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Quote# 1357

Why are you making it hard for yourself to belive that Jesus did die on a cross and rose again from the dead three days later.

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 17 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1358

[Replying to 'why don't you believe in Krishna?']Because this Krishna isn't real. God said to have no other God's before Him. Has this Krishna proven it's self real to you and performed miricles and healed people?

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 22 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 1359

[Replying to 'belief is not a choice']Belife is to a choice. You have the free will to say to God that you don't belive His son died for you and to slap Him in the face with that and you also have the free will to belive in false god's. Do you realize that this country has went down hill for a long time now because we have thrown God out of a lot of things?

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 3 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 1360

[Replying to 'could you believe in the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny?']No, because I know those things ain't real. I know God is real because of what He did for me and what I have seen Him do for my family and friends. What we need to find out is why God and Jesus don't seem reasonable to you. Why?

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 4 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 1361

[Replying to 'let's see how you like burning in Muslim hell']Yeah right. I'm not scared because I know this Allah is fake and not real.

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 9 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1362

Your scared to read the Bible because you know it is God's word and your afraid to see that.

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 23 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 1363

Don't you see? Satan caused that. God has been taken out of our schools, work place and other places. So, God used [the terrorist attacks of] 911 to wake us up and say, 'You need me. Come back to me.'

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 6 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 1364

Your wrong, God didn't kill those people. The muslims belife that they have to kill Christians and people who don't belive the way they do killed those people. God just used that as a wake up call.

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 2 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 1365

No, He used it to try and get our attention. If we don't turn back to Him, trouble will continue to come. Wouldn't you get upset with someone who didn't listen to you after you gave them so many warnings? Try having a whole country not listen to you and ignore you for a long time. You will try and get their attention.

BurningSon, POD Warrior Forum 3 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 1366

I am truly proud to be an American. I have no doubt that God molded this country with greatness in mind. Granted we are far from perfect, but we certinly are free and blessed beyond all recognition!! We have no right to complain about how we live. Our poorest people live like kings compared to other countries and I am embarrased when we hear so many complaining about not having enough. I am so proud of George W. Bush and very proud of how he got the U.N. to whip into shape. He is doing amazing things for this country and hushing the opposition with action and not just talk. I always have supported our leaders but at least now I can say that once again I am proud to be an American.

inverter, POD Warrior Forum 14 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 1367

what does the Bible say about pro wrestling like wwe other whys nown as wwf because my bro loves it beyond all possible human beleif and when i asked him which site is better , www.bible.com or www.wwe.com, it took him a while to answer so i thought that was a bit stupid. so what im asking is wwf against the bible and if u could give a link so my bro dont pull a hissy fit if it is thanx and this will solve a lot of problems thanx again

WarriorOfJah, POD Warrior Forum 12 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 1368

If I abandon a Christian worldview, I see no plausible reason - other than purely selfish reasons - to be a Moral person. In fact, [and I know this will be contraversial] but I believe that many of these crimes are strictly due to a lack of the Christian worldview, although, paradoxically I find that many Christians [?] engage is such activities. If Christianity is proven false, do what you wanna do, as long as you come out alive and on top, Who cares... pure Hedonism is championed. Does that answer your question?

Tarmac, POD Warrior Forum 5 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 1369

And guess what? Even if there were life on other planets people would die the second they were created on there because almost every planet doesn't have the suitable living conditions that Earth has.

Pteranodon, GameFAQs 18 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 1370

son you are sadly mis-informed and comfortably lying. No "Christian" ever beat a gay or murdered a gay person. No "Christian" ever ever bombed a clinic. You are sadly mistaken about Hitler. Mein Kampf is full of anti-Christianity. Dark ages and the inquisition and the crusades were don by those claiming "christianity" yet they were way off base and sadly most of those involved I'm sure are in hell. Read the Bible for yourself and tell me if you find anything about killing. Then tell me again if those guys were really "christians". They were anti-Jesus not pro-Jesus therefore if they claim Christianity they are guilty times 2! The whole repress scientific knowledge thing is stupid and you know it. The whole John Ashcroft thing is also stupod and you know it. Since he dosen't agree with you you attack him. Well he is a great man!

inverter, POD Warrior Forum 11 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 1371

The Gilgamesh tablet and other flood stories from around the world got their start because of Noah's flood. When God confused the languages at Babel the people split up into language groups and migrated all over the world. They took the story of Noah and the Flood with them. As they departed more and more from God they embelished the story with their own ideas. The Flood account in the Bible is the only one that has stayed accurate.

LisaAnn, Rapture Ready 12 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 1372

As far as the fact that some written traditions may be older than the time of Moses, I ask - so what? The events in question (the creation account and the Flood) happened at one point in history, no matter when the records were written down. The first report is not always the most accurate. For example, I seem to remember seeing in history books that when Harry Truman was re-elected, one newspaper (which he showed to the press) declared in large print "Dewey defeats Truman." Would future generations studying the 20th Century (should other records be lost) be correct in assuming that this is what happened, simply because it was written down first? Of course not. The editors of the publication in question likely had their own ideals and agenda (likely they were Dewey supporters). The same is true with those who wrote down the Babylonian Epic and other ancient myths - they had an agenda of values and ideals that are important to their society which they wanted to blend in to the somewhat mist-transmitted flood account which had been passed down orally among their people.

thargett, Rapture Ready 7 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 1373

The bible is a book of proven prophecy. Try reading it. Try to do it with an open mind instead of one that satan is influencing.

Vickimac, Rapture Ready 10 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 1374

Plus, the anti-chrits will have supernatural powers. He will "wow" the world into following him. Actually, the world will have NO CHOICE but to follow him. Either that or death. It's all a big deception planned by satan. If you don't want to believe this. Don't. I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just saying what the bible said.

KingDavid, Rapture Ready 0 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 1375

[Replying to 'Why would God throw children into a lake of fire?']I'm sure HE'll explain it all to us at the appropriate time...

Philip James, Rapture Ready 5 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1376

... why would you base your eternity on non-credible beliefs and a feeling?

JimB, Rapture Ready 6 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1377

You need to understand something. Religion is a man made system to make themselves feel good about what they are doing. Christianity was created for man by G-d as a way to salvation and to show the due respect he deserves.

JimB, Rapture Ready 8 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 1378

Is the theory of evolution racist? Do the people here who believe in evolution support Darwin's viewpoint on the races? Do you guys believe negros are an inferior and subhuman species that are no more than talking apes?

Merqutio, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 1379

Heck, the first ammendment proves that this nation was built under a Christian world view. Freedom of speech, press, and religion (establishment clause) proves this.

DanTheMan, Rapture Ready 18 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1380

This makes me sick, sad, angry, sorrowful... These poor people who are sucked into the lies and garbage that this institution [the Catholic church] teaches. I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TRUE GOD BELIEVING CHRISTIANS FALL FOR THIS STUFF. I can understand to a point if a person is raised in it that they'll believe what they're taught. But like for the people who come to this board, who profess that yes, Jesus is their savior, it's impossible for me to see how they can turn around and worship (I don't care what they say, it's worship, idoltry, and just plain sickening BLASPHEMY and it's OBVIOUS) such disgustions notions. I pray every day for them. I also pray for wisdom in NOT becoming angry with seemingly intelligent people who are falling for such moronic garbage.

AlishaGail, Rapture Ready 0 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 1381

Islam started with this guy named Muhamed.he picked this god mamed Allah,the moon god out of the 2,000 gods of the arabs.

tiger31, POD Warrior Forum 8 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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