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Quote# 86453

[Response to a comic mocking Pick-Up Artists and the practice of tearing down a woman's self esteem to make her vulnerable]

This is bullshit. So we are suppose to equate ANY AND ALL attempts to pick up, go out with, or otherwise "score" with a girl as misogyny against or objectification of women? Further, we are also suppose to believe that acting on these ideas is simply a mental defect in our brains completely insurmountable; ie. If you cannot get a girlfriend, its because there is something wrong with your brain?

In an ideal world you'd be able to be honest and straight with women about your intentions and eventually everything would work out. Do you want to date? You would get a simple yes/no answer. You want casual sex? Also a yes/no answer. ANY guy who has put himself out there knows this peaches and roses scenario does not exist and never will. You have to be cool. You have to be smooth. You have to pretend not to care. You have to flirt. You have to act natural at the same time. etc.

He does not realize it but the "pick-up artist" of this comic is actually the winner here. This woman he's taken an interest in has proven herself to be an utter bitch. Better to be single than to be with a stuck-up snot who believes in some sort of genetic superiority based on intellect (the foundation of said belief being completely rooted in pseudo-science).

With all due respect- actually, fuck that. Fuck you, Randall. I don't care if I get banned since I don't care to read your comic EVER again. This is too close to home. Bookmark deleted; no more recommendations.

XKCD Fan, XKCD forums 83 Comments [3/15/2012 3:40:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Shockna

Quote# 86356

The “broken windows” theory of crime:

The basic insight of the “broken windows” theory is that serious crime is kept low when petty crime such as vandalism is kept down. Lesser crimes leave the way open for greater crimes. At least that is my reading of it.

How does this remind me of handling a wife? Like this. As a husband, I have found that arguing with my wife about her “lesser crimes” seems to prevent worse “crimes”. I think women are - ”given an inch” – inclined to “take an ell”. That is, they will behave about as badly as you allow them to. If you argue with the missus about how long her skirts should be, you will not be arguing with her about whether she should wear skirts in the first place. If you are like me, and you prefer your wife not to wear pants (trousers), this is a better argument to have than one about skirts vs pants.

Likewise, if you remonstrate with her about the quality of her meals, you will not be arguing about whether she should cook at all.

Or if you complain that something she wears out looks tarty, you will not be arguing about whether she should flirt or not. Or, more seriously, if you argue and complain about her flirting, you are less likely to find yourself arguing about whether you should have an “open marriage”.

So, punish and deal with the minor crimes, to prevent the major crimes. Deal with broken windows, lest you have to deal with arson.

A wife will test the boundaries. Set them narrow. Don’t let her do outrageous things without any complaint from you, because she will eventually test you and go too far, and then it will be too late.

The same applies to children.

If you are a husband who wants to be an effective head of the house, this is something to keep in mind.

David Collard, Social Biology 84 Comments [3/8/2012 4:40:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 166
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