Quote# 140623
I look around me, and I see my family, my people. I live in a white pocket in the Midwest United States. I love this. I love these people. I don't ever want this to change, indeed, I want it to spread. But that isn't going to just... happen. We've all just sat idly by waiting for non-whites to adopt our way of living, not realizing that they just don't want to. The supreme arrogance of the western man was his assumption that the rewards he has reaped for himself can be shared with those who did not earn it. Freedom, the Republic, Westernism, our very way of life. But they don't want it. Arabs don't want a Secular Republic; that's why they always replace them with Theocratic Dictatorships. Africans can't handle the nation-state; that's why there's always famines and war. The European fails to see that the world not only doesn't want his values, but also wants him dead. To us who recognize this arrogance, it seems hopeless.
But it isn't. The European is the one who tamed the world. The Spaniard discovered a New World and spread their language and customs to all of South and Central America, and even parts of Asia. The Frenchmen revolted against an oppressive regime that used God as an excuse to oppress its own people. The Anglo-Saxon tamed the whole damn world in a never-ending quest for domination. The German fought against adversity from all sides to finally unite into a single state. The Italian helped to build the "west" as we know it, first with the Roman Empire, then as a hub of Christian influence. The Greek also helped to created this all, to establish the ideals of the west, and fought hard against foreign oppressors to regain freedom for their people. The Slav has made impressive conquests eastward and has endured centuries of misrule, either from genocidal Germans or Turks, (((Communists))), or just plain corrupt dictators, and has emerged with a staunch will to never falter again. The Magyar has not always been a European, but has joined the ranks through quality of character and ready embracement of everything that makes the west, "the west." The Norseman has struggled through adversity, and may well falter in times coming, but has always emerged strong, even against its all-conquering neighbors.
So, back to my first statement, about how I have to find faith in something other than God. After seeing our history, and how we compare to others, I can only come to the conclusion that the only thing I can put my faith in is, truly, the Iron Will of the European. Hard times are coming, but, as always, we will emerge victorious. I can only hope that, this time, we don't long to share our victory.
Hulk Hogan, brothers. May the European and the West never be broken.
Reddit 5 Comments [9/25/2018 1:10:29 PM]
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