Quote# 118219
Definitions of the Races
Jews – Jews are basically living “Satan’s” living here on earth. They are the most vile and evil race on earth. Wherever Jews go, they are hated, and hated for good reason. They are human parasites that leech off of their host nations. Jews believe they are God’s chosen race and above all gentiles (non-Jews).
What Jews are good at – Banking, stealing, corruption, murder of gentiles, destruction of nations/governments, porn, having giant noses, slander, lying and communism.
Greatest Achievements – Child molestation, gay rights, communism, being kicked out of every European Nation at least once and killing Jesus Christ.
Blacks – Blacks are the dumbest and most primitive people on earth. They are known by their laziness, stupidity and love of fried chicken. Wherever black people are, you find poverty, high crime rates and disease.
What blacks are good at – Basketball, rape, interracial crime, eating watermelon, not working, stealing cars, robbing liquor stores, drinking malt liquor and collecting welfare.
Greatest Achievements – Spreading Aids, cannibalism, Jessie Owens winning a race, poverty and the lowest IQ among all races.
Asians – Asians are best known for all looking alike and having the smallest penises on earth. When not eating dogs and cats, they find time to watch porn anime and ways to look white. When not playing online video games, they are known to take 500 pictures a day.
What Asians are good at – Over populations, mass murder of each other, bombing subways, controlling the dog and cat population by eating them and copying everything the white race does. They also own massage parlors that give happy endings.
Greatest Achievements – Surviving two atomic bomb blasts, mass suicides during World War II, bad karaoke and making 1,235 food dishes with rice.
Muslims – Muslims are the terroristic Semitic-cousins of Jews. The only difference is the fact Muslims will actually hold jobs which require more than corruption. Muslims are best known by their horrible sounding language, ugly women and hatred of Jews.
What Muslims are good at – Blowing shit up, hijacking planes, forming terrorist cells, killing women and children, hating white culture but using our ideas and giving us the fake religion of Islam.
Greatest Achievements – 9/11, selling cheap knock off cell phone accessories at flea markets, using Western Technology while complaining about Western Culture and killing Jews.
American Indians – American Indians are a savage mongrel race. Like blacks, they constantly complain about the past and how the white man owes them. American Indians can be found drunk at any given casino. When not rain-dancing, they are drunk.
What American Indians are good at – Chain smoking, being drunk, owning casinos, rain-dancing, living in the past, blaming others for their primitive ways and using their heritage to gain free government assistance.
Greatest Achievements – Losing to the white man, popcorn, suing professional sports teams with Indian mascots and testing out smallpox blankets.
Mexicans – Mexicans are a mongrel race best known for the destroying the beauty of the European Language known as Spanish. They are a fat race with hairy women. They stink and only real trade is picking fruit or drug trafficking.
What Mexicans are good at – Illegally crossing borders, underground tunnels, roofing, women having facial hair, having babies, making tacos and wearing hot pants.
Greatest Achievements – Destroying the Spanish Language, Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite, Dora the Explorer, being shot by border patrol and prison gangs.
Racism Is good 11 Comments [4/17/2016 3:36:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 10