Quote# 138533

I think *all* of the Sexual Revolution projects for the past century, since the Mother of the Sexual Revolution, Margaret Sanger, have the same underlying theme. That theme is the destruction of natural sex on every level. And why would anybody want the destruction of natural sex? For the destruction of natural human procreation. They want to interdict humans, as a species, from procreation.

Mrs. Don-o, Free Republic 3 Comments [7/3/2018 1:56:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138580

NASA’s new assignments: Find aliens, prove evolution

"The National Space and Aeronautics Administration has done some amazing things for the United States over the years: the initial short flights into space, then the longer orbiting missions, the moon visits, the space station and even unmanned trips to every sidewalk in the solar system. But now it has some new goals: Find aliens. And prove evolution." –Source

First and foremost, NASA never landed anyone on the moon. All they did was win a propaganda war with the best lie. The fact we had "Van Allen Belts" back then and to this day still wrapped around our planet that would fry any human with lethal doses of radiation while passing through them using a tin foil type of 1960's space capsule proves they lied. In fact, when promoting a new space program for the planet Mars, NASA scientists recently admitted the Van Allen belts are a problem they need to work out as they cannot be flown through without killing the astronauts, and they have been caught admitting this numerous times on camera, yet no one seems to remember how NASA claimed to fly through them in the 1960's? (Also watch this video starting at 3:00) So.. why is that? Why is it no one remembers how we were 100% unable to get through the Van Allen Belts decades ago? Well besides the power behind the controlled media that knows all too well how to hide the facts and fabricate all sorts of strange things, most sheeple prefer the lie over the truth because it benefits the flesh.

For example, when our nation lied about landing on the moon that catapulted us into an unprecedented superpower status in both the political as well as financial realm. But not everyone was fooled. Sadly, the majority was and as we all know it's the numbers that count when it comes to pushing propaganda. But why is it that even when we have proof the moon landing was faked by using real science like we now see about the Van Allen Radiation Belts or simple common sense like who was left behind "on the moon" panning the camera up as the astronauts supposedly lifted off to head back to earth, or the basic reality of no blast crater under the lunar lander after they landed? It's simple, why acknowledge the lie after seeing how well America was "blessed" by the lie?

Since we know NASA is Not Always Scientifically Accurate and more politically motivated like any other government office, having them "find aliens" as well as "prove evolution" will indeed become a scientific "fact" soon because the powers that be are about promoting the lies of hell over and above the truth of Heaven. And yes, you guessed it, Rome is behind all this, and I can prove it.

#1, Rome started the UFO agenda literally centuries ago and I share the facts on this as well as some paintings from inside the Vatican of UFO's being present at both Christ's baptism as well as a tender moment with His mother. There's even a painting suggesting aliens were responsible for the virgin birth of Christ. They actually show a laser beam coming from a UFO into the womb of Mary no less!

And #2, the last three Popes have declared in writing that they believe evolution is true. See my Popes of Rome page if you want for more information on that as well as many other documented atrocities of the Popes. And so why would the Popes seek to belittle Christ as Creator and push this alien agenda?

Well, besides the fact the Popes in Rome and all their Vatican prelates have been caught red handed formally worshipping Satan inside the Vatican and then exposed to that end by one of their very own Bishop's at the 2000 Fatima Congress, they have also discovered a way to use evolution back in 2006 to make it that much easier to establish the mark of the beast. Now yes that sounds very strange and way off the prophesied direction of how the mark will be enforced. But keep in mind, they know about the remnant people of God and our prophesied mission to declare the Loud Cry and so they have to do all they can to confuse the masses away from the truth we proclaim. They know if enough people trust the truth as we preach it, their plans to glorify their dying god will fail and so they must muddy the waters to make out job that much more difficult. But take heart obedient ones, prophecy will still be fulfilled. We will do the work and many will "come out of her" just as Jesus said they would.

Misdirection has always been a favored tactic of Rome. In fact this has always been how they were able to come to power as the prophesied king of the north thousands of years ago and then merge with the church to become the Vatican they are today. This is also why a few false prophets today declare Islam to be both the Antichrist and the king of the north lately. They hope to generate a prophetic fog for the prophesied man of sin in Rome to keep the people at bay so as to move ahead on what's really prophesied to happen and it will work because most people don't read Bibles. So this means NASA will push ahead on this alien / evolution research and if the Lord tarries and Rome finds with their demographic research the majority of the sheeple trust their lies about evolution and aliens; they will then publicly announce from NASA that it is scientific fact just as the USA moved ahead when their research showed most Americans will believe their TV sets that showed they landed on the moon!

Remnant of God, Remnant of God 10 Comments [7/5/2018 2:18:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138560

The privately owned Rothshit federal reserve has caused all the bubbles in our economy. I’m sure a trade war gives them the cover they need to crash us. The federal reserve gives the paper fiat to their friends at tiny to no interest. These happy friends run out and buy the best assets with paper. Now they are the rich 0.01% owning 95% of the world’s resources. The tribe takes care of their own. What do you get? High inflation throughout our lives robbing us of our wealth k a dollar devalued to 4 cents, a climate of low low wages that never keep up, and every debt scam the criminal bankers can dream up. Do you enjoy being raped everyday by a ugly Rothshit banker?

Betty, Infowars 1 Comments [7/4/2018 4:13:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138153

Vanishing McDonald's

So, this is a story that still trips the fuck out of my mom, dad, and me (or at least it did with my dad until he died...). To sum it up, we literally saw a McDonald's vanish in the blink of an eye as we were driving to it. There's no other way to put it. This happened years ago after my parents were done filing their taxes. In front of the tax place there was a McDonald's very directly in front in the same parking lot. We had agreed upon dining there, so we got into our car and we were driving towards it. As we were driving to it, it literally... teleported. Vanished. I don't know how to put it. My mom started getting really scared, and we pulled up to the parking lot where it should have been. It was gone. My dad was in incredible disbelief, attempting to rationalize what had just happened, and we decided to search everywhere all up and down the street for it. Nothing. My dad even brought up a question. What the hell happened to the people inside? And yes, it literally vanished in front of my eyes. It was an incredibly weird experience. Nothing even close has ever happened since then.

So to put me and my family's thoughts at rest, what the hell actually happened that day? Was it really a "glitch", or were we just collectively hallucinating the mcdonalds? And no, we weren't on drugs!

investedlife, r/GlitchInTheMatrix 2 Comments [6/16/2018 10:58:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138363

I think left wing men hate women every bit as much as right wing men do, they just do it in a different way ie one stabs us, the other gasses us, either way we end up dead if we don't comply. Left wing men have found a way of inserting men into every female institution so that they can steer it towards gendered compliance. Cunning and the ultimate in gaslighting.

oneclickboedicea, Feminist Current 3 Comments [6/24/2018 6:49:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138476

You maybe calling for war but I say get them aslums ready cause they are freaking crazy. If you know the constitution at all you will understand everything they are screaming about has no foundation. Nothing they have gained has had anything to do with them or civil liberties. Divorce for the Homosexual who married is sky high sure they wanted to be married but not the cost of it. It did not make them happy because that was not their problem. The abortion law was not and I mean not about abortion on demand, they have pushed the envelop to the extreme, they can use birth control or have a tubes fixed, just quit murdering their offspring and ruining their mental health and selling baby parts. The right was already in most of the states to start with, so why did they need the supreme court, some other reason, call it eugenics of people of brown shades.

There is not affirmative action to loss that already been rule none effect. They even cried they would take voting rights away, only for illegals, mind you if they had kept the Republican laws it would have been where you would not be worried about voting. Democrats caused that problem not republicans. See, the republicans put in that everyone now were equal and to be treated as everyone man, no matter the color of their skin and also, the women's right to vote, dang democrats wanted none of this, and no they never swapped parties and good lie to fool the people and they wrote the education history and controlled the democrat liberal unions of education. That was the problem, it lying to people.

I want it to be sent to the state to formally be recognized and never be brought up for vote again to be legal, see they keep it in that order to scare the population, your voting rights will be taken away. I going to see what I can do about this one. I am a constitution person and no it does not need to be changed improved in way but by they states they only way to do so.

hankie, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [6/30/2018 8:06:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 138484

Annapolis was a liberal false flag operation. The aim was to make it appear like some right-wanger had snapped and shot a bunch of journalist at a news operation. The stain would be, Trump caused it due to all of his Fake News taunts towards journalism outfits...... inspiring a whacko to shoot one up.

The guy mutilated his fingers hoping to slow down his identification..... off his rocker IMO. But they have already said they have his identity. My guess is facial recognition tied to the weapons serial number search by ATF.... they got the name, matched the pic.....bingo bango.

The weapon was supposedly a shotgun.... only a liberal would figure to use a shotgun for a mass attack.... one more weapon to add to the ban list, since they, to date, have been ignored that weap with the anti-2nd crowd. Gun's are bad.....look a shotgun can even kill.....LOL.

Smells like a staged event.... even the cop was 60 seconds away.... and the perp did not put up a fight.....lots of odd things.

We still don't know much about the Vegas shooter, I suspect this will go down the same....everything classified and not out in the public..... so questions are not asked.

What are your thoughts?!

Yard Dart, Survival Monkey 1 Comments [6/30/2018 11:56:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138367

Democrats have recently attempted to emotionally hi-jack the immigration issue by highlighting the law that forces authorities to separate immigrant children from their families. Yet, these same bleeding hearts don’t question the dangerous journey it took to cross the American border illegally. Nor do they emphasis that fact that Mexico has NO AGE OF CONSENT. Moreover, these same Democrats ignore the FACT that this policy was passed by the Dems themselves, activated in 2007 under President George W. Bush via Department of Homeland Security (Public Law 107-296 -Nov. 25.2002 ‘116 STAT. 2205’ page 70), and then accelerated under Obama’s administration. But the political emotional vampires with their weaponized goons in the media have somehow pointed the blame for this policy on President Trump?

Aside from the origin of the policy, the Obama administration used this child-separation law to hand over the children in question to child traffickers. Where was the so-called Liberal emotional outcry back then? Where was the Liberal virtue signaling when Obama’s Department of Justice, under Eric Holder, distributed high-caliber guns to Mexican drug cartels with the intention of “tracking” them (those same guns ended up at the scene of a dead border patrol agent and ended up with ISIS during the terrorist act in Paris)?

Are Democrats above the law? How can they continue to get away with these type of high crimes, and yet still have People who vote for them? Is the recipe as simple as what the Democrats are currently doing with this “child-separation” nonsense; emotional bull shit? The more emotional you shape the political narrative, the more naïve morons forget the criminality of Democrat politics?

Those of us who see through this bogus political attempt at emotional virtue signaling via child exploitation, know that the Democrats don’t care about America. Hence, why the Democrats care more about illegal immigrants and/or criminals than they do about the vary constituency that elected them into power. In 2018, a vote for Democrats means you hate your own country and are consenting to its destruction. Don’t believe me? Remember the of life under the Obama administration; no jobs, food stamps, welfare and sell us out to Globalists. WE WILL NOT GO BACK!

Ghost, Ghost.report 3 Comments [6/26/2018 7:00:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138377

Time itself is moving faster

Is it just me or do seconds seem faster now?

I remember when I was younger we would use things like "one-one thousand, two-one thousand" and "one Mississippi, two Mississippi" to count and it was very close to the time.

Now, it's not even close. Try it yourself. Get anybody you know to count to 30 and have your stopwatch going, every time they will be short 5 seconds or more.

I'm not sure if it's a Mandela Effect but I didn't know where else to talk about this.

It's either this reality is moving faster than it used to, I'm in a different reality where seconds are faster, or time is just moving faster relative to me. I'm only 30 so it hasn't been that long since I counted to 10 on the playground.

What do you guys think? Is time moving faster now?

BLarryBakersman, r/MandelaEffect 9 Comments [6/26/2018 11:17:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 138355

Marshenge: Researchers Discover a ‘Stonehenge’ on Mars

A Stonehenge on Mars? Strange rock formation resembles the iconic British monument found on the surface of the red planet.

by Ancient Code

Meet ‘Marshenge’, a mysterious rock formation that has been spotted on the surface of the red planet. The mysterious formation rests on a mound that rises from the ground and clearly seems to be surrounded by a ditch.

I think we can agree that it is very unlikely that what we are seeing here is the result of Pareidolia. But is it possible that we are looking at an ancient monument on Mars? This mysterious rock formation clearly resembles the well-known Stonehenge in Britain and is very unlikely to be the result of Mars’ Mother Nature.

The mysterious rock formation on Mars is unique in the area it was photographed, and as you will see in the original image, there is nothing nearby that resembles in any way the mysterious rocks formed in a circle.

Is It possible that we are looking at the remains of an ancient monument on Mars or an ancient construction? Does this indicate that ancient civilizations did inhabit the red planet hundreds of thousands of years ago as some suggest?

This image provided by HiRISE is one of the most controversial photographs from Mars that we have seen in a while.

The rock formation was detected thanks to the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, a camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The first to identify the mysterious features on the surface of Mars was a group on Facebook called Journey to the Surface of Mars. People who have looked at the image and compared it to an aerial view of Stonehenge believe that these two have certain similarities that cannot be overlooked.

Check out there Raw file from HiRISE here.

What do you think about the new discovery? Is it possible that this is in face an artificial structure? Or are we looking at the result of Mother Nature on Mars?

Ancient Code, Humans Are Free 3 Comments [6/24/2018 6:18:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138312

What EXACTLY do you know about the Illuminati pedophile agenda of the Walt Disney company? And how much do you know??? I'm sure that, due the artificially created economic crisis, bogus terrorist threats, endless unnecessary wars and imminent social disorders, the most of North-American people aren't paying the due attention to one of the most sinister, evil and destructive threats to US social structure: The Disney Illuminati pedophile agenda. And please don't say, “Oh no, not this again!,” because that's exactly what they want, exactly what they need... Time and ignorance.

A few years ago, the Walt Disney children-mind-control-perverted-agenda was severely exposed. Massive scandals were exposed involving child pornography with employees of theme parks and members of high staff, and a public crusade led by organizations such as American Mothers and various religious groups. The storm became a huge hurricane. The urban legends about subliminal porno messages in movie frames, cartoons and Disney merchandising, became several legal charges and arresting of employees.

There is no evil in America like Walt Disney and the filth they are pushing off on our children. But it seems that the circumstances favored the cover-up of the evil agenda behind the Walt Disney company. In fact, it seems that they've become stronger and bigger.

Walt Disney hates Jesus Christ, even mocking the Lord with a crucifixion theme park, as if it's all entertainment. Walt Disney portrays their dirty business as a family company; but in reality, the Disney corporation is an Illuminati family, spanning generations of wickedness in the American culture. Walt Disney's true Communist agendas are to subvert American society, to corrupt the Biblical morals and good values of our children and promote sexual promiscuity, fornication, rebellion against parental authority, attack the Bible, remove personal individuality, remove patriotism for country and all sovereignty; and to welcome illegal immigrants, lesbians and the new insane eco-terrorism culture that values animal and plant life over humans (which are now viewed by “System Of A Down” rock band and millions of youth today as the curse of the planet. Yes, you humanity are the disease of the planet which must be eradicated, and that's the globalist's master plan).

The New World Order is being built one soul at a time, just as the Kingdom of Heaven. Salvation is an INDIVIDUAL decision to receive the gospel (Christ's death, burial and resurrection) as full-payment for our sins. For the NWO to succeed, the Globalists must completely wipe-out individuality, which was firmly stated by Gregory Brock Chisholm in a speech given in 1954 in California to a gathering of educators...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

Did you read that... “their INDIVIDUALISM!” Children enrolled in government public schools are being INDOCTRINATED with the wrong philosophy that the greater good of the group outweighs the importance of the individual. Such teachings are the very foundation fueling the murderous abortion industry. Globalists rationalize that the death of hundreds-of-millions of human lives is necessary to prevent overpopulation.

Albeit, such thinking is evil and goes totally contrary to the Word of God. Jesus specifically warned about such paranoia thinking...

Luke 12:28-30, “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.” [emphasis added]

Unfortunately, no matter how much we may try to restore liberty as the U.S. Constitution outlines, we will fail without the cooperation of our leaders. The problem is that the underlying moral foundation of American society has been torn and compromised. Communism has succeeded. If you don't realize that, it's only because you haven't researched the history of our nation, especially over the past century. Clearly visible Communist agendas are Rock 'N' Roll music, Hollywood, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, government (public) schools, nationalized healthcare, and the liberal arts. Anything that seeks to promote bigger government is pulling on the same rope as Communism (total state control).

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 2 Comments [6/26/2018 6:38:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138427

It’s probably apparent to most Jew-wise Christians that the Zionists are setting themselves up for a horrible fall with their many evils.

Our government and military are supposed to defend its citizens and its borders from invading hordes. But the Jews have their puppet politicians using military bases to aid and abet the invaders.

The Jews banish Christianity from schools and government, instigate wars, migrant floods, perversion, LGBT, pornography, transgender toilets, riots, race wars, stock market crashes, depressions, recessions, 9/11, and practically all that is evil.

The Protocols of Zion explain how the Jews plan for these evils to weaken the gentile nations and make them so miserable that the world will be eager for the “King of the Jews” to take over the government of the world and change the misery into joy.

God seems to have different plans.

Prophecy in 2 Thess 2 which says the “man of sin” will be revealed seems to mean that Zionism will be exposed, that people will finally see who is behind the evil worked against them.

Sowing & Reaping, Real Jew News 1 Comments [6/27/2018 2:13:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138354

The 5th Element is Aether

The legendary Fifth Element holds the key to the answer to one of today’s top mysteries in the worlds of physics and cosmology.

by Owen K Waters, Spiritual Dynamics

Scientists estimate that 84% of the matter in the universe is composed of invisible dark matter, but they have no idea what it is.

With a short venture into the world of metaphysics, you are about to find out the answer!

In ancient Greece, all material things were said to be composed of a mixture of the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. There was also said to be a more subtle, fifth element.

This was called the quintessence (literally, “fifth element”), implying its very delicate or refined state of existence.

For many centuries, philosophers considered that all matter consisted of combinations of the basic elements in the Greek tradition. In the early 1500s, Philip von Hohenheim boldly renamed himself Paracelsus, meaning “beyond the medical pioneer Celsus” and came out with a counter-proposal.

He declared that, instead of the old elements, all things consist of the subtle essences of elements that he called salt, sulfur and mercury.

However, this only served to confuse the situation further as both theories did little to identify the basic chemicals that combine to form the enormous variety of compounds that are found in nature.

Next, fast-forward to the Age of Enlightenment. In the late 1600s, the early scientist Robert Boyle published The Sceptical Chemist, rejecting both schools of thought in favor of the then-novel idea that materials are composed of a variety of basic chemicals which, unlike compounds, cannot be further reduced by chemical operations.

This demystified chemistry, laid the basis for its development as a science, and made possible the development of the table of elements that we use in chemistry today.

As the science of chemistry developed and accumulated physical knowledge, however, it became focused entirely on physical materials and ignored the old idea of anything more subtle.

The fifth element has been given various names in traditional Eastern thought and practices – such as prana, chi, qi, and mana – but it can be better understood by calling it vital life energy or etheric energy.

From a physics perspective, the most concise term is etheric energy, which implies a more subtle energy than electric energy.

When electric and magnetic energies combine in complementary motion, they produce physical light as well as the building blocks of physical matter. Your body is composed of electromagnetic energy. Etheric energy is actually more common in the universe than electric energy.

Its manifestation, etheric matter, forms most of the matter in the universe. Cosmologists know that it exists, even though they can’t see it (hence the term, dark matter), because of its gravitational effects on physical matter in the cosmos.

“Dark” energy and “dark” matter are roughly five times more prolific than their physical counterparts, so their influence in the cosmos is quite marked.

The gravitational effect is a result of the fact that both energies – physical electric energy and the more subtle etheric energy – share a common interaction with magnetic energy. The magnetic energy component is provided by the ever-present fabric of space, which I term the God Field.

By using the term the God field, we can reduce a common form of confusion that exists today. The God field was traditionally called the aether and, although that sounds a lot like etheric energy, the two are quite different.

The God field is the fabric of space. It is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.

Etheric energy, or vital life energy, is the primary energy of the universe. Electric energy is, by comparison, a secondary, more physical energy.

Electric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form physical light and physical matter. Etheric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form etheric light and etheric matter.

Etheric energy is a subtle, primary life energy, while electric energy is a physical, secondary energy. Both energies interact with the magnetic fabric of space, producing etheric matter and physical matter.

The great advantage with knowing about etheric energy is that this vital life-giving energy holds the key to vibrant wellness. Vital life energy or etheric energy is present in all effective healing systems.

In acupuncture, it is the “qi” energy that is enhanced or balanced in its flow along acupuncture meridians. It is the healing energy transmitted in distant healing. It is the same healing energy that is passed to the recipient in Reiki or Polarity Therapy.

Vital life energy is the essence within sacred healing oils. It is the energy that flows into a person as they practice Qigong. It is the life energy in organic foods, in water exposed to sunlight, and in the oxygen that we breathe.

Without vital life energy, we would not physically exist. With additional vital life energy, miraculous healing can occur.

Owen K Waters, Humans Are Free 3 Comments [6/24/2018 6:18:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138357

Google is Actively Censoring Natural Health Websites to Protect Big Pharma and Destroy Knowledge of Natural Medicine

There’s a strong argument to be made that if iron-fisted tyranny ever comes to America, the statists in Silicon Valley will be leading the charge.

These people (including workers at Facebook, Twitter, and especially Google) think nothing of undermining the United States Constitution and the freedom of speech in order to fulfill the Left’s twisted political agendas.

Silicon Valley’s ongoing and seemingly unstoppable censorship of the Internet is, to a large extent, planting the seeds of tyranny in the fabric of America.

Google censors content it doesn’t like

Late last month, Ray Gano published an article on his website discussing how Google is suppressing medical information and other content that the company deems unfit for readers.

On page 108 of Google’s handbook, for example, Google states that “pages that directly contradict well established scientific or medical consensus for queries seeking scientific or medical information” are suppressed on its search engine, “unless the query indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.”

Notably, Google also states that “pages that directly contradict well-established historical facts (e.g., unsubstantiated conspiracy theories)” are also hidden from users, again, “unless the query clearly indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.”

The question, of course, is as follows: does Google have to abide by the United States Constitution and the freedom of speech as outlined in the First Amendment, or does it get to dictate which users get to practice their rights and which users don’t?

Considering the fact that the Constitution is the highest law in the land, Google should be compelled to abide by it, regardless of whether or not the page contradicts “well established scientific or medical consensus” or “well-established historical facts.”

A history of censorship

Google’s censorship of what it considers to be “fake news” or “inaccurate information” is nothing new; in fact, the company has developed a pattern of suppressing Internet content that it deems unfit for the public.

One of the best examples of this actually occurred through the Google-owned video sharing site YouTube, with the victim being conservative radio host Dennis Prager and his digital media organization PragerU.

Google’s censorship of PragerU got so bad that Dennis Prager and his team were forced to file an official lawsuit against the company last October, alleging that they were being discriminated against for their conservative viewpoints and that their free speech rights were being violated.

“Prager University has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to stop Google and YouTube from unlawfully censoring its educational videos and discriminating against its right to freedom of speech,” stated an official press release put out by PragerU.

The lawsuit noted that over 50 PragerU videos have either been “restricted” or “demonetized” by YouTube and Google, even though the videos were extremely educational and based in fact.

Videos with the titles, “Why America Must Lead,” “The Ten Commandments: Do Not Murder,” “The World’s Most Persecuted Minority: Christians,” and dozens more were all restricted, prompting Prager and his team to finally take legal action against Google and YouTube, which Google has owned since 2006.

Sadly, the lawsuit was thrown out and Google faced no consequences for their unconstitutional acts of censorship.

The freedom of speech doesn’t stop the second somebody opens up their laptop and logs on to the Internet; it exists for all Americans to enjoy, regardless of what a team of so-called “fact-checkers” in Silicon Valley might think of the content being published.

If we want to keep America free, then this type of political suppression on the Internet needs to be brought to an end. Otherwise, tyranny will arrive sooner than we think.

Jayson Veley, Humans Are Free 4 Comments [6/24/2018 6:18:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138346

A new Socialist government comes to power in Spain without any authentic democratic majority (having got only 22% of the vote at the last general election). The first thing they do is throw open the country’s borders and accept hundreds of unwanted African invaders on a ship rejected by Italy. The second thing they do is cook up a law to criminalise the speech of their political opponents and vilify their historical memory.

After this law has been passed it will be impossible to state the truth in Spain. So let me state it now: It was the Left that attacked democracy in Spain, not the Right. Franco was a response to the Left’s attempts to suppress, criminalise and even murder their political opponents. And had he not acted, Spain would have been engulfed in a Soviet-like tyranny.

czakal, Wordpress 1 Comments [6/24/2018 6:13:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138304

Pandora’s Needle
This cartoon is based on the ancient Greek legend of Pandora. She opened the box (actually it was a large jar) out of innocent curiosity and hope. Instead of hope, evil was released and it had long-lasting effect. That about sums up the current situation with Big Pharma with their endless vaccinations and concoctions designed to make them ever-more money.
I’m not anti-science and vaccinations have been a great benefit to mankind. (Yeah, I know that last word is not PC—too bad). Inoculations have prevented a lot of death and suffering. Like anything, though, it can be and has been abused. Babies are now treated as pin cushions. They receive up to nearly a dozen vaccinations well before their own immune systems can develop. Autism has gone up astronomically as a result. A search engine query produced this:

If you follow the CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule, your child will receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines by the time he/she is 6 years of age. And by the age of 18, the CDC recommends that children should have gotten 69 doses of 16 vaccines.

Big Pharma employs lobbyists and operatives to make sure doctors push new drugs in return for kickbacks. Recently South Korea fine Novartis $50 million for such practices. (Novartis denies that it’s their policy). It boils down to money. Pushing drugs is profitable for big Pharma. They are tied in with the globalists. Therefore, natural cures are suppressed. Now they want to ‘control and regulate’ supplements.

Ben Garrison, Grrrgraphics.com 4 Comments [6/22/2018 1:26:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138218

Tommy Robinson is exposing the pedophile-loving government of Britain, which only reluctantly went after Muslim grooming gangs/child rapists when the issue could no longer be ignored. Even then they covered it up putting restrictions on reporting on those trials.

Certain people, instead of focusing on Muslim-run child sex rings and pedophiles in government and supporting Tommy for his brave efforts to expose these, are doing their best to derail the anti-pedophile threads by focusing on Tommy's political attitudes, which we already know are not White Nationalist.

Not everyone who does something good is a White Nationalist. If we limit our threads to only things done by WNs, we won't have much of a forum. The people who keep viciously attacking Alt-Right and Alt-Lite people every time they do something good, seem suspicious at best.

WhiteRights, Stormfront 5 Comments [6/19/2018 12:25:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138258

You Brits could never understand Trump or his supporters because we are free men. You are but slaves to your communist overlords and their mu$lim foot soldiers. We are proud of our nation and our God. We will restore western civilization, we will free our loyal and brave cousins from their miserable bondage.

Q-anon is real, the independent however is a fake news propaganda out let. Those of you cowards who have betrayed your own people and handed them into the hands of our ancient enemy's will pay the ultimate price. I will see to it personally.

TinmanofTN, The Independent 4 Comments [6/20/2018 3:01:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138303

I often get positive email from people with good ideas for cartoons. Surprisingly, all of the ideas have been good. I haven’t been able to draw them all, but I have thought about them. The idea for this cartoon came from a certain Alex L. I realized it was a good idea worth developing and so I did.
The more we let government decide things for us, the more we become their cattle. We aren’t supposed to question government. After all, they have our best interests at heart, right? We fear our militarized police and they treat us like animals, not citizens.
The government says we don’t need to know if we’re eating GMO foods. We don’t need to worry about fluoride in our tap water. A little bit of poison can’t hurt us. Sure. We don’t need to worry about the falsehoods being told to us by mainstream media. We are burdened with debt (especially college kids) and debt slave money is designed to shackle us. We all become poor and on the dole.
It’s just big government taking care of us, right?
A few years ago I drew a cartoon that featured forced inoculations and I was laughed at. But now it has become a law in California and some presidential candidates such as Ben Carson are openly espousing it. It’s inoculation by force. It’s inoculation by the point of a gun.
Do citizens no longer have a choice about what they eat and drink? Don’t we have control of our own bodies? Don’t we have say? Well, we’d better start speaking out against these things before the government decides we are ready to be sent to one of their slaughterhouses.

Ben Garrison, Grrrgraphics.com 2 Comments [6/22/2018 8:11:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 137949

In my long and winding journey from -5.00 diopter high myopia to glasses-free 20/20 eyesight, I figured a fundamental biological fact that my optometrist never told me: My myopia wasn’t an illness, and there was nothing wrong with my genetics.

Here’s what I wish I had known when I got my first glasses: Myopia starts out as a strain symptom (referred to as ‘pseudomyopia’ or ‘NITM – near induced transient myopia’ in clinical research), and later becomes lens-induced myopia as you start wearing glasses with increasing diopter correction.

And that’s why all the eye exercise programs don’t work – they fail to address the actual cause of our myopia.

Want to reduce your own myopia, ideally get out of glasses completely? You’re mostly in the right place (minus maybe various rants and digression on behalf of your darling eye guru): Everything I’ve learned about in over a decade of research and helping thousands reduce their own myopia, you will find in the blog and free guides. Everything you need to meaningfully reduce your myopia is contained in the library of science articles, how-to guides, diopter discussion, student reports, Q&A, and video content.

There is also the option for a structured approach to help you get back to 20/20. This paid program includes direct support from your favorite imaginarily bearded sage and is probably the easiest possible way to figure out every piece of the myopia puzzle. Some people like free and DIY and figuring things out themselves, others prefer to spend some money and skip the tinkering.

Either way you want to first learn the basics, then decide if you want to go free DIY or take advantage of the more structured approach.

Feeling tempted and want to find out more about the fancy paid program option?

There is actually no ‘buy now’ link on this page. No sales pitch, no payment form, no nothing. Because while uncle Jakey definitely loves money, now is not the time to get all trigger happy on your credit card. Even if (or especially if) you’re anxious to get started on improving your eyesight.

Before you decide whether you want free DIY or paid BackTo20/20, you must first put the approach to the test your-actual-self.

Use the 7 Day Free Guide to learn how to measure your eyesight, how to quantify eye strain, the impact of diopters, and the basics for meaningful, non-exercise, habit based vision improvement. While there is a learning curve here, this is absolutely one of the best substantiated ways to start taking back control over your vision. Don’t blindly buy into eye exercises and the many unsustainable approaches out there. Try our approach, understand the underlying vision biology, and test how your vision changes when applying the method yourself.

It will take time and learning things and changing habits. Put in the work though, and reap all the 20/20 gains:

One week. Seven days. Plenty of time go get the basics.

Once you complete the 7 Day Free Guide, you will then have the option for an invite to BackTo20/20 if at that point you really prefer a structured approach with support. At that point you’ll be well equipped to decide whether you prefer using the free tools provided in the blog, or the guided approach and one-on-one help from Jake.

Be ready to spend about 20 minutes for each of the 7 days, learning about your eyesight, understanding the things that caused your myopia to increase, and looking at the large body of evidence in clinical science. Realize that this is a project. If you want real results, do spend the time to take action and follow the steps.

Jake Steiner, End Myopia 2 Comments [6/7/2018 10:41:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 138280

The Chaimstream Media incitement of mass hysteria surrounding the story of the bawlin' beanlets is very good news for MAGAmen. It means the media-DNC-Deep State axis of weasels know some truly damning shit is about to drop in the next IG Report, and they needed a distraction pronto.

Heartiste, Gab 3 Comments [6/21/2018 1:48:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138182

Smashing Pumpkins frontman William Patrick Corgan appeared as a guest on the Howard Stern Show. The lengthy discussion touched on a variety of topics, including the reason why he now goes by William (“I did it to irritate people”); his interactions with David Bowie and Neil Young (he once found himself in a teepee with Young, Marilyn Manson, and Lou Reed); and Smashing Pumpkins’ snubbing from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (“It feels like high school all over again.”)

Corgan also spoke of his feud with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. If you recall, back in 2014, Anderson mocked Corgan for appearing on the cover of Paws Chicago, a pet adoption magazine. “He ran a piece right when my record came out insinuating that I was a has-been because I had been reduced to appearing on cat magazines,” Corgan recounted to Stern. “He never explained it was a charity magazine, he gave no context, he pretended I was musically dead and that I was irrelevant.”

At the time, Corgan called Cooper a “globalist shill,” and he still holds that opinion as of today. “He’s a globalist piece of shit, which is what I tweeted, and I stand by my tweet,” Corgan said, adding, “I think there are forces in this world where people whisper in people’s ear and say ‘it’s ok to kick him in the nuts, because he’s not on our team.'”

Asked by Stern if he would accept an apology from Cooper, Corgan responded, “I wouldn’t want one, it wouldn’t mean anything for me. I’ve seen enough from his ilk. He’s playing for a team that doesn’t have my best interest at heart and, I would argue, America’s best interest at heart.”

Corgan continued: “I think there are people in the world that are sold the globalist vision of the world, that we’re all going to hold hands one day and the world’s just going to get along. And they ignore all these crazy threats around the world. They’re living in a la la land. I don’t want any part of the la la land. I believe in the American vision of the dream, and I think we’ve done a pretty good job. I’ll stick with America first. The globalist shit freaks me — I think people like that are working for other people. They pretend to working for America, they’re not working for America, which is why they go after people like me.”

Elsewhere in the interview Corgan discussed his relationship with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. “There’s so much information, it’s hard to say what is true or not. I don’t mind people who want to know the truth and hammer away at it,” Corgan explained. “It’s when people say you can’t ask questions, that’s weird to me. Why is that question off limits?”

When Stern asked if he was a 9-11 truther, Corgan said the answer was “above my pay grade,” adding, “I’m not an expert in structural steel.”

“If you know something, what are you afraid of if somebody questions what you know?” Corgan continued. “The fact people have such violent reactions to questioning, that makes me suspicious.” It was at this point that Stern brought up Jones’ claim of inter-dimensional lizard people, to which Corgan relayed his own “paranormal experiences.”

“Let’s just say I was with somebody once, and I saw a transformation that I can’t explain,” Corgan explained. “I was not [on drugs], I was totally sober.” When Stern pried for more details, Corgan replied, “Imagine you’re doing something and suddenly you turn around and there’s somebody else standing there. It’s hard to explain without going into detail–I’d rather not go into details.” He added that the person acknowledged they were a shape-shifter.

“It’s a really messed-up story and I’d rather tell the whole thing in a book,” Corgan noted.

Billy Corgan, Consequence of Sound 1 Comments [6/18/2018 12:16:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 138275

The Wicked are In Rule of This World

Our nation's top leaders are Satan-worshippers, sinister Freemasons, who are part of an oligarchy (a political system governed by a few people) of criminals who will kill anyone that gets in their way.

If you've never read up on the WACO massacre, read what Congressman Ron Paul has to say about what really happened there. According to Pastor Texe Marrs (Conspiracy World, page 127), the corrupt federal judge who presided over the case wore a 33rd degree Freemasonry ring to court each day, convicting the survivors of the Waco attack, sweeping the government's criminal atrocities under the table. All those innocent women and children were murdered for no reason. Lesbian Janet Reno was Secretary of State at the time. Only demon-possessed lunatics would have done what Janet Reno's military mob did to those poor people...

"At night, the FBI and Delta Force personnel loudly played over a P.A. system horrible, pre-taped recordings of howling, crying and moaning sounds of baby humans and animals-rabbits, cats and dogs-being slaughtered and sacrificed. This was intended to arouse and please demon spirits of hell, while also terrifying the helpless Branch Davidian men, women and children inside."

SOURCE: Texe Marrs, CONSPIRACY WORLD, page 126; ISBN:978-1-930004-55-9

I do not support the religious beliefs of the Waco cult in any way. They were an offshoot of a Seventh Day Adventist church (a false religion). Yet, I support their right as Americans to believe freely as they so chose, without fear of persecution and being murdered for their beliefs. All of the talk about child sexual abuse was purportedly fabricated by the government to demonize the group. The Mormon church abuses children regularly and it is Americas most guarded secret.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 1 Comments [6/21/2018 1:46:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138214




HmmmmmAS S, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/19/2018 1:37:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138250

[Serious] Approaching is a conspiracy created in order to keep ugly males going

Normies and Chads AKA sexually active men, never approach. They meet femoids through social circles and friends and all this normie bullshit that I never understood.

Approaching is always a meme that is sold to ugly, low status, unattractive males. Males with no friends who can introduce them to girls or no friends at all. So, they get this stupid advice, that they have to go out of their way to talk to women, perhaps a coworker or a classmate. And of course, they always get rejected and because they lack social circles they have a very limited selection of approchable women so they have to wait months for another chance to appear.

Normies, on the other hand, go out like 8 times a week and constantly meet new girls and people in general and have like hundreds of contancts and female samples to work with. Ugly males have to carefully plan their moves and wait patiently for an opportunity and they never succeed EVER because if you are a friendless loser then you won't have any luck with women either.

But "Just talk to her bro" or "Make a move on her bro" exists to keep subhumans going and to keep them working and paying taxes to the gynocentric government so that normie and chad drones can fuck college sluts and populate the earth.

TrueAlphaMale, incels.me 2 Comments [6/20/2018 12:00:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep