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Quote# 100287

I got a suggestion on how one can fight back against race mixers. A method that is 100% LEGAL, yet effective.

Go to www.bodybuilding.com and set up an account. You will find that individual members often have a bodyspace page. Within this page, many of the members have a photo gallery in which you can rate their pictures. Every once in a while, you will come across some White woman posting a picture of her with a mixed race mongrel kid. When you come across this, rate the photo a 1, the lowest rating equivalent to a neg rep. You don't even have to type out a snide remark. You can also do this with a White woman pictured with her non-White boyfriend, a non-White woman with a White boyfriend or a non-White living in Europe. I can assure you, when you click 1 by their offensive picture, they don't like it! It bothers them. It sends a strong message!

A word to the wise, if you click 1 to a picture with 4 or more ratings, they will know it's you. With that in mind, I would suggest not having a photo gallery or disable the ratings for your photo gallery so they can't retaliate. Whether your anonymous or not is up to you.

Keep in mind, this doesn't always have to be negative. You could and should click 10 and say something nice to White women with White children and White boyfriends. :)

AngryGoy, Stormfront 21 Comments [3/31/2014 3:04:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: colincidence

Quote# 100216

Post modernism/liberalism is a rejection of tradtionalism and a sense of belonging, of continuity, familiarity, and a feeling of rootedness in our past and our unique histories and ethnicities .--- and wants to replace it instead with a virtual identity--a pseudo world of ideas and pop-intellectual abstractions .
White liberals swoon over non-White cultures they know nothing about and that they see as more colourful, exotic and spiritually more deep and cultivated , more noble and innocent and virtuous .
White liberal progressives have no moral qualms about these non-White cultures honouring the spiritual communion with their ancestors, historical narratives, mythologies, legends, traditions and folk memories and striving to preserve them and feeling a deep sense of attachment to their ancestral lands and the wish to preserve their genetic heritage of blood and soil .
But when Whites, who are the first and only race ever to have created high culture and have created the most sublime arts, music, philosophies, and literature the world has ever seen do it ---we are called
--- " far right wing, uneducated, bigoted, racial supremacists " ---
The problem for the majority of our university educated liberal progressives is that Western civilisation is a difficult act to master . Their sneering, smug, contempt and distain for it is a camouflage for intellectual and spiritual inadequacy and impoverishment .
They can afford to spit on it while they enjoy the hedonistic life style and freedoms and benefits it provides them with due to the blood sweat and tears of their ancestors, because it's the only thing they have ever known

Mark Vallens, The Telegraph 12 Comments [3/28/2014 3:00:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 100195

The problems with the Ashkenazim is that after many years of inbreeding, they have developed what is called Psychological Projection.

It's pretty much a defense mechanism. The real cattle are them and they know it.

The defense resides in giving that title to non-Ashkenazim people. The thing is they also know what happens to cattle in farms. Yes, beef is good source of protein.

Peter Analyst, Real Jew News 12 Comments [3/26/2014 3:08:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100168

Let me tell you something. Why would you ever trust something on the internet. You can simply not believe anything, go ahead, go ask on the yahoo answers about something regarding Hitler - all what you will get is complete non sense. Same goes to most of the irrational, propaganda sites. If you want answer, which actually make sense from both perspectives and are as objective as possible, you should not seek them around the web like you did so far - especially on the things like immigration, islamization and so forth. You're making the mistake masses often do - they always check the sources which they "trust". People do trust news quite a lot. They trust BBC. They trust CNN. They even trust history channel. Because they think that if they're multinational and have huge amount of viewers they're good. And that is what people make wrong. If you hear that there were 8 million deaths in holocaust from BBC you will listen to them. If they encourage you to protest against nazism, you will do so. Because they told you that 8 million innocent people died. Without even going into all this, just listen to the masters and do what they say. This kind of people do not exist. They're marionettes.

I went ahead and checked the Führer on Metapedia. The article seems far, far, far more objective than on wikipedia. I have no idea if these two pages are anyhow related or anything. I have barely visited wikipedia and about never metapedia. The above might not be true for metapedia, hence I am not aware of its credibility, but just internet and asking questions, or seeking for answers, overall, over the world wide web.

TilenK, Stormfront.com 13 Comments [3/25/2014 3:40:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 100164

Oh yes, they're perfect immigrants. Except for the fact they have no respect for our culture, break our laws, refuse to learn our language, come over illegally, end up mules or pawns for the cartels. You know, all that stuff.

They don't ALL do that stuff, I know, but I have yet to meet one that hasn't done at least one of those things, intentionally or not. Besides, there's too many of them, they've already supplanted African Americans as the largest minority(assuming they're not the majority already), and if deporting a whole lot of them, especially the illegals, stops me from getting ads on TV and the Internet in Spanish, so be it.

Because quite frankly, I don't want to live in a neighborhood surrounded by Mexicans living off free government welfare and healthcare who won't even speak the God damn mother tongue of the country they immigrated to, most likely illegally. I also laugh when I see them proudly wave the Mexican flag. Oh yes, you're so proud of your country, that's why you fled it to live in the more prosperous and stable neighboring country right?

I'm not against Mexicans, or immigrants. I'm against overly fraudulent immigrants. This is America and the majority should be American, otherwise it wouldn't be America anymore, and unlike some people who seem to think it would somehow be a good thing, I don't want us to fly the way of the Roman Empire.

Seaxeland, Nationstates 12 Comments [3/25/2014 3:39:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 100154

There is no question but that if you share my scientific bent, if you are a born socio-historical detective curious about how power really works, then you can quickly strike gold by studying race and the Jewish question without blinders. You will be astonished at how much you will discover. More tantalizing still, despite the handful of intellectual Daniel Boones and Davy Crocketts who have gone before, a vast wilderness remains yet largely unexplored by the mind of man.

It is yours to conquer, if you have the courage and fortitude to do so.

That said, writing candidly about race — and, far more importantly, Jewish hatred and power — in defense of the voiceless, embattled white race, is not the way to win friends and influence people. It is not something to undertake lightly, for fun or entertainment. It is dangerous to your health and general well-being and may reduce your life expectancy. Jews and the governments and other institutions that serve them are not white. They are thugs. Morality and the rule of law mean nothing to them. This is a hard lesson that most have yet to learn.

Andrew Hamilton, Counter-Currents Publishing 10 Comments [3/24/2014 3:23:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 100143

HI sweetheard, how are you? I saw you have a photo of yourself captioned "being the maid of honor at the wedding of 2 of my best friends!" I couldn't help but notice that your 2 friends who were getting married were both men. I"m not sure why you would associate with people like that? It seems like that the 2 men getting married in the picture are a Latin man and a Black man. That makes sense... Latin men dress and act very effeminately. Black men don't dress and act effeminately but it's to to hide their secret homosexuality that they behave in such an obnoxious aggressive manner. I'm sure you've seen in the news recently the black basketball player and football player who are gay. Even though they act like such tough guys when they are on the ball court, it is only to hide their homosexual weakness. Asian men are known for being effeminate as well, much like Latin men, and like Latin men, most of them are gay. I"m sure you are aware of this, that is why you see so many Asian and Latin women with white men. White men simply present the most suitable option for most Asian and Latin women. Black men are able to fool black women by putting on their macho facade, even though (as recent events show) they are gay and sinful as well. Just letting you know the facts and explain to you why Asian women are so irresistibly attracted to white men.

Anonymous, Creepy White Guys 10 Comments [3/24/2014 3:13:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Manure Inspector

Quote# 100139

*During a thread on a possible collapse of the thirld world followed by huge immigration waves to Europe*

In that case, I'll go off killing them, and I believe I won't be the only one by a long shot. The moment they've breached the gates of Europe in large numbers - not counting the millions already here - there is no point in continuing life anymore, since it will end in violence, and there is at least some superficial hope in attacking them and trying to drive them back using brute force. If it would even delay the inevitable by a few years, it would be well worth killing people. Unlike many Europeans, I'm not willing to sacrifice myself and my family to help total strangers.

And this is why I don't want mass immigration to Europe. It's just a matter of bringing what is to come forward and making the inevitable crash a lot more painful for everyone involved, and I don't want that. We stand a real chance of survival, as Europeans, but we're throwing it away by inviting people over who, in this case, will side with those who would seek to raid this entire continent the moment our defenses fall. My prediction factors this in, and even before the mass movement of people from Africa and the dry parts of the Middle East to Europe starts there will be rioting and unrest due to the large and concentrated non-western (especially West African, North African and East African) population already present.

Quintium, Nationstates 9 Comments [3/24/2014 3:05:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 100137

It's a proven fact that as the country becomes less white, it becomes more progressive and progressive is good.

That's why we need more immigrants to create a progressive paradise.

Progressif, Daily Kos 6 Comments [3/24/2014 3:04:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 100119

Techno is a form of degenerate music developed during the mid-1980s in Belleville, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit by Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson, and Derrick May (the so-called Belleville Three) who went to high school together. Techno music takes the more high pitched electronic music and then adds near constant synthetic drumming of a certain style. This style has the drumming very low pitched, at the bottom range of human hearing. The drumming is intense, loud compared to the rest of the music, and fast paced. This is drumming based on based on Subsaharan African drumming, and the three inventors of techno are negros.

Even at the dawn of the 20th century, jews have always heavily promoted negros in art and music. The type of drumming in techno is one they have heavily promoted, no matter the music genre it exists in, of which it has crept into most music people listen to. It has inspired other genres such as dubstep, an electronic music known for its omnipresent sub-bass that first appeared in 1999.

Techno while originally a dance club music, became very popular among the male homosexual population and played at homosexual supremacist rallies.

A Wyatt Mann, Metapedia 16 Comments [3/23/2014 4:16:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 100103

Exactly, when people are forced into living in fear of prosecution for speaking out for so long, sooner or later that fear turns to hate, anger and frustration, that builds gradually until it needs an out let, with no out let, it blows up, when that happens, you get bloodshed and war it has no option because it is given no voice, no hope of being heard or heeded, so it has no other way but to turn into violence, bloodshed and..............................!

That is the out come to this mess, only now we know who is at the center of all this, and they haven't done themselves any good at all, they will pay, for this act of aggression against the White Peoples of this World!!

The JEW!

Teutoburg Weald , Anglo-Saxon Foundation 7 Comments [3/22/2014 6:41:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 100082

Jews today exercise power unsurpassed by any other individual, group, or institution on earth. How long this situation will last is impossible to say. But if you’ve been digging for “the Answer,” the solution to the riddle of what makes the world tick, and your spade finally strikes “Jew,” then look no further. The live cable you’ve unearthed carries the secret power that can electrocute you.

Jews are the Main Enemy.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of exceedingly powerful, evil, dangerous non-Jewish (though usually not Jew-free) power centers in the world that can and do harm mankind, and can potentially harm or kill you, too. But none of them compare to the Jew. It is this fact that renders most historical parallels of little value as guides to contemporary revolutionary thought.

Despite their insatiable appetites and demands, and Jews are unconstrained by laws; they do not obey them and do not have to obey them. They are also unconstrained by morality. Therefore, there are no serious internal or external constraints upon their behavior.

Plenty of adventurers and daredevils court and even meet death daily for frivolous or even meaningless reasons. Yet few whites step forward to challenge the evil machinations of Jews and governments. It seems some other quality of character is required.

Jews resort to murder and physical violence with impunity. No government stops them. Indeed, governments are their accomplices, facilitators, and enablers. Jews delegitimize governments, or governments delegitimize themselves by their subservience to Jewry. ”Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Fear of the Jews” is a major factor in white passivity. (As is love of the Jews—but that’s a different subject.)

Andrew Hamilton, Counter-Currents Publishing 11 Comments [3/21/2014 2:35:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 100051

I see no reason to think Putin should fear the U.S. at all.... Just try watching the Electric Jew (ie) Television and pay attention to what they have done to America... The "Talking Heads" r Homosexual, Black & White Females and Sissy Men... I am ashamed of Sub Human Mongrels squatting in my White House.... Putin knows the end of America is at hand and he will take advantage if he gets the Chance.... I have more respect for Putin than I have for all 3 Branches of the Federal Government..

Leonard McCauley, Info Wars 12 Comments [3/19/2014 3:33:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 100045

Obsidian cries raciss

I'm only surprised it took him this long to get around to it. I've been waiting for him to take a public shot at me ever since I humiliated him when he was strutting around boasting about "chin-checking chumps" or however it was that the Jive talk went:

Following up on my question above, I note that you cite two very well known bloggers in the Manosphere, who would be considered to fit Kimmel’s characterization like the proverbial hand in glove: Chateau Heartiste, formerly known as Roissy, and Vox Day, of the blog Alpha Game. Both have been cited for their racist views of people of color, and neither seem particularly interested in being inclusive of Men of Color under their tents (in fact, I would go so far as to say that they are both actively hostile to such inclusiveness – I say this based on direct observation and experience of both). As noted above, their astute observations and the like, many of which I do agree with, are utterly undermined by their racism, and gives folks like Kimmel, et al a smoking gun with which to discredit the entirety of the MRM cause.

My response is at Alpha Game. But suffice it to say that my deep and abiding concerns for the African-American community are only exceeded by my dedication to the plight of the Heian Japanese. Of course, I am hostile to "inclusiveness". As an open and avowed elitist, it tends to come with the territory.

I actually find it vaguely surprising that people are still trying to play the race card in 2014. Hispanics quite openly hate Blacks and are actively driving them out of their most archetypical communities. Whites and Jews are "gentrifying" them out of their historic homes, which is the genteel way to say "financial ethnic cleansing". I mean, who is still pretending that desegregation is even remotely viable? Who is still dumb enough to pretend that the Civil Rights Movement wasn't a fundamentally wrong-headed failure?

It's even stranger that they still attempt to play it on me. First, I can trump it with my own Man of Color card. Second, I should think I have made it abundantly clear that I am not in the least bit afraid of being labeled anything from Toddler Slayer to RSHD.

"All men are created equal" cannot possibly apply in a material sense in any world where all men are not even equally homo sapiens sapiens.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 9 Comments [3/19/2014 3:30:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 100018

"This is not racism, it's a softball game."

Won't do any good to bring facts into it. To them, the softball game ITSELF is racism. In the USSA, EVERYTHING is racism. Everything.

The "anti-racists" are completely,utterly, insane. Logic is racism. Facts are obstacles. Truth is the enemy. Anti-white racism is "tolerance".

So it comes down to this, are you with us Whites or do you want to join the nutbars?

If you're with us, then that allegiance comes before facts or scientific truth or anything else. Even though the facts are on our side, and you should be armed with them, they are irrelevant to the political problem. All that matters is skin color, because that is all that matters to those who call US "racists".

America, it is time to pick a side. Because this is not a debate, it can't be solved with appeals to common decency or well-reasoned arguments. And not even an Everest-sized mountain of objective evidence can sway a crazy moron. This question will be settled by some very "old-school" methods and tactics. Which we Whites happen to excel at...almost as well as we do at building beautiful and prestigious law schools for anti-white racist parasites to colonize with their sob stories.

So, do you want to join the winning team or the losing team? Because no matter WHAT we do, since human beings are NOT all uniformly equal in intelligence and temperament,the anti-whites will lose in the end. They might be able to plunder our institutions and our governments, but they can't build or maintain them, even by reverse-engineering.

Without us, they simply won't exist.

Rich White, Above the Law 13 Comments [3/17/2014 3:36:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 99997

I am sick of seeing so many white nationalists who think it's okay to admire non-white culture. You guys are walking down a slippery slope.
First, it's "Don't worry. I still prefer whites. I just like to experience other cultures. I'm still a WN." The next thing you know, you're a beta loser weeaboo who's humping a plastic waifu doll you ordered from Japan.

More seriously, I'm surprised that no white person here figured out that the Jews run anime shows. Are you guys really that blind? How could you not see such blatant leftist propaganda in those shows?
You don't believe me? You think the japs hate jews and would never sell their souls? Well, let's do a cursory analysis on popular anime shows and compare them to the leftist agenda shall we?

Dragon Ball Z: Some Saiyan-being from another planet comes to earth, breeds with humans (Race-mixing) and has a mixed-raced son who is more powerful than he is.
Inuyasha: Story about some half-breed demon. Author tries to make breeding with humans and demons "cool".
Pokemon: You can breed different species of pokemon to create a "better" pokemon. Brainwashes little kids into thinking that mixing with others outside of their race will produce healthier offsprings.

Many many more examples.

The next time you watch anime on your computer or TV, always remember that you're doing white culture a disservice. It's like cheating on your wife.

AnimeIsForLosers, Stormfront 46 Comments [3/16/2014 5:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99966

[In support of his prior claim: "Would you feel safe with an Asian at the wheel of your airplane? I think not. Terrible at judging distance and speed."]

Just look at they eyes. They can only see 66% of what normal eyes can see based on surface area of the eyeball not covered by they lids. It's basic math, fool.

LaTrinius Washington, ABC News 16 Comments [3/14/2014 3:40:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 99952

((White Perth Pride) He was born in Australia and loves this country. 99% of my mates are white but I was wondering if having 1 colored friend stops you from being WN or WP.)

(Fading Light) Always we come back to the intended genocide or our race. Our opponents ADMIT that their policies and the conditions they have invoked will lead to our extinction and (much sooner) marginalization within our own nations, and they further continue to push more policies that accelerate these outcomes.

Your friend needs to leave your nation if it is to stay White. If he is your friend and if he is a reasonable person, he ought to be able to be convinced of this. I doubt he can. The only realistic way to ensure a future for our race is to secure some Whites-only areas for our people. If you insist on living near your friend, you would have to leave with him to comply with that. Our race MUST survive, and it will.

I'm going to be honest with you: I seriously doubt he is really your friend. I wonder if you've ever had a real friend. I suspect that if his personal wants were at stake, he would turn on you and betray you in a second. Friends are rare things and phenomenally so among races whose entire strategy at life depends upon exploitation of our race's instinct for compassion.

Fading Light, Stormfront.com 16 Comments [3/14/2014 3:34:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 99928

We’re being demonized folks, the next step is to be de-humanized, set up to be killed off or exterminated as pronounced by the likes of Tim Wise and Opray Winfrey. Did the readers notice the theme of the book/movie “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer” – RACIST White Southerners weren’t even human, they were..

Vampires and all good liberals should cheer on the Vampire slayers!

Anti haters can be very hateful.

And we sadly notice that a disproportionate percentage of these anti White, anti Conservative inquisitors are Jewish, have some Jewish background. It was pretty much the same with the worst Communist murderers in Central and Eastern Europe (Winston Churchill notices this). . .

- not all Communists were Jewish, not all Jews were Communists, but yeah … If the shoe fits.

Jack Ryan, Occidental Dissent 22 Comments [3/12/2014 3:30:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 99925

I’m not so much concerned about the darkening of Ukraine as you put it. The darkening of France and the UK is a direct result of not having Poles and Belorussians and Ukrainians migrate to the west, as they have always done so through history. On balance it would be good to have both Ukraine and Russia allied to the European peninsular instead of in opposition.

The US USSR rivalry completely fucked up the white population worldwide. The USSR and US for example ensured the demise of the Afrikaner and the rise of the US nigger. It ensured that France became Arabized instead of Polonized. Stuff like that.

Captain John Charity Spring MA, Occidental Dissent 12 Comments [3/12/2014 3:30:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 99924

[RE. Texas's same-sex marriage ban being struck down.]

Once again, the will of the people thwarted by the corrupt judicial system.

Can’t wait for the day these tyrants get what is coming to them.

Damn, we are getting our teeth kicked in by anti-Whites, homos, lesbians, niggers, beaners, commies and jews hiding behind black robes.

I long for the day the tables are turned.

I do not know how or when, but we had better have our own version of Arab Spring or Ukraine revolution in the near future or we are dead meat.

Sam, Occidental Dissent 13 Comments [3/12/2014 3:29:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 99923

There is a hullabaloo about Fox New’s Megyn Kelly saying that Santa Claus is White and that Jesus was White. The Left went nuts. What I find interesting is that Whites, despite lip service to Diversity, aren’t ready to kneel before a non-White God or make Santa a Black man.

Yet this is where Multiculturalism (i.e. White Genocide) would take us. I hope this gets pushed in the face of Whites as much as possible to make them realize RACE touches the most intimate areas of their lives.

Megyn Kelly has criticized things that are pro-White in the past, while at the same time assuming a kind of eternal White Supremacy In her own world view. It is striking how behind the times Respectable Conservatives are.

Jason, Bob's Underground Graduate Seminar 14 Comments [3/12/2014 3:29:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 99920

Chinese are one of the most racist and authoritarian bullies people in the world.

Chinese like other Asians want people to fear them and kow tow to them for no good reasons.
In fact those light skin Chinese are no better than other brown bullies.

Chinese like other Asians tend to disregard others who don't enrich them.

Most Chinese only pretend to be civilised while they sneakily accummulate more power and more wealth that originated mostly from the hard work of Whites.

Most Chinese are in reality a nasty bunch of people.

I think Chinese are no better than Jewish.

Chinese like other nonwhites are trying to dominate everything that was originally created by Whites.

Rich Chinese are one of the most arrogant and inhumane group of nonwhite on this planet.

Chinese are by nature cruel people, whenever they have the upper hand.

Even if those speak English, it is very difficult to communicate or get along with them. I find those Chinese very brutal and very backward. Chinese tend to force disadvantaged people to agree with them on everything.

I suspect they want everyone in the world to be Chinese(though they tend not to acknowledge poorer Chinese or darker skin Chinese) so that they can control and abuse everyone with ease.

Those Asians who are so ignorantly proud of being classified as Chinese are either willing victim of Chinese propaganda or unwillling victim of Chinese propaganda. It is weird why so many are so proud of being associated with such an inhumane race such as Chinese.

wlil, Stormfront.com 9 Comments [3/12/2014 3:27:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 99919

Hello, Stormfront. I am new to this forum, but I thought I would share my views. I am a Mestizo from South America but I have always respected the white race. I believe it is ashame that other races, including my own say whites cannot be proud of who they are.

I have recently believed in the seperation of races because I have seen what it does to culture. I believe that true diversity lies in the seperation of all peoples. As you know, the Native Americans have a right to be here. Since whites rightfully took their place here in North America, perhaps it would be best if all my peoples and pure indians head south of the border, or if you please... giving some chunk of the land to the northern Native americans. Cherokee, Blackfeet etc.

However, from what I have seen, the Caste system established by the Spanish does seem to work well... at least where I am from.(peru) It's nice to observe how each race is put in place to work for the good of society as a whole. For example, although the pure whites live amongst mestizos and pure indians, they never race mix. Mestizos and castizos are either middle class or poor. However, most pure indians are poor, they are never worjing in places such as banks, offices etc.

That's why i believe indians can do farm work, mestizos and castizos can be integrated in some parts of society and whites be at the top. Just to be clear, I'm talking about latin america. Here in the U.S, i believe we should be seperated.. I will be going back to south america after i finish college next year in an effort to embrace true diversiy.

LatinAmazon, Stormfront.com 10 Comments [3/12/2014 3:27:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 99905

it’s true. I could give a fuck less about what any brown person (this refers to East Indian specifically, cause I live in Vancouver) does. i never give a second glance to any news of a brown dude getting murdered, deported, or in any other way experiencing trouble. a white or black person I would care way, way more.

so yes, i pretty much am a racist. but the town I grew up in bred this hate inside me. going to a brown majority school scarred me for life, I hate brown people with an intense fiery passion. it’s how they talk, how they perceive themselves as deserving better than this country (even though they left an utter shithole to come here), they think they’re better than me because they have multiple incomes and can afford expensive clothes and they know that in reality white people can’t do anything because we’re outnumbered everywhere. i hear about brown kids jumping people all the time, it almost happened to me twice. i must say, besides getting my first blowjob, punching a brown guy in the face was the most satisfying moment of my life. I wore my broken knuckles like a badge of honor.

they treat women like shit too. I boil over with rage whenever I see a brown guy with a white girl or even talking to one at a party. one of my ex’s phoned me crying because a brown guy tried to rape her at a party. thankfully he got chased out. there are exceptions to this rule though, approximately 1 out of every 150 brown guys is chill.

so yes. I lack basic empathy for brown people, but it’s their own fault.

P.S. I love black people, i’m fine with mexicans and asians. just brown people. fuck ‘em…

a white guy, Restructure! 9 Comments [3/11/2014 3:29:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
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