Quote# 142071

There's no such thing as real science.

Science is just a name for a Satanic cult. It's like saying you use the real Catholic.

It's like saying that you use only white witchcraft, and reject the black.

Satanism and science are two sides of the same coin.

Gospel Truth, Twitter 25 Comments [1/21/2019 5:11:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142558

Unitarian Universalism – What is it?

Unitarian Universalism is the combination of two forms of thought: Unitarianism, which is the belief that there is no Trinity, and that therefore Jesus was not God. And Universalism, which is the belief that all human beings are saved, and there is no eternal punishment. Most Unitarian Universalists also deny that there is an afterlife. The two doctrines were combined in the late eighteenth century in America, and gained traction among intellectuals who were trying to reconcile the idea of hell with the notion of a loving God. Instead of accepting that we may simply not know the answer to that particular puzzle, they chose to deny what the Bible clearly teaches, both about the existence of hell and about the doctrine of salvation.

Those who follow Unitarian Universalism are especially committed to the idea that every person has a right to believe whatever they wish. Many of them believe in several different religions at the same time, picking and choosing from those religions whatever resonates with their personal faith journey. There is no absolute truth, or "right way" to God, or right way to live one's spiritual life. They are oddly dogmatic about this tolerant viewpoint (considering that they are generally against dogma of any kind). They are especially intolerant of biblical Christianity. To the Unitarian Universalist, Jesus was nothing more than a good, moral teacher, and the Bible is a book of myths and parables that has little to no absolute meaning. For the Unitarian Universalist, man is not sinful or fallen, and salvation is about improving one's life on earth.

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God, the Creator (John 1:1–2). Jesus Himself claimed to be God Almighty, and the Pharisees listening knew He was making that claim (John 8:56–58). The Bible says that man is a sinner, that in his sin he suppresses truth (Romans 1:19–21). Finding truth is hopeless without God's intervention—because of sin, man is unable to find the secret wisdom of God without God's spirit helping him (1 Corinthians 2:7–16). The Bible says that life on this earth is fleeting and that heaven or hell awaits those who have faith (or don't have faith) in Christ (Hebrews 9:27; John 3:16–18; Revelation 20:11–15). Unitarian Universalism denies all these truths.

Unitarian Universalists call themselves followers of God, but amazingly, their three main beliefs put them in direct agreement with Satanism as it is outlined in the Satanic bible. First, Satanism denies the existence of God and of Jesus Christ as God, and instead upholds man as his own god. Unitarians believe that each person chooses his or her own truth, which is essentially the same as saying that each person is god. Second, Satanism denies that man's sin nature is shameful or immoral, saying instead that sin is a natural part of man's existence. Unitarian Universalism also denies that man is sinful and fallen. Third, both deny the existence of an afterlife and instead promote life on earth as the only existence.

Another fascinating thing to note: both of these belief systems are built not on their own creative beliefs, but on the deconstruction of Christian beliefs. Satanism and Unitarian Universalism often have very different façades but on a fundamental level they have much more in common with Satanists than they do with Christians.

Compelling Truth, Compelling Truth 11 Comments [2/24/2019 2:31:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 142554

There is NOTHING in the Bible about human beings being able to have sexual relations with angels. Despite angels always appearing as masculine beings, there is no reason to believe that angels have genitals. What would be the need? Reproductive organs were given to humans by God to perpetuate the human race by procreation. There are no female angels. This speaks volumes! Matthew 22:30, “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Since angels do not marry, neither can they have sexual relations! It is wrong, sinful and blasphemous to teach that angels engaged in sexual relations with human women in the Old Testament. Such bizarre teaching is superstition, not the inspired Word of God.

The Heresy of Angel Offspring Who Become Physical Giants

There is no such thing as angel offspring! Angels cannot conceive biological children. Genesis 6:1-4, “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” This Bible passage simply means that Christian men mated with heathen women, and their offspring became tyrants among the people. These children were not brought up by godly mothers. They grew up unsaved and worldly. The fact that the sons of God married unsaved hussies proves that they were not godly fathers. Genesis 6:5, “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” All across America for the past century, celebrities have increasingly walked as Gods among the people, “men of renown” (giants). I believe this is what Genesis 6:1-4 refers to.

The Battle Over Corruptible Seed Verses Incorruptible Seed

So what did happen 6,000 years ago? Pay attention carefully and you will see that the Bible does not say the offspring were born as “giants.” It simply says there were “giants” in the land. The phrase “men of renown” in Genesis 6:4 is the Hebrew word gibbor, which means “powerful; by implication tyrant or warrior.” Interestingly, the word “giant” in some other Old Testament Scripture passages is translated from this same exact word gibbor. This clearly evidences that bodily giants were not the result of angels having carnal knowledge with earthly women; but rather, Christian men mated with unsaved women and their children grew up to be rebels like Absalom. Today we would consider them rock stars, et cetera! I read somewhere that when fathers don't go to church, only 5% of the time do their adult children go to church! That is a sad testimony on our American culture today. Ballgames, shopping, watching television and the movies, drag-racing and trips to the beach have substituted going to Church. Why should God bless America?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 15 Comments [2/24/2019 2:29:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142359

There is also a strong element of bullying in pushing the homosexual agenda. Just like the men of Sodom, modern homosexuals are into forcing everyone to conform. you don't conform, you risk losing your job/home etc. Just look at how they go after bakers and artists to force them to promote their agenda.

benmcd, Rapture Forums 15 Comments [2/10/2019 5:54:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142511

("A Youtuber reveals her new girlfriend")

As usual, this is said in love and not hate or judgment. As you are precious to God. So I will not give a thumbs down, as that's sneaky, but I will give the truth. And pray God you will listen.

This video looks like a Bible movie that is titled: In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wouldn't you say? Yes, I thought so! I've tried everything to stop these perverted videos from coming in but they keep stalking. So, once again, I guess God wants to have a talk with you. No, don't confuse this with "hate", as they say, so don't let Satan con you into believing that lie. Because real hate would be people in the comment section applauding this sin. It's sad how deceived an entire generation is. To the point that they have no clue that the lives they are living are an abomination to God. And when the "Boss" calls something an abomination, we had better pay close attention. What they fantasize as "freedom" is nothing but a display of the bondage that they are in. Jesus, forgive us. You beautiful people have to wrap your 3lbs of brains around the meaning of eternity and where you will spend it. Jesus desperately wants you with Him in Heaven and not in that place of eternal torment. And I want you in Heaven, also!

God loved the people of Sodom and Gomorrah but after years of constant warning to them about their sin of homosexuality, sex outside of marriage and other sins, He ended up annihilating every man, woman, and child. Even their animals! So you can clearly see that God has a limit. Yes, as the Bible says He is long-suffering towards us but His patience has a limit. To mock that is only to mock yourself and no one else. I share this in love to all of you. And you all know I'm not sharing in love because I do care about you. And I'm only the messenger. I will attach an account of Marilyn Monroe on the bottom of this comment. And where she is this moment as you read this.

Satan never plays fair, do not be on the receiving end of His deception. Your soul is worth beyond all the kingdoms of the world, and Satan knows it, and he hates you for it. So whatever it takes to drag you with him into his eternal destination, the Lake of Fire, he will gladly do. Whether it's the deception of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, reincarnation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, tattoos and piercings, or being transgender, whatever it takes.

The only way to escape the fires of Hell is to repent and accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. Please do that now and repeat the prayer at the bottom. Millions screaming in the fires and torture of Hell today would give all their treasures or riches they had on earth for one opportunity to come back and pray the sinner's prayer and accept Christ into their heart. You have an opportunity, they don't.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Love in Christ

So let's quickly look at Marilyn Monroe. At the apex of her fame in Hollywood, Billy Graham was moved by God to go and speak to her about her life and to tell her of God's love and the Saving power of Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he felt an urgency about her. When he finally sat down to speak with her, she laughed hysterically at him and said, "I don't need your Jesus!" She had no clue that death would end up surprising her only a few days later. And NDE after NDE confirms the fact that she is currently screaming and burning in the fires of Hell. Many have said the demons take sheer delight in mutilating her and throwing spears through her and throwing her into the fire. They said that her screams were unbearable to listen to. And it was very, very real. And none were telling a lie.

Your life is a gift from God to you and what you do with that life is your gift back to Him. And in the backdrop of eternity, you are only here on earth for a few seconds. So please, let's live our lives the way God wants us to live them. Nothing on this earth is worth missing Heaven for. From the few accounts of people who were taken to Heaven (via NDEs), it is a place that you do not want to miss! The streets are pure Gold. And the Gold is so pure that it's transparent! People said they saw their grandparents while they were there and they were young again (20's/30's) and beautiful! People even saw pets there that they had as children that had died decades prior! So you can clearly see that what's important to you is important to God. Please, accept Christ today and make Heaven your home!?

Tom Knight, Youtube 20 Comments [2/20/2019 5:01:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 142529

"Can They Really Be That Dumb?"

She's been dubbed Alexandria Occasional Cortex, whose green new deal was so childishly naive that it was hastily scrubbed from the website. We therefore posit, for your approval, the theory that these dimocrat rock stars are republican plants.
Our next fifth-columnist is Elizabeth Warren, hard at work to ensure a resounding dimocrat defeat in 2020. Her campaign is DOA thanks to her bizarre channeling of Pocahontas. Undaunted, she remains the darling of fake news with statements like 'Trump's wall is a fake national emergency'. Cory 'Spartacus' Booker grilled a conservative judicial nominee with solely LGBT-related questions, brilliantly suggesting he cares about nothing else. Could the Walk Away [from the dimocrat party] movement have him on the payroll? Kamala Harris stereotypes Jamaicans as drunken potheads, drawing the ire of no less than her own dad. Beto O'Rourke wants to dismantle even the existing sections of border wall.
Turning from 'young crazy' to 'old crazy', we find a most diabolically clever plant in Mad Maxine Waters. Her infamous parking lot rant, urging a handful of faithful to harass conservatives, artfully skated the line between dimocrat indoctrination versus outright sabotage.
But a more likely scenario is found in the opinion of a conservative pundit. In his view, when one is talking to dimocrats, he isn't talking to human beings, but to demons with a weird, self-defeating sense of humor.
Points to ponder, in the time remaining,. . . .in The Twilight Zone.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 21 Comments [2/22/2019 1:45:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142586

[Blackpill] no ammount of beer is going to cure autism

a lot of people say: "just get some beer to lower your inib broooo" but even if you get a lower inib, you are still a autist, you simply can't get a conversation going, and you may end up doing violent stuff, chads drink for no reason, but to justify their natural low inib, others drink to lower their inibs but aren't autistic, but when a autistic start drinking his autisms is multiplied a hundred time, and he start spelling tons of shit, autism also tend to get over drunk, and people just don't want him around anymore, when you have emotional issues, they just start manifesting around, like your loneliness, your envy, you lack of self confidence, and even if you manage to not get into a fight or upset somebody, your autistic brain will start to torture you with memories of all the bullshit you did, and you will hate yourself for destroying your chances of making friends or finaly kissing a girl.

GameDevCel, incels.is 10 Comments [2/24/2019 3:08:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142457

[It's Over] I hope my old crush die in cancer or car acident

She reject me burtally.... "I have a boyfriend"

btw this rejection is old one but she fuck me up mentally...

lifeisbullshit95, incels.is 19 Comments [2/16/2019 10:07:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142533

Top trolling by this person i’d never heard of before but will now follow with interest

Anyone know anything about Russian Chinese relations in the years following the Soviet Sino war?

Russia’s entire history is one of bring invaded from Genghis Khan to the 3rd Reich.

At the moment the 4th EU Reich is on the borders of Russia when I do believe the Ukraine is meant to be a buffer ground to make Russia feel safe, but who cares about international treaties

Most worrying thing I’ve seen in my life time was a couple of years ago when i saw Gernan tanks labelled with the iron Cross on trains heading towards the Ukraine.

It’s almost as if the 4th Reich wants to start a war with Russia

Where you on the ground in Ukraine on a field mission where you observed those terrifying tanks?


It’s no laughing matter, you deluded little Europeaners are very dangerous people and you’re going to start a war.

Just look at your allies, Iran and China.

Actually Capn’ it looks like the EU are going to stay out of a war. Or maybe two. Three if Trump goes after China, Iran and Venezuela. But if you want to play Robin to Trump’s Batman then have fun. We will watch your future career with great interest.

Hi Peter Monta

We in the West look at the speeches made in the EU Parliament by Junker Verhofstadt and Mama Merkel and we see the speeches of tyrants.

The West has failed in its duty to maintain Western Values in European nations much to our shame and European powers are now doing what they do best, starting wars

Capt Europe, Politico.eu 5 Comments [2/24/2019 2:22:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142532

Hadi: Muslims used by ‘enemies of Islam’, now non-Muslims running the country

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 17 ? Misinformation fuelled by the “enemies of Islam” has influenced Muslims and resulted in a “dangerous” political shift in the country, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has claimed.

In a report by PAS organ HarakahDaily, the PAS president alleged that Muslims, especially the youth have been misled by a misinformation which has inadvertently turned them against Islam.

This, he added resulted in a change of government and a country run and dominated by non-Muslims.

“We have seen how Muslims especially those among the younger generation, who are influenced by Whatsapp, the cyber realm, not realising they themselves have turned and become detractors of Islam.

“(They) have been used by the enemies of Islam, to the point where there is a change of politics that endangers Muslim in our country. When it is being ruled and dominated by non-Muslims,” Abdul Hadi reportedly said.

Hadi then urged Muslims to expand their knowledge on the digital realm in an effort to spread the teachings of Islam while defending the faith on the digital platform.

“Those defending Islam must use all of their skills and knowledge to spread and uphold Islam.

“Those who are capable in this realm, have a responsibility to spread Islam, defend Islam and attacks its enemies with information technology,” he said.

Hadi explained that in a borderless global world, information technology has enabled a cyber war, especially against Islam.

“It is considered 'world without borders. (People) can spread anything to the world whether it is spreading Islam or opposing Islam.

“We are witnessing many groups that oppose Islam across the globe, through the cyber-realm of information technology with various slander.

“We are witnessing a clash in the cyber realm of information technology. Attacks on Islam, its leaders and supporters with various arguments and slander. To give a negative impact on Islam, to humiliate Islam, to demean Islam and scare people away from Islam,” he said.

Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Malay Mail 5 Comments [2/22/2019 1:50:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 142538

Welcome to Trumps America where the media colludes against the president to release fake news. Where a gay black man needs to import oppression from Nigeria. Where a Stolen Valor liar can harass a young boy and become the victim. Where a red hat is enough to call for the death of children. Where your support for a president is enough for you to not get service, be harrassed, or assaulted. Where the pronouns we used are policed. Where you are forced to be attracted to someone. Where women are set up to be destroyed in sports. Where we have the sanctioning of the murder of babies. Where a witch hunt has gone on for 2 years all based off a fake dossier created by the losing political party. Where the the FBI outgoing president spies on a candidate and leaks the names of American's on wire taps got leaked. Where open calls for socialisim run rampant. Where the rights of non citizens are put over the lives of citizens.

This is Trumps America. Not the BS spewed by SJW's and never Trumpers deranged with TDS. Trumps America didn't turn into a fascits hell hole because of Trump, its because of them. Because they want to control what American's can wear, can say, can act, and any dissenting opinions are quickly dismissed as racisim and bigotry. Projection at its finest. All the things they actually do are the things they say Trumps America would become.

cryptoadam, NeoGaf.com 12 Comments [2/22/2019 1:56:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Teflar

Quote# 142543

Hallelujah! Welcome to the real world with eyes wide open! Your video is awesome and so encouraged me personally. Ive spent my life warning and sounding the alarm early on when few americans were out there laboring to inform others to wake up. Now the relevant next question you will need to ask and know the answer to - WHY? Why are the liberal lefts doing what they have been doing for so many years? Because they ARE willing Lucifer satanic occult worshippers. That IS why. Their goal is to move everyone into their ideal satanic occultic NEW WORLD ORDER SYSTEM. Every abortion is a human blood ritual sacrifice unto lucifer. They also want everyone to become satanic occultists and since they eat human flesh regularly and drink human blood regularly and take human life at all stages regularly, they want everyone else globally doing it too. What is THE ORDER? IT IS THE TIP TOP OF THE SATANIC OCCULT. Top ruling satanic wizards and warlocks...who are they? They are the Jesuits. The head of the vatican..the actual rulers over all humanity. They know jehovah God is real, alive and well and they war against HIM. Thats what they are really up to.

An0maly, plwoman 15 Comments [2/22/2019 1:59:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 39334

SEATTLE — The Starbucks 'mermaid' logo is causing an uproar with some Christian groups.

The groups say the 'mermaid' seen on Starbucks cups is 'slutty.' The logo shows the 'mermaid' or 'siren' spreading its tails and showing bare breasts.

"The woman is actually a siren, not a mermaid, which in Greek mythology lures people to them with their beautiful songs, and then kills them," explains Mark Dice, Founder of The Resistance.

Several blogs have reported on the angry protest over the logo. Groups like the Resistance say the naked woman on the cups is in poor taste. The Resistance is a Christian media watchdog organization. The 3,000 member group is boycotting Starbucks across the country.

"The Starbucks logo has a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute," explains Mark Dice, founder of the group. "Need I say more? It's extremely poor taste, and the company might as well call themselves, Slutbucks."

Mark Dice, Q13 Fox News Affiliate 100 Comments [5/15/2008 9:00:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142518

[OP of "LP faggot fakertarians, vs Libertarians"]

[Poster blasting "fakertarians" for supporting gay rights, civil rights, "moral decay" and feminism and featuring attacks on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the allegued dysgenic effect of welfare and multiculturalism]

HoppeanDoctor, Reddit - r/National_Ancaps 12 Comments [2/20/2019 12:10:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142515

"Most unvaccinated people will die as children" is just as stupid as "vaccines cause autism", and if you spread memes promoting the former myth, you do not have the right to feel superior to people who spread the latter

The way Reddit talks about vaccines you'd think the Angel of Death personally visits every child on their first birthday unless the mother (always the mother, anti-vaxx fathers don't exist) gets them vaccinated. When in reality, for every unvaccinated child who dies of measles, 500 will just get a fever and runny nose for a week. Meanwhile they smugly insist that it doesn't even matter if vaccines cause autism because "autism doesn't kill children", when if they could be bothered to do some basic fact-checking they'd find that autism makes you 40 times more likely to get lethal injuries in childhood. The worst part is that if you point out how stupid their memes are, they assume you're an anti-vaxxer; it's just like how after 9/11 anybody who pointed out how ridiculous Bush's policies were was accused of supporting the terrorists (EDIT: that was an unfair comparison, spreading dumb memes is not the same as invading a country unprovoked. But it's still the same worrying mindset of "our enemies are so evil that anything condemning them must be accepted, no matter how obviously wrong it is").

funwiththoughts, Reddit - /r/Negareddit 16 Comments [2/20/2019 2:36:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142260

Thank you for your testimony! I completely agree with you. D&D is an Occult game saturated with paganism; sorcery; witchcraft; and so many more things that are antichrist. It is a tool intended for indoctrination of these things belonging to Satan. Before I was saved, I played the game once with some "friends", and the irony is, when I look back at the experiece today, everyone involved was reprobate. Two of the players were siblings that had parents that were atheists; the parents deliberately named the siblings "Alpha" and "Omega" to blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ's name. While I am certain that we can swap war stories, and compare that evil game with other games that are of the same low grade as the Ouija Board, one thing we can recognize and acknowledge here is that this is another End Times Deception to deceive people into eating things sacrificed to devils.

If, in their study, they could read 1Corinthians 10:20-22 and 2Corinthians 6:14-18 along with Deuteronomy 18 they might can grasp that the mixing of that game is rebellion against God, as it is eating from the table of devils to learn the deep things of Satan. The mixing of that evil game is of the doctrines of both Balaam and the Egyptians (Nicolaitans).

The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to the Churches, but are they hearing Him? Are they hearing His words in the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches? I would hope that anyone that would think that it is "O.K." to bring a Satanic game into any Church service would prayerfully read Revelation 1-3, as the Lord makes it clear that there are severe consequences for such actions. There is no sharing of the darkness with the Light. We are to be separate from infidels. We are to abstain from pollutions of idols. That's right, the Church is commanded to abstain from idols and polutions of idols. The command is written in Acts 15:19-29 and we get further instruction in the Epistles of Paul and James.

It is obvious to me, that the "Fellowship and Dragons" group is a Cult in the making, of the house of the dead. Weast is deceived and deceiving. This is a clear example of turning Grace into lasciviousness per Jude 1:4

Heretic Hunter, BaptistBoard 31 Comments [2/3/2019 4:54:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Kang

Quote# 142520

When I hear that a bunch of normalfags kicked the bucket, It doesn't bother me at all

This has nothing to do with any animosity toward normalfags at all. I just don't care. When I hear 50 people died in vegas or a 100 in Laos, the only thing I think is "Kek, Thank god that wasn't me". I regard it with same level of interest I feel toward the weather report. Who cares? The truth is nothing I'm saying is controversial. YOU don't care. And you should stop pretending that you do care. That's what bothers me about normalfags. The sanctimony, the faux outrage. Changing your facebook avatar to a french flag doesn't mean anything. Stop pretending.

Every human being on this planet is 100% invested in themselves, their family, and maybe their friends/pets. Even the friends thing is iffy. Most people think of their friends as employees in their personal social business. If Tom, the guy who is sorta good at pool dies, you're probably just disappointed you have to fill a space in your social queue. Sort of like how an employer is disappointed when the guy who understands how to work the router offs himself. Gotta find a new guy! Darn!

If you heard that a bomb went off in your neighborhood, what would you think?

"Oh god, I hope it wasn't someone I know!"
And you would breath a sigh of relief once their names weren't called. Despite the fact that 100+ people could have died! You sleep easy that night. Why pretend? Maybe it's too horrible to admit that most humans are selfish cocksuckers who regard each other as warm bodies unless they're genetically related. Can't admit it, can we? Meh, I don't care. When I hear about a genocide, I kick my feet up, grab the remote, and jerk off to HD 1080p pornography. The clarity of the tiny ridges on the roastie's butthole. Jesus christ

Mahlo, incels.is 17 Comments [2/20/2019 12:12:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142253

“AOC’s Lefty Lexicon”

Mansplain - When Ricky Ricardo disses Lucy.
Cisgender - Abnormal satisfaction with your birth gender.
Wall - Us democrats build one around our posh, gated estates to keep out riffraff.
Caravan - Supply convoy bringing democrat votes to sanctuary cities.
Toxic Masculinity - Being born male.
White Privilege - You didn't build that, so you owe it to those who don't want to work.
Winter - Formerly the cause of cold weather before climate change.
Constitution - Overall state of health, as in a hardy constitution.
Voter Apathy - Compensates for racist voters, and got me elected. I'm all like, yah!
Pro-lifer - Anti-woman sexist who wants the world overpopulated.
Economics - A way to explain how everybody gets free stuff for life.
Free Speech - A conservative tool for threatening democrats with common sense, whatever that is.
Mainstream Media - Relax and let them choose your opinions for you. Trust them.
Christianity - The only religion that's all about intolerance, hate, and stuff.
DC Swamp - ?? There are no wetlands in the nation's capital.
Feminist - Social warrior advocating for removal of wall urinals. Men must sit down like we do!
Patriot - Isn't that a like, football team?
Israel - Can you spell "aparthide"?
Green New Deal - How to bankrupt our racist nation for stuff we don't need and doesn't even work!
George Soros - For president!

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 29 Comments [2/2/2019 2:57:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142530

Humanity, as a whole, has a problem with kleptomania. We can't stop stealing. Look at the original property that was stolen: the forbidden fruit that contained the wisdom of good and evil. Have we given it back? No way. We use it in everyday life, sometimes for good, like when deciding to return a lost wallet to its original owner; and sometimes for bad, when we know something is wrong, yet we do it, anyway. We have used this wisdom, ever since it was first stolen, and haven't returned it to God. In fact, the irony is we ask God for more of it in prayers. I'm sure I've jotted down in earlier letters the "Serenity Prayer:" "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." God, being the loving being that he is, often gives us more to help us along the way. But it is strange to think that we are asking the victim of the crime for more of what we stole.

Not only did we steal an Object from our Creator, but we also robbed him Of his identity. The words that convinced Adam and Eve to disobey the law were surely the last ones spoken by the serpent: "You will not die, for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God. (Genesis 3:4-5)" We don't want to be the created ones. We want to be the Creator and the Master of the Universe. There is a part in all of us that wants to usurp God's position and assume the throne ourselves. We thirst for power and hoard it to secure our place, over and above others. It frustrates us to the core that God has infinite power at his fingertips. When humanity saw a chance to take some of it from him with a single bite of fruit, he took it.

Troy D. Ehlke, Foundations of Faith: Building on Scriptural Foresight and a Father's Follies (book) 12 Comments [2/22/2019 1:45:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 131975

Banjo-Kazooie is a liberal video game released in 1998, and it was developed by British vulgarians Rare and published by Nintendo, the Japanese company also responsible for Pokemon which was Japan's revenge for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This video game was released for the Nintendo 64 video game console, and it sold millions of copies.

Despite receiving an ESRB rating of "E for Everyone," this video game is rife with liberal content. For starters, it values physical beauty over substantive characteristics. 1 Samuel 16:7 says "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." The entire plot of this game revolves around series antagonist Gruntilda seeking to use protagonist Banjo's sister Tooty for her physical looks. Gruntilda plans on transferring Tooty's looks onto herself via some contraption that is featured in game. In the game over sequence in this game, it features said transfer occurring and Gruntilda turns from an obese witch into a slender woman with breasts visible as well as suggestive moaning not unlike that featured in the liberal song "Wildest Dreams" which is also sinful. Remember that this game is rated "E." Tooty becomes green and obese, thus showing that the only thing that matters is a person's physical attractiveness, a further sign of a fallen world.

Not only that, there are other sinful things in this game including references to drunkenness, and another reference to breasts during the end game sequence where these scantily clad models are on an island holding a tray with melons. This is what kids were apparently supposed to be seeing, according to the supposedly self-regulating video game industry. The ESRB must have some pretty lax standards.

The game had a sequel, called Banjo-Tooie, which has such blatant vulgarity that one world has an island formation that resembles a penis, and there is another world with a menu that features the entree "Seaman's Surprise." It is sad that parents, even so-called "Christian" parents let their kids play this game. In a way, it is even worse than what Grand Theft Auto did. At least GTA had an "M" rating, while Banjo was allegedly appropriate for kids with its "E" rating.

Steven R., New Testament Baptist Church 26 Comments [9/23/2017 10:48:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 6898

pastor; handcuffs made of fur are just the first step down the road to more perversion. like marrijuana leads to harder drugs. the devil is slick . he takes you down the road to deestruction step by step.... when i was a kid all the girls wore dresses andd skirts , they all looked like women, today your not a liberated woman unless you look like a man.first it was pedal pushers, then it was slacks then blue jeans , then short hair, then burr hair cuts. step by step down the road to destruction.

jessedance, Christian Forums 9 Comments [4/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 142409

Oh I do care about how others suffer. That’s why I speak the truth. See unlike you, I actually care about seeing people come to know Jesus Christ. I don’t care whether the truth isn’t “nice”, I care that it brings people into a relationship with Jesus.

You on the other hand only care about yourself and your ego. You care about popularity. So much so that you will willing cost someone an eternity with God to stroke your own ego. But deep down you already know this, and it probably makes you sick to your stomach.

I do pray for you Colin, as you need Jesus in your life. But until your heart is softened you’ll never know Him.

Deep down you know the words you speak are lies. That is why when offered the chance to show the validity of your words you can’t do it.

Mark Jones, Premier 13 Comments [2/13/2019 1:28:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: CC

Pompous Penis Envy Award

"But mine isn't small I swear!!!"

Quote# 123860

The extreme differences in penis size in humans enrage me

Just another thing to fuck males lifes. How can be guys with enormous penises yet guys with like 4 inchers in the SAME species? Its just like another nature's form of making males suffer for something out of their control. Not mentioning girth, being able to get it up, not premature ejaculation...

How failr is it for a male with a small penis to have pretty much nonexistant sexual life (tons and TONS AND TONS of cases of girls just leaving as soon as they see the guy penis) while others gets tons of status just because having a big penis, and all this just being RANDOM and WRITTEN FROM BIRTH and OUT OF CONTROL.

I fucking hate nature.

Everything is rigged so there are winners or losers from birth, instead of self improvement.

NOTE: not complaining about mine, I got an average size, I guess. Its just that I can't fucking stand unfairness even if im not involved.

Zyrros, /r/incels 24 Comments [1/24/2017 11:25:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 132250

A couple in Lansing, Michigan were warned by their midwife that their newborn daughter Abigail looked jaundiced and appeared to need medical care. Instead of seeking treatment, they ignored the problem on religious grounds, resulting in their baby’s death.

According to Hemant Mehta at Patheos’ “The Friendly Atheist,” the midwife for Rachel and Joshua Piland told them their baby could suffer brain damage — to which Rachel responded “God makes no mistakes.”

“Days later,” Mehta wrote, “Abigail was dead.”

According to the Detroit Free Press, the newborn suffered from “unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus,” treatable jaundice-related issues.

“Abigail never saw a doctor when blood was coming out of her mouth, she wasn’t eating, or her skin became further discolored,” Mehta continued.

The Pilands have been charged with involuntary manslaughter, and could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

Rachel and Joshua Piland, Raw Story 22 Comments [9/28/2017 1:38:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 60839

["It is a concept called "liberty." You have the liberty to marry any adult of the opposite sex you desire, regardless of race, creed, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, and so forth. Same sex couples are asking for the same liberty you enjoy, and while I cannot stand the behavior, they certainly should have the liberty to marry any adult of the same sex. Why exactly you are depriving them of this liberty is a mystery to me."]

I'm not depriving them of any liberty, that another group has.
Im depriving them of the liberty to force their minority opinion about this right on the majority.
Every gay male is free to marry a woman and every gay woman is free to marry a man.
There is no discrimination based on sexual preference.

CIAagent11, Christian Forums 70 Comments [3/24/2009 3:07:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 55