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Quote# 101706

[On a feminist shirt making fun of "rules of dating my daughter"]

I can’t help but wonder whether the fact that their fathers were so laissez faire didn’t teach the girls that their own sexuality was devalued. If your dad doesn’t give a damn what you do with your body, then maybe, if you’re a girl, you don’t think your sexuality is anything special or worth much at all.

Sure, we hear about girls who act out despite having very strict, conservative parents. But that’s the exception — not the norm. In my experience, it was typically the girls without fathers or whose fathers were very casual about these things who were the easiest — the sluts, so to speak. Those whose fathers were firm about sexual morality demanded that guys put a lot more on the table before they’d even consider it.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 29 Comments [6/24/2014 3:21:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 101339

(radical feminist depiction of trans women)

Sofia, genderheritic 53 Comments [6/5/2014 3:24:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
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