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Quote# 117104

*note this webcomic is supposedly autobiographical*
Father:Tonight we celebrate Halloween...our favorite gentile holiday. BAH! Hah,hah!
Billy:Jews dressed as vampires... how fitting.
Father: Fitting? What atr you dressed as, my adopted goy child?
Billy*holding out a crucifix* A PRIEST!
Mother: Aeeiii! A crucifix!
Father: No...the light... it hurts!
Mona: He's got holy water! Run!

numeronean, Billy the Heretic: Vampire Dressup 16 Comments [2/29/2016 4:01:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: the name be metalbeard

Quote# 117019

I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go!

Donald Trump, Twitter 11 Comments [2/25/2016 4:34:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117013


We are the True Invisible Empire Knights, We hope this finds you well and ask that you will read this with an open mind. Our objective is not to offend anyone, or undermine your beliefs. Those being said, please allow us to clear the air a bit. As a true member of the Rebel Brigade Knights True Invisible Empire, we can honestly say that our intentions are not malicious. We do seek to ensure a safe and secure future for Caucasian Americans and for that we will "NOT" apologize. We also are painfully aware of the horrible and hateful acts carried out by the klansmen past. We fully understand the history of our organization and the stigmas attached to it and we strive to cleanse the klan name by our positive actions. Due to The History Channel, text books, and past actions ( of members no longer living!), we accept that the name of the klan is tarnished but ask you in return, can people change ? Can an organization evolve so much to overcome those stigmas and dark crevices of its past? We, the Knight of the True Invisible Empir, are fighting for the opportunity to change your mind. Many people will never understand why a "God fearing" person would join such a tainted crowd. Let us clarify some things for you. The Rebel Brigade Knights True Invisible Empire do not associate with hate groups such as Nazis, Aryan Nation Brotherhood, their circle, or any other White Nationalist Party. We do not preach hate, and at no time would we react hatefully to any man, woman, or child, regardless of race. Although many people consider us to be a hate group, The Rebel Brigade Knights True Invisible Empire strive to help any living being may need our assistance.


Do not let those of the past , cloud your judgment and what we today are trying to accomplish! We do wish to preserve the White Christian ways. ( The same way other races wish to preserve their race and beliefs!) Those once considered, minority races, are flourishing, more opportunities than the Caucasian Race! We wish to take back only the right of free speech, and right to say that WE are White and Proud! We see people of all races walking with thir heads held high, proud to be of whatever race or religion never to be persecuted or questioned as to their motives. Except for the White!!! How long will the White Race have to continue persecution? We the Rebel Brigade Knights True Invisible Empir will not let this continue! Maybe there are those who agree but do not wish to stand up for your rights, the rights of your children and grand children and the future for those to come. If you do not stand for what you believe in you will fall for everything.

True Invisible Empire Knights,  Rebel Brigade Knights True Invisible Empire 6 Comments [2/24/2016 5:53:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116984

The news that the Oxford University Labour Club co-chair has resigned due to claims of antisemitism within the club may have been shocking to some. To Jewish students at Oxford, it was not. The student left produces the most aggressive and virulent propagators of antisemitism on campus.

Alex Chalmers’ resignation statement was clear, emphasising that: “A large proportion of both OULC and the student left in Oxford more generally have some kind of problem with Jews.” The Oxford University Jewish Society noted that it was “not the first time that it has had to deal with antisemitic incidents within the student left and it will not be the last”. The Labour MP John Mann, chair of the all-party parliamentary group against antisemitism, has called for the party to sever all ties with the club.

Following Chalmers’ resignation, further allegations have appeared. Other OULC members, including past executive officers, approached Oxford University Jewish Society with a list of antisemitic incidents they had recorded. One OULC member argued that Hamas was justified in its killing of Jewish civilians and claimed all Jews were legitimate targets. A committee member stated that all Jews should be expected to publicly denounce Zionism and the state of Israel, and that we should not associate with any Jew who fails to do so. It has been alleged that another OULC member organised a group of students to harass a Jewish student and to shout “filthy Zionist” whenever they saw her.

This type of rhetoric is not confined to OULC. Leftwing student leaders have rallied against “any Rothschild” and “Zios” in their Facebook statuses. One of Oxford’s online political forums removed members with Jewish sounding surnames from the group. In another group, a member called for Jews to pack their bags and leave the Middle East. One notable far-left student politician said, “I don’t like being smeared as antisemitic, but I don’t bleed from it either.”

Oxford University Labour Club members, The Guardian 10 Comments [2/23/2016 4:18:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116978

[The Steadfast Trust, an English charity for people of Anglo-Saxon descent, was deregistered after its far-right connections came to light. Here is its response]

AND finally in pursuit of the old British State and Empire policy of DIVIDE ET IMPERA:-

(a) That phrase “Black British” may be officially treated by institutions of the UK state including the Charity Commission as referring to an ethnic group that is to be afforded all the rights and privileges in law accorded to people of an ethnic or nation group. This is to be so even though the UK State, including acting by the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, officially recognises the phrase “Black British” to be referring to skin colour group – a group formed of people having a black skin colour whilst in the possession of British citizenship.

(b). That persons who are mixed or multi in origin must stay in the mixed or multi census group in which they can be put according to skin colour and/or race mix and as such cannot be members, let alone 100% members, of any other ethnic or nation group on the census form.

(c) That brown and yellow people are to be preferentially treated by never labelling them as such.

And these are just some of the God awful legal implications of the Charity Commission decision to remove The Steadfast Trust from the Charity Register.

We know – yes this really is an “you what?” moment and it begs the questions -” Is it meant to produce schizophrenia?”. Was it meant to put a poison pill into inter communal relations?. Was the purpose to wipe out of existence the indigenous communities of the UK by the stroke of a civil servant’s pen. Well you decide the answer to all these questions!.

The burden of having all this garbage sorted out has fallen on The Steadfast Trust; an organisation that has an income of less than £10,000 a year – that is below the level of which an individual is considered wealthy enough to pay taxation. The burden has fallen on an organisation, The Steadfast Trust, that has been intentional vilified in the public domain as being extremist far right, racist, national socialist (Nazi), white nationalist, etc etc etc.

Do trust the Steadfast Trust when we say both of these attributives of the Trust are massive, massive, massive impediments to getting access to justice and a fair trial in the UK. If this cup, for the sake of the English, would have but past The Steadfast Trust by and stopped at another door. It didn’t and so here The Trust must make the stand until it is relieved or fallen.

The Steadfast Trust, The Steadfast Trust 4 Comments [2/23/2016 4:17:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 116926

Let me get this straight, Beyoncé can praise the white-murdering racist Black Panther militia and get away with it, but if someone even points out that some of Hitler’s policies were beneficial for Germany, they’re a racist and in some countries can be jailed?

iren-heorte, Tumblr 13 Comments [2/20/2016 4:05:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116910

What does the word Nigeria mean? Whats the history of the word? Sounds a lot like Nigger,. Like Nigger + Area = Nigeria?

Gazi Kodzo, Twitter 10 Comments [2/19/2016 3:40:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 116909

[Anonymous: Are you antisemitic?]

I’m anti-colonizer, I’m anti-genocide, I’m anti-white supremacy, I’m anti-war criminals, I’m anti-whiteness, I’m anti-invaders, I’m anti-racism ….the Jewish State of Israel is all those things. I’m anti European Invaders I don’t care what you want to call yourselves…..Russian, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Christian or whatever……if you are out of Europe and causing people of color havoc, then I am anti that. Fuck ALL European invaders….world wide!

Gazi Kodzo, Tumblr 11 Comments [2/19/2016 3:39:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 116904

#GOPDebate Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White nations for EVERYONE! It's #WhiteGenocide.

Down With AntiWhites, Twitter 6 Comments [2/19/2016 3:38:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 116890

Religion - the jew's tool of domination

For years on these forums we've discussed, ad nauseam, the topic of religion and specifically how it's been used by the jew to mentally subjugate our race. And rightfully so, many have shed light on this reality.
This leads us to ask the question....why do we try to disregard or ignore using the most powerful and effective weapon used upon us? Why are we not picking up that weapon and using it against the jew?
Here's the jew's trickery.... On one hand the jew seems to be in accordance with us by defaming religion, as a belief system for the weak-minded. And then on the other hand the jew creates another weapon under the guise of a religion, and the masses flock to it. Why do so many flock to this new religion? Even those who believe religion is for morons? They join this new religion, unwittingly, simply because the jew doesn't call it a religion! In spite of the fact it fits the very definition of a religion with its own codified system of morality, its own dogma, sacred cows, saints, and demons. It has all the trappings of any of the mainstream religions. And all of its adherents 'believe' without question. They have blind faith and they are willing to get out in the streets at a moment's notice to attack anyone or any group that questions or challenges their belief. They will resort to violence, risk going to jail and even put their lives on the line to defend their belief.
The new religion, of course, is diversity. But the jew, the inventor of the religion called diversity, doesn't refer to it as a religion. The jew is smart enough to understand human nature. And that nature is to create and believe in something supposedly on a higher plane. We are all predisposed to aspire to higher ideals. The jew knows this all too well. The jew invented Christianity as a control device. A device used to control White people. Now the jew has invented diversity. A religion whose aim is to utterly destroy and obliterate the White race from the face of the earth. Will we go quietly? Or will we fight? Or will we be smart enough to create a religion of our own that'll give our race the fortitude, resolve and balls needed to put us back on top once again? Oops! Did I just make a mistake by calling it a religion? I sure fuckin' did, Clancy!

brutus, VNN 3 Comments [2/19/2016 4:33:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116877

So since Drudge reported on this article and you don't like Drudge, you have to keep repeating the tire canards of Poland is anti-semitic this and anti-semitic that!

As you keep parroting the talking points of how "terribly anti-semitic Poland was".......well then WHY did Jews CHOOSE to live in "anti-semitic" Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS??

Are Jews masochists? Are Jews insane?


Speaking about confidence, why were so many Jews in Poland so confident in helping the Soviet invaders persecute Poles?

Eastcoastjournal, Daily Kos 3 Comments [2/19/2016 4:10:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116843

The uber frau is a jewish construct. The jew artificially empowers our women with powers they do not naturally possess. When legalized abortion was made law of the land by the jew, as an integral part of their White genocide program, it was women who were brainwashed to go completely against their natural maternal instinct. I remember thinking, if they can make a woman think it's OK to kill her offspring, they can make them do anything, no matter how insane. Our womenfolk have been turned into neurotic swine by the jew. The kike is solely resposible for manufacturing our women into unsuitable mates. Those who say men are just as fucked up.....I say fuck you! And I'm not saying there aren't a boatload of fucked-up men. What I'm saying is that it is women, specifically women, and more specifically jew-controlled women, who gave birth to and nutured boys into becoming fucked-up men. I lay 90% of the blame for the creation of serial killers, pedophiles, transgendered abominations, manginas, faggots, wife beaters and all matter of emotionally ill men at the feet of their mothers. Those women who had the biggest hand at forming the earliest and most fundelmental foundation and personalities of their children. It's women who've produced these monsters at the direction of the jew. To give people this gullible and simplistic, the power of the vote was the greatest harm ever done to the American White race by the jew.

brutus, VNN 6 Comments [2/17/2016 9:49:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 116831

No, its not about having a larger dick. The real reason black men do so much better attracting females than any other race according to statistics is because they possess a facial trait known as prognathism. This is where their mouth projects out of their face. If you haven’t already, try to observe how black people’s mouth differ from those of other races. Nigger mouth bulges out of the face. Prognathism is an archaic trait, and archaic traits are what makes one masculine. Ancient hominids have this trait, as do great apes and other primates.



Homo Erectus



The difference between Africans and other races is that as humans began to gracilize/infantilize (AKA feminize) africans still held on to remnants of mouth projection which allowed their faces to stay more robust.

To a chimp, a white/asian/hispanic/indian/indonesian/redskin/whatever would look like a baby. Only Africans and Australian aboriginees resemble the adult chimp to some degree.

isnt it ironic that we humans ridicule the great apes yet secretly desire to look them to be more masculine. Yup, apes are the epitome of masculinity. Ever seen those King Kong movies where the mutant gorilla gets the hot bitch every time?

Adamantine, Sluthate.com 9 Comments [2/16/2016 2:59:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116827

Pre-segregation and pre-civil rights was better for black people, and kept their families together.

I don't understand why this offends you so much. I think this is just common sense when you look at how the economic levels of African-Americans has gone down over the past half century. I said exactly the same thing about Asian-Americans in other posts and most people agreed. In my post about Sessue Hayakawa, I explained that the Asian-American community was better off in the 30s, 40s, and 50s because Asian-Americans mostly married each other and AMWF marriages actually outnumbered the reverse, Asian-Americans stayed true to their cultural values and weren't whitewashed, Asian men had a much fairer shot in Hollywood to get decent roles, and Asian women weren't hypersexualized and sexually assaulted at a disproportionate rate. So to me, it's just common sense that minority communities in America have gone backwards over the last half century.

I didn't say it was a Jewish conspiracy just that it was social engineering by Jewish activists like Perry Nussbaum, Ira Sanders, Jacob Rothschild, Julius Rosenwald, and Bernie Sanders who were the leading voices for integration.

ChosunHwarang, r/aznidentity 6 Comments [2/16/2016 2:46:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116795

DEAR JU'danStani's a/k/a JU-SHEM'ites of the EBERU 2-kinds:

Please Do not say nor refer nor Call [OUR] Prophet (of many) Hir Albert Eisntein {pbuh} a JU!

WARNING: You F'kn Hijackers; JU S'hit Shill Opportunist JU'danStanis a/k/a JUDEA'ites Parasites are [fake] JEWS!
[OUR' Prophet Albert Einstein {pbuh] is/was a [real] JEW; not a [fake] JU! Sooo Yu [fake] JU'dea Lovers can't Take Credit like a JEW!

Remember: hir Albert Einstein {pbuh} hath always said; That He is a 'JEW'; not a 'JU' since HE (like US Apocalyptarian(s)) Do NOT recognize the [Man-Made] Nay Mashiach-Made ISRAEL! Note: [OUR] Prophet] Even Refused to become the [fake] JU'state's President!
SHAME on [fake] JU's cunningly hijacking the Great Name of Albert Einstein {pbuh] and Hypocritically Brag like idyits. OYE VAY!

jackJOZEVZ, Al Jazeera English 8 Comments [2/15/2016 4:19:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116794

Unfortunately THEY (LOVERS of JU'dea'stan aka Land of CANAAN) are [again] on the Wrong Side of Human-History (If Ye like; On the wrong side of ha'SHEM again)!

PERSIA wh are now Ex-Zoroastrians and under the SHIA spell (who are Not Arabs) is the Real Partner for JEWS. Yet JU's are partnering with SUNNI's. Oye Vay. Yes; They love being in Diaspora or in EXILE; as if it's an religio BOOM and BUST Cycle (every so often) over and over again! A Holocaust little Holocaust Here; a Big Holocaust there etc.. Oye Vay!

NOTE: Even If Yu Kill ALL their [JU] WOMAN; THEY (the SANHEDRIN) will find Goys' aka Shiksas (like In Aegypt days via Mix Multitude of Pagan Worshiping Slaves of all types) and Religously ZIONIZE Them for JU Purposes and then forgotten (deliberately Not told Orally nor Writtenly) in Time.

jackJOZEVZ, Al Jazeera English 2 Comments [2/15/2016 4:19:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116788

Know these punks. They hate freedom, they hate good over evil, they would deny us the basic human right to self defense & to KEEP & BEAR ARMS while many of them have tax paid hired ARMED security! Know them well. Tell every1 you know how evil they are. Let us raise maximum hell to shut them down!

Ted Nugent, Facebook 12 Comments [2/14/2016 1:23:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Kevin Klawitter

Quote# 116786

haha. I am speaking on behalf of the humans that are pissed off at your Jewish lies. I come from ancient star systems and was born to awaken humanity from the matrix. Truth is not hate speech. The Holocaust is a lie. Anti-Semitism is a trick. How far do you think you can go lying like this? Do you know your dying race is being exposed daily? How do you expect to stop it? Yeah you can point the finger at me but I sure enjoy what I do. You can't escape the karma of your cursed race. You killed Jesus and think your god lucifer is in charge of this world. Funny Watchung you expose more of your satanic agenda.

Joe Eigo, Instagram 6 Comments [2/14/2016 1:23:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 116754

Women and mental faggots can only go on emotion; only the rarest women use their brain.

This is the reason why the jew must not be allowed to exploit or corrupt our women, or even come in contact with them. Once a thought is embedded in the brain of a woman it is enveloped in their emotion, and attacking a woman's 'ideas' (whatever was told to her by an authority figure/coached as good to her or pounded into her brain via propaganda as being the cool/trendy/right thing to do/be) is attacking a woman's emotions which are the core of their being. So attacking a woman's bad ideas is considered equal to attacking her. That makes you the bad person. So many women go to the grave with false beliefs, and that is why they must be protected from jewish influences just like a gun needs to be locked up, lest it be used against you.

Frank Toliver, VNN 5 Comments [2/13/2016 4:49:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116723

The jews deliberately caused World War 1 and WW2, with the millions of deaths that resulted from it all. How many, 200 million? Mostly, WHITES were killed. And then secondary populations in Europe and the Middle East. And then Asians, especially the Japanese — who were and are the only admirable subrace of the Mongoloid (Asian) race. Meanwhile, Adolf Hitler’s Germany was EXPELLING jews and putting many of them to work, not mass-exterminating them.

The fact is, great White Germany should have mass-exterminated jews while they had the chance.

That was then. This is now.

And still, you — White Charlie Brown — are duped into killing anybody, anywhere, except the true Enemy of humanity. The Enemy is jewry — all jews.

They all lie to your face, Charlie Brown. They all serve their own race — jewry.

The race of mass-murderers of humanity has earned the Death Penalty many times over.

The Final Solution is another idea that the jews have made taboo as a result of the jews’ total demonization of the great White leader Adolf Hitler and the great German subrace of our White race. The jews say Adolf Hitler ordered a “Final Solution” of extermination of the jews. But Hitler, a humanitarian, a vegetarian, an artist, did no such thing — although, again, he should have.

Meanwhile, the jews are pursuing their eternal goal of their Final Solution against us. We Whites are now a small minority on Earth, and we are entering minority status in our own White-founded White-built countries. That’s because our men have been “Charlie Browns.”

Step out of the jew cartoon world. Stand up right here, right now, in reality.

Be White. Be Right. Kill jews. Every single jew is an enemy jew. For now, be a silent hero, working covertly, telling no one.

By the way, this is true free speech. Name the Enemy. Urge the Solution. We disagree with our government on these two vital topics? Of course. If you can’t openly disagree with the government, then you have no free speech, and what you have is a tyrannical government that Thomas Jefferson said must be put down by the People. Whites founded and built our USA. We must put down the Enemy that has infested our country and, by every crime imaginable, taken control.

See advice in articles linked at the bottom of this website.
Our days of open glory will come with White Victory.

James Laffrey, Whites Will Win! Party 14 Comments [2/11/2016 5:22:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 116685

Now is the time for all good men and women come to the aid of their country and the genocide of the "American White Culture".

All adults have seen the destruction of our quality of living, the decline of morality in the world, and the elimination of God from our homes and our lives.

Politicians and the courts systems in America and around the world are corrupt and criminal by the nature of their very actions. They will eventually be smitted and destroyed. In the meantime, they setup conflict between peoples od different cultures and ethnincity.

In the words of Dr. Thomas Harris, "Games People Play", propaganda in governments decree one group shall fight and destroy another group, thus eliminating an emeny of the state.

Now is the time for all good men and women around the earth, regardless to color or culture....... resist the movement to harm or discriminate against other cultures and peoples.

Our Mandate

We, the White People of America and around the world, do swear by our forefathers and our posterity, to stop the genocide of people of all faiths, colors and cultures on earth. Further, we shall resist those that use misinformation, political correctness, and propaganda for any purpose against any people.

We the humans of earth, have rights, to the preservation of our standard of living, truth, justice and moral actions, both in our own lives and the interaction with others. We will fight to the less drop of our blood to destroy that and those that are evil and without God's Holy Word.

NAAWP, NAAWP 12 Comments [2/10/2016 4:32:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116684

The monkey faggot Barack Obama is intentionally ordering border agents to release invading savages and are no longer requiring them to appear at deportation hearings. One of the top people at the National Border Patrol Council has stated that the United States might as well abolish our immigration laws entirely.

This has to stop. It is why Donald Trump must be made President. Even if the only thing he does is build a wall and secure the southern border, that would make him the best President we’ve had since the 19th century.

Infostormer, Infostormer 8 Comments [2/10/2016 4:30:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116683

In a brief statement, Rep. Tommy Benton, R-Jefferson, said he has pulled his name from three pieces of controversial legislation after his comments about slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and the Civil War drew national attention.

At the same time, Benton did not apologize or retract his statements and he will apparently retain his chairmanship of the House Committee on Human Relations and Aging.

“It was not my intention to create a situation whereby my comments would create a negative perception,” Benton said in a brief statement issued Monday afternoon. “Therefore, today I am withdrawing my sponsorship of HB 854, HB 855 and HR 1179 to allow the business of the House to move forward in an orderly manner.”

House Speaker David Ralston, who had been called upon to remove Benton’s chairmanship, issued a simultaneous statement rebuking Benton for his remarks but allowing the five-term Republican to retain his committee position.

“I condemn commentary that would seek to reverse the progress that we have made in the last century and a half,” Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, said. “While we are mindful of our history, the business of the General Assembly isn’t in rewriting or reinterpreting the past, but rather to focus on improving Georgia’s future.”

Benton introduced the bills last week. House Bill 855 would force the state to formally recognize Confederate Memorial Day and Robert E. Lee’s birthday as public holidays. House Resolution 1179 calls for a constitutional amendment protecting Stone Mountain as a Confederate memorial.

Both of those bills have co-sponsors, but a House staffer said those members intended to pull their names from the measures, effectively killing them. House Ethics Chairman Joe Wilkinson, R-Sandy Springs, asked his name to be removed from the last week following Benton’s remarks.

House Bill 854 would require street names changed since 1968 to revert back to their former names if their prior name had honored a veteran. Although the bill does not mention Martin Luther King, the civil right leader was assassinated in 1968 and the bill would rename a portion of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Atlanta Gordon Road, in honor of Confederate Gen. John B. Gordon, an early leader of the Georgia Klan.

That bill has no co-sponsor, so Benton’s action is all that is needed to kill it.

In speaking to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution last week about the bills, Benton called attempts to bring down or alter Confederate memorials “cultural terrorism” and said the Ku Klux Klan “made a lot of people straighten up.”

The Klan “was not so much a racist thing but a vigilante thing to keep law and order,” he said. “I’m not saying what they did was right. It’s just the way things were.”

Rep. Tommy Benton (R-Jefferson), Atlanta Journal-Constitution 8 Comments [2/10/2016 4:29:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 116675

New York resident returns home to find note warning: “American Holocaust, you are a dead Jew"

Police in New York are investigating a series of antisemitic notes left in an East Harlem apartment building over the past month. One resident returned home to discover a note on her door warning: “American Holocaust, you are a dead Jew.”

Between 22nd January and 1st February, 21 similar notes — possibly left in bundles — were left in the hallway on the floor where the victim lives, NY Daily News reported. Some were threatening and some contained swastikas.

Unnamed anti-Semite, Everyday Antisemitism 6 Comments [2/10/2016 4:14:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116647

"Ashkenazi haredi United Torah Judaism Party"
Alright everybody, say it with me now...

... Oy vey, not the goyim boobed schmucks!

NeoMatrix, FSTDT Comments 14 Comments [2/8/2016 4:06:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina
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