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Quote# 80416

First, there is no such thing as marital rape. Once consent is formally given in public ceremony, it cannot be revoked; the form in which marital consent is revoked is well-established. It is called divorce. This isn't a religious issue, although many on both sides will attempt to view it that way, it's a simple matter of when consent is revocable and the specific form that revocation must take. I invite those who believe that consent may always be granted and revoked at will to consent to join the U.S. Army, then attempt to withdraw their consent. That should serve to clarify the matter for them; one hopes they will enjoy their extended holiday in Afghanistan. The attempt to create a legal concept of "marital rape" is no less than an attempt to destroy the basic concept of marriage. If the husband or the wife has no more claim to the spouse's body than anyone else, then the marital vows are meaningless and the marriage is a charade. Once consent is withdrawn, the marriage has ended.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 140 Comments [4/3/2011 6:17:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 232
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