Quote# 6032

It's common sense. The frog in the pot. If tomorrow our Congress passed a law blessing pedofilia there would be a national outcry... In a few years we're being told it's normal for some people to be attracted to children. Some scientist comes out and says there is a gene that makes people pedofiles. Study after study is whipped out there to convince us. Dateline and 20/20 have specials on the topic of how some people are just attracted to children. Showing 'relationships that have been going on for years' in a positive light. How sad that these people 'fear' going public. Hollywood and various celebrities scolding us for our intolerance and narrow-mindedness. Then you have comedy shows and movies-of-the-week come out. Next thing you know a law is being passed to 'bless' marriage between adults and children. And finally you have a preacher come out and say he's been secretly married to an 8 year old for 2 years. Then the church will be performing marriages between adults and children...All of this sounds ourtrageous? If it slaps us in the face today- morally we violently reject the idea. But little by little, in drips and drabs over time we become conditioned to accept sins. Disturbing but people better wake up.

Blessedx4, Rapture Ready 30 Comments [2/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96616

Scientists since the late 1800s, including Louis Pasteur, have all been part of a rather disorganized conspiracy to convince the public that the true cause of disease is pesky germs. Of course, there was no real conspiracy. Medical practitioners have also duped themselves into believing these deceptions just as much as they’ve duped us into believing their irrational propaganda. The germ theory of disease came on the heels of the Middle Ages when people believed that demons and evil spirits caused all diseases, so it wasn’t that big of a transition to go from demons to microscopic bacteria. The belief in viruses came later, but they don’t cause disease, either. Wait a minute! Am I saying that Ebola, HIV, and other viruses don’t cause disease? Am I saying that anthrax, pneumonia, and other diseases are not caused by bacteria? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes! Viruses and bacteria cause disease about as much as trees cause the wind to blow. It might look like this is the case, and that’s why scientists have duped themselves into believing such a fallacy, but in truth, health is caused by healthy living. I can’t transmit my bad health any more than I can transmit my good health. It’s easy to blame germs, but what we should be doing is blaming ourselves when we get sick. We’re responsible, and that’s something a lot of people just don’t want to hear.

Dan Hall, Raw School 68 Comments [9/19/2013 3:48:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 67

Quote# 90718

If you look at history through a biblical world view, the last step before a nation is completely destroyed is they drive the righteous from among them. If this isn’t a sign of a group of people that will drive the righteous from among them, and that’s the last step before God’s wrath comes, I fear for our country and it is - it cannot be overstated, it cannot be called paranoid ... If you are a God-fearing person, hear me. Last call, America. Last call. Because the righteous will be driven from among them.

They are nasty, divisive and, I'm sorry, but there is no way to describe that quote from Valerie Jarrett other than evil. Warning: Saul Alinsky is just the beginning of these people.

But I believe in the American people. I believe that we are not too far gone. I believe that people can watch and see the difference. They can feel the difference. When you watch Barack Obama, you can just see he is angry. When you watch Mitt Romney, you can see he is not. We are not an angry nation. We don’t listen to demagogues like that. It doesn’t work. No matter how much power he has amassed, no matter how many friends in the media he has, Americans know. And if they reject it this time, if they’re so dead inside - that’s a possibility - if they’re so dead inside that they can no longer see the difference between good and evil, we have to be destroyed because we will be a remarkable evil on this planet.

Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck Radio 54 Comments [11/29/2012 4:40:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: michael3ov

Quote# 141901

How the justice system should work in England.

Hello. I talked about restoring the legitimate royal line to the throne of England. Now I will talk about how the justice system will work in England based on England’s traditions.

Ugh I thought it was going to be my final message to you but I have to first explain my ideas of how the justice system should work and how Eugenics should work in the United States, and England and how to deal with abortion. It will be in proportion to the crimes commited

Men and women must not be allowed to cross dress. Men and women can wear whatever clothes they want as long as it is not slutty. All women’s bathing suits MUST cover butt cheeks and boobs since boobs are private parts.

Pornography should be banned because it causes sex trafficking. Hentai should be banned because it is just plain gross. Sex should only be depicted in movies and TV shows and promiscuity and premarital sex should be promoted as a BAD thing, like in the great classic horror films Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street.

Divorce for Christians should be made illegal and replaced with annulment but annulment should be granted only in cases of actual abusive spouses. Adultry should be punished with fines. Premarital sex like in Merry Old England should be legal, but should not be encouraged in the media.

Stealing most property, destroying property, vandalism, and littering should be punished by fines. Stealing and destroying major property or committing arson should be punished with jail sentences.

Smoking in public should be legalized but fines should be commited if the smoker blows the smoke in someone else’s face. Cigarettes and cigars though should be replaced with the good old fashioned pipes because pipes are less addicting.

Possessing marijuana and illegal drugs should be punished with jail sentences. Putting pot smokers in jail is rehabilitation because it deprived them of the drug and makes them get clean.

Insulting the benevolent government should be punished with 5 year jail sentences for treason. Saying actual racist comments(meaning judging people by the content of their color and using the N word, not for showing statistics of poverty and crime since blacks are sadly impoverished because of the Democrats), holocaust denial, and promoting communism and socialism should be punished with 5 year jail sentences. Most Trump supporters do not use the n word.

Blasphemy against the Christian God should be punished by 1 year in jail or a fine of 300 dollars(this law is still on the charter in the State of Massachusetts which I live in)

Prayer should be allowed in public schools. Those of different religions should go to schools of their own religions.

Blasphemy against gods of other pagan religions should be punished by mild fines. However criticizing their religions by saying their gods do not exist, or criticizing Jews for not accepting Jesus Christ as their messiah does not count as blasphemy.

However blasphemy against Islam, Muhammad, and Allah should be legal and encouraged.

Muslim women can wear hijabs but they must not be allowed to criticize people who don’t wear hijabs and must not be allowed to wear burquas or burkinis.

The religions that should be banned with jail for 1 year are Satanism, New Agism, Gnosticism, Wicca, the anti Trinitarian heresies, and Druidism because they are all heresies and occult. They as long as fortune tellers, and mediums, as well as those who consult them should be locked up in churches until they repent.

Atheism should be punished with fines because of it’s correlation with socialism and because it promotes doing whatever you want without fear of being judged.

People with severe autism(not people with Asperger’s syndrome which I have been diagnosed with), and people with IQ’s less than 100 should be chemically castrated. So should average thugs that are beyond rehabilitation.

First degree murderers, all mass shooters, and drug dealers who have been proven guilty with ton’s of circumstantial evidence, or dirrect proof with footage should be executed by public beheadings with axes. The head should be put on display.

Men who are guilty of high treason(the top leaders of rebellions against the United States, and monarch) should be punished by being hung, drawn, and quartered like it was done in Merry Old England (though in private locations because most people today would vomit seeing it in public). Women as a courtesy guilty of the high treason should be publically burned at the stake as was done in Merry Old England.

All average Rebels who change sides will be pardoned.

Torture should be permitted for adults as a means of interrogating criminals, rebels, and terrorists. Most people who get tortured will eventually give in because they would prefer being executed rather than continuing to be tortured.

Jacob Harrison, FSTDT Forums 23 Comments [1/8/2019 5:36:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143138

How I Overcame Homosexuality by Kegan Wesley

Kegan Wesley was raped at 10 years-old by several homosexual men, he lead an LGBT lifestyle for many years, until he met Jesus Christ at an Eddie James concert. He now speaks to thousands about how Christ completed and restored him, and how Christians can serve ...

This is not a message of hate, but of love - how Jesus Christ loved Kegan to life and freedom.

The power of Jesus will change your life!


Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 14 Comments [4/6/2019 10:33:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 112432

Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) (also known as sexual orientation anti-discrimination policies) are the most devious tactic of the LGBT movement for stripping Christians of First Amendment protections and setting the stage for the “gay” takeover of any social, political or cultural entity. These SORs are the seed that contains the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit. Once implanted, the entire agenda emerges like the trunk and branches of a Manchineel tree, producing what looks deceptively like wholesome fruit but in fact is known in the island paradise in which it grows as the manzanita de la muerte, or “little apple of death.”

Read more: http://www.mnn.com/family/protection-safety/blogs/why-manchineel-might-be-earths-most-dangerous-tree#ixzz3k7xUeEyG

The antidote to the poisonous SORs is First Amendment Supremacy! The solution is already in the U.S. Constitution and simply needs to be re-affirmed in either of two ways:

Our First Amendment Supremacy Clause is designed to amend existing Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) in cities, counties, states, corporations, schools and colleges, and other organizations to ensure that in any contest of SORs with the First Amendment, the First Amendment must prevail.


Our First Amendment Supremacy Bill is a stand-alone statute to be enacted by states which do not already have state-level SORs. FASB invokes the doctrine of preemption to “preempt the field” and mandate First Amendment supremacy over SORs within any sub-unit of its government and other entities within its jurisdiction.

First Amendment Supremacy Bill Fact Sheet

Send copies of these fact sheets to every pro-family political activist and public official you know and urge them to adopt the First Amendment Supremacy strategy.

Vigorously oppose any new SORs at any level. Attack them as “Gay Fascism Bills” because that’s what they are. (it worked in Springfield, Missouri http://www.scottlively.net/2012/07/09/christian-red-alert/)

It is SORs that have allowed the LGBT activists to take down Christian bakers, printers, florists, bed and breakfast hotel owners and others, and hung a sign saying “hateful bigot” around the necks of every Bible-believing Christian in America.

It is SORs that have allowed LGBT activists to take control of a vast number of huge corporations whose resources, identity, and community goodwill they are now cynically plundering to advance their selfish and destructive agenda.

Vigorously oppose the Federal Equality Act, which is an SOR at the federal level (ten times more dangerous than the SCOTUS “gay marriage” ruling).

Remind everyone that SORs are always sold as if they are limited to protecting homosexuals and transsexuals from employment and housing discrimination (despite almost zero evidence of such discrimination in America for at least 20 years), but in fact are ENFORCED as blanket prohibitions on all disapproval of the LGBT agenda!!

The LGBT agenda is poisonous, but we have the antidote in the First Amendment. Use it, or lose it!

Scott Lively, Scott Lively Ministries 16 Comments [9/1/2015 4:45:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 131429

You are overlooking the fact that Hitler never had any intention of invading the British Isles, and did not want war in the West. Britain should not have declared war on Germany in 1939, by doing so it destroyed itself economically and militarily and lost all of its empire.

The UK and France should have remained neutral and allowed the Axis Powers a free hand against the Soviet Union. Nobody did more to destroy Britain's world status than Churchill, and this view is widely held today.

DanielPeggoty, Wikipedia 19 Comments [9/9/2017 9:35:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 17989

[It just seems like your stance is that homosexual people lack something innate in heterosexual people, and I'm wondering how you support this?]

Would you rather drink a glass of wine with one ounce of urine in it, or a glass of 1/2 urine and 1/2 wine? Neither, I'm sure. When discussing children, one should seek what is in the BEST interests of the child.

HomeschoolrsRUs, FreeConservatives 48 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 112882

No matter how much of a feminist a man might be, he doesn't actually respect women's "accomplishments." He'll respect an actual great career but nobody respects the schlub who makes 77% of what he does. He's never seen a woman who's actually worth respecting and so he doesn't even know what she'd look like. When he sees women who's earning shit ruin the life of the child she irresponsibly single mothered at age 32, he'll think that's what a respectable human being is.

Women have successfully pushed for men to respect them for bleeding out their cunts, fingering themselves, sucking dick, and getting fat. In other words, for fucking existing. Mere existence is the be-all-end-all of a woman's life and the big struggle she must go through. There's a self-perpetuating cycle. First, men hear the myth of the respectable woman and then they force themselves to see her. That lowers the standards for women, so women take it even easier. Men have to overcompensate again to keep the myth alive and that leads to another quality drop. Truth is: if women weren't like that then wouldn't constantly be told to respect women.

When a man is incompetent, his world crumbles. He can scream that he's empowered all he fucking wants but he'll have to answer to his disposability. You think he's gonna get laid just because he can blame his shit on a glass ceiling? He's accountable for his failure and so he tries damn hard. He might never succeed against all the barriers put before him but unless he's really fucking blue pill, you know he's gonna try.

A woman's world isn't like that. She's got no incentive to struggle because she can live comfortably off a psychologist's salary whether she gets promoted or not. An unsuccessful woman will get laid via reproductive scarcity while in group biases provide her with friends. Is she really gonna care about earning another 60K – or at least, will she care enough to work 15 extra hours every week and have a job she hates? Not when 40K's enough for her to enjoy the finest Manhattan has to offer.

If she ever wants her "own" money to spend then she can find a provider and when she wants it to truly be hers then she'll divorce him. Women have absolutely no stake in their own success or respectability and that makes them the unwavering champions of incompetence. When one group's got that ironclad frame, the other has to adapt. Men adapt by trying harder and harder to see the myth and by giving more and more to these women to mask the true reality of incompetence. The less competent women are, the more respect they get and the more perks their given.

The Red Pill is the last stronghold of man's collective frame. Women can fuck up all around us but at least the ones in our lives will have to answer to that guilty feeling she gets after getting fucked and chucked. If they want to collectively devalue themselves to a worn out fleshlight and an expired uterus then fine, but we're not giving them our paycheck and a whore's sure as fuck not getting my commitment. Red Pill Men are a rare breed in that we're men who actually value our own lives and well being enough to pursue and prioritize them. Feminists stole that self-respect from the aggregate of all men but they'll never take it from us; the world might crumble to support the myth but we sure as hell won't.

CisWhiteMalestrom, r/TheRedPill/ 25 Comments [9/17/2015 2:19:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 36399

"Atheists": Why can't you simply say you're "non-religious," or better yet, "non-Christian"?
At least you then you can't say you're being labled, but rather just distinguishing yourself from the norm.

[Added Later]
Because Christians, Muslims, and Jews do have a specific belief system--you atheists claim that you do not. Hence, why it's necessary for us to make these distinctions.

Are you atheists now saying that you so have a specific belief system?

We don't call ourselves non-Jewish/Muslim because we're not subject to or dominated by them. You are subject to us.

"Kendra", Yahoo! R&S 44 Comments [3/17/2008 7:50:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: modestalmond

Quote# 1007

But I take it from that comment that you are perfectly fine with women dressing in bathing suits in public?

Zophar, Godplace Forums 31 Comments [10/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 121330

Earlier this month, Angela Kaaihue won the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. congressional seat representing Hawaii’s 2nd District. She beat her closest Republican rival by six points.

Kaaihue is a big supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, with whom she has a great deal in common. Like Donald Trump, she’s an erratic bigot and a litigious bundle of grievances. Like Trump, she appears to lack any discernible political ideology or convictions, and seems to have entered politics mainly as a way to address personal grudges and the seething resentment that gnaws at her day and night.

Angela Kaaihue has chosen, like Donald Trump, to go full Breitbart, hoping to make up for her lack of widespread appeal through sheer outrageousness.
Kaaihue is good at sheer outrageousness because, like Donald Trump, she’s full-gonzo bonkers. This image, for example, is taken from an ALL CAPS post on Kaaihue’s candidate blog, “Hawaii’s Holy War 2016“:

For the record, the Antichrist, in Kaaihue’s opinion, is “CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS.” This was Kaaihue’s first blog post following her Republican primary win.
But while Kaaihue has little patience for CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS, she reserves most of her wrath for those she hates most of all: The Japanese. And also Hindus and Buddhists, but mostly the Japanese.
Confronted about her enthusiastically anti-Japanese Facebook post — which began, “F–k you J–s!! F–k you f–king J–s!! I hate you you f–king J–s! Go to Hell you f–king J–s!! F–k you you stupid f–king J–s!!” and then, believe it or not, went downhill from there — Kaaihue responded with an August 21 press release reading, in part:

"U.S. Congressional GOP Nominee and Candidate Angela Kaaihue responds back to HAWAII’s citizens rude, defamatory, ignorant remarks made to her through social media. She states, “Repent and ask God for forgiveness!”
It’s a shame HAWAII NEWS MEDIA uses Japanese reporters to report the racist bigot remarks towards Japanese people made by U.S. Candidate Angela Kaaihue.
HAWAII NEWS MEDIA is disservicing Hawaii’s people by NOT investigating WHY and HOW a locally raised woman of Hawaii, grew up and lived in Hawaii all of her life, grew to HATE the Japanese so much."

And it has all proved to be a bit too much for Republican Party officials in Hawaii, who are now denouncing their nominee in no uncertain terms, as Chad Blair reports for Honolulu Civil Beat:

“I want it understood by the general public and the media that the recent inflammatory comments made by candidate for Congress (CD2) Angela Kaaihue do not represent the views, values, or the sentiments of our Party and its members,” Fritz Rohlfing said in a statement issued late Friday. “Her vulgar, racially-bigoted, and religiously-intolerant descriptions of Democratic Party candidates are offensive, shameful, and unacceptable in public discourse.”
Rohlfing added, “I unconditionally denounce her despicable statements.”

Reached by phone Saturday, Kaaihue criticized Rohlfing for leading a “disenfranchised party” and suggested Rohfing had “slammed” her for her religious views.
“I am talking about God, preaching about God, restoring his kingdom back into Hawaii,” she said. “This is God’s country, America is God’s country. I am trying to educate people about that.”
Kaaihue said there was a war going on between “the righteous and the unrighteous, between God and Satan.” Rohfing’s denouncement of her candidacy, she suggested, demonstrated “how we are being deceived by Satan, the biggest liar and deceiver.”
She said Rohlfing needed to “be careful” because he was taking on “the messenger of God.”
“‘Angela’ means messenger of God,” she said. “My whole family is Christian.”

Angela Kaaihue, Slacktivist 18 Comments [8/28/2016 3:42:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Skybison

Quote# 141434

Miru Angelou: incest is permitted in the Bible, maybe that's why
@allison00812810 thinks it's okay

allison clark: My argument is based on LGBT's hypothesis "love makes SSM OK". In that case incestual marriage

Martin Yirrell You're assuming it's love. Love does not cause another to sin.

Mr. Angry: Because the Bible's been all about marriages based on love....
*Image of the mutliple type of marriage practiced in the Bible with no condemnation*

Martin Yirrell: I suggest you read Matthew 19:3 which describes the only marriage approved by God,

Mr. Angry: You mean the one where the woman is essentially the slave of the man?

Martin Yirrell: And you didn't actually bother to check the passage, far too dangerous to your bigotry.

Mr. Angry: Also, you wanted 4-6, not 3. 3 just asks the question, not the answer.

Martin Yirrell: I expected you to read the passage, not slavishly stick to one verse.

Mr. Angry: Says the one that pointed out a verse....

Martin Yirrell, Twitter 4 Comments [12/19/2018 11:06:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: I

Quote# 133491

So today after work I was chilling at the bus stop. I was either looking at stuff on my phone or just staring into space not really looking into anything and contemplating my subhuman existence. Then a sound broke my trance, I hear the sound of a roastie saying "Excuse me?". The roastie was trashy early 20s degenrate with tattoos and was smoking.

"Yeah, what?"
"Can you stop staring at me?"
"I will stare at whatever the hell I want"
"Don't fucking stare at me"
"I will continue to fucking stare at you and whatever else I want to fucking stare at, I'm well within my right to do whatever the fuck I want"

The roastie saw a subhuman and thought she could stamp all over the subhuman. I guess she expected me to apologise. After my exchange the roastie gave up her attempt to antagonise a subhuman and looked the other way, I guess she was a little scared as well. Anyways brothers, this isn't much but I am extremely proud of this. I did not pussy away.

ilieknothing, r/incels 15 Comments [10/27/2017 12:47:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 38851

On that note, I just want to say, that my heart HURTS for Christians who watch extremely graphic gore and violence, like in the "Saw" movies. Those horrible images will stick in your mind forever. That kind of evil and sadism should not be FUN to watch or ENTERTAINMENT; they should be seen as tools of Satan to get his agenda out to lots and lots of people. Please pray about it and look to God, the Bible, and other Christians for the answer. But I really, really think that you should not have anything to do with them.

I don't even want to take my children into a movie store until they are old enough to drive because JUST THE COVERS of movies are disgusting and dispicable.

Anya, Valley Church of CHRIST 51 Comments [5/8/2008 5:07:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 25746

[re: Hovind's imprisonment]

I’m trying to figure out how to organize something. Right now, I’m calling everyone I know. I started emailing the white house when I found out. I contacted them yesturday and I plan on contacting them every day! I contacted the Voice of the Martyrs, no response yet. I don’t know if they will say anything because this is a political issue and there are those who would like to say that he’s done something morally wrong. The Devil knows scripture and it doesn’t suprise me that he’s using it to his advantage. This is a spiritural battle. We are all in trouble if our president doesn’t veto the “hate crimes” act. We may all end up like Dr. Hovind, if we have the guts to stand like he has. If we don’t shake something up, we’ll all be even more persecuted than we already are.

(emphasis added)

gravy1, CSE blogs 22 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 5700

hello........uh.....im new  1. where did all the matter in the universe come from?  2. how did life originate?  3. why do creationists say that evolution viloates 4 known laws (1rst and 2nd law of thermodynamics, law of cause and effect, and law of biogenesis)?  4. also why do creationsist say that evolution doesnt qualify to be a theory? and that special creation however does...?...  7.how come we see that there is evidence for a global flood if iy aint true?  8. why are you blind to the Truth by your rebellious sin nature and hardend hearts?  9. why say that stuff coming from creationists websites is junk, and push peer reviwed articles, when you quote talkorigins?

JesusChristRep, BlizzForums 8 Comments [12/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 57978

It's not the atheist's point of view that matters on homosexual marriage, its God's word that has already decided it.
And lets call abortion what it is, baby murder.
Christians want the right for unborn babies to live and not be murdered.
You say that is wrong, so I ask you, what is right about murdering innocent babies in the womb?
And atheists do care what Christians think or they wouldn't put up ridiculous bus adds that there is "probably" no God, but they aren't even sure of that!
Atheists want unbelievers and Christians to not believe in God and instead believe that he "probably" doesn't exist?
How long has the Bible been around? And atheists have yet to prove that one, single, solitary word of it is untrue! They can't prove that God does not exist because all evidence and scientific facts support the fact that he does!
Atheists have a lot of faith in nothing. Like being the god of their own lives.

He Had Mercy, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [2/8/2009 1:08:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Blago's Hair

Quote# 112690

Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates their children,but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.

This counts as well for telling sinners that they are sinning.
If you DON'T tell a sinner he is sinning and rebuke him, you hate him.

A person knows a homosexual and tells him he is a sinner and needs to repent and can change with the help of God. Perhaps the homosexual de-friends the person.
Another person, doesn't tell him a word because he prefers to not risk losing a friend. (Saying nothing counts as encouragement as well).

Homosexual is a sin. Sin brings us to Hell. So who of these people truly loved the homosexual? Indeed it was the first person who loved him and the second person who hated him, caring more about his friendship than the more important eternal life of his "friend".

We(Christians) don't hate homosexuals. But you don't love them. Not REALLY.

stefanbauwens, deviantart 25 Comments [9/9/2015 5:16:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: katrinahood

Quote# 142832


In general it is true that
(as to specific particularities, see declaration overleaf):

is in effect the ignominy and shame of Auschwitz, of Hiroshima, and all the scientific trash and waste have already formed garbage dumps even in space (satellites etc.).[b]

That this must be imputed only to the wrong use of science? You must be joking. Technical progress, comforts for the "masses", welfare, medical achievements, … and in exchange for all that there it is, the price to be paid for it: the price itself, the prices, the high and low prices, all prices, prizes and praises, and the price also as value (equivalent, in German: scheissegalgesund, Verwurschtelegalscheiss!*) Shit or health, it makes no difference; or, frankly said, it’s all the same shit! The whole matter has got in a muddle that is equal to health/shit, even as the holy of holiest, i.e. as HEIL-health, as GeSSundheit, that is as precisely that animal-like-Nazi-foolish figment of the mind that is too well known up to puking and by far not only here, in these parts, -: human sacrifices, since the times of the very first and the very last medical priests. Was that really only pre-scientific or pre-empirical, the sacrifices of humans, the highest price, supposedly to praise the Gods? More and more actions of mass extermination since then, in times of war and peace (not more than 3 weeks since 1945!), show the contrary: scientific progress – –. They were planned and executed by the medical classes of the time, while illness was their pretext, and their justification every time afterwards. That is the price to be paid for (what kind of?) progress, especially since you too, dear reader of these lines, are certainly carrying something "ill" all along with you in your "genetic equipment"; yes, you too, and all the others.

* This word is to spare the readers several thousand pages of philosophical-political literature, which they don’t like to
understand anyway, let alone so much as to even read them, not even in the UK or the USA; yes, it’s an ugly word
that comprises the meat and sausage processing mincing and muddling and mixing up in food plants (factories) as
well as anthropomorphical issues and the systemic automatisms of trade market on the base of the iatrocapitalistic
system, by putting them altogether into one, so drastically as unappetizingly, but appropriately; perhaps one should
learn also elsewhere, just for the sake of change, to spell suchlike words, which are more than of common use in
chemistry, in physics, in engineering and elsewhere, letter by letter und read them aloud with a raised voice (vox alta),
in order to learn anew in favor of understanding that every single word in all sciences is sharpening one’s awareness of
the various myths, lies and cock-and-bull stories that, with the regard to history and its results as a whole, link by link,
constitute one single chain of live-damaging action and destruction. Taken literally or letter-by-letter, and in application to
the facts here exposed, it means that millions of people stigmatized by etiquettes are being killed of course any moment,
and that goes without saying as commodities are being sold and bought on the market.

It’s already in its bases that science is precisely the stuff that in all times has made us into throwaway merchandise and, vice versa, turned wares (money, credit) into idols. Scientific basic research? A silly joke. Science has abdicated a long time ago. But far from resigning definitely it is pushing its way forward, more and more (trade with organ banks, genetics = biotechnological genocide). All of us have been inoculated with all that as logic (logo! okay!) since thousands of years. And all of us, be it as scientists and humanists (i.e. as scientists of the science of nature and of the humanities), or be it as the so called physically or mentally "less well-offs" or "less illuminated" in consequence of poverty or whatsoever, in brief: as "idiots", "cripple-idiots", or be it only as "dimwits", we all have adapted to that murderous nonsense to such a degree that it has become to us the guarantor, the base (still another "basic research"!) of our pride and of our philanthropy (humanism). All are guaranteeing, we too, nothing. But a part [SPK/PF(MFE)] has succeeded at least in proving shame for all that. By the force of illness, offend those who are offending you. How else but by your action you can dissociate yourself from this murderous logic, change the conditions, and change yourself?!

What has caused the opportunity we took for the following statement? You might forget it. It was just an opportunity, and by no means the cause, the reason (Ur-Sache): your and our relation to illness. We are, for reason of that cause and on occasion of all the caused opportunities (contradiction in the identity of illness and capitalism), absolutely and decisively in favor of illness (revolutionary moment). But it’s not we that are at stake; as we are already very well off thanks to the forces of illness, for us all doctors can get lost, and that since several decades. And what about you? Should we, at least, still feel sorry for you? Or is it you that, in top secret, should at least feel sorry for yourself? It is said that things like that might happen.

The following declaration was distributed to hundreds of people. Against all sorts of party-fractions and fragmentations (e.g. against a meeting organized in Vienna by students of medicine hostile to patients), and in so far against an insignificant fragmentation of the White Army, or, as you might say as well, against a little bit White Army Fraction (WAF – – ). But even at this regard the repercussions were astonishing and flabbergasting, and a few people, who, in the beginning, had thought of our declaration printed overleaf "to be perhaps a little bit exaggerated" were shocked at those reactions. A doctor’s car for emergency calls which, called on for help by the doctors and medical students, had hurried to the doctors’ aid and succeeded in rescuing a few of them. Rescuing them from what? From the following sheet of paper (see declaration overleaf). It’s precisely the same declaration that has been distributed to hundreds of people, and other hundreds have asked us, within the first three days, to allow them to reprint and distribute this declaration unchanged on their own expense, and so they did.


As to the specific particularities:
Subject: Symposium Viennese from the 5th to the 7th of November 1998
(Or: From the Cup of Poison to Genocide-Cannibalism)


As to me, K. S., I, too, am not partaking in this Congress, although I’ve been invited by Mr. Spann, PhD, to organize a bookstand.

Last time it was in January 1998 that I have given my opinion here, as a front-patient of the Patients’ Front. On that occasion, reports were published in the print-media, broadcasting and TV, CNN live included. From January till now no one of those present at that time has learned something new and, according to the schedule of today’s congress, no one of those who has come along since then has learned something new.

Iatrocracy’s international army, the army dressed in white, and their followers and supporters here too, being tied to their interests, can not be taught because they are incorrigible. It goes without saying. At most it’s from the Nazi, against whom they line up here as they say hypocritically, that they can learn something more.

Each and every science, and even and properly the most exact science, as mathematics and the science of nature, has been always the same, right up from its very origin and basics, and even before the Nazi showed up: that is, the murder-market’s logic of the excluded contradiction. What? How that? Nota bene: The Identity-dogma of each trade and change, from monet-Aryan-alike up to … and anyway logic (logo!, okay!): holocaustologic logically! "Authentic identities", from Aristotle and Thomas, the Saint of Aquino, and the stakes (Scheiterhaufen), up to, and it could not be otherwise, could it?: Just take a look on the schedule of this Congress: True, true, true, true = authentically true, exactly as prayer wheels that run at top, Aryan-alike, medico-alike, archiatric-ally, nature-ally, liter-Aryan, and, logically, holo-logically, holocausto-logically!: In the past monet-Aryan-alike, at the present digit-ally, in brief: logistic-Aryan-alike (cf. B. Russell), authentically and identically, but true!

History as science has been ever since that of the winners, who make and fake and patchwork together the "histories".

Ethics and Morality became and remained the matter of single elites nut-cases, instead of being the concern of each and all, originally: defeat of Gods and Idols!, that is against those puffed up blossoms of the swamp and all sorts of ethic-casters.

In brief: all past and future science plus all the congress-garbage belonging to it, all scientific approach and methods, remain as such iatro-capitalistic science, and such ones as Hitler as its henchman is always available. In its basics and its effects, its oppressive actions and its shirking, all of it, from physics to philosophy, with medicine as the crown of all these creations and of this act of creating (doing away with the "ballast-existences" and with the in-equivalent, that is the unworthy, unhealthy lifes), with the genocidal genocide as its last extra gain for the time being.

This is why I’m fighting, and why I’m learning by fighting, ever being willing to learn, but exclusively orientated to Diapathics and Pathopractice in Utopathy, me too.

Off with all the medical fraud!

Put the Doctors’ Class on Diet-zero!

Free yourselves from them and them from themselves!

From the Patients’ Class to the Human Species
through the New-revolution by the Force of Illness!

(Emphasis original)

Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H), Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H) 17 Comments [3/16/2019 6:02:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 122730

A court in Germany has ruled that the parents of a 15 year old girl cannot stop her from continuing a sexual relationship with her 47 year old uncle that she started when she was just 14.


While this may seem like a rare victory for the sexual rights of post-pubescent females and their older male lovers, we can be certain that the controversy of this case will be used by femihags in Germany to further push for the age of consent to be raised to 16 or even 18. Already, after recent ‘strengthening’ of German age of consent laws, a female who had sex at 14 or 15 and regretted it has the right to pursue child abuse charges against her former partner – something no doubt likely in this case when the girl is gotten too by the pressure of the media and feminists, or if she ever breaks up with her older lover and decides to redefine her love for him as victimhood.

theantifeminist, Anti-Feminist Theory of Men's Rights, Male Sexuality, Feminism 21 Comments [11/30/2016 5:57:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143133

[LifeFuel] New Islamic criminal laws in Brunei allowing death by stoning or whipping for gay sex come into force today.

NeetSupremacist, incels.co 14 Comments [4/4/2019 12:39:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143128

War Criminal Lectures Croatian Students on Religious Faith

Anja Vladisavljevic | Zagreb | BIRN | April 3, 2019

Bosnian Croat Hague Tribunal convict Dario Kordic gave a speech at a student residence in Zagreb about his years in prison and his religious beliefs, while some protesters tried to disrupt the event by chanting that he was a war criminal.

Dario Kordic, a former military commander in the self-proclaimed Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia wartime statelet and a convicted war criminal, gave a talk about his Christian faith to students of religion in Zagreb on Tuesday evening.

The lecture, entitled ‘God Behind Bars’, was held in the cinema hall of the Stjepan Radic student residence and organised by students’ associations, a religious association and a Herzegovinian students’ club.

The event began with a religious song sung by the audience along with Kordic, who held a rosary in his hands throughout the event.

One student introduced Kordic and said that the topic of the gathering would not be “the Orwellian international judiciary and its concept of justice” but “the testimony of a man who has borne the burden of living for his ideals”.

However some protesting students tried to disrupt the event by chanting “war criminal” at Kordic, before men from the audience threw them out of the hall and took away the banner that they planned to hold up.

But the protesters did manage to hang a banner with the words “Dario Koljac [Dario the Butcher]” on the student dormitory’s balcony.

Kordic reacted calmly to the disruption, saying that there are people who are bothered by God’s love.

“You’ve probably seen that in recent months and years, ugly, unfounded articles about me [were published], 25 years after the events of the war,” Kordic said.

“Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do,” he added, using a phrase attributed to Jesus in the Bible.

Kordic, a former Croatian Defence Council commander, was convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia of planning and instigating killings in the village of Ahmici and neighbouring hamlets in April 1993 and ethnically cleansing the area.

He was released in 2014 after serving two-thirds of his 25-year sentence.

He told the students in Zagreb on Tuesday that he maintained his devotion to God during the war and throughout his years in prison.

“I was in the hands of the Lord, and in my pocket I had my rosary,” he said.

The Croatian Defence Council, which was backed by Croatia, attacked the village of Ahmici in Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 16, 1993, killing more than 100 civilians, mostly women and children. The youngest victim was three months old and the oldest was 82.

Some people were buried alive in their houses, while the local mosque was destroyed.

Judgments handed down by the Hague Tribunal have said that Herzeg-Bosnia was founded with the intention of splitting the territory from Bosnia and Herzegovina and uniting it with a ‘Greater Croatia’.

Dario Kordic and his supporters, BalkanInsight 16 Comments [4/3/2019 3:34:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Vman

Quote# 143093

The LOVE of God: Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible and the Homosexual

As a missionary, I encountered people from all walks of life, from all over the world, of different religions, beliefs and lifestyles. I love them all as God instructs us to, and it is because I love them that I share the only Truth, Jesus Christ with them. Jesus Christ is the only One that can set them free. I have a heart for the lost; especially, those enslaved in sin and the homosexual lifestyle. I love them dearly. Yet, it seems that many of them hate Christians and hate the word of God, the Holy Bible. We don't argue with the hateful, Christophobic reprobates, we shake the dust from our feet, pray God's will for them and move on, as God instructed us to. But, I have cried out for so many years for others who are stuck in that lifestyle and want to be delivered from it. Sadly, some of them lost their life to HIV/AIDS, domestic violence and suicide. Others renounced their former lifestyle and are living testimonies of God's power to deliver and heal. We continue to seek God's will for them. We are messengers, laborers, and watchman sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and salvation in Him. For those who struggle with unnatural affections and desire to be set free through Jesus Christ, we are praying for you. Turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to save and deliver you. There are Bible-Believing Christians here who are standing in the gap, praying for you. We will not pander, affirm sin and abominations, nor will we condone what God calls evil, but we will continue to speak the Truth in Love and pray for you. We love you enough to share Truth with you, even if you hate Truth and hate us for sharing Him with you:

[scripture removed - the usual "bash" passages, Romans 1, Deuteronomy 22:5, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22]
(She also posted the following scripture:

2 Timothy 2:23King James Version (KJV)
23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

Titus 3:9King James Version (KJV)
9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV)
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Matthew 10:14 (KJV)
14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.)

The good news is God is faithful and just to forgive us when we ask. There is still hope for the lost. Seek Jesus Christ.

(Image reads: LGBTQIA - 1) Is a choice 2) Is a Sin as the Bible Says 3) There is no Gay Gene 4) No One is Born Gay 5) Gender is Not Changeable 6) Do Not Go to Heaven 7) An Abomination to JESUS 8) Cannot Be Christians. Repent - HELL IS A CHOICE! And that Rainbow Belongs to God!)

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 14 Comments [4/2/2019 4:20:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143111

Today's Laugh 4-2-19

Tucker Carlson: We're back with Rosie O'Donnell, debating whether liberalism is a mental disorder. Whoa, where did this come from? (Holds piece of paper which says Chick-Fil-A)
Rosie O'Donnell: WAAAAA

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 18 Comments [4/3/2019 3:22:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta
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