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Quote# 129982

You CAN’T EVER expect to ask a Jew a question and receive an HONEST response/ANSWER! They are so rife with evil as the NEW Testament,(which Jews HATE) calls them children of The Devil, and The Synagogue Of Satan (REV. 2:9, 3:9). They are phallic-worshiping Khazars who worship the Satanic EVIL Anti-Gentile Talmud. EXPOSING them they just deny everything and call you “Carazy” or “anti-Semitic.”

Strangely, they aren’t of Semitic bloodlines, so are they really calling us anti-Arab? Just as their play on words and terminology like “progressives” “democRats” and “libeAholes” are “suppose” to mean Progress, Democracy, and Liberty! The Jews are a backward, insane, inbreed, evil, pedophile, diseased, contradiction to humanity and GOD! + NO MORE Jews = NO MORE problems! SEE: (Real Jew News) for more on ALL of their evils.

Mr. Zionien, American Free Press 2 Comments [7/31/2017 1:11:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129978

The female-satanic and dragon-serpent oriented JEW always make his burrow-den in a local river-bend in a female pussy-womb shape, see City of London in pussy shaped bend of Thames in Canary Wharf, and so on. The satanic-female oriented gay-Jew knows Milky Way Mesopotamia located between two river-legs confluence in Milky Way (the Black Hole-cosmic pussy), leading to the cosmic WOMB) Galactic double CENTER).

From Pishon (Nile river-local copy), to the Gihon river-leg (Euphrates=Drago/serpent river of the West Mesopotamia), the satanic JEW dreams of Eretz (Earthly Chaganate of Yisrael) = the two blue stripes on their satanic flag with Magen David in the middle as the male and female triangle-laps in a new procreation = 69 screw up of our world, expressed by the plural Elohim (male-female in 69 union) in their masonic Bible fraud, Genesis 1:1 up to 2:4. The Ying and Yang, or Ahalom and Kahalom, etc.

Jaroslav Kukla, American Free Press 3 Comments [7/31/2017 12:21:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129969

Yesterday, my girlfriend and I went to our favourite Chinese restaurant in London's Camden. Camden is not what it was; it used to comprise dozens of independent traders with shops and market stalls, but it's become a lot more commercialised over the past few years. There is still one good thing about it though- just look at my photo. No niggers.

Yes, at the height of the tourist season, when the place is rammed with tourists from all over the world; Chinese, Japanese, North and South American, etc,, all enjoying a peaceful sunny day out, as humans do. I think we only saw about five or six in the three hours or so that we were there.

Coming home on the tube (subway) we were commenting on the refreshing lack of nig-nogs (we use a code word when discussing them in public) until we got on the train. Occupying two seats opposite us was a massive buck, chomping on a burger. With typical nigger clumsiness, as he ate, he dropped chips (fries) all over the floor, and naturally, did not bother to pick them up. When he'd finished, he just dropped the burger wrapping as well, for someone else to clear up later. I didn't confront him, as I didn't want to spoil our day out further by provoking the chimp out that would inevitably follow, but what a contrast there is between the humans interacting and having fun and the nigger ****ing it up for everyone else.

Sharpe, Niggermania 4 Comments [7/31/2017 12:20:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129963

Under the ruinous reign of the sodomite couple of Mr. and Mr. Obongo, the Jewish-inspired War on Whites had reached levels of political assertiveness never before seen nor imagined. There were the insults of "White people" which were openly uttered by the deviant duo; the visits to the White House by members of the New Black Panther Party and Black Lives Matter domestic terror groups; the erection of the 30-feet tall statue of Marxist Loser King in Washington DC; the incitement of violence against "racist" TM local police departments; the exalting of the Irreverend Al Charlatan to unofficial adviser-to-the-President status; the public abolition of the Confederate flag throughout much of the South; the announced 2020 replacement of the great Andrew Jackson with a head-shot of Aunt Jemima, er, Harriet Tubman for the $20 bill; and the popularization of the ridiculous new term, "White privilege" TM.

The Marxist War on Whites had never been out in the open like it is now.

Now comes word of the latest in-your-face insult to the good and gentle White people of Dixie -- a monument to the rapists and murderers who were lynched during the days when men were men. We know, we know -- they were all just innocent Black lads who "dindu nuffin" more than get caught innocently, momentarily and furtively glancing at some pretty White girl from a mile away (rolling eyes sarcastically).

Were there some isolated cases of vigilante justice gone awry -- in which an innocent man may have been lynched? It's quite possible. But let's cut the commie crap and tell the whole truth about the lynch mobs which acted between the post-Civil War period and say, 1930. The 4,000 or so deserving recipients of the rope - about 20% of whom were White - got what was coming to them. As a matter of fact, there were also cases of righteous Black mobs lynching Black criminals! (here)

Of course, don't expect the Marxist agitators or their Black front-men behind the Equal Justice Initiative to divulge these historical contexual truths. No, the weak-minded, teary-eyed suckers who will flock to this upcoming eye-sore will be told how 4,000 "dindu nuffins" were killed by big bad White "racists" TM with names like Bubba, Jethro and Billy Bob. That ought to do wonders for "race relations" TM in America!

“Our goal isn’t to be divisive,” says Bryan Stevenson, the director of the Equal Justice Initiative. “Our goal is just to get people to confront the truth of our past with some more courage.” ---- "Not divisive," eh Bryan? Yeah, sure.

Bryan Stevenson (above) intends to peddle a false version of Southern history -- one that contradicts what was accurately portrayed in the classic silent film, Birth of a Nation. Many White women were indeed raped and even murdered. The culprits (be they Black or White) were then lynched by angry mobs of men with balls.

Project Director Stevenson has more communist credentials that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. He is described as a "human rights" TM lawyer, a "social justice" TM activist, a professor at NYU, and a recipient of awards from the Globalist Carnegie and MacArthur foundations. In regard to his race-baiting monument to mendacity, we don't have to read much further to discover who else is buttering Mr. Stevenson's cornbread.

From the article:

"The museum and memorial project, for which Mr. Stevenson said he had raised about 40 percent of a projected $20 million, is the latest and most ambitious undertaking in a continuing effort by Mr. Stevenson to change public awareness of the nation’s racial history. Contributors to the project include the Ford Foundation and Google."

A $20 million dollar super structure to honor rapists and murderers? Wow! With cash from the Ford Foundation and Google, eh Stevenson? Goodness gracious. It doesn't get any more New World Orderish than that. Ah, show us the shekels Lyin' Bryan, show us the shekels.

Let's all gang up on the dispossessed White Boys of America!

Ford Foundation's Black President Darren Walker, Google's Indian CEO Sundar Pichai, and Google's Jewish co-founder Sergei Brin are among the big backers behind the anti-White obscenity which will be built in Alabama.

From the article:

"The memorial will be contain a four-sided gallery of 801 suspended six-foot columns, representing a county where a lynching took place and etched with the name of the person or people lynched."

Need we ask if any of the names of the raped and the murdered will be etched anywhere near the memorial? And speaking of raped and murdered -- we can only guess at how many innocent White people will, over the course of time, be attacked by some of the excitable and inciteable "dindu nuffins" who will surely be dragged to this incendiary monument as part of school field trips. Pour enough hatred into a young man's head and heart, and soon enough he will act upon it. That's the plan, and Stevenson and his bosses bloody damn well know it -- as do the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes.

Dear God --- make this evil madness stop already, make it stop.

The sadistic rapist-murderer Leo Frank (cough cough) will no doubt be listed among the phony martyrs of the new monument. In 1913, Frank raped, battered and strangled 13-year old Mary Phagan. When certain interests (cough cough) managed to intervene and spare him from the death penalty, the men of Atlanta stormed the prison and lynched low-life Leo from a tree in 1915. His death inspired the establishment of the Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League) -- which has always maintained, quite ironically, that the real culprit was a Black man.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today about a large monument that is going to be built in Alabama. It will memorialize all the innocent Black victims of lynching.

Boobus Americanus 2: I'd like to see that when it is completed. It's important for the South to finally own up to its past.

Sugar: "Rape!!! Rape!!!"

Editor: Sugar, stop being a clown and focus on your commentary, please.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 1 Comments [7/31/2017 12:19:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 129975

Thomas Lopez-Pierre says he’s not an anti-Semite.

He just believes a cabal of “greedy Jewish landlords” is conspiring, funded by money from Israel, to conduct “ethnic cleansing” of black and Latino residents from Harlem. He believes the Jewish media are covering it up. And if his rhetoric makes Jews upset?

“Too bad,” he says. “I don’t care.
“Only now am I realizing that Jewish people can’t seem to separate themselves from each other,” he told JTA in an interview Friday. “An attack on greedy Jewish landlords is perceived to be an attack on all Jews. And you know what? Too bad. If that’s the way the Jewish community wants to take it, too bad.”

Lopez-Pierre is running a primary campaign against Democratic City Council member Mark Levine, who since 2014 represents a district covering much of West Harlem in Upper Manhattan. Lopez-Pierre previously ran for the seat in 2013, unsuccessfully.

His screed against Jewish landlords is at the center of his campaign. His Twitter bio reads “Jewish landlords OWN 80% of private rental buildings in Upper Manhattan; GUILTY of GREED for pushing Black/Hispanic tenants out.”

The Anti-Defamation League released a statement calling Lopez-Pierre’s statement a “deeply offensive anti-Semitic stereotype.” During a 20-minute conversation, I tried to extract why Lopez-Pierre thought the landlords’ religion was important.

He repeated the 80 percent figure — but wouldn’t provide any evidence for it — and launched into a lecture on what he called “group economics,” or how members of a certain ethnicity or religion work together for their mutual benefit.

“If they were Italian, I would say Italian,” he said. “We live in neighborhoods based on race, class and religion. It’s a fantasy to believe otherwise. There are Jewish neighborhoods, there are Puerto Rican neighborhoods, there are Jamaican neighborhoods, there are Indian neighborhoods.”

Lopez-Pierre alleged that there was a scheme among Jewish landlords in Harlem to take investment money from Israel, buy apartment buildings in the historically black neighborhood and push tenants out.

“These Jewish landlords are using their ownership to engage in ethnic cleansing of black and Latino tenants,” he said. And he added that Jewish journalists choose not to report on it.

“Your colleagues in the Jewish media, they don’t want to talk about this,” he said. “But maybe you have a pair of balls. I’d be impressed.”
Lopez-Pierre says he’s a licensed real-estate broker. He’s also behind a series of apparent business ventures in Harlem to promote African-American patronage of African-American-owned businesses, but it’s unclear how active any of them are.

One venture was the “Harlem Restaurant Book,” a guide to black-owned restaurants in the neighborhood. But now, the website harlemrestaurantbook.com is the homepage for the Harlem Family Eviction Prevention Fund, a tenants’ rights group also chaired by Lopez-Pierre. The fund has an empty events calendar, and its record of “bad landlord news” ends in 2015. Lopez also created a site for the Harlem Real Estate Fund, where he’s the only employee.

At least one venture of Lopez-Pierre’s appears to have netted him some cash. According to the New York Post, he raised more than $5,000 with a crowdfunding campaign by pretending it was an effort to oppose him. Lopez-Pierre dismissed the idea that he was engaging in anti-Semitic bigotry.

“If Jewish doctors are angry with me because I’m attacking greedy Jewish landlords, if Jewish social workers are upset with me because I’m attacking greedy Jewish landlords, too bad, I don’t care,” he said. ‘It’s not my job to care about their feelings.”

Thomas Lopez-Pierre, Haaretz 2 Comments [7/31/2017 10:24:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129974

Evil & Deception is not work for the so called Jews of today - it’s their favorite past time!

They do not tire from it as we CHRIST-ians do attempting to defeat it. For US we are raised to be civil/courteous and expect civility and cordiality from other human beings, but this is where the separation exist with the Jews of today.

They do not consider themselves human beings but more as “godlike” overlords! Lies are their virtue and deception of CHRIST-ians their daily bread. Avoiding & ignoring them doesn’t work, but to last your own life in peace, but in doing so - you have done nothing to secure that peace for other generations.

Like a menacing/relentless fly continually in your face — it’s time for the bug spray (RAID). It is the only solution, but in doing so you will be defeated in your denial in your afterlife in Heaven.

Then they win AGAIN! What a pestilence they are! Perhaps a meteor will slam in to Pisreal, their nukes trigger themselves, or some other undeniable act of GOD will happen to stop them before all is lost. I understand Mein Kampf — “My Struggle” — and that it is ever increasing to the level of OUR struggle — REALLY!

May GOD punish Jewmerica!

Zionien, Real Jew News 2 Comments [7/31/2017 10:23:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129970

In addition to the Ghana nigger HR intern I have to deal with, my work group has a retired military officer, real uppity house nigger type taught to use a fork and spoon at taxpayer expense at the Institute on the Hudson (West Point - appointed by Charlie Rangle hisself). He has some AA top cover in the company, which essentially means he can only be fired for a major disciplinary violation.

Another nig I see too often is this corporate communications specialist. This nigger is a company talking head that makes little news snippets for public release. All too often he covers events of interest to my clients.

He's high yellow and mimics our language well; evidence of advanced training by skilled handlers. While most male commentators in our company dress business casual (jacket with open collar shirt), this nigger goes for the Malcolm X look.

Suit with a flashy pattern (but not outrageous), bow tie, and thick framed, round glasses. I'm supposed to forward the snippets to my clients but I only send the transcripts. If I'm ever called out I can truthfully claim my clients firewall blocks video.

Only a few more years.

Sparky, Niggermania 3 Comments [7/31/2017 7:47:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129956

[From "UK: More Details on Race-Mixing Indian Slut Who Got Raped, Chopped-Up and Stuffed in a Freezer"]

Reporting on this story, I’ve focused on the fact that it is gross to have this sort of gruesome behavior in our societies. However, along angle here is that the men who did it were defending their race, and as extreme and gross as the act was, you have to have a little bit of respect for them.

These guys kidnapped women of their own race and raped them, and after one escaped with her throat half-slit, they chopped the other up and stuffed her in a freezer.

Because the women were race-mixing.

Not even with non-Moslems – they were Indian and mixing with Arabs. Which were presumably even the same denomination of Islam as them.

This is some hardcore defense of the race these men showed.

Online tributes are pouring in for Celine Dookhran, the 19-year-old whose body was found mutilated and stuffed inside a freezer at a £1.5 million London property.


It has been suggested by prosecutors that Dookhran, an Indian Muslim, was murdered because she was planning to marry a man of Arab Muslim descent. The family allegedly did not approve of the relationship.


Firstly, it is honorable. It is gross and extreme, but still, it is the definition of honor. These men knew they were going to get caught. And they did it anyway. For the honor of their race.

Secondly: it had absolutely nothing to do with religion. As has been made clear, the men they were mixing with were Moslems. It was a racial issue.

So I’m just going to throw this out there: imagine if white men cared this much about their own women race-mixing.

Just… just take a minute and imagine if we cared this much about that particular problem.

I’m certainly not implying White men should be kidnapping White female race-mixers, raping them and chopping them up and shoving them in freezers for fucking niggers. Although honestly, I wouldn’t feel bad if that happened, it is more than our women would require to get back in line.

White men are too much of cowards to simply call these sluts out in public.

If we had a movement to shame these whores, that would go a long, long way. If you see these people in Walmart, for instance, look the white woman directly in the eyes and say “how does that nigger dick taste, whore?”

You can’t get in trouble for that. Her buck is not going to attack you in a Walmart, and if he does he’ll be arrested and it will get in the media. Which is good. They won’t print your name, because you are the victim, but they will say that you made a “racially insensitive comment about the woman’s mixed race relationship.”

You can also yell from your car. If you see women with someone of another race, slow down, roll down your window and yell: “nigger-fucking whore! What does your father think????”


This is a massive problem. People say the numbers are low, but they are being disingenuous. They are using irrelevant statistics, such as OK Cupid data or marriage rates. Look with your eyes, and see how often you see women fucking nonwhites. It’s a lot. And it’s rising. And the reason they are doing this is because there is no shame associated with it. If you look a woman in the eye and call her a nigger-fucking whore, she will remember that for the rest of her life.

Do it.

Shove Me in the Freezer, by Al Green

If you think this Al Green parody is in bad taste, then you are a fucking pussy

I don’t know why I love him like I do
All the beatings he put me through
Took my virginity, my racial pride
I haven’t seen the worst of it yet
I want to know that my relatives will do to me
I love to stay
Take me to the building, stuff me in the freezer
Rape me in the shower, shove me in the freezer
Beating me down, chopping me up

Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer 7 Comments [7/30/2017 2:53:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 129935

Once again in the UK, a low life nigger resists arrest and dies, after swallowing the drugs he was trying to flog. Then, as expected, the usual collection of simian apes turn out to riot, ooking and eeking all over the place, throwing stuff and setting fire to everything they can. Even more annoying, our Shadow Home Secretary also turns out to support them. This object is a fat, ugly sow by the name of Diane Abbott, a sub primate that can barely string a sentence together.

There is the usual turn out of BLM niggers and coddlers, that never seem to turn out when a nigger kills another nigger, proving that black lives don`t matter if the killer is a nigger. It not rocket science. If niggers don`t want to be treated like the scum they are, they should stop acting like niggers.

Niggaware, Niggermania 1 Comments [7/30/2017 1:02:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129940

Left wing extremism: Open borders to the entire world no matter the consequence. Right wing extremism: Pls stop this. What's extreme?

nontolerantman, Twitter 1 Comments [7/30/2017 9:16:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 129937

Well. Us Asians are racist. We shit on other Asians and non-Asians all the time. We care about our race and we exclude those who aren't us. That's not a crime. I don't like being mistreated by whites or Anglo-Saxons when I did nothing to deserve it, merely because I'm Asian or Korean.

However, when whites or Anglo-Saxons experience the same thing in homogeneous Asian societies, they're right.
Some places and some peoples may treat foreigners better than others, but that's what happens when you're a minority, wherever you are.

White America and Australia opened their borders to Asian peoples like us when they did not to.
I repeat, they did not need us or any other nonwhites.
They did not need to let my family move to America, but it happened.

We were not entitled to immigrate to those lands or even Europe, England, etc.
By virtue of us even being allowed to immigrate and attain citizenship in large numbers, their societies have been far more accepting of us than us Asian societies have been towards whites.

My main point is that it was a mistake and I want to be principled about this. They have a right to their homogeneous homelands and work for their racial/ethnic group interest just as we do and should. Korea should stay Korean; Asian countries should stay Asian; white countries, especially the Old World Europe, should stay white.

basedKRN, Korean Sentry 5 Comments [7/30/2017 3:58:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129934

From the files of "never hire a nigger"...

Got into work last night to find an email saying "Meeting at 6, conference room" and the rest of the Watchdogs (our supervisor's name for the night shift quality control team) CC'd. Only time we ever get called in for group meetings, there's either a new project or something has gone seriously wrong in the data integrity process, and you know what they say about bad news and Fridays, so I'm ready for the worst.

The head of our entire department is running the meeting, and he has a look on his face like people get when their loved ones are in surgery and they're waiting for news from the doc. Something's seriously got the guy spooked.

Well, "spooked" turns out to have been the key word. Turns out one of Seattle's local chimpout-for-hire groups has us on their radar because we've hired four niggers since March and none of them have lasted longer than a couple of weeks, and it doesn't look good for the new guy (the one who, earlier this week, I mentioned could not find three pages of pictures in a 300-page block of text.) There have been credible rumors of a discrimination ghetto-lotto attempt, so management has gimcracked up a solution that they hope will prove one way or the other who's right—are we being racist or are niggers that stupid? We're going to do some science.

Each of us is given a block of already-QC'd work that one of the other members of the team did last week and this week; what we're to do is to look at this work, QC it fresh, and they're going to compare the notes and look for false positives. Two hours from end of shift, we're going to get a live feedback report, so meet back in the conference room later.

Fast forward through a lot of concentrated frustration QCing nothing but nigger work, in which a lot of muttered "c'mon, man" and "are you kidding me, how do you screw that up?!" can be overheard from "the doghouse", to the point where someone from the night data pool had to be assured that "it's not you, don't worry" Missing photo addenda, documents pulled from God knows where that are garbled gibberish, and literally a zero percent hit rate on files completely correct (our team average is over 80 percent on that metric, and the remaining 20 is usually minor corrections like a nitpick over something silly like a misused comma.)

We all take a 15-minute break at once right before the meeting...and catharsis ensues. "Can you believe that idiot?" "Is Taco Bell hiring? And if so, can they make sure he doesn't work at the one in my neighborhood?" "A trained chimp could do that job and he can't." And even, from one of our more crunchy-granola-bar group members, "they say we're racist, I don't care what color you are, that's just incompetence" (truth about niggers, kid. You'll learn it!)

And sure enough, the conference goes exactly as the best-case scenario would indicate. Big boss comes in, and to pick up that guy-in-the-hospital-waiting-room metaphor, this is like the surgeon coming out and saying "don't worry, the surgery was a complete success, we got all of it, your mother will make a complete recovery."

Turns out they waited until Friday because they're going to fire the nigger over the phone, just tell him "don't come in on Monday", deactivate his keycard, and alert building security to call the police if they see him on site. They didn't outright say "because we're pretty sure he'll chimp out and someone might get hurt." They didn't have to. It's a nigger buck. They know how niggers are when someone beez disrespekkin' dey ass.

And NAAN or Bureau of Land Management or whoever initiated this "youz be rayciss"? Their lawyers are getting a polite but firm "he was fired for cause and here's the data" if they push the point.

Saturday mornings are so much nicer when they're hard-earned, eh?

LawrenceOfAperabia, Niggermania 6 Comments [7/30/2017 2:44:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129932

You couldn't say the same about me, your statements are inherently dishonest, and you repeatedly try and pass blame.
I never said you should return to Africa, then you're asking for tickets? Black people were freed from slavery, but you're still working for white people, and white institutions.
I'm saying you need your own institutions like Malcome X said, like in Tulsa before the Whites burned it down.
Are you too stupid to see that what you've been doing hasn't been getting you anywhere? You have the naivite of a child. "Oh my we can all hold hands and live in harmony! Once racism is destroyed everything will be ok!"
Wake the fuck up, countries have repeatedly split because of ethnic differences, and in your case it's even worse because you were slaves. How can the children of slaves be happy working for the slave owners sons?
I'll never understand it, but you do your thing man, just try and have some self respect.

WeAreLegion1963, Reddit 3 Comments [7/30/2017 2:42:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 129908

The 55 Club have published a book that honours the great Aryan Hero Richard Scutari who remains in a US prison after being denied parole because he refuses to denounce his world-view and his ideals. Richard Scutari was a member of the Bruders Schweigen ('Silent Brotherhood'), also known as The Order. This group declared war upon the corrupt, deceitful and degenerate ruling powers of the USA which was openly seeking the destruction of the White Race. Every living creature, except the mass of our people, fights back with any means when it's freedom and survival is threatened.

Richard is a Wotanist and he works tirelessly to encourage our Folk to return to their roots and to honour their ancestors and gods. The book can be got from Amazon.co.uk and is a must for those who struggle for the freedom of their Folk and Nation. Not many give up their life for this struggle, as Richard has done, and this work serves to encourage others to work harder and harder, and to respond to the every more threatening situation that we are in today.

The book cover shows that Richard is being guarded and guided by Wotan, for those who have eyes to see! Wearing his Thor's Hammer with pride he faces up to the wyrd that the Norns set for him, and has never given in, nor never wavered in his strength of will. At 70 years old he is fit and active and exercises every day, performs yoga and meditation, something that should push us all to become fitter and ready for anything that is thrown at us. When we 'worship' the gods we do not bend the knee, for the true meaning of 'worship' means 'to emulate'; we emulate the deeds and ways of the Gods, and we emulate the deeds and the ways of the Great Heroes of our Folk.

Wulf Ingessunu, Woden's Folk 4 Comments [7/29/2017 12:06:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 129879

[Historical revisionism FTW!]

afrikans taught europeans to read and write!!!
Due to their undying love and thirst for education, thousands of years ago Afrikans (Blacks) in Egypt, which is and always has been in Afrika and Afrikan (Black at least in ancient times), established the Grand Lodge of Luxor, the world’s first university. It had virtually all-Afrikan professor-priests, who taught up to 80, 000 students, says one Black scholar, at all grade levels. So advanced was its curriculum, that the Grand Lodge sounds rather 21st century. Divided into five major departments, the curriculum included astronomy and astrology, geography and geology, and philosophy and theology.
If it had not been for the Moors, meaning “Blacks”, who ruled Spain for over 700 years ,the very idea of university life among Europeans (whites) may never have existed at all. For it was the Moors, natives of Afrika, who taught Europeans about aged medicine and about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle—three so-called Greek philosophers who learned all they knew from Afrikan priests, who were the real fathers of so-called Greek philosophy. The Moors also taught Europeans to take baths, which was seen as a sin by the Europeans before the Moors came and after they were kicked out of Spain the same year that Christopher Columbus made his famous sail “in 1492…across the ocean blue”. Interestingly, the Moors taught Europeans to wear underwear.
It was also the Moors or Blacks in Spain who established 70 public libraries and 17 famous universities in the 10th and 11th century when the rest of Europe scarcely had one single public library and only two famous universities. That was at a time in Europe when most Europeans (whites), including their kings, were illiterate and even the kings lived in their houses or barns without windows.
Meanwhile, in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, West Afrikan empire of Songhai, namely in the city of Timbuktu, at least one scholar has said that “university life was highly regarded and scholars were greatly respected.” At the center of Timbuktu’s academic life was the University of Sankore, which had Afrikan (Black) professors who were so intellectually sharp that they were qualified to teach at virtually any university in Afrika and Asia at the time. Consequently, students from areas throughout both Afrika and Asia flocked to them to learn from these learned men. As for the Arab (Asians, though often of Afrikan (Black) descent both then and now) would-be professors of that time, they often did not qualify to teach at Sankore because there were not proficient in and knowledgeable enough of the large curriculum that professors at the University of Sankore had to know.

denita d, Topix 5 Comments [7/29/2017 7:56:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 129874

(On a thread about a Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville. Someone posted an invitation to a counter protest, and this Internet Tough Guy responded.)

Zach Wachs Mark Rosen • 3 hours ago

I personally carry firearms when I attend events like this and as you well know it's our constitutional right not only to have free speech but also to defend ourselves. Any attacks on us could result in you getting your worthless head blown off. You people say were the violent ones and at the same time you confront us with violent intentions. We have an unlimited resource of weapons which we carry legally. Furthermore we have tons of former military and law enforcement members how are well trained. So go ahead and make threats to hurt us if you think it will work out for you but I can tell you now it won't.

Zach Wachs, SPLC Hatewatch 1 Comments [7/29/2017 7:55:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: DiarrheaMan

Quote# 129868

I smoke. I went outside to the smoke area on break. There was another white female there and there was only the 2 of us. We are smoking our cigs as fast as we can to get back to work and some crazy, female, nigger walks up to us.

The nigger has some sort of temp cast on her leg and is on crutches. Now, you got to understand, I work downtown in a big city and there are restaurants everywhere...StarBucks, fast food, bars, all sorts of things.

The nigger then proceeds to scream at me (why me?) that she is looking for a bafroom. She then screams she has diabetes and has to go right now. RIGHT NOW. Nigger says RIGHT NOW several times. As a niggermanic, the thought ran though my mind she just might squat there like an animal. She points at the restaurant next to where me and the other white female were smoking, and asks about this restaurant bathroom. Hell, I don't know. I don't eat out. I am too busy paying taxes to support her lifestyle. I tell the beast I do not know.

Nigger walks away screaming about crazy shit. Once the sheeboon was gone, I look at the younger white lady that was there smoking with me and said WTF? She says, yeah, why would I know? We laugh a bit about the stupidity of niggers.

Always gibs, always. Crazy niggers downtown. Never changes.

OK_Dokie, Niggermania 2 Comments [7/28/2017 2:26:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129851

Non-Satanists are disliked by Satan. Non-Satanists have been the cause of billions of lives lost due to their shifting away of the truth through out their whole lives. Who has served the jew in their countless wars? Who massacred the pagan aristocracy of Rome that gave way to the Jewish empire that continues to run to this day? Non-Satanists. They are scum and the worst of them are savages. Looking at the many non-satanists who have been tramped over by the jews is a common cause of doubt of this principle of Satanism.

Any mirage of a Non-Satanic enmity only arises from the Non-Satanists personal interest, which is why you see their efforts are always futile and in vain. A Satanist should re-read that explanation so as to get a thorough understanding of what a Non-Satanist is. Compare the achievements of Napoleon against Hitlers and you will see what a Satanist is capable of doing to the ARCH ENEMY and Tribal enemy of the White race the jews and what a Non-Satanic huckster does.

NaziMan12, Joy of Satan 3 Comments [7/28/2017 7:40:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129847

B from CA says:
Comment ID: 3678224
March 21, 2017 at 10:52 pm

Blacks are easy targets for conversion to Islam because it appeals to their feelings. Everything good has come from blacks, and whites are inferiors and Devils. Eighty per cent of conversions in prison are conversion to Islam. The blacks are being taught to hate white people. Millions of Blacks believe the most rediculous things. It would be funny if it were not so dangerous. Going to prison is a perfect place for recruitment. There are many books on the relationship between Blacks and Chews.

This is part of the Chew Communist Agenda to destroy America. This is a ChewWish globalist plot to enslave these Blacks once the Blacks take over and whites are too few to prevent it from happening. Waters is an affirmative action, left over from the glory days of the Black Panthers.

White people need to wake up. It’s the Chews behind promoting Blacks like Waters. Whether or not President Trump is or is not impeached is not the real core problem, is it.

B from CA, SHTFPlan 1 Comments [7/28/2017 7:40:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: DiarrheaMan

Quote# 129843

I was due for a phone upgrade so I headed into the city to get a new phone with a friend of mine who occasionally acts as an aide for me when he has time and our schedules mesh, as I don't have a power wheelchair.

We get to the store and are met by a lovely human lady who takes my info and old phone and asks which new device I want. I have already picked it out and she goes to transfer my data and files to the new phone and says she'll be back in 5 minutes. I sit in my chair at the counter waiting and talking with my friend when in walks Sheboonisha and her 50 inch ass.

She marches up to the counter where I am, grabs the wheelchair handles and SHOVES me out of the way. "Yo, Ahs be needin' sum serbiss!'

I blew up. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? You don't put your hands on me or my things. I was here first, take your nappy ass the fuck on." Oh dear. Now I get the head bob, indicating a chimpout is on the way. I look at my friend who is on his phone and seemingly not paying attention. Shit.

One of the other clerks runs out of the back and asks whats going on, and I explain what occurred. He looks at the wildebeest and tells her she'll have to wait her turn. SHe is not having any of that. She proceeds to call us both every racial slur she can come up with while screaming how racist WE are for not "respekkin'" her innate whatever. Just more lookame nigger bullshit. To his credit the clerk doesn't back down. He now tells her to leave the store and that nobody will be helping her today or ever.

She screams and cusses and trundles her big ass out the door just as the police pull up and my buddy grins at me. It finally dawned on me who he was on the phone with. Long story short, the wildebeest had warrants and went bye bye, I not only got a new phone but a free month of service and a half price headset out of the deal, and that store has earned my repeat business for not putting up with TNB.

Not the most exciting coontact, I know, but gotta love the happy ending.

Jysander, Niggermania 2 Comments [7/28/2017 7:40:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 129836

A comment on the music video for the World Party song, "Ship Of Fools"

Not true jews are bloodsucking parasites in all white countries and like muslims Mexicans and blacks who want to be gangsters have no right to be in America jew multiculturalism has turned Europe into a muslim shithole a white nationalist govt is best our bassplayer Carla put a feminazi Brazilian jew whore singer called Bibi Vogel aka Sylvia Kleiner right in her place in Key West in 1990 for saying my wife our keyboard player had a voice like Tata Vega and was using fraud a device called an Eventide Harmonizer to stop her voice drifting more than a 1/4 of a minor second sharp or flat saying she is high on coke and I looked like a drunk rapist playing drums, fucking mudshark?

stephen dwyer, YouTube 2 Comments [7/27/2017 9:41:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Hu's On First

Quote# 129833

Chase pete592 • a minute ago

There were no people here before Whites, just a bunch of Indians and buffalo

Chase, Media Matters For America 1 Comments [7/27/2017 9:40:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 129831

Chase BigBearcatBill • a few seconds ago

Not me or many many traditional conservative, the chamber of commerce cuckservatives worship money and they are a waste of White skin, they should all be arrested and put in labor camps and their assets given to the poor Mexicans they lured up here, after we deport them.

Chase, Media Matters For America 0 Comments [7/27/2017 9:40:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 129830

Jeff Sessions is a White hero and sticks up for his race even while giving all Americans equal treatment under the law. He instictively knows that nobody will want to live in this nation without the founding race playing a major part of it and even though he cant say it , he is a White nationalist by todays standards. He undertands that when this country was built all the way up to the 1960's ALL White Americans , democrats and republicans , were White nationalists because it was natural and their was no questioning it.

Chase, Media Matters For America 4 Comments [7/27/2017 9:40:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: DiarrheaMan

Quote# 129816

Adolf__HitIer, /r/incels 4 Comments [7/27/2017 1:55:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep
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