Quote# 143028
This site...transbrainfx.com.... for the first time I've seen, details the damage done to female autistic brains by testosterone.
I really really urge anyone who hasn't to read it.
But here's the part that interested me. I've read before that normally developing male brains and autistic female ones are similar.
This site said, to paraphrase:
Testosterone in high levels in women is associated with autism (and when I look at my own behavior especially sexual, I can see that)
PCOS causes high levels
PCOS is very under diagnosed... maybe by as much as 70%
The treatment for this and other high T issues is to reduce T levels
The high T can cause all manner of terrible problems, like BPD, anxiety, depression... there's a whole list.
But FtM treatment is about increasing T levels. This is monstrous. It's an experiment on the most hated populations: autistics and lesbians. I feel these so~called doctors want money and fame and power. Subliminally, they recoil from these kids, as they did in the playground. Its all underneath, and they are sadistically mutilating them.
I feel the handmaidens maybe have excess estrogen, plus upbringings, including exposure to violent porn, that has warped them into submissive thinking, in turn generating more estrogen...round and round. They want to be woke but want males to submit to. TIMS and TIFS fit the bill. Wonder how many Aunt Lydias are into BDSM, and are subs.
How much is violent porn affecting girls brains, as well as minds?? Add in the bodywork, the beauty demands, which in turn affects the brain. Perhaps dieting, exercising, constantly worrying about being porn~worthy... let's not forget the Mean Girl effect too... maybe this literally makes the brain release more estrogen, as it makes boys release more testosterone, so what should be correct balances of self defense and self sacrifice become what we're seeing: girls not submitting to males and hating it but actively seeking this. Disguised as progressive.
Anyway, reading about T and its effects, I couldn't help drawing a shocking conclusion. That women are, in fact, naturally far more intelligent than men. Look at what the female brain loses when you add T. The ability to read faces. To act with self~reflection. Control impulse, aggression, poor decision making.
Empathy hits the ground... oh it's all on the site. Men, it seems, are women minus something. It's women who have the right amount of T.
And more, our balance is better with age. Estrogen drops, T increases.... not too much ! Perfect. No wonder women do well when we divorce and open businesses .
So when we age, what a gift. T levels rise, but not too much, we no longer care about being sexy, we understand men much better...I can compassionate them, I really can. I wouldn't want their hormones !
Please do take a look. Even one dose of T has diabolical effects. The loss of language, social abilities... my God, men are like this all the time. I guess though, that put men in a culture like Hong Kong where violence and fighting are considered bestial, barbaric, low~class, then maybe their estrogen rises.... and you get HK men, who are gentle, sweet,... you see them raising their sons to be the same...
/r/GenderCritical 2 Comments [3/28/2019 7:29:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: palindromordnilap