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Quote# 102400

Subject: Socialism, Racism Explained, Easy to Grip....
Racism, Socialism, Simply explained...
A young Black kid asks his mother, "Mama, what is Socialism, and what is Racism?"
"Well, Child,... Socialism is when white folks work every day so we can get all our benefits,
you know... like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBC,free healthcare, utility subsidy, and on and on, ..you know. That's Socialism ".
"But Mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?
"Sure they do Honey. That's called Racism!"

(Never more simply explained...) Best I know

Guest, Freedom Outpost 9 Comments [7/31/2014 3:39:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 102391

Now close your eyes real tight and don't peek because I am going to tell you some Jewish secrets.

All of Judaism revolves around the Jewish penis. In fact, without the Jewish penis, there would be no Judaism. It is the Jewish penis that drives the seething intellect of the Jews and gives their demented lives its only meaning. And they are as proud of their Jewish penis as a songbird is proud of his warble. For example, the ADL, that famous and mighty Anti-Defamation League of B'ad Br'eath, call themselves the "Sons of the Covenant". They are so proud of their penises!

But what is this "covenant" that is in the title of their organization? It is the age-old story found in the Bible where the Jewish god promises that if the Jews would cut off their cocks, then He would be their god and they would be His People. But hey! They were Jews weren't they? So they made a deal: not the whole cock, just the foreskin! And so, to this very day the Jews in the ADL advertize their special "covenant" with god by putting their penises to the forefront in the title of their organ-ization. So you see, if a big group of kikes like the ADL advertize their pricks in the title of their organ-ization, then you know that their wee-wees must be a very big deal to all of them.

So, why are the Jews so infatuated with their mangled weenies? Again, the rabbis are to blame. From the moment a baby Hymie is born, if it is boy, it is destined to have his whole life orbiting around his pee-pee. Oy Gevalt! How could it be otherwise? After his eighth day of life, the baby Hymie is taken to the mohel rabbi to have his foreskin cut off with a butcher knife. Oy! Do those mohel rabbis love little baby cocks! While the kid is screaming to high heaven with blood gushing out of the wound, the mohel immediately clamps his rubbery lips around that little kike's cock and starts sucking out the blood. Ick! Didn't I tell you to keep your eyes closed? But it's true! Then he spits the blood into a goblet of wine and all the Jews take a drink. Ugh! Those holy Jews are disgusting. But they claim to be God's People so how can you not believe them? Only a devil would tell such a lie, but these are Jews!

Anyway, in the immoral teaching of the rabbis, this screaming little oven magnet is taught to cherish his cock and to become a blood-sucker all in the same lesson. And with that chopped off portion of his penis, he is reminded of his specialness as a Jew forever. For the rest of his life, every time he goes to the toilet, he is reminded of his Jewishness. Every male Jew is reminded of what it is to be a Jew every time he urinates. Every Jew piously bows his head over his cock, looks down and meditates upon what he is missing ... and he tries not to miss while he is pissing. This is Judaism in action, a religion that combines their penises with the Jewish god as a lifelong exercise in Jewish piety and potty training.

So, do you see why Jews are so messed up? For Jews, their god and their pricks have a special place in their hearts. And anything that they can do with their pricks, to a Jew is a holy and a special "covenant" with their god.

His Cosmic Holiness Banjo Billy, Grand Rabbi of the Kikenvermin and Al Mahdi to the Ragheads, The Insurgent 18 Comments [7/30/2014 3:27:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 102381

I don't want America to become like North Africa, South America, Mexico, and other Third World places makes me white trash? Fine. Just think all these diseased children coming in from South American will be life long Democrat voters. Those parasites add nothing to our society. We need Western immigrants from places like the U.K., Israel, Germany, and other places with civilized people who can read, write, and work. What's coming over the Southern Border is just trash that'll soak up social services.

Zach Watkins, Hollywood Reporter 9 Comments [7/30/2014 3:06:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 102374

Inventions has to do more with creativity and loads of imagination which West Europeans and Americans have, but not East Asians accept for the Japanese. Chinese were very good with ancient inventions but all they were not based on any electronics or machinery which is what contributes to making the modern world. Somebody who can invent an mobile phone doesn't mean he got A+ in maths, history, geography all he needs is like A+ in electronics with lots of creativity.

What really contributes to the world is people with loads of creativity which are West Europeans. The East Asians maybe superior in the I.Q department but they tend to have the lowest E.Q, they speak really bad foreign languages in general, it may have something to do with the way their Asian languages phonetics or the way they pronounced but Africans seems to have it much easier. East Asian inventions dominated during the ancient world but those were all based on electronics or machinery like somebody from Yahoo had already said. The one thing nobody can deny is the modernized world existent solely and only because of West Europeans.

West Europeans: 2nd highest I.Q in continent, most creative in the modern world, high E.Q

East Asians: Highest I.Q in the world, no creativity in modern world accept for maybe Japan/Taiwan, kinda low E.Q

Southeast Asians, South Asian, Africans: Low I.Q but very high E.Q

India may have lower I.Q but they invented much more than the nations who have much higher I.Q than them. East Asians also have the highest I.Q and invent quite a lot of stuff but not like Europeans did, this means that I.Q has no correlation with inventions.

ButlerKing, ForumBiodiversity 11 Comments [7/29/2014 1:52:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102370

Richard Nesbitt claims that the Western tendency to analyze reality by breaking it into atomized components, rather than the East Asian tendency of holistic thought, encouraged the development of the scientific method, formal logic, and rhetoric. Nisbett is a huge critic of IQ hereditarianism, but that doesn't need to stop one from integrating his ideas into an HBD-centric outlook. And Jayman doesn't talk much about IQ, HBDChick even less so.

Asian science is not up to par, but Asian technology is world-class. This fits the idea that Asians are better at situated/relational thought than abstract thought. And Chinese-Americans do pretty well (my parents being two examples of that)

LessWrong is a high-IQ tech oriented site, but it's 85% White, and has a third as many Asians as Google by percent. They're all about abstract/formal thought, even more than its average IQ would predict.

laofmonster, Reddit 3 Comments [7/29/2014 1:51:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102369

I've seen another theory, suggesting that although Asians have all the essentials for intelligence, they're effectively oversocialized. They're low in psychopathy, which is requires to produce geniuses. They're too conscientious and agreeable.

Contrast this with Africans, who score low in IQ, but also score low in conscientiousness, or Jews, who score high in IQ but do not suffer the oversocialization that keeps Asians from producing Nobel prize winners. Jews as individuals are willing to enrage the entire world against them, even the Jewish community.

Marxism and Anarchism are effectively a revolt against the values of 19th century Bourgeois liberal Jewish culture. When white nationalists accuse Jews of hating white culture, they don't realize that the tendency of high IQ, low conscientiousness people is to revolt against the culture they grow up, whatever that culture may be, it's not a personal hatred of white people.

As someone very low in conscientious myself, I find myself challenging everything that I see as having authority, it's my natural tendency. It's typically Jewish too. My old friend in the US used to go shoplifiting for fun in Wallmart with Jewish anarchists, typical low conscientiousness high IQ behavior. How many people go shoplifting with Chinese anarchists? When thinking back of the Jewish girl I fell in love with compared with Chinese girls and Dutch girls I met, I found that she appreciated my eccentric behavior and ideas that I tried to hide from her, the ones that high conscientiousness Dutch and Chinese girls would find repulsive.*

Asian culture seems to place a strong emphasis on maintaining social harmony, whereas Jewish culture (and upper class white male culture in a broader sense) revel in continual strife and disagreement, as long as it stays verbal. In Singapore, when a college professor disagrees with some government policy, he doesn't write to the newspaper or organize a protest as it would disturb the social harmony, instead, he privately tries to contact the government official with his suggestion. I think that's where the great divergence comes from.

account1234isback1, Reddit 2 Comments [7/29/2014 1:50:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 102355

The holocaust, real or imagined, has been used as a psychological tool to manipulate and control the White nations with guilt and shame for over sixty years.
As long as the majority remains under its spell you can argue about the alleged methods and the actual number of jews who died until you are blue in the face.
The holocaust industry has had over sixty years to work out all the kinks and discrepancies.
Loose ends in the story have been deftly jumbled into confusing puzzles devised to take you by the hand and dance you around in imaginary scenarios that are remarkably simular in nature to the humorous work of Rube Goldberg.
The problem with the holocaust isn't whether or not it is a lie, it is the fact that it is being used to gain political leverage and amass personal fortunes at the expense of the western nations.
The holocaust industry points the guilty finger at all non jews and uses the influence it has created to punish all who refuse to kneel before the chosenites.
Because of the increasing pressure needed to maintain and protect the illusion and the steady flow of new material to fuel the emotions that give it its power, it is inevitable that the big lie will collapse from exhaustion alone.
When that day comes the jews had better hope that the Gentiles are more forgiving than they are.

eyzwydopen, Stormfront.org 13 Comments [7/29/2014 3:26:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 102348

Sweden is the most pro-feminist country in the world, so it’s not surprising that they get more of what they pay for. I suspect Swedish schools are suffering from an unintended but malign interaction of First World feminism and Third World male supremacy.

In the First World, male supremacy is defined in practice as men achieving more than women, so much effort is made to Close the Gap. The easiest way, of course, is to discourage males from achieving so much. Boys wasting time on video games is less a problem than a solution for the pressing problem of Male Supremacy.

In contrast, in much of the Third World, especially Islamic and African cultures, male supremacy means women doing most of the work. So, when males from these kind of cultures grow up in a First World culture obsessed with keeping men from out-achieving women, and with not criticizing Third World cultures, well, there’s a handy win-win solution: the males just slack off even more.

Don’t overlook interaction effects: as identifiable and under-performing minorities take up ever more space in the brain of the educational establishment, Closing the Gap tends to become an obsession, which can mean that investing in high achievers becomes politically suspect. For example, after Sputnik in 1957, the U.S. focused for a number of years on finding diamonds in the rough and on mobilizing the talents of the talented. But with the black equality becoming the highest value in the land and shocking realization that there weren’t many black diamonds in the rough, standards plunged across the board in the Jeff Spicoli Era of American education in the 1970s

Steve Sailer, VDARE 3 Comments [7/29/2014 3:20:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102314

[This is in response to anti-Semitic riots in France.]

Breaking an empty restaurant's window's is not "anti semitism". Furthermore, Israel and the jews have been known to stage black ops like this in order to shift the focus from their holocaust, genocide and ethnic cleansing and absolve themselves of their crimes.


Both jews and Israelis are guilty as most of them are zionists and support the Israeli holocaust and Palestinian suffering.

This whole "woe is me - anti semitism" shtick is getting old. For all you readers out there, next time you see a story about "anti semitism" remember the context. Remember the holocaust Palestinians are and have been tortured and killed in today since 1948. Remember that both Israelis and jews own the media. Remember that many of them are in high positions of power that are beyond the government. Remember that, throughout history, and especially now, they will continue to stage black ops and false flags to shift the focus from their crimes and make them out to be poor innocent victims to soften their image.

belcanta, Belcanta 8 Comments [7/27/2014 10:38:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102297

Jews are inept in the face of an enlightened opponent. They only thrive when their adversaries are confused and overwhelmed or cannot comprehend the level of evil that's normal to Jews.

This is changing, people more and more "get it." Jews do extremely evil things without a blink of an eye.

The Jew Robert Gallo created AIDS with Litton Bionetics and even published about it, and even stole credit from Luc Montagnier Ph.D. who sequenced Gallo's evil cat leukemia/chicken sarcoma/simian lymphona RNA virus genome.

So to Gallo, getting public credit, a pat on the back, publications... was important to him, but killing hundreds of millions of people in the most gruesome fashion gets an eye-roll (his reaction when confronted with his publications).

Wake up America! There really are people that evil! They're called satanic Jews and Freemasons.

AnneOfLos Angeles, Real Jew News 7 Comments [7/27/2014 9:43:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102286

The second thing I hate about Asians is how little pride most of them have. This may be the result of societal brainwashing, but whatever the cause, it must stop. I am repulsed when I see Asian guys speak with British accents in an attempt to sound sophisticated. British people can’t be all that sophisticated if they don’t yet understand the concept of dental hygiene. I am also sickened when I hear Asian people imitate Negro slang in an endeavor to sound “ghetto.” Am I supposed to be impressed that such a person emulates the attitude of a supposed slum resident? More importantly, whatever happened to being yourself?

Kenneth Eng, AsianWeek 10 Comments [7/26/2014 3:38:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102279

In the wake of the August 5 shootings at the Wisconsin Sikh temple, it is of course necessary to stipulate that VDARE.com is definitely opposed to murder.

It’s necessary because of the Left/ Main Stream Media’s unscrupulous determination to suppress all political opposition by smearing it with these tragedies—part of the totalitarian reflex fundamental to Cultural Marxism, leading to atrocities like the wholly false allegations that Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance was implicated in the 2011 Arizona/ Gabrielle Giffords shooting or that the Aurora CO “Dark Knight” killer was a member of the Tea Party.

It’s also necessary to stipulate, because you won’t see this in the MSM, that what happened in Oak Grove is far overshadowed by mass killings perpetrated by immigrants—often of other immigrants—the curious and ongoing phenomenon that VDARE.com calls Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome. At our most recent count, it involves at least 48 incidents and 411 deaths over 30 years.

This astonishing record would be whooped up as a Trend if the MSM were not so Politically Correct. Instead, immigrant mass murders go straight down the Orwellian Memory Hole. For example, who remembers that seven students at an Oakland CA visa mill college were killed (i.e. more than at Oak Grove) by a Korean immigrant just this last April?

Finally, let’s stipulate that the MSM may have finally found its Great Brownshirt Defendant: Wade Michael Page, the alleged killer, appears to have been connected to the neo/crypto Nazi underground.

Contrary to the impression given by MSM eulogies and despite their beards, Sikhs are not Amish—they are a pretty tough lot. (See here for the opinion of “An Indian-American Reader.”) In fact, they’ve been involved in a couple of Immigrant Mass Murders themselves—see here and here. And see here for a devastating account of Sikh organized crime and terrorism in Canada.

This does not mean, of course, that Sikhs should be shot by Americans. But it does mean that maybe they should not be welcomed so credulously by Americans either.

It’s long been a joke that violence in a cause of which the Left approves is immediately exculpated with the demand that its “root causes” be considered.

When are we going to hear about the “root causes” of the Wisconsin shootings?

For example, Page, obviously a man of limited economic potential, worked as a trucker in civilian life. Trucking and taxi driving are two trades in which Sikhs are disproportionately represented. Has it not occurred to any MSM pundit that sheer American worker displacement might be a factor in this tragedy?

Which means we`ll be seeing it again?

Peter Brimelow, VDARE 10 Comments [7/25/2014 3:31:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102276

Reprogramming comes courtesy of your local TALMUDVISION stations.

Every bad person is a white male (and vice versa). All women are streetsmart, intelligent, hardworking, attractive etc. Men are bumbling dolts who need their sassy wives to be a caretaker. Blacks are wise and "cool". Only whites can be racist. White racism in the past prevented the world from entering into a golden age of racial relations. Whites commit the worst crimes. Black culture is an aspect of diversity and beautiful. It is racist to point out the crimes and lack of integration of minorities. They think and have the same values as us. Israel is beseiged on all sides by hordes of Arabs while the brave outnumbered Jews make a stand and defend their home. Anyone can and will get rich by investing in the endless property prosperity market. You need to buy Product X to get the love of your family/win the respect of your workmates/complete yourself as a human being and feel eternal happiness!

List is not complete. If you see it on TV, you can assume it is a fantasy.

AntiKhazar, Stormfront 5 Comments [7/25/2014 3:30:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 102274

One problem:


What I see are foreigners who made a mess of their country and want to come live in the land that my ancestors worked so hard to build and pass on to me and my children– NOT to them. They did not build it, they could not built it.

I see people who want to steal our country. Politicians and their non-white ethnic special interests want to help them steal our country too.

That is White Genocide. Jail is where these enablers and invaders belong.

“Diversity” means being chased out of your neighborhood.
“Diversity” means being chased out of your school.
“Diversity” means being chased out of your job.
“Diversity” Means Chasing Down the Last White Person.
“Diversity” means White Genocide

Nobody’s flooding Africa with Non-Africans and giving them free health care, affirmative action and special privileges.

Only White Countries are doing it, only White children are affected, and only White politicians are allowing it.

Cecil henry, The Spearhead 15 Comments [7/25/2014 3:25:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ultimate Paragon

Quote# 102267

If you look at the star of David you will notice it is composed of 2 triangles with 3 sides each for a total of 6.
There are also six points on the star and in the center there is a 6 sided hexagon. Hence 666.

If that is enough to convince anyone then notice the six three sided triangles at the top of the points.

6x3 is 18 in other words 6 plus 6 plus 6 There you have it 666 the mark of the Beast.

The U.S. is run by occult Talmudic/Masonic Judaism!

The hexagram/ hexagon/ cube at the North Pole of Saturn. This is what the Satanic "Jews" are worshipping. They believe in astrology.

They also believe that these "blood moons" (lunar eclipses) that they have/are going to take place during Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles this year are a direct sign of the apocalypse.

Thus, the revealing of the information that they are and have been controlling the majority of the world's wealth and resources, and are trying to implement a world government.

The most important Illuminati family ever, the Rothschilds, were instrumental in raising up the Zionist Movement in 1896, in funding its activities, and then forcing the Illuminati leaders of Israel in 1948 to adopt the hexagram (Solomon's seal) as their national symbol.

Well-meaning Christians today are allowing themselves to be duped into supporting Israel today...

Ray Daniels, Real Jew News 10 Comments [7/25/2014 3:01:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102259

A nation is a group of people and a state is the political and diplomatic fiction that rules that nation. You should make a strong distinction between the two and acknowledge that the nation is what has caused Germany to be so productive. Germany is not prosperous and powerful because it has a good state - it has a good state and is prosperous and powerful because it has the right nation. The Germans are a naturally productive nation. If you were to switch the population of Germany with that of Somalia, you would find that Somalia would become prosperous and powerful and Germany would collapse in a matter of weeks. I think you should step away from the purely economic argument and look at it from a more cultural perspective. Some cultures build, other cultures destroy. Some cultures encourage productivity and security of property, other cultures encourage lethargy and theft. Mass immigration, especially from outside Europe, will only hurt Europe tremendously in the long run.

Quintium, Nationstates 8 Comments [7/24/2014 3:24:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 102254

multiculturalism is the biggest lie liberals came up with to weaken countries...a culture is based on the religion of the land...for over 200 years America had the Judeo Christian culture and the center of values even though we were Germans, Britain's, French, etc...this lie liberals tell us is that we have been a multicultural society and must accept all peoples of all faiths and bend our culture to be accept by them instead of the other way around...even though they come to our land...that is what i am sick and tired of...people not respecting the land they chose to immigrate to and fit into society instead of trying to change it into the society the fled from...

turntable, Yahoo Answers 7 Comments [7/24/2014 3:20:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 102247

[On programs to shelter illegal immigrant children]

Remember the “federal contractors” from the Bush administration? This is something similar, but instead of being rewarded for assisting the invasion and occupation of a foreign country, these people are being rewarded for complicity in the invasion and occupation of the United States of America. To me, that’s what the difference between the Democrats and Republicans comes down to. Both are lousy, corrupt, and immoral in many ways, but at least with the Republicans I am not the target in a sub-rosa civil war. Others may disagree, but having lived for most of my life in deep blue Seattle, I’m all too keenly aware of what the “liberal agenda” comes down to.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 9 Comments [7/23/2014 3:34:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 102246

"So the elites have turned on their own populations since WWII. The mythology around Civil Rights notwithstanding, the base motive for desegregation and such has been aggression against white Americans."

Very true, but it isn’t only against white Americans. White Britons are targets, too. Imperialism has a certain logic to it, and it worked very well for a long time. But now that imperialism abroad doesn’t pay the bills, it’s imperialism at home.

If American and British citizens need to understand anything, it is that they are now being colonized, just as the Irish and Indians were in centuries past, and many Eastern Europeans more recently. The recent conflicts in Sri Lanka, Kashmir and Northern Ireland, and the current war in Ukraine, are direct results of colonization, and in time we’ll have our own Belfast or Donetsk right here at home.

These pro-invasion types will have blood on their hands, but they’re counting on keeping the peace at least until they’re dead and gone, at which point they’ll leave us and our children with their toxic legacy.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 8 Comments [7/23/2014 3:34:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 102238

[Referenced video is in opposition to miscegenation]

Muhammad Ali Explains Everything in Simple Terms

What a brilliant video!

Muhammad Ali just said it like it is and he made Michael Parkinson look stupid! It’s hard to sound convincing when someone is steamrolling you with the truth!

The bottom-line is that there is nothing tricky or difficult to understand about our philosophy. It’s just kind-after-kind and a respect for the natural instincts we are all born with, which tell us to preserve and reproduce our own kind!

Michael Parkinson had no answer for this clear and obvious logic, so he did what all Jew-controlled liberals do - blame the natural tendency to reject race-mixing on society. Yes, it’s society’s fault that black and white mixing together just isn’t right. We need more communist Jewish education so we can override our instincts of self-preservation and mix ourselves out of existence! What a great idea! Thanks Jews!

Anyone with Muhammad Ali’s attitude toward race is a friend of mine, no matter what colour they are! Raise a glass (or 2) for the truth:

Expel the Parasite, Expel the Parasite 3 Comments [7/23/2014 3:03:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 102232

[Commenting on What Happens When Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People]

You're not allowed to speak the truth about America's [ig]noble savages, who are counted as a national treasure which must be preserved at taxpayer expense. Have 6 babies by 5 different men when you can't afford to support a goldfish? No problem! Get free housing/support/food/medical care and then use your cash to buy cigs and lotto tix instead of paying the water bill? No problem! This is America! Just blame it on the "evil white man", 'cause they're all "racist" ya know; unlike these wonderful savages who can never seem to find an honest job, whether times are good or bad; whether they live in NYC or Detroit..... Such truth might offend a white liberal!

Jay_Sherman, The Atlantic 7 Comments [7/22/2014 3:35:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Tolpuddle Martyr

Quote# 102221

[Interview with former W.A.S.P. guitarist Chris Holmes]

In your opinion, can you reach big success with your new band like you had in the 80s with W.A.S.P.?

No. Music’s changed. I don’t know about here, but in the States it’s all black rap, all white kids are listening to black stuff. Gangsta rap – white kids are into that, too.

Yes, I know, but I don’t like this music.

Yeah, it sucks! It’s so called nigger music. I’ll say that word, I don’t care if niggers are in the room or not to get my opinion, that’s the way it is. Rap is just starting to hit Europe, and it kind of makes me sick, because I don’t like it when kids act like niggers. Is the word “nigger” bad to say here? When you say it in the States, everybody is pissed off.

Chris Holmes, Metal Injection 15 Comments [7/22/2014 3:20:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 102220

PS a lot of people who the PC mainstream is so eager to jump on for being racist aren't crazy skinheads beating up random people over skin color or sinister, genocide-loving Nazis, but rather people who are fed up with niggers, wiggers, and any other race of "igger" who sags their pants and acts like a dumbass. Many do not express themselves properly and get categorized by pc hypocrites who blast racists for not having an open mind then call other people racist before trying to understand where they are coming from.

Name, Metal Injection 5 Comments [7/22/2014 3:19:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 102183

[The "Satanic ritual" alluded to was, in fact, a protest against the bombing of Gaza, staged in front of Yad Vashem by the pro-Palestinian group Jews Against Genocide.]

Some Israelis were arrested at their Hollow-hoax memorial *after* setting fire to a pile of dolls covered in red paint and then photographing it with a sign saying "Gaza."

Does this look like a protest or like a Satanic ritual? Has it helped anyone? Could they possibly vote against the psychopaths that rule the criminal enterprise they call a state?

Could they stand in front of the children, the homes, if they are really against the slaughter? Could they bombard social media with their outrage?

No, you do not see them do that, do you? The perform black magic instead and pretend it is "protest."

Let's not forget, if their lips are moving, they are LYING.

In case any normal person noticed this voodoo-like witchcraft ritual, they parlayed it into a big story about how some Jews are 'against' the slaughter of Palestinians. They paid a NYC ad firm to come up with that.


Is there any doubt the are of Satan as Christ said?

Laskarina, Real Jew News 8 Comments [7/20/2014 6:53:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 102180

Just as with their [the Jews'] predictive programming, warnings in the Protocols, fake newspaper stories (like 6 million 147 times in papers before 1933), and complete warping of history, they do their Kabbalistic black magic, and now in plain view, disguising it as something good. Really Orwellian, if not Satanic.

I will not fall for it.

Any Jew who is a human being and is revolved by the insane practices of his group (note to the Protestant heretics: "by their fruits you shall know them") would not continue to be a Jew - they can repent, convert and be baptized; otherwise they go with the program of deception - never forget that.

Laskarina, Real Jew News 4 Comments [7/20/2014 6:51:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch
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