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Quote# 138469

Rotten muslima or pagan hindu....yet another undesirable heathen in DC


Exactly! She has no loyalty to America nor it's true citizens! She's an agent provocateur sent in by NWO globalist Anti-American shitbags!!!

We could get her to leave the country ASAFP! Put tariffs on curry!!!!!


Deport her stinking east Indian ass back to curryland


All of these bleeding heart idiots have no clue about the long term ramifications of their fucking virtue signaling.

They are either completely brain dead or are intentionally trying to turn the USA into a third world shithole...or both.

I have no quarrel with legal immigrants that file the paperwork and wait their turn.

The illegals need to be sent back across the border...via catapult...

Anonymous Cowards, Chip, Manosteel, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [6/30/2018 8:04:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 138467

Let me say this. Rather than be ashamed, I am proud to be white and of European descent. That’s right, I said it! I’m PROUD to be related, in a way that North African and Middle Eastern Muslims, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs and Pakistanis are not, to Dante, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Cicero, Sir Thomas Moore, da Vinci, Galileo, Copernicus, Bacon, Newton, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Darwin, Thoreau, Rembrandt, Hegel, Weber, Mill, Nietzsche, Booby Orr, Gordie Howe and Racine. The National Hockey League and the CN Tower says something to me which it can never say to “them.” You won’t see any hijabs or turbans or Chinese characteristics on those antique lithographs of the voyageurs and coureurs des bois paddling those beautiful birch-bark canoes.

In North America, the Trump Administration cannot deliver on their signature campaign promise: to build a wall on their southern border. It’s hard for me to understand how the Americans put up without a wall for so long. The RINO’s, the Chamber of Commerce and of course the Democrats see the future as brown. One seeks cheap, low and high skilled labour, the other, votes, to become the effective governing party, forever. Transferring money and power from whites to browns and blacks. This is a recipe for a dystopian third world hell-hole, not much different than India, Brazil and Africa. The point is, however, that if the Trump Administration can’t get their wall built, and Brexit can’t Brexit how do we, in Canada, expect to establish an immigration moratorium and repeal our Multiculturalism Act? Not very likely. We need contingency plans for a new homeland(s) inside Canada.

I’m an average Canadian and no modern-day Louis Riel but Canadians from the founding cultures need to look beyond a political solution and take heed of the events in South Africa; the UK, Sweden, Calais and throughout Western Europe. If Catalonia, Khalistan, Wakanda, “Farrakhanland,” Scotland, Kurdistan, Quebec, and “New” California, why not a homeland for European-Canadians in South-Western Ontario; the Maritimes; the Prairies, around Quebec City or the interior of beautiful British Columbia? It’s British Columbia, after-all.

A defined territory is crucial for the survival of an “ethny.” According to Dr. Frank Slater, “the special quality of a defended territory is that it insulates a population from the vicissitudes of demographic disturbances . . .” Acquisition and defense of territory, he argues, are therefore an integral part of the tribal strategy of humans. The passionate relationship between a people and its homeland has been constant throughout history. A people can suffer many setbacks, but as long as it retains its own territorial space, it can recover.[14]

In the long run, only territory ensures survival, and human history is largely a record of groups expanding and contracting, conquering or being conquered, migrating or being displaced by migrants. The loss of territory, whether by military defeat or displacement by aliens, brings ethnocide — precisely what is happening in “multicultural” Canada and throughout the West today. Also worth noting, Salter concludes that there is no evidence of so-called “hybrid vigor.” There is no increase in intelligence, health, life expectancy or creative ability in mixed-race populations. [15]

We can’t be accused of discriminating against people we don’t live with. The massive transfer of wealth and the $35B-$40B fiscal costs of immigration will disappear. We’ll never have to worry about being branded racists again. Taxes will decline, hospitals will become efficient again, and we’ll be able to move on our highways. Our environment will heal. We could banish employment equity plans and we might get lucky and find that many aliens self-deport. Go back home and be free at last from the terrible indignity of white racism. And take your employment equity plans with you! Here’s your hat, Hijab and turban, what’s your hurry?

Brian Wiggins, Eurocanadian  7 Comments [6/29/2018 1:15:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138457

Well you also have to realize, to some the negative associations with the south will always be there no matter how much we "Evolve". People are always gonna see us as hicks, im afraid. I think we've actually made progress but we'll always be a little different from other places. We're always going to have a right wing lean in much the same way as Cali is an SJW hive. If we can just learn we have different lifestyles to contend with on our side and not perpetuate stereotypes like in charlotsville and live n let live, and ya can let us do us to that extent, we good.

The flag is like any flag. It's always goin' to have crazy peoplr. Better to have it warts and all and strive to make it better. Totally silence them and you have....well, this mess.

beatles123, Wrestling Forum 1 Comments [6/29/2018 5:26:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 138453

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Primary defeat of fourth-ranking House Democrat a portent of the radical left takeover of the Democratic Party" https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/06/primary_defeat_of_fourthranking_house_democrat_a_portent_of_the_radical_left_takeover_of_the_democratic_party.html Boldface mine):

The Democrats pander to identity politics, now a white man lost to a Hispanic woman. This has been called Archie Bunker's district. The ethnic whites have been replaced by brown people. We have far too many brown people who do not think of themselves as American. And then there's the gangs. I not only oppose illegal immigration, I oppose legal immigration unless we change it back to bringing in white Europeans.

lel817, Realabortiondebate 1 Comments [6/29/2018 2:38:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138436

Re: Steven Mosher: China Refuses Refugees Due to Belief in ‘Ethnic Superiority’

The Chinese are proud of their racism.

Loving one's own people and having pride in their long history is not racist. White people are not allowed to tout their own successes, their accomplishments, their culture, their faith or their incredible history. To do so is to court the left's disdain and outright hatred for white people and the highly technological modern civilization they have built that encompasses all the peoples and nations of the world. We are not allowed to have pride in the great accomplishments of our ancestors. We are not allowed to even talk about our history or our great achievements. Why? To do so could make people of other races and cultures feel bad about their lack of achievement, their history that pales in comparison to our own. Yes, yes, I know, this comment will be called racist and that just proves my point, doesn't it?

(Sterns Peanus)
I believe a country has a right to protect its ethnic and cultural identity. How are we "diverse" if we are all forced to live together? Lets celebrate what makes us different and protect that...the only thing a melting pot produces is cheese wiz...

I love being pragmatic in the face of political correctness, so here
goes. How is a nation with an average of 105 IQ not superior to refugees
from countries with average 80 IQs? Seriously, I'd like to get an

I know when I was in high school, they said the average I.Q. in the U.S.A. was 120, today it is 98....and falling.....

Integration dumbed down the country. I am sorry to say but it is just a fact. They had to dumb down all the schools for the blacks. Whites and Asians are infact more intelligent on average and as a whole than other races and it is a scientific fact that can be proven objectively

(Water is wet)
Testosterone and sperm count way down.
Nature doesn't want the weak to procreate.

The only reason the civilized world want these people is for the cheap slave type labor...China already has a billion of those

(jon doe)
Its more than that. There are sick ideologues that want nothing short of ethnic replacement of white people. Out of pure racial hatred. And the muslims have their own agenda of course. And its always advancing islam.

That is nonsense. The reason china does not want immigrants from poor nations is that the immigrants bring with them behavior and attitude that is in conflict with chinese standards. The same with america, when you allow immigration from areas that do not value law and order, you create division. With billions in population china does not need foreign instigators bent on perverting the chinese. Imagine antifada groups starting clashes with billions of people. Treat china with respect it has been a civilization for 1000s of years. The arrogance of those who believe that they know whats best for china when they dont even live there.

(Hami Shearlie)
Funny how the Chinese are not shamed for shunning "diversity" - Japan aren't either. So why are European leaders telling their people that THEY MUST have diversity in their countries, and that the best way to do that, is to import millions of people who are violent, low IQ and follow the ravings of a 6th century mass murderer and who will drain the resources of the country and never work? Why is it that only white people are condemned for wanting to protect their families from invading people who do not want to assimilate and many who would do them harm?

various commenters, Breitbart 0 Comments [6/28/2018 1:31:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138435

[Lyrics for Quit Your Bitchin' Nigger! by Johnny Rebel]

Quit your bitchin' nigger and just let things be
You're messin' up big time take it from me
Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due

'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you

For forty-somethin' years you've been raisin' all hell
And niggers that ain't enough
We're all gettin' mighty fed up with you
And all of your civil rights stuff
Don't you love this country, either you do or you don't
If you ain't happy, then what the hell do you want

Hey quit your bitchin' niggers and just let things be
You're messin' up big time take it from me
Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due
'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you

You got money and jobs and your equal rights
Given by the government
You got welfare, food stamps, a medical card
And sometimes a little free rent
You just keep begging, takin' everything we've got
Well damn you nigger, don't you think it's time to stop

So quit your bitchin' niggers and just let things be
You're messin' up big time take it from me
Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due
'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you

Lately you're yelling 'bout our rebel flag
Wantin' us to take it down
It represents our history and southern pride
And rebel blood on the grass
So go to hell nigger, I'm tellin' ya loud and clear
It ain't comin' down, the rebel flag is stayin' right here

Hey quit your bitchin' niggers and just let things be
You're messin' up big time take it from me
Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due
'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you
'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you

Johnny Rebel, Musixmatch 1 Comments [6/28/2018 7:42:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138380

Commenting on an article posted entitled "'Hateful' woman threatened to call police on 8-year-old for selling water, mom says" (https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/news/story/mom-hateful-woman-threatened-call-police-year-selling-56134800). Boldface mine:

This is not worthy of being a national news story. Why is this woman being called hateful? This is only controversial because the girl is black and the media loves stories they can portray as white racism, real or invented. I don't know why the woman responded as she did, but I'm sure it had nothing to do with the girl's race and she doesn't deserve death threats and such. People need to get lives and stop joining in social media mobs with the purpose of shaming people who are perceived to have done or said something politically incorrect. This goes to show there is such a paucity of actual white racism, that this is what the social justice warriors are left with. If there was so much genuine racism, it would easily be exposed and there would be no need to grasp at straws to find it.

lel817, Realabortiondebate 1 Comments [6/27/2018 4:10:55 AM]
Fundie Index: -3

Quote# 138398

The American news media have apparently just realized that when foreigners illegally enter the United States in the company of their minor children and get arrested, those children are temporarily separated from them. It would be surprising if it were otherwise: keeping the children with their parents would require throwing them in jail as well. It would hardly be fair to punish minors for the acts of their parents, so they are accommodated separately. We are now being told this amounts to “ripping families apart” and “child abuse.”

I would like to draw attention to a passage quoted in a review essay of mine from The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2007, regarding children forcibly separated from their fathers through divorce. Such children, we read,

expressed the wish for increased contact with their fathers with a startling and moving intensity….The most striking response among six-to-eight-year-old children was their pervasive sadness. The impact of separation appeared so strong that the children’s usual defenses and coping strategies did not hold sufficiently under stress. Crying and sobbing were not uncommon…. More than half of these children missed their father acutely. Many felt abandoned and rejected by him and expressed their longing in ways reminiscent of grief for a dead parent…In confronting the despair and sadness of these children and their intense, almost physical, longing for the father, it was evident that inner psychological needs of great power and intensity were being expressed.

This has been allowed to go on every day in America—year in, year out—and no major media outlet has yet seen fit to treat it as newsworthy. Today, however, the nation is awash in maudlin sentimentality over the unavoidable inconveniences suffered by the children of foreign lawbreakers because of their parents’ crimes.

If American children victimized by family courts have less claim upon our attention and sympathy, it would appear to be because their suffering cannot be used to further the project of deconstructing the historical United States. What the liberal establishment really wants is open borders.

F. Roger Devlin, Occidental Observer 1 Comments [6/26/2018 10:10:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138390

If America didn't act like Israhell's Big Brother, the yids in Israhell would crumble like a stale cookie.

That's why it's so important to cleanse America by getting rid of the Jews. Then the Arabs could deal with Israhell, and the Jews could make use of those nuclear bombs they've been hoarding.

No Jews, no Arabs. Problem solved!

three in one, Stormfront 2 Comments [6/26/2018 2:24:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138389

I had a friend over for dinner who shared a nigger coontact he had when he went to Vegas for a convention. This happened a few years ago, and while he wasn’t a niggermaniac at that time, it sure turned him into one afterward...He was working for a title company and the company had a convention in Vegas. It would be a 3-day event and he decided to drive there with a couple of co-worker friends who helped split the gas bill. He managed to book a nice room at a hotel and he was looking forward to the stay.

Just days before leaving, a recently-hired nigger in the company asked if he could join his carpool. My friend said sure, no problem, as he had one extra seat left, and he let the nigger know how much he would be expected to contribute for splitting the gas bill...the nigger looked relieved to find a ride and agreed. I’ll spare much of the long story, but the nigger wouldn’t shut up talking during the entire car trip to Vegas (which was several hours)..the nigger yammered on ad nauseum about this being its first trip to Vegas and how it was looking forward to the nightlife there and getting sum action etc...he had stinky breath which lingered in the air of the car, like bad body odor...pretty disgusting...he cranked up the air conditioning to mitigate the smell, and other car passengers offered him some chewing gum to help the nigger freshen its breath, but it didn’t help much.

My friend was glad to finally reach Vegas in the late evening and be done with listening to the nigger (who was west African with a thick African accent). They arrived at the hotel checkin desk and my friend was collecting his key and preparing to go to his room when his nigger coworker was heard loudly chimping out at the checkin manager (apparently the nigger’s reservation via the online booking system never went through properly and they didn’t have a room for him, even though the nigger had a reservation receipt) it was convention time in Vegas so everything was booked up solid. The checkin mgr apologized but offered to check with other hotels to find the nigger a vacancy elsewhere.

My friend turned away and went up to his room, glad to have some quiet downtime, and after the long drive he was looking forward to soaking in the tub and settling down for the night...about 30 mins later there was a knock at his room door, and it was the nigger co-worker, who coonplained about the hotel messing up his reservation and they could not find another hotel with a vacancy since it was during a peak in convention season...so he pleaded with my friend if he could stay the night in his room until he could get things sorted out with the hotel the next morning. My sleepy friend reluctantly agreed...the nigger had to sleep on the floor.

Again, the nigger kept yammering and coonplaining about the hotel messing up his reservation, made lots of noise settling down for sleep, and my friend had a fitful night’s sleep because the nigger snored alot and also talked in its sleep...The next morning, the nigger took its sweet time getting showered and dressed to leave for the convention, making my friend late in the process, as he didn’t want to leave ahead and leave the nigger alone in his hotel room with his belongings and luggage there...

The nigger was able to secure another room for the following night, so the nigger moved out and my friend finally had the room to himself again, but he worried about having to give the nigger a ride back home in his car after the convention was over...he dodged the nigger throughout the convention, and managed to steer clear of the nigger so he would not feel compelled to give the nigger a ride back...he wasn’t sure how the nigger managed to get home from Vegas, but it probably sponged a ride home with some other coworker...That experience with the nigger helped turn him into more of a niggermaniac...

GROIDSSUCK, Niggermania 1 Comments [6/26/2018 2:23:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138388

Living in San Diego, we have one of the best things ever, Roberto's Taco Shop. Folks, you have not experienced a taco until you had one of these amazing greasy cheese and beef filled gifts from heaven. No sit down restaurant can compare. It is the Mexican equivalent of your first Inn-N-Out burger experience. Roberto's Tacos is to Taco Bell is what Inn-N-Out is to McDonald's...I'll leave it at that.

One of the other benefits of a Roberto's Taco shop I have noticed is that niggers don't come in too often. Well unfortunately one came in yesterday. I am sitting down waiting for my food, and the knuckledragger came in. It ordered a taco, got it's receipt and stepped over to the drink fountain. It pulled out a solo cup from it's hoodie pocket and filled it up with a soda it did not pay for while it's taco was being cooked. I had to say something, and since I'm a regular I know the counter guy, Carlos, pretty well. I told him what the nigger did.

Well when it's taco was ready, Carlos called the number. When the nigger went up to get it's taco, Carlos said that will be $2.19. The nigger started ooking it already paid for the taco. Carlos told it, yes you did - but you are not getting it until you pay us $2.19 for the drink. It tried to tell Carlos it got water, which is when I chimed in "No you didn't. I watched you pour a Coke". I could tell it wanted to chimpout so I just stared it down. Carlos once again said "that will be $2.19, Sir". I would not have called it Sir, but Carlos is a gentleman I guess. Well the nigger said "I'z gots no mo money". Carlos said you should have thought about that before you stole the soda and told it to leave. It oooked and eeked about it paying for the taco again and Carlos just said, "I'll call the police and see what they say about this". It left right away without it's taco...so I'm sure it had warrants.

Carlos and I laughed and he gave me the taco the nigger paid for. I think that is the first time in my life I got something from a nigger. I took it and enjoyed it since it's paws never touched it....while I was eating it, I just thought who brings their own cup to fast food places to steal a $2 soda --- only niggers. Hopefully it will never come back.

TheyStink, Niggermania 2 Comments [6/26/2018 2:23:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138387

I live in a farming community and buy my produce at a farm store. On my way down the dirt path to the store I counted about 12 nigs working in the fields. Picking tomatoes, picking melons, picking squash, picking snap beans, the kind of work they are perfectly suited for. I get to the farm store and there's not a single nigger to be seen. Genteel southern charm exudes from the old lady working the counter, her granddaughter and son also work there.

Everything was yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir. A nigger came up to the back door of the store with a basket full of cucumbers and waited there quietly, waiting to be recognized. It never knocked, or spoke. The son saw him, walks back to open the door and takes the basket, the nigger never uttered a word or attempted to enter the store. He returned back to the fields to continue his labor. I stood in utter amazement at how well trained their niggers were. If I closed my eyes I could just about imagine how life was on the plantation in the early 1800's. How can one yearn for a time they have never lived in? But I yearn, yearn for those genteel southern times of plantation life before the war of Northern aggression.

Reloader, Niggermania 1 Comments [6/26/2018 2:23:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138345

Drawing the contrast with blacks and browns isn't so hard; they're just observably inferior. Where it gets interesting is with East Asians, particularly the Japanese. The Chinese seem to have the capacity to mimic, but not to create. I suspect they are primarily lacking intrapersonal intelligence: they simply aren't fully conscious. The Japanese, however, are a highly creative people; alien to the European mind, to be sure, but they show every sign of being equivalently conscious to the European, of being fundamentally on an equal footing. I suspect much could be learned via a detailed contrast of the two.

Astrofrog, Eurocanadian  0 Comments [6/26/2018 6:56:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138344

I agree with a lot of what you said, but the Japanese are not as creative as you think they are. I lived in Japan for a few months and studied Japanese language and culture extensively, and I can say that they are good at making things better and reliably, but have zero creativity, because they are still fundamentally Asian, and while we were programmed with thousands of years of Christianity for example, they were pumped with Chinese Confucianism for thousands of years as well, where deference to elders and the group at large, rote learning and having qualifications were and still are front and centre. The Chinese are like this as well, but they are only as good as and a product of their manpower and lack the "island mentality" and any refinement that the Japanese developed. But I respect the Japanese very much, as in my mind, they are the only non-European country that figured things out, and managed to develop to a very high standard, in their own authentic Japanese way.

WhenInRome, Eurocanadian  0 Comments [6/26/2018 6:56:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138343

I really respect the Japanese, but I think creativity is more than about being good at something that other's don't engage in. That's like saying the Africans are really creative because they make ceremonial voodoo masks, and that's an example of high art. To be creative it has to be outside the box that others simply are unable to do, because they take years of honing and experimentation within your own society. For anime and manga, it's not difficult to do, there just needs to be a desire to write and create such works, especially on a large scale. Hollywood could just as easily stick to traditionally animated films and they would be comparable to Japanese anime (ignore the fact that Hollywood is currently a cess pool). And let's be honest, Japanese fashion sense, especially that of Harajuku, is horrible except for the classy ladies. Very good at what they do, yes, but creative... I think I need more convincing.

WhenInRome, Eurocanadian  0 Comments [6/26/2018 6:55:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138323

Gypsies have always been a burden on the Italian people. They made their way into Italy from India hundreds of years ago (most sources point to the 1400’s) and have been sucking our lifeblood ever since. When they aren’t acting like drunken fools, they can often be found pick pocketing tourists on trains.

If Matteo Salvini keeps his promises, then we can move one step closer to Social Nationalism in Italy. We badly need this, as we are a decaying country. Expelling all gypsies is just one piece of a massive overhaul needed in society. This is an excellent first step.

CARLO ABRUZZI, Forza Nuova USA 0 Comments [6/26/2018 6:48:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138321

The fact that these T-Heads or Niggers were going around & doing this with immunity shows the current state of the " Anglo - Englishmen " A Perverted & Cowardly Creature. You have to ask yourself a simple ? - If these Muslims or Whatever were doing this ( I Believe They Were Knowing their Mentality ) How many of these women have Fathers, Brothers, Boyfriends or Husbands. And what did they do after finding this out ? NOTHING !

As I said before the Anglo-Englishmen Today (And Women) is a Perverted Creature who gets what they Deserve ! If you had Anglo Guts & Pride in doing whats Right & Good you would Identify Yourselves wearing BNP T-Shirts. Form your own Packs ! And when something like this occurs Team- Up & Hunt down the Scumbags & Beat -em so bad that they won't ever have their faculty's the same again !

Mark Sheridan, Facebook 0 Comments [6/26/2018 6:43:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138320

The New York Times review happily stated without equivocation that "the evidence of black superiority in athletics is persuasive and decisively confirmed on the playing field". Some journalists added that White people only dominate sports that require expensive equipment, such as golf, sailing, hockey. Others surmised that without "the economic gap", without "racist control" of the economy by whites, blacks would dominate every single sport.

Actually, the only condemnations came from the academic world. The author Jon Entine, thought to be White but really a Jewish guy from Australia, was accused of perpetuating the stereotype that blacks are good in athletics but not in academics.

They are all lying. The scientific evidence is decisive: Whites, both males and females, dominate almost all the competitive sports. Blacks are very good in some sports, the sports that American media moguls love to showcase, basketball and football. They are also dominant in some athletics, but mainly just running. They are not good in all jumping competitions, white males and females absolutely dominate the pole vault Olympic medals.

The constantly repeated phrase that "white men can't jump" is a another lie of the establishment: White athletes have dominated the high jump. Just check the male and female Olympic medalists.

As far as "major sports" are concerned: Whites dominate Hockey and Soccer and Tennis and Golf, and, to a considerable degree, Baseball as well. The majority of the top 100 Soccer players in the world are white. While some blacks have been excellent at Baseball, in a very good assessment "ranking the 25 best Baseball players of all time", Whites outnumber non-whites 20 to 5.

Whites dominate ALL the Winter Olympic sports: alpine skiing, luge, short track speed skating, biathlon, freestyle skiing, skeleton, and snowboarding, bobsleigh, curling, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, figure skating and speed skating.

The ten most successful nations in the Winter Olympics are all White nations.

White males and females also dominate the Summer Olympics. Nine of the ten nations with the most Olympic medals are White. It is true that a few of the medalists in these White nations are black. But aside from a few competitions in athletics, whites have decisively dominated Triathlon, Swimming, Archery, Water Polo, Canoeing and Kayaking, Cycling, Wrestling, Gymnastics, Equestrian, Fencing, Field hockey, Handball, Lacrosse.

They have been very competitive, and sometimes dominant, in all the other competitions, such as Boxing, Running, Volleyball, and Judo.

Almost all the "all-time top 25 decathlon athletes" are White. Yes, Aston Eaton is ranked number 1, but he is half white, and the second and third in rank are white.

Therefore, Jon Entine's claim that blacks athletes are genetically "better at sprinting, endurance running and jumping" is false. They are clearly better at sprinting only — and not always

Ricardo Duchesne , Eurocanadian  1 Comments [6/26/2018 6:43:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138350

The Schlomo-Shitlib Axis convulsed themselves into a heavy menstrual flow this past week over the Fake Atrocity of bawlin’ beanlets being temporarily separated from their beaner parents for processing by border control officials. The real atrocity is of course the child abuse committed by the parents for hauling their leetle darleengs across hundreds of miles of hot desert, beset by child smugglers, cartel murderers, rapists, and pedophiles at every pit stop, passing through the non-shithole country of Mexico en route to invading the oppressively racist country of America, to live la vida loco.

Naturally, Trump and his supporters are to blame for being Nazis or something. The media said so. It’s all connected. You just have to abandon your senses of sanity and hyperbole.

So many leftoid crocodile tears shed for bawlin’ beanlets dragged by their parents thousands of miles away from their homelands, while not a single tear spared for poor White kids who live a few towns over. Tears for the former are grace and empathy personified, while tears for the latter are gauche. That’s how moral enlightenment looks once refracted through the twisted shitlib mind.

“How dare you?” shrieks the anchorshitlib in high dudgeon when her Void-Cunt Conformism Test is defied by a wompin’ White man whose sympathies are more realistically and sincerely situated closer to home. “These poor (brown) children are being separated from their parents! IT’S A NATIONAL DISGRACE,” she screams through red face and eyes bulging with fire and brimstone. To which the only needed response is, “lol suk a dik, you leftoids are off your rockers. ‘Tender age’ kids are separated every day from their parents…it’s called elementary school!”


But the shitlib won’t stop her descent into infantilism. There’s too much at stake, such as the much better moral high she can get from effortlessly sympathizing with faraway people who don’t look like her. Sympathizing with kin closer to home comes with expectations of real assistance, and why work for her hit of methamphetapreen when she can emote ineffectually over illegal aliens who can only trip her guilt from a distance.

The poster beanlet for this virtue signaling mass hysteria is a toddler girl who was photographed…wait for it…crying. Yes, stop the presses, a toddler was crying. It’s the next Watergate. Or Waterworks.

The aztot immediately became iconic to one half of the country. She was even featured on a Time fagazine cover:


The suspiciously coordinated Chaimstream Media moved quickly to action to give their shitlib audience what it craved: a narrative injection about no good, very bad, horribly racist BadWhites and the evil Trump Administration tearing a little crying girl from her mother. Never mind that the separation policy is twenty years old, enforced by Gay Mulatto and Trump alike.

Yellow journalism isn’t the right term for what’s going on today with the media, which is much worse than mere sensationalism. The media is now into passing off lies and suppressing truths to whip up fervor among their remnant shitlib followers in the hopes of inciting either an impeachment or an assassination of Trump. It’s that bad.

Manufactured emotionalism is the Chaimstream Media’s sole purpose now. Truth? Objectivity? Journalistic ethics? Sanity? Toss it in the bin, because the only thing that matters is winding up a bunch of hysterical cat ladies, urban sluts, and soyboys over the phony plight of foreign invaders who use their kids as “get into the US free” props. The media’s mottos can be condensed to “Anything to Get Trump” and “No Lie Too Big”.

It only took a day of media fluffing to give Shitlib America wood. Protests erupted. Celebrities jizzed themselves in ropes of self-righteous indignation. Trump officials were hounded out of restaurants and leftists threatened ICE patriots with bodily harm on Twatter (account suspensions delayed pending review of what level of incitement to violence is permissible if the threat is carried out by a leftoid…turns out, quite a lot).

But a funny thing happened (again) during this combo platter two minutes hate + two minutes sanctimony: the central figure — the core conceit — of the shitlib narrative collapsed, and made a farce of what was already a sham.

The bawlin’ beanlet was never separated from her mother.

The morbid humor doesn’t stop there. In the midst of the anti-Trump frenzy, ethical journalists at the Daily Caller and Breitbart reported a host of details that put the lie to every cherished mythology of the Left in their manufactured crisis du jour.


Trump was right. They really aren’t sending their best.

(left unstated: the toddler grows up to be a fat waddling adult bean who gives birth to five ms-13 gang members. #GenesMatter #RaceMatters)

Even when the Left thinks they have scored a battlefield victory, their delusions are exposed by the countervailing facts that inevitably surface a few sanity-check days later to put the lie to their anti-White narrative.

It’s almost clockwork-like now:

a propaganda photo of Browns Behaving Heartwarmingly goes viral
shitlibs celebrate their good fortune at getting the chance to once again paternalistically emote over a nonWhite while denouncing Trump and TrumpWhites who insufficiently grovel before the Equalism Monolith
a disingenuous moral panic ensues, recharging shitlib batteries depleted by the Trumpening and the creeping realization that their noble savage worldview is on the verge of implosion
as shitlib menstrual cycles are synchronizing, a trickle and then a deluge of contradicting facts escapes from dissident media outlets, destroying any slim justification for the shitlib hysterics
shitlibs and their media symbiote ignore the contradicting facts, pretending their entire narrative wasn’t just discredited (but enough realtalk pierces their bubbles that another bout of cogdis pushes them one step closer to the funny farm)

That last item is important, because it’s proof that shitlibs don’t really care about the bawlin’ beanlets. If they really cared about the leetle crying beanlet, they would express relief that she wasn’t actually separated from her mother. They would be happy that their worst fear wasn’t realized. Instead, they ignore the heartening news to continue slandering Trump with the melodramatic blood libel that he’s building concentration camps for the saints.

The Great Bawlin’ Beanlet Hoax of 2018 was always about Trump and what he and his followers represent: a disturbing lack of faith in the value of histrionic anti-White moralism. It was, yet again, a theatrical piece of agitprop around which shitlibs could coalesce into an uptalking choir of smarmy self-righteousness revealing an increasingly fragile superiority complex over those deplorable Whites who don’t commute to work via bike lane. Every modren day madness roiling the Hajnalsphere is just another front in the IntraWhite War.

It’s virtue signaling all the way down. Don’t let the torrent of tears fool you. (For one, shitlibs cry over anything. They aren’t known for emotional continence.) The tears aren’t for the children; the tears are for other shitlibs: briny droplets of estrogen that serve as club membership dues and backstage passes to polite society. When the tears streak in unison, shitlibs experience something akin to a mass hypnotic event; their atomized striver existence is, for a brief window, mutually connected to a larger community and social purpose that evokes a feeling of religious transcendence and earthy authenticity which they commonly lack and consequently endlessly try-hard to achieve.

In truth, children have always only ever been one of two things to the typical White shitlib: inconveniences, or soldiers to recruit for the cause. Satanic, really.

The scum who pushed the Bawlin’ Beanlet blood libel on gullible Whites by exploiting a bug in their high trust, guilt-based, empathobesic code should be reminded up front and as often as possible that America is not the fucking daycare center of the world. Beanlets separated from their parents because the parents tried to invade a foreign country? PARENTS’ FAULT. Claiming anything else is simply opportunistic moralism leveraged to tactical advantage by SWPL elites and sub-elites desperate to keep out of their halls of power and striver circles any incursions by declassé Whites riding a wave of revolutionary churn.

A slim majority of Americans is sane enough to understand the moral calculus, but a disconcertingly large minority prefers moral inversion, because the goal here isn’t moral clarity. It’s battlefield advantage. Precursors to Civil War 2…

CH, Chateau Heartiste 3 Comments [6/24/2018 6:14:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138347

Varg is the breeding example of european future. He is actually doing it for real. Fuck (((their))) political game, its just a jerk around. There are tons of detractors out ther trying to spread petty memes, probably the Lidl bread is one of them. You should try to read Marie Cashet book Sv3rige and not let the hords of imbicil memers hinder you.. and any sober resercher would know by know that hebrew way is to abominate our european spirit, they've been at it for millenia.

With ((their)) he means the Jews

Bölvekr Norman, Youtube 0 Comments [6/24/2018 6:13:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138286

I took the day off to relax at the pool for a while at the apartments where I live. There is a really nice gas grill inside the pool area, and here comes a couple of niggers with 10 packs of buns, a couple of large coolers, and a stack of foam plates a foot and a half tall. Soon they were cooking burgers and chiggun wangs and legs like they were going to cater a large event. Not long afterwards about 30 or more niggers showed up for the big party. They must have put the word out on social media because it happened pretty quickly. I knew they didn't live there because I didn't recognize any of them, and even if there were a renter or two there, we are only allowed a couple of guests at the pool for each resident, and private parties aren't allowed there.

So I placed a call to my neighbor, who also lives there, and told him there were a lot of trespassers at the pool. He just happens to be a cop. In fifteen minutes time there were four police officers there. They couldn't have gotten there any faster if there were a major crime occurring. When the niggers saw the police they were shoving food down their greedy gullets like whales feeding on small fish and gathering to go plates as fast as they could go as the cops told them to get out.

They all filed out in a line like black ducklings, jumped into their hoopties and left the property, because of course they don't live there. That party would have gone all night without human intervention. There were no chimpouts though, and that was shocking, but I had just ruined about 30 niggers whole day with a phone call. That's about one of the most satisfying feelings I have had in a long time!

Stankassnignog, Niggermania 3 Comments [6/22/2018 8:09:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138305

The third world invasion of the West is relentless.

In Europe, the globalists want Islam as the one-world religion and so they continue to allow ‘migrants’ to pour in and change cultures. In America, we are told we are immoral for not letting children of lawbreakers reunite with their parents and come in without consequence. In effect, globalist politicians such as Pelosi are demanding open borders. They know open borders will allow more and more ‘refugees’ will pour in and demand free stuff.

No need for them to respect our country’s Constitution, laws or culture. No need for them to learn English and try to blend in and succeed when we’re giving them free stuff and services. They will vote for Democrats, and globalist socialism. They will vote to take away our guns. That’s all that matters to Pelosi’s ilk.

Fight the unhinged Left and MSM with Cartoons that bite! Support us

World populations continue to grow. Africa is expected to reach 2.6 billion people by 2050. That will no doubt mean a lot more human suffering. Is it the west’s duty to take them all in? It all boils down to egalitarianism. The left consider themselves morally superior to conservatives. That is, they want to ‘help’ people. They are good because they want to help everyone all over the world. They want globalism first. They tell us we are bad (“Nazis!”) because we want America first.

The collectivist left are very good at virtue signaling. Right now they’re aiming their self-righteous outrage toward President Trump for ‘hurting immigrant children.’ Never mind the fact that Obama had the same policy.

Since a child’s suffering is the most unbearable, we must let in all children from anywhere in the world—along with their parents. We must have open borders because someone somewhere is in need. That’s the left’s attitude.

It must give them a God-like sense of power that they’re able to help so many people. Only they don’t do it directly. They always enlist big government force to extract money from taxpayers to make that endless stream of have nots ‘equal’ to the haves. In the end, such socialism makes everyone becomes equal by making everyone poor.

It’s time to build that wall!

Signed Lock Them Up! Order Now

Post by Ben- Cartoon by Tina

Share a “coffee” (small pay pal donation) with Ben AND Tina

Tina Toon and Ben Garrison, Grrrgraphics.com 4 Comments [6/22/2018 1:27:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138289

[Post titled "All Human Beings Have Equal Worth"]

The Big Lie of Leftism, exposed. Courtesy of Jay in DC.

PS what man in his right mind would PoundMeToo that thing? (bill cosby) okay, besides him.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 7 Comments [6/22/2018 12:19:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138284

Nazis were not against other races that whites. Hitler had one of the most racially diverse army the world has ever seen, He had at least 150 000 Jews or half-Jews, 60 000 Arabs, blacks, Asians, Indians and more. Hitler talked about the rights of Palestinian people (there is an audio-recording on YouTube),and once there was a time when many African Blacks named their children after Hitler because he fought for them as well. Hitler know about the Kalergi plan: a plan to destroy racial diversity for the benefits of the Jewish capitalist and communist elite.

"The man of the future will be mixed-race... The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future...will replace the diversity of peoples...Russian (Jewish) Bolshevism constituted a divisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country... The general stuff of both... are recruited from Europe's spiritual leader race, the Jews. "
"From the European quantity people... the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry... both believe in their mission, or their better blood... The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future mobility." -Coundenhove-Kalergi, Charlemagne prize winner

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." - Adolf Hitler

"German-racialism has been deliberately distorted. It never was anti-"other race" racialism. It was pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and health in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates, of it was his power not to have them.Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that the German families be healthy, cared that they raise health children for the renewal of a health nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble ideal. National Socialist racialism was not against the their races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all the other races did the same for themselves."-Leon Degrelle, Belgian politician and SS wafen officer
"In these countries, in the so-called democracies, its people is by no means the main focus of attention. What really matters is exclusively the existence of this group of ‘democracy makers.’ That is, the existence of a few hundred (((giant capitalists))) who own all the factories and shares and who, ultimately, lead the people" - Adolf Hitler
"These are the vermin who make their fortunes through war. I have no reason to wage war for material considerations. For us, it is but a sad enterprise: it robs us, the German Volk and the whole community, of so much time and man power. I do not posses any stocks in the armament industry. I do not earn anything in this fight. I would be happy if we could work again as I used to work for my Volk. But these international war criminals (Zionist elite) are at the same time armaments industry's greatest black marketeers. They own the factories, they make the business." - Adolf Hitler?

I Know How You Feel, YouTube 6 Comments [6/21/2018 1:49:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Vman

Quote# 138281

Psychological projection: When hysterical shitlibs accuse Trump and his White supporters of genocide for temporarily separating foreign invader parents from their children for processing, while the shitlibs ram through open border policies that guarantee the displacement and dispossession of native stock White Americans.

Heartiste, Gab 3 Comments [6/21/2018 1:49:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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