Quote# 303
The themes in Star Wars may seem innocent on the surface, but if you look at them closely (and if you look at the man who invented the series), they are as distant from God's truth as they can get. But it's just a bunch of movies, right? Wrong. The subculture of the movies (which I was actively involved with, yes, even as a Christian) does the same thing Harry Potter does with children...gets people very interested in philosophies outside of scripture (the Force is claimed by some as a real religion, and for others as a political affiliation. There are people who will write in Jedi on forms as their political party of choice or religion).
Let's look at the movies. They involve reading minds; the concept that an impersonal force rules our actions and not a personal God; they involve talking with the dead; manipulation of others with a thought. That's just for starters. I have seen people go deeply into eastern religions and new age because of these movies, as well. And, although I was called a liar for daring to suggest it, there are magazines called "zines" which deal more and more within this fandom and others, with homosexuality between the main characters. The genre is called "slash," as in Han/Luke; Chewie/Han, etc.
Are these movies fun? Oh, indeed! No one would get involved with them if they weren't.
Rapture Ready 23 Comments [8/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15