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Quote# 110287

The White Race is alien to this planet

The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.

The black race was the slave race created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of the Cro Magnon and Ape.

It is no mistake that countless ancient civilizations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black".

On top of that, the White race burn their skin easily in sunlight, age very quickly and go bald easily, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them.

Those who don't believe and say that the white skin color is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the Eskimo and Inuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for thousands of years and yet are Brown.

Japanese Ainu, Stormfront.com 10 Comments [6/30/2015 3:08:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 110244

[On an article about Bristol Palin's pregnancy]

It seems to me that she is simply falling in line with the new American life style which began with the negro families. Single parent families are the new norm of this once proud nation.

Viet Nam Vet, WND 5 Comments [6/30/2015 2:31:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110232

Consider this . . .

Here, in the 21st century, with its wealth of technology so marvelous they would be considered just a mere 100 years ago; of knowledge so freely available it staggers the imagination; social assistance systems of incredible altruism

Yet, with all our technology, all our knowledge, all our help, Negroes still continue globally fail advance beyond their neolithic barbarism. Even when advances are bestowed upon them, they will quickly revert to a more primitive existence unless force is applied, and then only so long as force exists.
Why such endeavors be successful in a past bereft of such social entitlement programs, civil rights favoritism, and the restriction of knowledge to nobility (and other privileged classes).

How could Egypt and India prevent this when we, with all our technology and knowledge could not?

No, they were swamped and dragged them down into violent barbarism the same as we see globally now.
We have the same urban areas of negro dominated slums, ghettos, ruins filled with some of the most violent, blood thirsty, savage, feral creatures to ever stride the planet. Our nations are walking down the same path of negro dominated barbarism as Egypt and India.

Let us hope our descendants will remember these words:

Beware the negro, for he is the Devil's pawn. He kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a ruin of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

Lord Jim, Stormfront.com 8 Comments [6/29/2015 3:55:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 110228

[Formatting and hyperlinks in original - Articles parts quoted and inserted by the author bracketed by me]

On Monday, Rachel Arab apologized because years ago some people thought that the Red Indian was worth educating.

[“We want the First Nation, Metis and Inuit people of Alberta to know that we deeply regret the profound harm and damage that occurred to generations of children forced to attend residential schools.” said Notley.]

FYI, every single word of this statement is a lie. Nobody "regrets" the residential schools, not really. Indians, remember, demanded they be kept open 50 years ago when the possibility of closing them arose. The reason? Because it's a lie when Rachel Arab says there was profound harm and damage done to generations of children. Other than a few isolated cases, there was no damage.

But Rachel Arab wasn't done being ludicrous on the subject of the Red Indian.

[In a speech to the legislature, Notley also added her voice to those calling for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.]

Look, we've covered this before, and I have more on this coming soon, but there is absolutely zero need of an inquiry, and the NDP are showing their ignorance by thinking there such a need exists.

We know why so many Indian women are victims of violence: they hang around high risk peoples. Short of making prostitution highly illegal and punishing the women who sign onto such a dangerous lifestyle, there's not much in practice that can keep Indian women from joining this notoriously dangerous profession. Then outside of turning tricks, the biggest danger to the health of Indian women is that their families and spouses tend to be the most violent and dangerous bunch of savages known to exist in this country: a Red Indian male.

Will Rachel Arab fight to ban marriages within Indian tribes to protect these women from the vicious violent men who do more to oppress and destroy them then the most lurid fantasy of "genocidal" residential schools? Will she require Indians remain on the reserve (ie. enforce the treaty) to minimize the risks that occur when they live in inner white cities? No, of course she won't. In other words, she's too politically correct to take any actual action to protect these people. Instead she's just got some cheap political points.

She doesn't know the problem, she doesn't know the solution. The only productive thing Rachel Arab can do on this file is shut her mouth.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child, The Third Edge of the Sword 7 Comments [6/29/2015 3:52:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 110224

He'd certainly be the most interesting -- and probably the best -- President America has had since Ronald Reagan.


As Coulter said, there's ultimately only one issue: immigration -- illegal AND legal. Get American immigration policy back to the pre-1965 days: i.e., White only.

And, as Coulter didn't quite say, it really isn't so much about money or competence -- in a direct sense. It's about race. The source of America's wealth was the White race. Make America White again and America will be wealthy and successful again. It's that simple -- and that hard (given that the jews want the White race dead).

Tenniel, Stormfront 5 Comments [6/29/2015 3:28:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 110158

Hook-nosed people are evil

After months of international travel, and decades of American life, I have come to the conclusion that all hook-nosed people are complete garbage.

They act differently and have a completely different demeanor than the rest of us. And it is not just Jews. It is all hook-nosed people.

I was blind to this for most of my life. I think it was because many actors are hook-nosed and play nice people on TV and in movies. I was probably just brainwashed. Considering Hollywood is run by hook-nosed Jews, I am now certain this brainwashing was deliberate on the part of the evil media producers.

But the difference is night and day. If you haven't noticed, try paying attention. Notice the way hook-nosed people turn their backs to you as you pass them on a crowded sidewalk. Notice their rude demeanor. Look at the behavior of hook-nosed people in your lives, versus that of the others.

Yes, Jews are the ultimate examples of this. But I think the issue is biological, and not religious. In fact, the non-hook-nosed Jewish people I encountered in Austria were some of the best people I've ever met.

The difference transcends race. Hook-nosed blacks are generally pieces of shit, while blacks with streamlined profiles and upward-turned noses are typically great (although still black).

This rule applies to Indians, Asians, and all other ethnicities. I have found no exceptions. None.

It is almost as if hook-nosed people are a purely evil race. I have also noticed that they are fully aware of their evil nature, and most non hook-nosed people are not. It is as if hook-nosed people are part of a silent conspiracy of evil.

I think it is time we stop focusing on skin color, and take a real look at facial bone structure and classical eugenics as a way of measuring racial superiority.

If we are going to have a race war, we better make sure to draw the battle lines correctly.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 13 Comments [6/28/2015 4:47:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 110116

Welcome to the Honest Society, be it ever so briefly, Mr. President. If I may quote the controversial one on Marc Moran’s “WTF” podcast recently:

“Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say nigger in public.”

Well, there you have it. The Honest Society is a rather large and growing club, clan if you will, that is not afraid of speaking honestly without fear of politically correct word nazi’s going berserk.

Along with President Obama and my hero Richard Pryor, we join Howard Stern, Johnny Cochran, Mark Furman, O.J. Simpson, Kid Rock, James Brown, the mighty Funkbrothers, Al not so Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Malcom X, Kanye West, Fifty Cent and pretty much every black rapper and hip hopper on earth, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, a few thousand NBA, NFL, MLB sports stars, legions of famous and not so famous musicians, actors, politicians, media personalities and assorted celebrities of every color, creed, ethnicity and walk of life, along with a few million others around the world who have used and continue to use the word nigger at one time or another.

The dishonest referencing of the word by its first letter is the epitome of political correctness gone mad.

For those who have chosen terminal denial and have completely lost touch with the real world, the word nigger has historically been used in a powerfully positive way when describing the proud heritage and history of deeply respected, even revered “blackness.”

For my entire life, whenever I performed my most soulful and emotional guitar playing, I received the greatest compliment a musician could ever dream of when the word was used to describe my Motown touch.

The word is used constantly across America in a friendly, even tribal greeting and salutation with no hint whatsoever of negativity nor hostility.

It is foolish and dishonest to discuss a given word, or language overall for that matter, by not saying the word and sheepishly referencing it by a letter.

Does anyone truly believe the title “WTF” of Mark Maron’s podcast doesn’t stand for vulgar street slang? Does the swapping of the universal F-word colloquialism with the term “freakin’” really absolve one from vulgar language?

Like the ever resonate “MF” word, it can be used in every imaginable way possible. There is a difference when someone assaults you with a knife, demanding “Turn over your wallet MF’r!” and the ultimate compliment given to anyone performing to the absolute best of their ability when praised as a “stone cold MF’r!”

Anybody not get that? Anybody not aware of that? Anybody so insulated, ignorant and disconnected to claim otherwise?

Semantics is one thing. Context something else altogether.

For our society to dare claim that any and every use of the word nigger is hateful and wrong is just plain dishonest, foolish, denies the truth and only hurts those we wish to protect the most.

As blacks blow away blacks in record numbers in Chicago and other urban hellzones each weekend, does anyone have the audacity to believe that words play any role in this insane widespread criminality?

Who thinks if certain words could be eliminated that any lives would be saved?

What sort of politically correct zombie could actually believe that the elimination of a word or a flag would reduce the evil of racism?

What sort of goofball could possibly believe that certain words are OK for one group of people but forbidden by others?

That, by the way, is the definition of racism.

When discussing hate and criminally evil behavior, could it possibly matter what words are uttered or symbols are displayed when an innocent life hangs in the balance?

The president’s use of the word as stated was honest and useful. His statement, this time, should be respected and learned from.

Everybody knows that Richard Pryor’s use of the word in his award winning-comedy recordings and routines and in his “Blazing Saddles” movie was honest, harmless and clearly funny beyond belief. The iconic artist was rightly honored with the Mark Twain Award at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, all knowing how he used the word nigger in a non-threatening, non-racist way throughout his personal and professional life.

Until we as a people break free from the shackles of political correctness and honestly admit that words and context have meaning, we will continue to focus on nonsensical symbolism instead of meaningful upgrade.

I for one would rather save lives, not worry about hurt feelings.

Ted Nugent, WND 11 Comments [6/27/2015 5:33:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 110113

Univision should be banned. Official forms/documents, etc. should be in English ONLY. Hispanics get away with their refusing to learn English only because we let them. Its time to shut this down. Have everything in English. If they don't understand English, well they just found the perfect motivator to learn!

NetScanr, CNN Comments 16 Comments [6/27/2015 5:23:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 110081

While most of the country reacted with shock and grief over the killing of nine African-American churchgoers by a white supremacist last week, the Ku Klux Klan responded to the brutal massacre by revving up a national recruiting drive.

The Klan has been distributing recruitment propaganda for at least a year, with news reports sporadically popping up all over the country of residents waking up to find bags of candy and fliers. But Roof’s alleged shooting spree has apparently galvanized the hate group.

Residents in states on both coasts, including California, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia awoke over the weekend to find bags of candy with messages inviting them to join the Klan placed on their lawns, the Daily Beast reports.

In Fullerton, an Orange County, California city, some of the fliers were mispelled and read, “Save our land, join the Klan in Calfornia.” The bags filled with rocks and Tootsie Roll candy were thrown from a car over the weekend, the OC Weekly reports.

“It’s just wrong, there’s no words,” Fullerton resident Alia Cass told CBS Los Angeles. “That’s what it is — basically, there’s nothing right about it. Racism isn’t born — it’s taught.”

Similar bags were found in Rockdale County, Georgia over the weekend, and police there are are doing door-to-door canvassing in search of witnesses or surveillance video.

“I want them to know that Rockdale County does not stand for this type of behavior,” Sheriff Eric Levett told the local NBC News station. He called the perpetrators “evil cowards” and said he will seek trespassing or littering charges against the flier distributors.

Residents in Palm Beach County, Florida were also targeted, a local CBS station reports.

“I think it’s horrendous that this country, that people in our country, still feel like this,” resident Gamael Nassar told the station.

According to the Daily Beast, a recorded message answers when calls are placed to the phone number on the fliers that “hails” the “victory” of Dylann Roof, who is accused of gunning down unarmed churchgoers, including an 87-year-old woman. The recording goes on to laud Roof for doing “what the Bible told him.”

“An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. They [black people] have spilled our blood too long. It’s about time someone spilled theirs,” the Daily Beast recounts.

In a racist manifesto penned by Roof before the shooting, he says he was compelled to kill because “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

In the manifesto found online, Roof describes being radicalized by the website of white supremacist group, Council of Conservative Citizens, where he found, “There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders.”

Unnamed KKK members, Raw Story 7 Comments [6/27/2015 3:47:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 110019

Re: Reasons, why the Cold war is harmful for the Aryan benefit

This sentiment is embodied in Don Black’s Stormfront philosophy: ‘White power worldwide’—not only in privileged areas, and ‘No attacks against other White nationalities.’ I believe the majority here fully endorse White Aryan unity, realising that anything less undermines our race and cause. Worse, it supports our enemies: the ZOGs in Western nations and the lesser races that overrun us daily.

The realpolitik manoeuvrings of nation-states, political parties and political leaders need not be confused with the volk’s national interest. The American and French revolutions, together with many others, indeed, justify themselves by the premiss that no government has any immutable claim on the allegiance of its volk that it can rely on to withstand broad discontent. Just because my president says we are to go to war, that does not automatically equate to something that is either necessary or beneficial to the citizenry, or something that I ought to feel patriotically bound to embrace—as instructed.

No one knows better than we how the jewish royal family, the Rothschilds, showed the way by financing all sides in the Napoleonic Wars. Since that time, the Money-Changers have arranged assassinations, incidents, unrest, coups, revolutions, false flag attacks, pulled the strings of their political puppets, and whipped up media frenzies to arrange wars. They’ve manoeuvred nation-states in a grand chess game to maintain a balance of power—to maximise war’s duration by equalising both sides when it came. They have cobbled together countries in board rooms without troubling to consult the locals, without the slightest attention to historic or cultural boundaries, often cramming together mutually hostile groups, according to their own agenda—always inimical to mankind’s general well-being.

If we can see how the governments of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the rest of the Western sphere, were under the clandestine control of the Oberjuden, yet engaged in a Cold War seemingly against themselves, the national fervour reinforcing it is revealed as a hollow sham, nothing more than fuel keeping the machine rolling along.

Everyone is familiar with the elementary concept of an unpopular, oppressive government enhancing its control over a captive population through a police state apparatus. But George Orwell described in his novel 1984 a psyops enhancement of this standard model whereby the maximal security is excused with the cover story of protecting the population from external threat.

Now, the common man’s innocent understanding of this situation is that his nation’s army will strive to overcome the enemy, and the victory will then usher in a dismantling of the police state, whose oppressive security will no longer be necessary. Orwell’s twist on this was that the Big Brother Government—whose interest was to maintain the maximal security keeping it in power—lovingly nurtured the enemy in order to maintain the useful threat and avoid an inconvenient victory. The military industrial complex has been intertwined with government long enough for most wide awake to see how the symbiotic relationship yielded a crop of splendid little proxy wars.

For proof of this interpretation of the Cold War, consider these steps taken to maintain the balance of power:

* The 2 partisan armies operating in Yugoslavia against the Germans consisted of Tito’s communists and Mihailovitch’s nationalists. It is arguable whether supporting both was done in pursuit solely of the balance of power, or simply to maximise the war effort. But once the Germans withdrew, support for Tito eclipsed that given Mihailovitch.

* The FDR Administration directed SHAEF to hold back Anglo-American advances from penetrating too far into German territory.

* General Patton clamoured to use the Anglo-American forces against the Soviets and drive them out of Germany and East Europa—until he was involved in a very convenient and suspicious accident [I say assassination].

* The FDR Administration directed SHAEF to ‘repatriate’ tens of thousands of Russians and Eastern Europeans into the loving embrace of the NKVD. An interesting US war crime that has been footnoted out of existence. Meanwhile Stalin was set under no reciprocal obligation to return the tens of thousands of Germans and Axis prisoners consigned to Siberian gulags.

* As the Nationalist Chinese were retreating before Mao’s red hordes, UN, US or any Western involvement was conveniently absent. There was a window of a few years where the US was the sole superpower, with atomics, capable of reordering the world according to their ‘professed’ design. I contend that 3 or so well placed bombs would have taken out Mao, and freed China, and probably all Asia, from the communist grip and their many wars and genocides.

* When General MacArthur, like Patton before him, clamoured for a full-blooded effort to push the North Korean army completely out of their country, and pepper China with atomics if they made any hostile move, Truman sacked him.

* When Castro’s communist guerrillas were battling Bautista, again, NATO, the US or any Western involvement was conveniently absent. The CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion was too little too late, crippled by a shoestring budget and Kennedy Administration roadblocks.

* The Vietnam War was notorious for the countless limitations set on the strategy, amounting to fighting with one hand tied behind the back. The North Vietnamese were granted invaluable sanctuaries in neighbouring Cambodia and Laos. The much-touted bombing campaigns against the North were, in reality, limited to brief spurts of effort interspersed with abundant time to recover, the targets and airspace were very tightly controlled, and shipping in Haiphong harbour was off limits. The DMZ border was never violated by the US/ARVN, whilst the North’s stated policy was to violate it as much as they could. Ground was never held, and the map was littered with sites that hundreds and thousands died to take, only to yield to the enemy later.

* Western armies have lately entered into a new era of warfare, where their traditional role of killing the enemy has become overshadowed by the much longer mission of ‘rebuilding.’ The rise of guerrilla warfare suits the Oberjuden agenda by providing ample excuse for failing to win decisive victories, and dragging out wars beyond all reason. The US ‘war’ in Afghanistan has now stretched beyond any before (Oct 2001 to present).

* The Western policy for Iraq has throughout been to spare no sacrifice to maintain the integrity of a state cobbled together in a boardroom to suit colonial powers. The fact that the region would have self-stabilised if each of the 3 groups had been permitted to form sovereign nations, is a dread secret that can never be uttered. It suits the Oberjuden agenda both to maintain a forever war, and to thwart the sort of national-racial integrity that sovereignty inevitably poses against their drive to international blocs and eventual global hegemony.

* It is obvious to me, and I have heard more than one general express, that China is the greatest potential enemy the West faces. Yet, once again, in pursuit of the balance of power [I contend], our cyber security is ceaselessly breached; espionage is constantly making off with secret technologies and intelligence; a trade deficit/imbalance is meekly accepted by hapless negotiators; Chicom has become the greatest lender to the US; Chicom investors are permitted to buy up Western assets; and all manner of outrages are tolerated with newt-like protests, such as conquering Tibet, capturing US aircraft and ship crews and Asian fishing vessels, laying claim to extra areas of sea and islands, and artificially devaluing their currency. The amount they spend on their military is out of all proportion to any local security needs, and is plainly ramping up to challenge the West.

The fact that I am not acquainted with it is no reason to presume that the Soviet Union and Russian Federation do not have a list along these same lines.

skogkille, Stormfront.com 5 Comments [6/25/2015 2:37:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 110017

Johannesburg - Right-wing party Front National has claimed that the picture of Charleston church shooting suspect Dylann Roof, wearing a jacket bearing the apartheid-era South African and Rhodesian flags, has been photoshopped.

"...The liberal media in South Africa and a host of liberal social media platforms have been spitting acid about the young man who shot and killed a number of African Americans in a church in Charleston in the south of America. In particular about the fact that he had a picture on his Facebook profile of him wearing a jacket with two badges – one of the former Rhodesian flag and one of the former South African flag – on the chest," it said in a Facebook post.

"Front National South Africa started questioning the picture – something about those two badges were …'odd'. And suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the Facebook profile 'disappeared', but not before we got hold of the original “un-photoshopped” picture. The REAL badge is rather reminiscent of the logo of the American Democratic Party of Barack Obama!"


Front National said American media made no mention of the old SA flag, however "the local media and their cronies used terms such as 'symbols of white supremacy and oppression' and 'racist symbolism' etc".

"It just seems that the liberal would not hesitate to shamelessly stoop to the very lowest level of despicable deceit and lies if he could use it to discredit the conservative Afrikaner. We do not know who created this forgery yet, but we will find out," it claimed.

"And to the South African liberal and the media who is your voice we have only this to say: 'You despicable cheats! You owe the Afrikaner and the Rhodesian people an apology and if you have only one fragment of honesty and decency left in you, you will offer that apology now!'."

Front National, News24 10 Comments [6/25/2015 2:35:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: FELIX LÆTVS

Quote# 110013

A National Socialist Thought About Memorial Day!

No White veteran deserves abuse; not for WWII, Vietnam or any other conflict. I direct my fury to the sellout politicans who start such conflicts, not the average Joes who unwittingly go out and do the dirty work that harms our nation and our race.

However, the main reason why I honor White veterans is that it was a shame that they were brainwashed to die for such a cause. Had the thousands that died on D-Day known that one day their country would actively participate in their own extermination and the destruction of their country, they would have marched right on to Washington D.C.and booted Franklin Roosevelt out.


For all their sacrifice to freedom, America has been willing to suck up the precious lives of White veterans, tricking them through false duty and hollow patriotism and then spit out their bones. America has allowed non-White aliens to ridicule and defame White veterans and their ancestors in our hijacked national media, and America has turned a cold shoulder to their plight.

These are White Americans. They are the stock of our people. They deserve better. These White serviceman came back from Iraq, where they do not belong to find themselves in another war zone, in a neglected and primitive nation.

While America gives billions of dollars to schizophrenic, paranoid, murderous Zionist Jews, our own people struggle by every day under the blind yoke of deceptive patriotism, made gullible by our own hijacked institutions, and sent out to slaughter and be slaughtered.

We, and they, deserve better than to be treated like brainwashed livestock bred for battle.

The American Nazi Party reaches out to all White soldiers and White veterans to join ranks and have their voices and concerns heard. Join today!

NS ACUMEN OF THE OLD GUARD, N.S. Acumen of the Old Guard 8 Comments [6/24/2015 3:24:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 110012

Another Hollywood Celebrity Jew Exposed!

Zac Efron is a Jew. The actor was born Zachary David Alexander Efron. His surname,"Efron" (?????), is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname, taken from a Biblical place name (his paternal grandfather was Jewish, and Zac has described himself as Jewish).

NS ACUMEN OF THE OLD GUARD, N.S. Acumen of the Old Guard 13 Comments [6/24/2015 3:24:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 110011

Adolf Hitler wanted to be a key player in a world that was in order. Because his message was not accepted by the super powers (slavish Marxism and greedy Capitalism) is the reason we have constant disorder in the present world.

For example, let's take the issue of immigration to the USA. How does that cause disorder in the world? You would figure it would cause order since it relieves non-White countries of their unemployment burden. But it doesn't. It fuels the disorder because those non-White countries that export their poverty populations to the USA contribute to disorder because it relieves those governments of making immediate economic and social remedies to deal with their own problems in the own country, i.e., Mexico, instead of just shoving them easily to the USA.

Until White Americans realize they took the wrong side in WW2 and make the rest of the countries in the world to be responsible and take action within their own borders - the chaos will continue throughout the world and accumulate and stay in the backyard of the USA.


by NS ACUMEN OF THE OLD GUARD, N.S. Acumen of the Old Guard 5 Comments [6/24/2015 3:23:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 109976

I am not even remotely surprised to hear what is reported to have triggered the Charleston shooter:

From the dawn of time, men have attempted to protect their tribe's women from mating with outsiders. And women have socially ostracized men who pursued women outside the community. Black women hate it when black men date white women. Asian men hate it when Asian women date white men. And obviously, many white men are less than entirely enthusiastic about white women engaging in what they describe as "mudsharking" and "coalburning". I tend to doubt my Native American ancestors were particularly pleased when my grandmother quite literally married "off the reservation".

I'm not surprised that there has been such a vicious and violent reaction to the constant barrage of "ebony and ivory" in the media. The more the media pushes, and the more white girls respond to the propaganda by choosing black men over white men, the more extreme the reaction is likely to be. There is no inevitable "progress". Sooner or later, the pendulum always swings back.

The New York Times asked "who radicalized Dylann Roof?":

The pro-diversity crowd radicalized Dylann Roof. Sexual competition is pretty close to a zero-sum game, so every time a white girl decides to have sex with a black man, the seeds for another spurned Dylann Roof are planted. And those potentially violent seeds are watered every time BM-WF couples are advertised on television shows, on advertisements, and in the movies. Few of them will sprout, since the average man will simply write the girl off and find someone else, but the more that are planted, the more rage-filled killer omegas there will be.

Vox Day, Alpha Game Plan 17 Comments [6/24/2015 3:03:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109969

[To the comment, "Yeah, sorry, but racism is not a white invention. Racism is rampant in all non-white parts of the world."]

1. White supremacy is a white invention

2. anti blackness is a white invention

3. white people colonized almost the entire fucking world and spread their system and their cultures everywhere, including racism

4. What racism is known as in many parts of the world was directly invented and carried out by white people, white supremacy is a global phenomenon

5. the way that race is popularly defined was also created by white people to promote white supremacy

Eri, This Is Not Japan 8 Comments [6/23/2015 3:13:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109948

Dr Welby (original family name Weiler) is the grandson of a jewish immigrant and has the temerity to tell the rest of us to allow ever greater numbers of immigrants to flood into our overcrowded countries. Perhaps he could open the gates of his clerical palace and let a few of them live with him? Who knows, the experience may enrich him!

A healthy Aryan society would not permit all this to continue but would in fact seek to reverse immigration (legal or illegal) to ensure that only Aryans lived on Aryan soil, the soil that their ancestors died defending which today's generation of traitors freely give away. The resources of the Royal Navy (which we all pay for, whether we wish to or not) should be used to prevent these invaders from breaking into Europe, not assisting them! A border force which welcomes the intruder instead of repelling him and making an example of him is not fit for purpose.

All this goes to show that xtianity is a sickness which has weakened the resolve and health of the Aryan peoples of Europe (and further afield). Only a strong warrior religion is needed in this dark age of the Kali Yuga to awaken our race to the peril and slow genocide that awaits them if they continue to allow this state of affairs to continue. A religion of the mythos of the blood! Within a period of 50-100 years our people will be a minority in our own lands. Minorities deprived of the sovereignity of their own lands (the Palestinian Arabs in the rogue state of Israel and the American Indians being cases in point) all because generations since 1939 have allowed this to happen.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 11 Comments [6/23/2015 3:04:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109944

Several young girls attended a public meeting recently to express their concern about the treatment of animals in Cecil County, Maryland. Adults responded to their participation by shouting racial insults at the girls.

The girls were members of the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Troop 176. During the public meeting, they expressed their concerns about the treatment of animals who were housed at the county’s animal control facility — an issue that was covered by local media.

“I felt really bad for the animals because that wasn’t a really good home for them,” said Amaya Spurlock, 10.

“They were saying, ‘Go back to Baltimore, where you belong,’ and they started pointing out me and my sisters,” said Arianna Spurlock, who is 13. None of the girls live in Baltimore, which is more than an hour away from Cecil County.

The girls also allege they were called “animals.”
The aftermath of the incident was captured on video, with the co-leader of the troop telling a group of adults, “You guys, no racial comments, okay?”

The racial comments were allegedly made by “supporters” of the county’s animal control vendor, A Buddy For Life. The company denies any of their employees were responsible.

But in an interview with ThinkProgress, Scout Leader Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich said that the comments were made by A Buddy For Life volunteers. (The facility has few paid employees.) Mitchell-Werbrich said that she went with a group of parents to file a police report but were told it was not possible because the individuals did not “use the n-word.”

During the meeting, the co-director of A Buddy For Life asked the commission to ignore the Girl Scout’s comments.

The county pays ‘A Buddy For Life’ $60,000 a month to manage their animal control facilities. The Cecil Times reported that a surprise visit to the facility “found unremoved feces, odors and many dogs with serious ‘mange’ and other skin conditions.” There were also allegations of “overstaffing at the Buddy operation at taxpayer expense.” The company has been repeatedly fined for violating state and federal law.

Mitchell-Werbrich explained that the dispute started in October when she called the Buddy For Life facility about two dogs at a residence who appeared emaciated and mistreated. Despite repeated inquiries, Mitchell-Werbrich said the company refused to address the situation. On certain occasions, someone at the facility would tell Mitchell-Werbrich that they had addressed the abuse of the dogs but it turned out not to be true. She came to believe that the company was “untruthful.” She shared her experience with the girls in her troop, which prompted their interest.

Despite their large monthly budget, A Buddy For Life spent just $877 over a three-month period for food.

Mitchell-Werbrich said she and the girls’ parents requested a meeting with Cecil County Executive Tari Moore to discuss the incident but she did not respond to their request.

Unnamed Cecil County citizens, Thinkprogress 7 Comments [6/23/2015 3:03:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 109923

If you let them take your Confederate Flag away you're done; you're toast. That's an early sign of genocide. They're targeting you specifically; taking away your rights. Keep an eye on this issue as BRA (Black-Run America)will use this crisis to ban it as a symbol of "hate".

Mark my words.... battle lines are drawn

????, Stuff Black People Dont Like 12 Comments [6/22/2015 6:10:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 109862

[On Rachel Dolezal]

She suffered immensely as a child from her fkwit of parent's liberal choices. Most fathers would do their level best to keep black teenage males away from their daughter...that cnut moved them in next door!
No wonder she's completely off her rocker. Underlined by the fact she is still showing her (black)face out in public.

Atrociter, Stormfront 4 Comments [6/21/2015 5:07:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 109860

The man suspected of shooting dead nine people at an African-American church in Charleston has been charged with nine counts of murder and one weapons possession charge, police say.

Suspect Dylann Roof, 21, is due to make his first court appearance on Friday.

Police are treating the killings at the Emanuel AME Church on Wednesday night in South Carolina as a hate crime.


An acquaintance of Mr Roof said that the 21-year-old had complained that "blacks were taking over the world".

Joey Meek said that he and Mr Roof got drunk off vodka a few weeks ago, and the now-suspect said "someone needed to do something about it for the white race".

Dylann Roof, BBC News 3 Comments [6/21/2015 5:06:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Count Zapolai

Quote# 109854

The "liberal whites" are anarchists and satanists, they have no real agenda but mass destruction, many of them are being recruited by Freemasonry who have their own agenda for causing revolutions and wars. The Blacks are also just puppet creatures who have been conditioned to want to destroy white civilization, none of them have the brains to seek the true cause of anything, they are all destined to be the victims of their own stupidity. The people who pull their strings will have them for their slaves in time to come, they have no idea of the master and servant agenda which is driving them to behave like savages. They are not shaking off their chains, they are merely preparing themselves and the other civilized peoples to be placed in chains.

Ceawlin, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 5 Comments [6/21/2015 1:40:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109853

[On the Baltimore riots]

This was a cat 5 chimp out for sure. I live close to where it happened, only about an hour from Baltimore. Lord Baltimore must be rolling in his grave. I hope I remember this story right, but I believe it was Lord Baltimore who gave a man ownership of as much land as he could cover in a day. When the English people first came to North America it was such freedom and liberty unlike no man before or since has experienced. Now, the blacks and other minorities, along with liberal whites, are going to destroy this civilization.

Devon Du Blois, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 4 Comments [6/21/2015 1:40:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 109852

[On the Baltimore riots]

I admire people like "Battle Cat" and Tommy Sotomayor for having the courage to tell the truth. But so many black people are wed to and profiting from this myth of institutional racism that they're really pissing in the wind. There is a race war coming, it'll likely start in America, and blacks et al will copy it over here. At that point, or just before preferably, we need to kill the Quisling bastards who caused it before taking them on.

Witnere, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 4 Comments [6/21/2015 12:17:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 109844

[On Rachel Dolezal, Caitlyn Jenner and the Charleston shooting]

With AA , Race based quotas and media that panders to the blacks as victim narrative (Trayvon , Brown etc ) and Whites as evil oppressors its somewhat understandable.

By being black she gets access to #BlackPrivilege and can make up for the new sin of being a European by birth. Its twisted and sick but seeing as the same tribe that has orchestrated the genocidal campaign against Europeans pushed the lie that race is a social construct instead of the truth that race is biological fact , they can hardly complain. Jenners still a man, a mutilated one, and she's still White . Race and gender are either objectively real (which they are of course) or they're not(the lie they use to dismantle our society). I'm hoping she sues them for racism.

WRT to the shooting.

Obummble said:
"But let's be clear: at some point we as a country will have to reckon
with the fact that this kind of mass violence doesn't happen in other
advanced countries."

Well it happens in South Africa. Blacks have slaughter tens of thousands of Europeans since the end of Apartheid , using hammers , machetes etc..but lets not talk about that. Guns have saved numerous European families in America from home invasions by non-Europeans , 90% of the victims of racially motivated crime are European, but they have, in practice, no protection under civil rights or hate crime legislation.

Where was Obummble when a black woman used a blow torch to torture and kill that European child...he was silent as he is every time Europeans are murdered by non-Europeans. Instead of taking Americans guns a better option would be to accept the multi-racial experiment has been a disaster for European sand segregate the country. But this isn't about whats best for European Americans it's about disarming them so they can't protect themselves.

Rob14, Daily Telegraph 4 Comments [6/21/2015 12:13:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
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