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Quote# 136912

When one recalls that JK Rowling is in fact a woman, and as such, things such as honor, bravery and even heroism itself are somewhat out of her realm of understanding, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't find any real examples of these things in any of her books, even though the plot and story-line are actually fairly good. Though that sounds sexist I don't mean it to be, because I know, as a man I'll never be able to understand some of the things that women do, so I don't expect them to comprehend manly concepts.

demented fanfiction lover, fanfiction.net 10 Comments [2/28/2018 1:42:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 136930

[Reply in thread "What's something that sucks about being a man?"]


>Guys don't get women throwing themselves at them.

Speak for yourself. I lift, and have 10% bodyfat, and make sure that women see this on social media and tinder when I use it. I get plenty of matches, and easy poon from those matches.
80-20 rule. 80% of women are fucking 20% of men. Be the 20% of men, and not the 80% who have to marry to get occasional starfish sex.

Theepicman116, Reddit - r/AskReddit 11 Comments [2/27/2018 8:38:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 136920

Back when the fight for women to get the vote was underway, it was met with considerable hostility... as the caricatures above illustrate. Those for the women's vote had an ethical point: any person who bore the responsibilities of citizenship (paying taxes, serving jury duty, otherwise demonstrating civic responsibility) ought to also have the rights of citizenship (voting, etc.)
But those opposed to it had some arguments of their own. Firstly that women and men had different natural roles in society, and that it went poorly for society when women tried to take over a man's duties (and voting was seen as a man's duty.) Secondly they argued women would pursue irrational political behavior-- voting based not on objective national interests but on feminine, maternal and emotional desires, and would be unwilling to make the harder decisions often required of those in politics.
Not merely that they would make poor voting decisions, but that they would use the suffrage movement as a toe in the door... that once they had the vote, then the more radical elements that had already begun associating themselves with the Women's Rights movement in general would move in. The demands would come more frequently, more strident, and more onerous-- that men would be pushed aside from their role as providers, breadwinners and heads of their households, that women would use their political influence to henpeck and legally subjugate men, that the family unit would be turned amuck or even torn asunder as women "went off the rails."
Such arguments were finally overruled, and women in America were given the vote in 1920.

Now, though, comes the question none dare ask. Look around and ask yourself: Were they wrong?

From the moment feminists got the vote, the demands indeed have come hard and fast. Women in America have every single right that men do, **and more.** They enjoy legal protections and privileges that men would never dare dream of, and are excused from the obligatory responsibilities that men are still expected to bear-- for instance supporting and raising a child, or serving on average twice the sentence for the same crime, or being drafted and dying in a war... yet the demands never ceased. They only grow louder, and shriller, and more frequent, and more insane.

Not one year past we had an entire political movement built by feminists around getting one of the crookedest, dirtiest, most bigoted and reprehensible politicians in America elected to the highest office in the land, SOLELY BECAUSE IT WAS FEMALE. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of men serving prison sentences right now for sex crimes they never committed, solely on the word of a woman--- every other week is a new story where a man has to be let out of jail after years or decades because they caught the woman out in a lie. Reproductive rights? A woman can flush the pills and poke a hole in the condom, get pregnant, and the courts will force him to pay either for child care or for the abortion-- and the decision of which is solely and entirely HERS. He gets no say. Prenuptuals? She can get those overthrown at the drop of a hat with a sympathetic divorce judge-- and they're all sympathetic. And still these feminists have the audacity to say, over and over, that they are OPPRESSED. We've had women-- teachers!-- going online and proclaiming that mathematics is inherently sexist. They're out there in the streets DRESSED AS VAGINAS, complaining that it's sexist that their women's studies doesn't get them jobs as astronauts. The feminist movement seems completely dedicated to proving beyond a shadow of a possible doubt that the men who passed the 19th amendment were out of their damned minds, and nothing I've read has even hinted that this is something NEW. The only difference is that what was the fringe element of the suffragettes in 1917 has become the entire body politic of the feminist movement 100 years later.

And to judge by feminist shenanigans in Canada, England, France, etc. it's not a uniquely American proposition either.

So let's ask the question that none dare ask, that none dare answer, and even if they did would not be overheard against the background of autistic women screeching: If the anti-suffragists were wrong about the feminist movement then why in every western country, did it end up like this?

RHJunior, Livejournal 8 Comments [2/27/2018 8:21:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 136908

An excerpt from June 2, 2003:

In which we examine a few of feminism’s favorite fairy tales.

Feminism is about choice.

Feminism is actually about having your choices made for you. Feminism is nothing more than a gender-based form of fascism, which attempts to control the behavior of individuals through government fiat. Fortunately, feminists have not been able to amass the power required to send unrepentant males and recalcitrant gender-traitors to the pink gulag. In the words of feminist icon Simone de Beauvoir:

No woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such choice, too many women will make that one.

The reason that women have accomplished very little of note throughout history is primarily due to male oppression.

There is an element of truth to this, as the vast majority of women were denied access to the higher levels of education; then again, so were most men. However, it is also true that those women who did obtain excellent educations often chose to engage in light intellectual amusements instead of contributing anything of significance to the arts or sciences. There was nothing to stop the educated hetaerae of Greece from writing a “Metaphysics” or a “Republic”, nor anything preventing the mistresses of the famed Parisian salons from compiling, like Diderot, their own “Encyclopedia”; the fact remains they did not.

But the most damning argument against this myth is the appalling behavior of the leading female pseudo-intellectuals over the past 30 years. Instead of taking advantage of their intellectual freedom and unprecedented access to education, the feminist vanguard has embraced an anti-intellectual dogmatism that imprisons the current generation of young women in the academic convent of Women’s Studies, robbing them of both foundational knowledge and the capacity for rational linear thought, thus ensuring that this generation, like its foremothers, will also fail to accomplish anything worthy of historical regard.

Women entering the work force has been good for America.

The entry of women into the work force accomplished only one thing. It significantly lowered wages by doubling the size of the work force. According to the iron law of supply and demand, increasing the supply of X while demand remains constant means that the price of X will fall. The primary impact of women entering the work force in quantity has been to lower the price of labor so that two people must now work in order to maintain a household instead of one, as before.

While America does realize the benefit of the contributions of women whose talents might have otherwise been wasted, it pays a heavy price in terms of children who are abandoned to be raised by day-care centers, the state schools and television. And those many women who would like to make the choice to remain home with their children cannot, since their husband can’t earn enough money to support a family alone due to his wages having been lowered because of the increased supply of labor.

Anything men can do, women can do better.

This myth raises the question of how the nefarious Patriarchy could possibly have come to be established in the first place. Were the women of yore less intelligent, less aware, or otherwise less able than their modern counterparts? A lovely example of nonlinear fifth-stage thinking.

The Sexual Revolution liberated women.

It actually freed men from the responsibilities that traditionally accompanied access to sex. Whereas a man once needed to all but promise marriage before taking a lover, he now can freely expect a woman to satisfy his desires on the third date, if not the first. The real revolution was the wholesale transference of power in the male-female dynamic from women to men, and now any reasonably handsome young man can effortlessly rack up more sexual conquests in four years of college than did the legendary Casanova in a lifetime.

A woman has a right to control her own body.

This baseless assumption flies in the face of hundreds of long-standing American laws. A woman can be jailed for putting certain unapproved chemicals into her body, for failing to put certain required chemicals in her body (military vaccinations), for selling portions of her body or renting out her body on an hourly basis, or for displaying her body in public in an unapproved manner. The fact that some of these laws are, in my opinion, ill-founded, does not matter; they still serve to demonstrate the fallacy of this particular pro-abortion gynomyth.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 9 Comments [2/25/2018 10:03:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136904

[OP of "Lifefuel: Revenge thread"]

It is natural for incels to want women to suffer. It is natural for incels to want to hurt women.

Don't get me wrong. I am opposed to anything that violates any law because I don't want to go to prison. I do not condone illegal activity, in particular violence.

That said, what are some (relatively innocuous & legal) stories you guys have of revenge on women?

inbeforecell, Reddit - r/Braincels 6 Comments [2/25/2018 2:57:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 136884

Of all the man-hating charities who deserve to be defunded, Save the Children is second on my list after Amnesty. Among other odious activities, this nasty organization was a lobbyist for the Norwegian grooming law.

Eivind Berge, Twitter 10 Comments [2/24/2018 2:10:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: X

Quote# 136857

Femoids are catfishing everyone. It's only fair. Seriously, seems like EVERY femoid I know uses Photoshop and other tricks to look WAY better online than they actually do. So then when that "8" shows up IRL and is actually a "5", most guys will still fuck her regardless because it's willing and has a wet hole either way.

The most egregious examples though are literal hambeasts and landwhales making themselves look not nearly as fat or ugly (even if it only elevates them to "4" even online) but then still expecting Chad and complaining about "creeps" and stuff. It's compensation since they know they're ugly, and that without cucks and feminism even incels wouldn't fuck them.

Redpill Robert, incels.me 9 Comments [2/23/2018 4:23:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136842

If woman cannot get Chad their next target is an animal

The thought of having sex or a romantic relationship never even comes to her mind, if she cannot have sex with a handsome man, she will just have sex with a handsome animal.

This is why it is truly over, woman have all the options, they don't even have to restrict themselves to just humans.

Crustaciouse, incels.me 14 Comments [2/23/2018 3:36:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136843

The Rose McGowan thing pushed me over the edge as well. Seeing her get screamed down was my turning point. I’ve pandered to trans people because I have been afraid to do otherwise, and my liberal guilt has definitely helped push me into it. I’ve always felt that it is important to listen to other people and honor their feelings because feelings do count and I don’t like being hurtful to others, but I had a hard time admitting to myself that I was being emotionally manipulated by people who were “literally” this and that, and I can’t take it anymore.

I also noticed that my behaviors and tastes were being actively influenced by the cult of trans supremacy. I was browsing the bookstore and didn’t even want to pick up feminist texts about women because I was afraid to be perceived as anti-trans. I certainly didn’t want to purchase a book and risk upsetting a cashier. My liberation and education, especially where feminism is concerned, has stopped. Discovering gender critical feminism has been extremely eye opening and I’m really excited by it, but I don’t even know where to begin.

I’ve been reading other posts on this page and I’m absolutely blown away by the ardent and rational intellects you all have. I’m so glad that I’ve hit the tipping point.

DesertJane, r/GenderCritical 6 Comments [2/23/2018 1:03:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136806

Along similar lines :

Uber’s analytics proves that the pay gap is a complete myth.

The pay gap is an interesting meme. The fact that people only assert it as fact reveals :

i) Exactly who should have no idea that you even exist, and certainly who you should never hire.
ii) It is the ONE issue that even cuckservatives are brave enough to reject. Even NRO rejects the pay gap. There is no other ‘feminist’ meme that cuckservatives reject. Plus, cuckservatives have not normalized it over time, unlike what they do with every other leftism.
iii) There are a number of women CEOs. Even in tech. They don’t hire women at a greater rate than companies with male CEOs at the helm. Oracle, HP, IBM, Yahoo, and a few others all have or recently had female CEOs. No surge in tech jobs for women.

…and most importantly.

iv) The ‘pay gap’, just like other illogical myths, reveals that the massive transfer of wealth to women could be reversed easily if just the government got ‘game’. In other words, since no amount of legislation and wealth transfer makes them admit anything in their favor ever passed, it is extremely easy for the government to quietly reduce all spending on women while running a massive wave of media interference, and still lose no female votes. Since women don’t track any objective progress towards a defined goal, they won’t notice a slealthy slippage away from that goal. The government is overpaying for the female vote, when the same can be purchased with far less taxpayer (aka male) money.

Anon, Dalrock 5 Comments [2/21/2018 12:17:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136805

All these years of suffering and pain cannot go unpunished. I will not be cucked by this wretched and foul society. Those fucking cunts make me want to do things I would never want to do years ago. They give me shit, so I want to give them shit back. Fucking fucks.

Roji, Incels.me 8 Comments [2/21/2018 12:17:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136802

Feminism has a lot of flaws, but probably its biggest one is its devaluing of femininity.

Men are designed to be big and strong and to work, producing, providing, and protecting. Women are designed to produce and nurture children. Humanity needs both to survive.

It makes all the sense in the world that a race should have these two roles, and that they are very different from each other, but also very complementary to each other. It makes all the sense in the world that each piece should desire the other, which is exactly what happens.

Problems occur when one role is publicly degraded and labelled inferior to the other, and those designed for that role are encouraged to evaluate themselves in terms of the opposite role.

This is what feminism is doing to women.

sonder_one, r/RedPillWomen 8 Comments [2/20/2018 3:51:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136785

Wow it's so sad someone that used to love him is sperging like a pro-censorship joyless libtard. Isn't having to leave this native country, his family and going to federal prison for bullshit trumped up charges enough?


There is only one ending these people will accept, and it goes like this:

"Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. Weev loved Hillary Clinton."

She never loved me. She loved getting defiled by me, there's a big difference. The latter turns to hate as soon as you revoke dick access. Read that screed and really ask yourself, is she engaging in honest political struggle or just angry that she isn't screaming "daddy no" while I violate her?

weev, Kiwi Farms 10 Comments [2/20/2018 4:50:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136763

If your a 5, 6 or 7 and u act beta/needy/weak/feminine, that can knock off points and make u incel.

After looks, height, body, dress, u need to act masculine otherwise women
will think u are beta, weak or gay and just use u as a friend.

Only 8plus tall fit men can act anyhow and get away with it.

jvreturns , incels.me 10 Comments [2/19/2018 12:42:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 136659


It really shows how little real faith there is today.

Remember that it is noteworthy only when a man exhibits a complete lack of genuine faith. Such a man is a mangina, pastorbator, cuckservative, etc.

It is not noteworthy when a woman lacks genuine faith. It is natural, since women are far less capable of spiritual enlightenment. It is simply a part of female inferiority, nothing more.

Anon, Dalrock 8 Comments [2/18/2018 3:11:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136658


As Paddy pointed out upthread and as I remind everyone occasionally hereabouts, women LOVE drama. Indeed, they require it as a life-sustaining force along with food, oxygen, and water.

Indeed. It is part of the reason women are obsolete.

By contrast, a man over 40 really hates drama. Sometimes, peace and quiet are more desirable than the company of a woman, even a moderately attractive one, net-net (sex in the credit side of the ledger, drama and expense in the debit side).

People thus underestimate how much of a disruption VR sex will be to the level of search costs men are willing to incur to pursue women. VR sex strips out drama, expense, STDs, legal risks, and unattractiveness out of the woman. Only the women who still do valuable things for a man, or is otherwise a 9 or 10, will have anything that he still wants.

Anon, Dalrock 5 Comments [2/18/2018 3:08:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136652

It's really rather striking the way that so many observers are concerned about the symptoms while determinedly clinging to the disease. It's like watching a doctor trying to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible while refusing to give him the medicine that will cure him.

Any return to marriage norms will require rejecting feminism entirely. Destroying marriage was, and is, one of the primary goals of feminism. Destroying society and Western civilization is merely a fortuitous bonus as far as feminists are concerned.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 6 Comments [2/18/2018 1:05:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 136618

A mother is horrified that her daughter might be forced to dance with a lower-status boy at a Valentine's Day party:

A Utah mother is concerned after finding out her child couldn’t reject a classmate’s invitation to dance at a Valentine’s Day school party because it would be against school rules.

Natalie Richard, whose daughter is in sixth grade at Kanesville Elementary School in Weber County, told Fox 13 Salt Lake City that she was shocked to hear her child tell her she couldn’t tell a fellow student “no” if he asked her to dance at the upcoming event.

Confused, Richard told her daughter that she was “misunderstanding” the situation, because “that’s not how it is.”

The daughter’s teacher, however, confirmed to Richard that, in fact, her daughter “has to say yes” and “has to accept” such a proposal.

Still concerned, Richard took her plight to the school principal — who “basically just said they’ve had this dance set up this way for a long time and they’ve never had any concern before.”

Of course the school has to set rules like this for children. Otherwise, all the kids will all just stand around and watch as the three most popular boys and their girlfriends dance. It's tough enough for a junior high boy to publicly ask a girl to dance even if she has to say yes. Throw in the possibility of actual rejection - as opposed to sighs, rolled eyes, and snide comments - and ain't nobody dancing.

The alternative, of course, is the highly efficient way our fifth-grade dance teacher did it. Line up the boys in one row, the girls in another, both by height. No cutting or exchanging. Congratulations, you have a partner. Try not to step on her toes.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 13 Comments [2/18/2018 11:20:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 136613

The purpose blog of this is to document the growing epidemic of adultophiles who rape and murder. Over 80% of serial killers are sexually attracted to adults, while only a very small percentage (less than 5%) target children . Most pedophiles are harmless despite all the fear-mongering in the mainstream media which focuses on child victims but rarely reports cases of adults who rape other adults.

When I say adultophile I’m exclusively referring to adults who are sexually attracted to other adults, not minors who are sexually attracted to adults. The latter is, in my opinion, currently more natural and healthy.

therealperverts, ADULTOPHILIA IS A MENTAL DISORDER… 8 Comments [2/18/2018 11:18:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: X

Quote# 136590

Cancel your cable!

For fuck sakes, this morning I came over to visit my elderly mom and she happens to have her TV on. And there is one commercial that came on, it's the goddamn jewelry bullshit from people's. How convenient for them come around especially V-Day coming up. Very rare when that particular commercial comes on any other days. It's like society trying to shove this shit down our throat, reminding us. "Hey hey hey!, step on right up, lookie here, for $800 you can make yo girl happy on v-day.its a special time to show that society cares about wimmin" and guess what I don't see any of commercials that directed to women, such as tools, video games, snowblowers or sex

Glad that I don't have cable. And i have no means of any social medias on the internet. Kill that shit off. Just fade into the shadow, mgtows.

RogueRenegade, r/MGTOW 8 Comments [2/18/2018 10:51:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 136589

Complaint at work for being too ‘robotic’

My boss pulled me aside and mentioned that somebody had complained to his boss that I was robotic and unfriendly, not a team player, etc, and did I know what that was about?

I knew instantly who this ‘anonymous’ person was. A woman that had been transferred to our department three months previously. Who has asked me several times to ‘help’ her, which meant do the work for her. Who has tried to tag along with me to lunch. Who has asked me several times if I’m seeing anybody. I don’t know if she sees me as a potential mate to branch to or a beta that will do her dirty work, but either way I’ve always stonewalled her.

I told my boss I had no idea what was going on and if he could provide me with concrete examples I would be more than willing to have a discussion about it. He told me to forget about it, and to cover my ass in the future if this comes up again.

Time to start taking thorough notes.

I dunno about you, but in my book that's a declaration of war. I'd be plotting to get her ass fired by any means necessary. I don't play that shit.

A saw a post on TRP like this where she went on a 2 month business trip to Germany, they hired a temp, temp did a great job and the OP promised the temp it wasn’t a temp job. The lady was going to be coming back from her trip to take her job back, this new girl broke down and the boss man had feelios for her. Let her stay and transferred the other girl to a different branch. Pretty fucking awesome.

cold-blooded, I like that, the veins of men these days are pumped not of blood and iron, but instead hot chocolate and bluepill Yes, you can quote me on that.

Document everything.

I've had these issues before. Keep a daily log of your interactions and write it down while it is fresh in your mind, ideally you have witnesses. When the boss or HR wants to know WTF the problem is you will have a written and corroborated record. Keep it professional. Don't use any mitigated language. Say exactly what you mean when dealing with the individual. Treat her as an equal which is to say... expect her to pull her own load in the name of equality. She will sink her own ship since she probably got her education or job via the blow job route.

She will soon discover that capitalism is the great equalizer.

You’d think with all the #MeToo stuff getting out of hand that: A, bosses would be more alert to this sort of stuff. And B, that women would reign in this kind of behaviour.
Who has asked me several times to ‘help’ her, which meant do the work for her. Who has tried to tag along with me to lunch. Who has asked me several times if I’m seeing anybody.

This is blatant harassment, and she’s doing it on a constant basis.

It’s a shame you didn’t document any of it, so start now. And if your boss doesn’t help even with the proof, it might be an idea to mention to him that you’re planning on swing a solicitor to look at what options you have concerning her.

And B, that women would reign in this kind of behaviour.

a lot of them can't because that would require rational thought

Various MGTOW, r/MGTOW 10 Comments [2/18/2018 10:51:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 136737

I see a lot of incel on here saying that they will only take virgin woman, but the truth is. Virgin woman are either

1. Saving themselves untill they find a good looking Chad to take her virginity. Or
2. Waiting for a Chad to marry her.

The few virgin woman that remain are waiting for a chad, not an ugly fat incel.

Crustaciouse, incels.me 4 Comments [2/18/2018 7:44:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136726

Because gender equality is more important than winning wars. And why not? Seriously. It's not as if the US Armed Forces have been defending the nation or its borders for the last 60 years anyhow.


As the student evaluation and graduation requirements gravitate towards female-friendly subjective homework and classroom attendance standards rather than objective physical standards, we can expect women to increasingly not only complete the Infantry Officer Course, but excel in it. Which, over time, will lead to the consequences explained by Martin Van Creveld and quoted in SJWs Always Double Down:

As Martin van Creveld, the Israeli military historian has noted, the more women enter any professional field, the more men leave it. And as the men depart, so to do the prestige and the economic rewards provided by the field. This creates a vicious cycle that both expels existing men from the field while repelling new men from entering it.

If the universities can be considered a reliable model, we're about three decades away from a majority female Marine Corps. No wonder China is content to patiently wait for its opportunity. This marks the second step in the end of the USMC's historical prestige. Even current female Marine officers understand this.


Permitting women to join the Marine Corps was the first mistake. Unqualified female officers are the second one. But the empire is in decline, and so these events are not even remotely surprising. There will be more unnecessary mistakes in the future and they will be more and more disastrous, until the empire "unexpectedly" crumbles for "no reason at all."

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 3 Comments [2/18/2018 7:43:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136581

If a man to believes that his sexual problems stem from being “abused” by an attractive female when he was fourteen, this normally would not pass as scientific evidence. But on issues with dogmatic preconceived dogmas, such faulty evidence can be presented in scientific conferences.

Human-Stupidity, Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception 1 Comments [2/18/2018 6:50:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136580

Human-Stupidity is NOT an anti-feminist site per se. It just happens that feminism is based on systematic logical falsehoods. Human-Stupidity postulates that the evolutionary arms race gifted women with special verbal manipulation skills to offset male superiority in physical strength and economic power in the EEA.

Human-Stupidity, Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception 1 Comments [2/18/2018 6:49:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: WK
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