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Quote# 143276

Sexually abused as a child, a satan worshiper finds Jesus, through the prayers of a stranger!!


A desperate man who had been beaten and sexually abused by his closeted homosexual father and raped by a homosexual male friend of his family as a child, struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. He tried to escape the pain through drug addiction and pimping. Feeling lost and abandoned, he began rebelling, big time, against God, by getting deeply involved in satan worship, as a means to get back at God, but he finds Jesus, and becomes Born Again! Keep praying. There is deliverance in Jesus Christ!!

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 12 Comments [4/17/2019 7:55:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 72804

In response to:
I don't get it. Why do many many on this board diss Earth Day? I helped volunteers plant nearly six thousand oak trees last Saturday at the Forest Preserve by my house.

But does planting trees help bring people to Christ? It's like going to third-world countries to feed the hungry. It doesn't do a starving man any good to keep him alive for another day if he's doomed to hell anyway. It doesn't do anyone any good to plant trees for people if they haven't heard about Jesus. The future of this earth is destruction....You don't "Bring people to Christ" with inanimate objects. He is knowable, but unless that tree becomes paper, and eventually a Bible, it will have no value in expressing how to know The Creator who made the tree.

The Penquin/OnceWasLost, RR 159 Comments [5/8/2010 5:01:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 279

Quote# 143050


Canada hates Christians and Christianity. Canada should be on global watch-lists for Christophobia. Canada is a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. Canada is known for supporting all manner of immorality, including pedophilia and bestiality. Trudummy has the spirit of the antiChrist and is willing to tolerate anything except Truth, Jesus Christ.

If you are a Christian Canadian, pray about moving to a Christian-friendly country. There aren't many, but almost anything is better than Canada-at least almost anything is better for Christians than Canada.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 32 Comments [3/30/2019 12:52:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 1343

Wiccans are Satan worshippers. Sorry to disillusion you, but it's the truth. They may deny it, but of course they would. And right now, yes, I do believe that Satan is using the Muslims, in their misguided beliefs, as his tools. They kill without conscience!! They preach to kill the infidels...infidels being any NON-MUSLIM. You would hold them out as icons of goodness?

Chris4Christ, Rapture Ready 7 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 134459

To be honest for the evolutionist that say we come from apes is one of the biggest problems with the theory to anyone who looks at it, is if we developed from apes, why do apes still exist but do not evolve into humans as our 'predecessors' did. That is totally unlikely to have happened if we came from the apes ourselves. Even if all of them didn't turn into humans, I would think that the odd one would still evolve into a human just by the same coincidence. The odds are more for it than against that happening in that belief.
Otherwise, it makes no sense and supports our belief that God made male and female just like His Word in the bible states. That's how I've thought since I was little and heard that man came from apes. I wasn't Christian to have another belief to compare it to either. It makes no logical sense, nor is it reasonable to accept for some of us.
So just why don't the apes become human not even the 1 in a trillion that would be expected to go beyond the others and become a human too. Your proof are skeletons and human skulls and if God made us similar, it doesn't mean one came the other, it means they have similar skeletons/skulls to ours. Pigs have similar enough hearts to use in transplants, does that mean we also come from pigs? Why does one animals similarities get to be accepted as the reason but another's isn't - and that is not just the pig that has attributes that humans have too.
We all breathe the same way. we all eat and digest the same way. Our vision is similar to our pets, and can need corrective lens too. So with all the different similarities, why does just one qualify to be our predecessor? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to believe that we are a combination of all the animals than that only one qualifies as our origin.
I'm sorry if this is not what you expected but I've had a long time to think about this without the Christian perspective too. These are the questions I need answered before I could even come close to evolution being something that actually answered the question of where humans came from when I believe in God and believe that he does not lie. He is too beyond us than to need to lie. He can do anything why would he even bother to lie? We can't even come close to imagining what he is capable of knowing or doing. It's beyond our abilities to think like God, so we can't be confident in anything but the Word in the Bible, because if you believe in God, you are aware of his power without needing to question the things he does because of being God.
That's why we cannot imagine that we come from apes.

Eldrida Urika, Christian News Network 14 Comments [11/23/2017 1:55:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 40009

Boys don't need encouragement to have sex. They are continuously high on the mind-altering drug testosterone. Girls need a little help. They need to be told 1) Sex feels good 2) Everbody's doing it 3) You can do it safely. Their "sex education" uses titalation. It encourages children to have sex. PP's plan is to turn little girls into sluts at a very young age. Even if they use condoms, PP knows that promiscuous kids eventually will make a mistake and get pregnant (if not something worse) and PP is there to serve them. Killing unborn babies isn't the worst of it. The emotional damage they do to women lasts a lifetime. Last year's income approached one billion dollars. Much of it was taxpayer money. If you hate your kids, particularly your sweet little girls, go with PP. Getting kids pregnant and killing their unborn is their business! And it's now a billion dollar business. "Sex education" is what drives it.

zumchak, Daily Gazette 62 Comments [5/27/2008 10:56:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jud

Quote# 143344

Some disingenuous or terminally stupid commentators have called Notre Dame Cathedral a monument to the Enlightenment. The children of the Enlightenment desecrated Notre Dame by installing a "goddess of Reason" in the sanctuary and holding raucous bacchanals.

Secular Modernists' 300-year attempt to replace Christianity with a makeshift alternative has gone down in flames, which the images of Notre Dame burning show. Banishing Christ from the heart of the West hasn't brought freedom. It's ushered in feckless nihilism that's no match for crude yet confident barbarians.

Electing nationalists is not enough. Mass deportations alone will not save the West. Perhaps the burning of Notre Dame really was a freak accident. The lesson remains the same.

We can restore Jesus Christ to His rightful place as King over our nations, as Poland has done, or our enemies will be the scourge that drives us from our former homelands.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 13 Comments [4/19/2019 11:56:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143290

From now on, I will regard anyone buying a Marvel or DC comic or a ticket to a Disney movie as morally equivalent to an American who gave aid and comfort to known Communist spies during the Cold War. SJWs want me banished from society and killed. If you buy their products, you advance their goal.

Save the excuses. No one needs yet another YouTube review performing a colonoscopy on the latest Disney agitprop. There's already superabundant proof they're converged. At this point, you're just chasing clicks. As for your wife and/or kids begging to go see Incredibles 2, why the hell would you subject them to a thinly veiled 90 minutes hate?

If you're still rationalizing your continued consumption of SJW converged media, take a long, hard look in the mirror, because you're looking at an addict. Don't be surprised. The Ministry of Truth has been refining their techniques to make this filth addictive for a long time.

Might you have to stop seeing new movies and TV shows altogether? Yeah. So what? You've got better things to do. There's a civilization to rebuild.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 29 Comments [4/17/2019 8:12:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143299

If we depend solely on God, do his will, obey him and follow what he teaches us to become righteous, did you know that he would cure any stages of aids for you, cancer or any other deadly diseases you may have that doctors simply can not cure?

Anonymous Coward, Quora 22 Comments [4/18/2019 2:49:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 143316

As I recovered, my attention was again turned to the great throng. And I wept again as I helplessly watched millions of people passing by. marching like stubborn goats; and many, very merrily going towards that land where there is no hope, where the day never dawns and the sun never shines. I was amazed how real it was to me and how funny and far-fetched it was too many of these people. The bellows of the smoke of hell were right there on the horizon but these travelers only reasoned it away as being something else. There always seemed to be an explanation for their action although the complete opposite was the real truth. There was urgency for everything else but there was total indifference towards the woeful end that was right before them. Man in all his dignity walking like a hypnotized beast was moving towards his death. It was the death of all deaths. The death was where the dying is always dying, but never dead.
Where death is desired by the dying more than gold, but never found. "What will you do oh man at the end? When you stand stripped of all your glory and never to be clothed but only with shame and worms. What will you do when grace will never be extended to you again for all eternity? What will you do when you remember how close you were to becoming one of the glorious ones but passed up on the chance and chose vain living instead. Your pursuit was after other things and God was not important to you. Your pride and your slothfulness betrayed you.
the cares of this life and its riches deceived you." Woe. woe. woe to the inhabitants of that land for as sure as God lives and as long as He lives, there will never be hope or relief from the madness of their horror. That is the vow of the Almighty who Himself is the guarantor of His words. "Wave after wave of shocking terror will make the pitiful residents of hell know that the worst is yet to come and that their trouble is only beginning. Hell will always be only beginning. No matter how bad it gets, it is only the beginning." says the faithfulness of a holy God; 100 trillion years times 100 trillion years and to the 100 trillionth power. The lake of Fire will only be beginning". The inhabitants of it will never get used to it. Every day will feel like the first day, every day will feel like the worst day. yet the Almighty has sworn that they will never enter into His rest forever.
"Oh man. you can curse now but what will you do at the end. You can argue with God and His word now. and maybe even come out looking like a winner, but what will you do at the end.
You may laugh at the preaching of righteousness when men are called to make their hearts right with God. You call it foolish, but what will you do at the end?
You may make fun of the Word of God. the house of God, the Book of God and the people of God but what will you do at the end?
You may drink, smoke and revel all night.
You may mock those who don't go that way with you. but what will you do at the end.
You may let your passion be your lord And even let your desire be your king.
You may be driven around by your own appetite and live your life your own way but what will you do at the end?
The end is coming; the end is coming, as sure as the day follows the night and as the cutting of the flesh causes bleeding and as sure as the reaping follows the sowing, there shall be an end my friend. There will be an end.
As sure as there is a beginning, there is an end to this beginning, and there is a beginning coming that will never know an end. It will always be beginning. The chewing may be sweet to the mouth but the belly will tell a different story. The pleasures of sin, the gain and gratification from rebellion are only for a season. The end will come to every man; there is an end, and God will require back the life He gave, and He will require an account of how you lived. What will you do my friend? What will you do?
What will you do when the physician say. "it's too late we cannot help him"? What will you do when the dressers come for your shell, for the last dress-up?
What will you do when you are on display for your filing friends and family members to see for one last time?
What will you do when the box that holds your shell is sealed shut?
What will you do when the vase and the crust are covered in the dust?
Think of the end my friend. Humble yourself before the great God. your Maker and seek Him. God is God and you are man. He dwells in Heaven and you on earth. The day of His sickle is coming. The day when He separates the chaff from the wheat will be a day like no other.
If you say to yourself that these things are not true, you better be very sure. For if you are wrong and the Word of God is the Word Of God. you will lose eternally. You will be man eternal trouble. It is your decision. Make it wisely. Don't live a fool, don't die a fool. Don't let anyone make this decision for you. Though you curse their names forever, it will fix nothing. You will be on your own. No one will care and no one will comfort.
Oh man. humble yourself before your Maker and seek Him. Seek the true and living God. Seek God while He may be found. Call on Him while He is still near. Be wise and listen to Wisdom as He stands on the concourse and calls.
Oh God, have mercy on this teeming humanity.
You did not create them so you can destroy them. They are like sheep without a shepherd; confused with life, bound by ungodly and godless imaginations. They do not know their left from their right. Oh God have mercy. Have mercy oh God, have mercy. Show the same mercy and grace that you showed when you gave Jesus Christ to come and die for us on the cross. Let that mercy revisit the nations. Oh Lord bring a fresh wind of your Holy Spirit to awaken men and women to God and His will for their lives. His love for them and His plan for their redemption. Oh God. I know that many will be lost but why so many, why Lord, why so many? Oh God why such a total coldness towards you. Why? Oh God, do something about it today. Send an awakening, send a fresh wind of your Holy Spirit to blow our way, wake up the inhabitants of the earth. Oh God, Oh God have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. Oh God, Oh God have mercy, have mercy; turn the hearts of these men towards you. Oh God, forgive their iniquities and restore them to your righteousness for at death it will be forever too late. Oh God how will I pray this prayer. What else should I say to you? Oh God, I cannot do anything to get your attention to act in mercy towards them more than what your own Son has already done? Oh Lord, have mercy on these everlasting beings that you love. Your love in my heart drives me to cry out to you but I don't know what else to do. I do not love them more than you do. I cannot awaken anyone no matter how loud I shout. You can. Oh Lord, please send an awakening to your righteousness and mercy and everlasting love. Oh God have mercy, have mercy oh God.

Michael ChristisKing, The War and the Stampede (book) 6 Comments [4/19/2019 11:01:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143318

All who reject the Salvation provided by Jesus Christ by His sacrifice will perish. Hell in this regard is eternal death. I have searched the Scriptures since I was very young and now am at my 67Th. year. I have learned that the lost will not suffer forever. Also I have come to understand that that the Almighty Loving Creator will only judge us by what we actually know and understand. His righteous judgment will not in any way be based upon what mankind might say about one another unless man speaks His truth found in His revealed written Word. Psalms 138:2b; “He has magnified His word above all His name.” “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness. And if any man hear My words and believe not, I judge him not, I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him; THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN, THE SAME SHALL JUDGE HIM IN THE LAST DAY.” (John 12:46–48). At His second coming, He is coming as the JUDGE OF ALL. “Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of Salvation.” (2nd. Corinthians 6:2b) His day of Salvation is soon coming to an abrupt end.

Tom Kidd, Quora 6 Comments [4/19/2019 11:02:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 84928

I don't want to lynch them. I'd be happy to try them by Counter-revolutionary court befire I hang them. That should take about five minutes per OWSer.

They are fighting against my country and the prosperity of my children and grandchildren. They are cirrational and dangerous. Their existence is partly a factor of not having conducted mass executions of communist agents as a result of the McCarthy and House Unamerican Activities investigations.

I am not a nice person. They have taught me hate. Now I want them dead.

I'm not holding my breath, though.

edgeplay_cgo, TBOverse 79 Comments [11/24/2011 7:13:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 104
Submitted By: SCarpelan

Quote# 69399

The problem with Steven Newton's article concerning science being under attack is that it is not science itself that is under attack, but the presuppositions with which many scientists interpret their observations ("Science denial is on the rise," Thursday).

Much of the establishment in science disallows any kind of dissent or other views to be aired because the scientists are hemmed in by a philosophical and ideological viewpoint that doesn't allow for any scientific evidence that doesn't conform to their preconceived ideas. Highly qualified scientists are sidelined if they advocate any view that does not conform to the status quo. Those who believe God created the world (whether over a very long period or six days) are "unmoved by the wealth of fossil, molecular, and anatomical evidence for evolution" because they point to a different conclusion. The clear leap of faith one has to take with believing in macroevolution, with the lack of transitional forms, the lack of any evidence for life evolving from inanimate matter, and the clear evidence for Intelligent Design in all the intricate details of creation leaves the majority of people who believe in God unconvinced of evolution.

Bruce McDowell, Philadelphia Inquirer 43 Comments [1/10/2010 12:27:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 143270

[THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084] Not to worry "some people" did something to Notre Dame. Next the Vatican... it will be "hate" to even report it

[DM] No doubt this wouldn’t be happening if like Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame had been converted to a mosque. The Vatican is on its way, pope Frankie thinks Al - A is A-Ok with him.


Before you jump all over me yelling “you’re citing Infowars!”, I suggest you first read the stories at getreligion dot org and RT dot com, both of which detail two months of attacks on French and Spanish Catholic churches … then watch the video of St Sulpice … and finally check out the Facebook posts of Muslims celebrating. Anyone else here reminded of a September morning in Manhattan, several years ago?

THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and DM, Moonbattery 11 Comments [4/16/2019 1:22:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Blair

Quote# 143281

They burned bullshit feminist fantasy like harry potter, twilight and 50 shades of grey - absolute waste of paper whose authors deserve to burn along with the books. And, sadly, it was a single priest and his followers, nothing big yet.

I haven't even read any of those books, but that's such a retarded thing to do. You won't achieve shit by burning a few "feminist" books at your local church. Literally just a waste of time and fuel lmao

Agreed, it needs to be better organized, and in sync with the institutions of a coercive state. A book burning should only be the public-facing kickoff celebration of a broader campaign against degeneracy, which doesn't necessarily need to be as publicised.

PublicMoralityPolice, Reddit - /r/CringeAnarchy 15 Comments [4/17/2019 8:05:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 143282

Curtain Call II

Caption: "60,000 years from now:" Setting is (presumably) hell. Background shows tortured souls writing. ABC news anchor says, "Fresh magma flow in the west sector. Continued hot and dry. And breaking news: A boulder cracked!! Unnamed sources blame the ongoing heat..."

Amos Moses:
the only "global climate crisis" they should be worried about ..... is the "Lake of Fire" .............

Mick Williams:
The liberal media finally gets it right.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 12 Comments [4/17/2019 8:05:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143284

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Gay Men Married to Adopt, Rape and Molest Their Adopted Sons (10 boys)"

STOP protecting pedophiles and child rapists! Regardless of an abuser's sexuality, they should NOT be allowed to molest and rape children!!


This is an emotional topic for many. Please, no death wishes nor death threats as they violate News Network's Community Guidelines. Our goal is to get the truth out and save children from molestation and rape. We do not advocate violence.

(note: this video appears old and I could not find any news stories to confirm the claims, but did find stories to show the men were tried and found innocent. If anyone knows of updates to this story please post them here. - Jocasta)

Doug Bristow:
Anyone who would do such a thing to any child should be properly tried in a court of law and if found guilty summarily executed. That is the only guarantee they will never do it again.

Oxford Martyrs:
The MSM doesn't want to talk about this. It is more common than they will admit to. They want to paint a picture of family bliss. Then the children are abandoned to their fate. Sexual perverts should never be given the chance to adopt/foster innocent children. More than that, normal people need to step up and adopt/foster children. As the parent of an adopted child I can say that it has been one of the most precious aspects of my life to watch her grow up to be the beautiful, educated, faithful young woman she is today.

Lady Checkmate:
Pedophiles and child rapists should be identified and kept away from children. Under no circumstance should their behavior be condoned or defended. Anyone that defends child rapists is an enemy of rape victims specifically and humanity, in general.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 13 Comments [4/17/2019 8:05:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143291

[On the cartoon series High Guardian Spice]

This the same degenerate CalArts crap that ruins American animation now falsely claiming to be anime. This is a fraud, and it needs to be condemned as fraud as well as punished--SEVERELY--as such. It's banned in my domain, and so are the lying frauds pushing this heresy, because they are flat-out admitting to pushing propaganda with this blasphemy.

No. The line is drawn, and those that violate it shall be punished. This will stop, one way or the other, and I care not which. These SJWs are doing nothing more than scamming money to mainstain hispter lifestyles that they can't be bothered to actually merit by putting in good, hard work actually creating anything. They can't create; they can only mock, corrupt, pervert, and adulterate- just like their father, Satan.

Bradford C. Walker, Walker's Retreat 12 Comments [4/17/2019 8:12:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 143254

Curtain Call

(News show, screen reads "On the lighter side". Image shows clouds in Christ-like apparition. ABC news anchor speaks: "This weather anomaly is appearing all over nations due to global warming. Scientists lay the blame at the feet of President Tr-- (cuts to "please stand by").

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 16 Comments [4/14/2019 10:20:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143262

You think atheists are more rational?

I think atheists are making irrational choices:

Atheists choose to believe life sprung out of nothing. We can’t even create life in science lab from nothing.

Atheists choose to believe the perfect temperature, the balance of seasons, and the gravitational pull of this earth are all coincidence.

When hearing of people telling of meeting others in heaven briefly in a near-death experience, atheists choose to believe all those people are lying… in a similar manner… even children.

Atheists have heard Christians say “we are all sinners who need a Savior from our sins.” Then when they see a Christian fall and sin, they say “I will not become a hypocrite like those Christians who sin.” Your question says atheists are rational, but here, they forget the definition of all. We are all sinners.

I find it irrational that atheists can believe history while reading a history book (granted, they likely have an open mind while reading this), yet, they don’t spend time reading the Gospel (and would likely approach them with a closed mind). Shouldn’t a rational person accept accounts of Genghis Khan and Jesus with similar respect for historical records?

Reagan Rayford, Just another layperson, Quora 10 Comments [4/16/2019 1:19:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143267

I find it laughable how many people call me a monster for liking teenagers as much as I like women and for not liking “cougars”. How dare they call me a monster, or a sick man, when they accept life in a sick world.

How is it possible for them to not see the disease when things such as Ashley Madison exist. A company that exists for the sole purpose of encouraging, infidelity, adultery and affairs. Such a thing is unacceptable.

The reason monogamy exists is to prevent child mortality and paternity fraud. Places such as Ashley Madison only create unstable and painful lives. I care little about how many partners one has, but all parties must agree on that. I am neutral to polygamy, but I find affairs, infidelity, and adultery, unacceptable for the same reason it is wrong to make deals behind the back of a business partner, especially to the detriment of said partner.

It is evident our society, which is more likely to send lynch mobs to a guy in his 30s for even suggesting dating a 15 year old woman, is ill and twisted. After all, the fact that they are ready to kill someone harmless while allowing an evil and sickening stain that causes social friction and conflict is a sign that nowadays things are done out of whims, and not the well being of the world.

I offer a solution, and that solution will save us all. Revoke all feminist laws, that is all laws pertaining sex, marriage, and voting, written from 1810 onwards. Start from tat clean slate and build a new system based on freedom instead of equality, execute or imprison all feminists, and finally punish anyone who encourages the decadent ideas supported openly by feminism, such as infidelity and casual sex.

My solution is sincerely radical, but it is out of necesity, and not cruelty, that I call for it. After all the infection that is killing us has gone too far and only a fever could fix it.

Share this:

Drako L Bluewing , The Monthly Truth Seeker 11 Comments [4/16/2019 1:22:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143274

I get that there is a natural aversion factor, but I don’t see the point of taking it out on gays. They literally can not help being gay, its largely determined by hormones in the womb.

Lol degeneracy and hedonistic lust is a lifestyle choice, not hereditary you faggot apologist. Take a shit in your hand and sniff it. That's what faggotry is. Not rainbows and unicorns. Nope. Nothing innocent or childish about it. It's two men prolapsing eachother's assholes till shit literally dribbles out. Filth.

Edit: degeneracy is general, it includes normal straight people as well as degenerate homosexuality. Learn reading comprehension instead of how to give blowjobs faggot.

thekidintheback, Reddit - /r/CringeAnarchy 17 Comments [4/16/2019 1:23:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417

Quote# 143261

“Are atheists more intelligent than believers?”

Actually, the evidence is that atheists are less intelligent than believers. Refusing to believe something does not require brains. True: doubting is an activity of intelligence, but very few atheists ever doubt anything. They simply withhold belief — which is not an activity at all, and not indicative of intelligence.

Refusing to believe, on its own, is connected with the stubbornness of the mule. Refusing to believe something, withholding belief, is not a behavior connected to rationality. Again: actively doubting and questioning is the behavior of intelligence. But atheists do not generally do this. They simply withhold belief — a behavior that does not require even understanding.

There are people who are deeply perplexed and questioning of dogma of all kinds. They actively question and examine all views, including their own. But these are not atheists or theists. These are agnostics. (And don’t give me any “agnostic atheist” B.S.)

One can very clearly see, using Quora as an example, that atheists are not a deeply rational lot, not very curious, not very inquiring. They are not investigators, worriers, skeptics. They are not analytical. They are not skeptical. They do not question. They are simply “withhold belief.” That, and ridicule others who don’t withhold belief.

And skepticism, questioning, analysis, wonder, as mental characteristics, are some of the signs of a truly intelligent person. And those characteristics are much more common among religious people, who, wrong or right, are deeply concerned with life and death issues. That fact alone justifies an inference that god believers are more intelligent than so-called “atheists.”

Ted Jackson, Quora 5 Comments [4/16/2019 1:19:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143266

The screen cap in this article was sent to me by a friend who frequents image boards. It is a post pertaining the entire “elsagate” controversy regarding rather… Unpleasant videos aimed at children on YouTube.

This shit might have a negative impact in the minds of children as young as two years old. But for some reason we don’t see the worms saying “Think about muh children” crying about this.

Some of this content, as well as other things “aimed at children” online such as pregnancy flash games with Disney characters are rather disturbing and might leave actual mental scars on actual children. Yet no one seems to care.

However, if a man dares to say age gap relationships should not be taboo provided both participants have reached puberty and therefore are no longer children, you get a bunch of blue knights and femihags calling him pedophile and claiming they “think of the children.” If someone draws a child naked, in a picture aimed at adults in an entirely unrealistic setting, they come and try to ban it because of “muh children.”

Yet somehow these same knuckle draggers let the UN violate actual children (prepubescents to keep it clear) until one of them is caught so balls deep he gets arrested, and will allow children to come into contact with fucked up content instead of complaining, as long as they do not feel morally offended and don’t need to be responsible of taking care of real children, they don’t mind allowing actual children to come to harm.

So just stop pretending you care about children when all you do is taking away the freedom of people who are NOT children while allowing actual children to be ruined by media and organizations.

You fool no one. All you care about is your agenda and morality.

Drako L Bluewing , The Monthly Truth Seeker 7 Comments [4/16/2019 1:21:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 143279

Europistan>Faggot EU, change my mind

Europistan means a foreign race will be ruling you, taking your women & maybe cutting off your balls and or dick. Have you been convinced?

I still have more values in common with Europistan promoters than with Faggot EU.. primitive ideas are better than marxist ideas, stupid is better than upside down.

You guys are beginning to understand. You and radical Islam want the same thing

Well, since I'm a theist with respect for traditions, I can only admire the tenacity of islam compared to 'the latest study finds that men are fags who want to suck dick'

I'll take islam over degeneracy, especially since it benefits men more anyway as it should.

Say about Muslims and Islam what you want, but at least they have morals and stand united against liberal degeneracy. I've actually been thinking about converting since Christians are a butt-fucking joke nowadays.

Exactly, thats why i converted. I would not waste time and convert if i were you. You dont have to practice it now if you are not ready, but better to be non practising Muslim than a christcuck

Islam is the only solution to degeneracy wheter you like it or not. You guys should hurry up and convert now.

No degeneracy

No feminism

No fags

No Holohoax narrative

Banking interest forbidden (the worst nightmare of the long noses)


CryptoBobRoss, Spysix, gaywhiteknitelover1 and Concentration_Camps, Reddit - /r/CringeAnarchy 12 Comments [4/17/2019 8:04:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: WarGoatHK417
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