Quote# 74011
Liberal women have been afforded only one real right by liberals. The right to kill their offspring.
Liberal women are almost always overweight, blowzy, baggy eyes, mannish, and make sure their hair hasn't been washed in months. They do this because they think it makes them appear more intellectual. After all, a woman has to be like a man to get anywhere. The libs are about as bad as the Taliban. The lib is so archaeic that they still buy into the old belief that a pretty woman is always stupid.
Yes, they are jealous because the conservative woman is truly liberated. They are smart, proud to be good looking and can even do things men do and still be feminine and sexually attractive. The conservative woman can even have her baby with pride and do not see it as a burden.
Free Republic 102 Comments [6/24/2010 3:59:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 123
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain