To them a language has two sides like a coin. The goyim looks at one side only but a Jew has been taught to read and understand both sides.

Coldstar, Stormfront 10 Comments [5/24/2013 3:13:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94444

So, I was doing some spring cleaning over the past week and wanted to get rid of some old stuff. I had a few things that were still in good condition that i thought i could sell for some quick cash. I had an old First Act electric guitar. Basically, First Act aren't real instrument, just fancy toys. Good for kids or beginners. I bought it a few years ago at Toys 'R' Us for around $90. I put the guitar up for sale on Craigslist. I didn't put a price. It makes potential buyers call for the price. Also, on the off chance a nigger calls, I can impose my nigger tax/fee. Anyway, I get a call from someone interested in the guitar. It sounded like a nigger but spoke English that, surprisingly i could understand. Since it's a nigger, i tell it that i'm asking $150. I tell it to meet me at the mall parking lot to can see it and make the exchange (cash only). *(Don't worry, there is a police substation at this mall, and we met up right in front of it. Not to mention I am a CWP carrier.) Anyway, this nigger boy pulls up. It wasn't the typical street ape. This was the jolly, smilin', yessuh, Louis Armstrong, tryna-bee-white types. I guess he be seein' dem wite boys bee playin' dems guitar and it wanted to mimic human behavior. I tell it that this is a good guitar for beginners because of the price and that it will "attract the ladies"--appealing to it's muhdikk nature. He liked what he saw and gave me the $150. He didn't even want to test it or anything. I think he wanted people to think he beez a mooz-ishin n' sheeit!!! That sucker paid $150 for a guitar that wasn't even worth more than about $20 on a good day. Even pawn shops don't accept them. He axed if I could gib him lessons and I said no. He can go to any music store and get lessons. I had the money in hand so I got in my car and drove away with a big smile on my face!!! I would've loved to see the look on that nigger's face when he found out that he dun been ripped off by da wite muh-fugga wit the guitar!!!
On a side note--I am wise to the niggers that "act white". I know that it is just that...an act. Nothing more than mimicry. Normally, I don't do business with niggers but this was a good opportunity to rip off a nigger for his Obama-dollaz!!! Otherwise, I am an honest businessman!!!

Bee-boppin' blue gums, Niggermania 40 Comments [5/22/2013 3:09:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Shah

Quote# 94419

Here's some food for thought: I was recently reading Dr. Ben Bova's book "Immortality" wherein he suggests that in less than twenty years, scientists will probably figure out how to halt cellular senescence by lengthening telomeres inside our DNA, which will increase human lifespans by hundreds (and possibly thousands) of years. For those who would laugh at Bova, it should be remembered that he correctly predicted that the Russians would put a satellite into orbit, and that the Americans would put a man on the moon, and in that order.

Dr. Bova goes on to say that if and when we cure cancer as well as other diseases, and indefinitely prolong man's life, it will be due primarily to the work of Nobel Laureate James Watson, a man who was driven out of polite society for saying pretty much what Charles Murray and [Jason] Richwine are saying.

To put it bluntly, the "racist" men of science have put our species closer to eradicating death and disease altogether. What has an "anti-racist" like Tim Wise done for his country lately? Wish death on older white people who have the temerity to have different political views than him? It's pretty simple: the "racists" seek enlightenment, the "anti-racists" seek to keep us in ignorance.

Hirschibold, American Renaissance 14 Comments [5/21/2013 3:26:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94418

The Chinese arguably deserve to be kicked out of America. How did Native Born White America ever survive without them? Very well thank you...We put 12 Alpha Native Born White American Males with advanced Aerospace Engineering degrees on the Moon..the Chinese Youth who attend Stuyvesant HS...named after a European Settler...will vote a election time to make it a certainty that this never happens again. Now go pack your bags..and off to China where you will be much happier.
Bring Back The Chinese Exclusion Act!!!

wattylersrevolt, American Renaissance 19 Comments [5/21/2013 3:25:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94417

The evidence for race differences in IQ has been blindingly obvious for over a century. It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street, and written about by Harvard scholars.

The complete turn-around had nothing to do with evidence. What happened was a full court press by the lying tribe to take over academia, media and government to enforce a Stalinesque thought prison against even thinking the most obvious truths. Kim Il Sung would be jaw-dropped with envy.

HamletsGhost, American Renaissance 9 Comments [5/21/2013 3:25:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94416

Multiculturalism, non-White immigration, gun control in any form, taxes, more government, affirmative action, diversity, miscegenation, amnesty for illegals, homosexuality (gay marriage), and a soft stance on crime are NOT conservative principles. Virtually all Republicans in power over the last few decades have increasingly supported these issues to the detriment of the nation.

What will it take to make the millions of Whites who vote for Blacks and Browns to stop hating themselves and realize that the White race builds the very best communities and countries on Earth with the very best qualities of life? Celebrating Blacks and Browns living among Whites is like celebrating a stray dog crashing a birthday party and defecating in the punch bowl. Would anyone care to "drink up"? Indeed, what sane White person would want to live in the squalor and savagery of a Black or Brown country?

The first step toward the goal of having Whites-only communities, stores, schools, and other facilities is to reaffirm the First Amendment and the right to freely associate with whomever we choose, based on our personal standards, not the government's. The government has absolutely no constitutional right to impose diversity, desegregation, etc. Of course, no Republican will stand up to their diversity gods who hold the purse strings. The Republicans are owned, and there isn't a hair of difference between today's Republican Party and the despicable Democratic Party (a.k.a. Marxist Party).

We need other options, my friends.

John, American Renaissance 11 Comments [5/21/2013 3:25:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 94415

[About Jason Richwine's resignation from the Heritage Foundation over his infamous study on race and IQ.]

I have a simple question for people who call themselves “conservative:” When are you going to stop letting the Left tell you what you cannot think? In other words, when are you going to be men instead of lapdogs?

Because you are lapdogs, Jason Richwine joins a distinguished group of men fired by “conservatives:” Joe Sobran, Sam Francis, Scott McConnell, John Derbyshire, Robert Weissberg, Kevin Lamb, Frank Borzellieri, Leif Parsell, and no doubt others who have slipped my mind. John O’Sullivan, Peter Brimelow, James Watson, and Patrick Buchanan have also gotten some form of the ax for excessive truth-telling.

Our country is run by the equivalent of the most primitive tribes of Papua New Guinea and Africa. They believe that if something bad happens it’s because some enemy cast a wicked spell. Here’s the American equivalent: Blacks commit a lot of crime and Hispanics do badly in school? Vicious white people cast spells to make it happen. Can’t find actual, individual vicious white people hexing blacks or Hispanics? Invent a new kind of collective spell called “institutional racism,” so you can blame all white people. And when you find someone who doesn’t believe in spells but talks about race and IQ, crucify him!

In Africa and Papua New Guinea they regularly roast witches. In America we don’t roast our witches. Instead, we call them “racists” and make them unemployable. Jason Richwine is a young man with a wife and two small children.He is a professional thinker, perfectly cut out for a job at a think tank or a university. Who will hire him now that he has been branded with the scarlet “R” for “racist”? And how bitter must it be when people you have known and worked with, people whose trust and respect you thought you had earned, toss you in the gutter at the slightest sign of opposition?

When it comes to race and IQ, the record of history, the results of a thousand studies—intelligence testing, cross-racial adoption, brain-size differences—along with what anyone with vision in even just one eye sees around him every day are apparently not enough. But some day, not far off, the evidence for race differences in IQ will be blindingly, deafeningly, stunningly obvious. The genes that contribute to IQ will be found, and someone—probably in China—will report that they are not distributed equally in every group.

Until then, is our country fated to stagger on under an illusion that makes it impossible to formulate policy on everything from education to immigration to welfare? We could avoid that fate if “conservatives” were not gutless weaklings.

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance 7 Comments [5/21/2013 3:24:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 94396

When you know Blacks you understand that:
1) They have little intelligence.
2) They have strong primitive impulses.
3) They cannot control themselves.
4) They must be controled by others who think,plan and decide for them, always keeping in place a strong discipline with immediate punishment for misbehaviour.
5) When that happens they can function just fine,albeit on a low level.
6) When that outer control is however removed,the savage in the Black comes to the surface.

This happened when White control was removed when: 1) African colonies became “independent”,2) Apartheid was abolished in South Africa.3) Jim Crow was abolished in the USA. The oldest example of what happens when Blacks become “independent” is Haiti.After first killing all (French) Whites,then the mulattos,this former model slave society became the most primitive ,savage country of the Western Hemisphere.It is already nearly 200 years “independent” but still utterly backward.
People who think that “oppression” is the cause of Black disfunction cannot explain why Blacks misbehave even more and their situation worsens when that “oppression” is removed.
Blacks behave always and everywhere the same; it is the race,not “circumstances”.Blacks belong to an entirely different line of evolution than that of Europeans or Asians, “civilization” is no part of that.

Franklin Ryckaert, The Occidental Observer 57 Comments [5/19/2013 12:23:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 94392

Just think: if Israel didn't exist, what would be there instead? Just another dusty, meaningless Arab garbage heap. All those who vilify Israel's existence act like the world actually needs another underachieving Arab/Muslim country. Yeah, like a hole in the head.

Gary Katz, Aish.com 12 Comments [5/19/2013 4:31:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 94354

[Is there anything the average person can do to stop this takeover?]

First, get clear of the banking system. Keep only enough banked to pay short-term bills; for the rest, use cash NOT CREDIT and get any surplus you have into a negotiable metal like silver that you PHYSICALLY POSSESS. Second, since the Jews and their stooges have turned America’s economy into a top-down, debt-financed, bankster-monitized Ponzi scheme, prepare for System Collapse by stockpiling food, water, and other necessities. Third, since System Collapse will lead to Martial Law (cf. the trial run that the Regime just carried out in Boston) and urban-rural, Left-Right, and racial Civil War, WEAPON UP. I recommend the M1a (an AR is also fine) + a good sidearm, and also stockpile ammunition for your weapons of choice. Then hit the shooting range, learn to shoot accurately, and network with like-minded Patriots. Fourth, further educate yourself at relevant sites.

MajikFireHornet, The Seductive Jewess 15 Comments [5/17/2013 3:25:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 94339

[Malkin defends Jason Richwine's dissertation which asserted that Hispanics have lower IQs than whites.]

The Crucifixion of Jason Richwine

How low will supporters of the Gang of Eight immigration bill go to get their way? This low: They've shamelessly branded an accomplished Ivy League-trained quantitative analyst a "racist" and will stop at nothing to destroy his career as they pave their legislative path to another massive illegal alien benefits bonanza.

Jason Richwine works for the conservative Heritage Foundation. He's a Harvard University Ph.D. who co-authored a study that pegs the cost of the Ted Kennedy Memorial Open Borders Act 2.0 legislation at $6.3 trillion. Lead author Robert Rector is a senior research fellow at Heritage, a former United States Office of Personnel Management analyst and the intellectual godfather of welfare reform. He holds a master's degree in political science from Johns Hopkins University.


Richwine's 166-page dissertation, "IQ and Immigration Policy," is now being used to smear him -- and, by extension, all of Heritage's scholarship -- as "racist." While the punditocracy and political establishment sanctimoniously call for "honest discussions" on race, they rush to crush bona fide, dispassionate academic inquiries into the controversial subjects of intelligence, racial and ethnic differences, and domestic policy.


Part One reviews the science of IQ. Part Two delves into empirical research comparing IQs of the native-born American population with that of immigrant groups, with the Hispanic population broken out. Richwine explores the causes of an immigrant IQ deficit that appears to persist among Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. through several generations.

The thesis analyzes social policy consequences of these findings and uses a model of the labor market "to show how immigrant IQ affects the economic surplus accruing to natives and the wage impact on low-skill natives."


The willingness of Republican Gang of 8'ers to allow a young conservative researcher and married father of two to be strung up by the p.c. lynch mob for the crime of unflinching social science research is chilling, sickening and suicidal.

These are serious people doing serious work. The crucifiers of Jason Richwine pretend to defend sound science. But if it is now inherently racist to study racial and ethnic differences among demographic groups, then it's time to shut down every social sciences department in the country.

Michelle Malkin, Townhall.com 17 Comments [5/16/2013 3:11:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 94338

A conservative researcher's 2009 dissertation, which argued that Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. have substantially lower IQs than whites, put one of the biggest opponents to an immigration reform bill in Congress on the defensive on Wednesday.

The dissertation by Jason Richwine, then a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard University, argues that "[n]o one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against. From the perspective of Americans alive today, the low average IQ of Hispanics is effectively permanent."


On page 88 of his dissertation, Richwine included a section on "the growing Hispanic underclass." Heritage's paper takes the position that undocumented immigrants who are currently in the country would be a burden on the U.S. safety net and welfare programs if they were to be given citizenship.

An underclass, Richwine wrote, is "a socially isolated group of people for whom crime, welfare, labor force dropout, and illegitimacy are normal aspects of life." He argues that his data shows that "Hispanic immigrants come [to the U.S.] to work, but their children's labor force participation slips considerably."

"Superior performance on basic economic indicators is to be expected from later generations, who go to American schools, learn English, and become better acquainted with the culture," Richwine wrote in the dissertation. "Despite built-in advantages, too many Hispanic natives are not adhering to standards of behavior that separate middle and working class neighborhoods from the barrio."

"There can be little dispute that post 1965-immigration has brought a larger and increasingly visible Hispanic underclass to the United States, yet the underlying reasons for its existence cannot be understood without considering IQ," Richwine wrote.


Lower-IQ individuals, Richwine also wrote, are more likely to accept government handouts.

"When given the choice between a paycheck from a low-paying job and a welfare check, most intelligent people would realize that the welfare check offers them no potential for advancement. Low-IQ people do not internalize that fact nearly as well," he wrote.

Jason Richwine, Huffington Post 9 Comments [5/16/2013 3:11:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 94328

My great-grandparents were immigrants too - but from civilized European countries like Germany and Italy, not cow-urine-drinking, cow worshipping Aztec countries like India. My great grandfather also didn't step off the boat into a $100K/year job and kick some American out of job he worked 20 years for. No, he worked menial jobs his whole life, worked his way up so my grandfather could work, who never went to college but worked and saved so my father could go to college and become a stockbroker FIFTY YEARS LATER, so that I could go to college and become a computer programmer working at Apple and on Playstation at Sony.

But today the lazy 3rd worlders who didn't lift a finger to build any of this expect to just step off the plane, take over the best jobs, and throw Americans out of work.

Sorry conmen from India, America doesn't work that way. You have no right to come here and take over jobs that Americans worked 20 years to earn while you were still sitting around trying to get clean water and toilets. No go home, you've failed to keep the US economy going as promised, you're all failure, now get out and stay out. Fix your own mess of a country first conman.

Wakjob, Washington Post 13 Comments [5/15/2013 6:22:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94320

"Holocaust?" Ninety million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos -- what's to complain about?

Rush Limbaugh, Media Matters 21 Comments [5/15/2013 3:10:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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