Quote# 84000
@ Craig
You might want to reconsider your position in light of this fact, if you want children you don’t need a woman in your life at all, just some money.
Hire a surrogate and be happy.
Why don’t you do it? I believe men have a romantic notion of wife and family.
That has been a very nasty bit of fraud perpetrated on men for over a century.
You do not need a wife, a wife today is a major liabilty, like having cancer (and this is a serious analogy, think about it, a growth of cells that consumes, does not contribute, then, if your lucky is painfully removed leaving you injured for life).
The Spearhead 69 Comments [9/27/2011 2:58:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: Balthazar The Wise