Quote# 2414
The basic fundamental beliefs (or presuppositions) of the atheistic philosophy claims that we live in a universe that is eternal (meaning, not created), and that the universe operates by randomness and chance. And that all that exists is matter in motion. So, we conclude the following.... 1.There can't be any absolutes (since this contradicts the belief that the universe is random and chance-like (a Darwinion presupposition as well) 2.There can not be anything supernatural or anything non-material. 3.We can't know anything (since knowledge may evolve) A consistent atheist would have to live his life not doing or saying anything, but just waiting. If there are no absolutes or non-material things then laws of science and math can't exist. Neither can the laws of logic exist (thereby stripping the atheist of his capacity to debate or reason about anything, or have any sort of intellectual discourse). Morals don't exist (so the atheist can't throw in the argument that since God is all-good and all-powerful, then He can't exist since evil exists as well. Yet, evil presupposes a standard of good, and that standard is God).
Rapture Ready 13 Comments [3/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5