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Quote# 3112

Sure, shoot your mouth of like a moron and say all sorts of nasty things about the war and the President of the US, but don't expect me to sit here and be stupid enough to support your work when you spout your sewer off about things ignorantly.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 3 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 3113

And yes, I will stereotype Hollywood. I doubt very few actors/actresses have a faith in God. I would guess that most of them are atheists, which is nothing but a cover for self-worship.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 6 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 3114

If they kept their yapper shut and didn't bash the President and the war effort I probably wouldn't even know if they were an atheist or not.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 9 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 3115

I said that atheists are self-worshippers. God made us to worship something or someone. If you aren't worshipping God, you are worshipping something else, and the atheists want to be in control of everything, so that would be worship of the self.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 12 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 3116

Sorry, but the Democrats have turned into appeasing socialists. P[olitically]C[orrecting]'ing the world to death through programs and tolerance.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 7 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 3117

Don't sweat it though - the entire rap community will eventually kill themselves all off. They are interested in nothing but money anyway. Greedy group of vulchers.

KeysforChrist, Christian Forums 3 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 3118

The libs talk a lot about tolerance, but their actions are only 'PC'. That's political correctness and it is used by anti-faith bigots and hatemongers to try to silence Christians and observant Jews.

ACLJ, Christian Forums 0 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 3119

I always felt that the devil has been involved in all this. He can make the earth appear much older or much younger. He can make us believe that man did not exist with dinnosaurs. After all he is the great deceiver. I for one used to believe UFO existed, even saw some. But then thru my bible studies and more reading of my bible I realized it is just the devil and his cohorts doing their dirty deeds. He is very active in our times.

Lil_unicornkiss, Rapture Ready 5 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 3120

You started to let satan or demons do your thinking for you [when you began questioning].

JohnR7, Christian Forums 9 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 3121

In order to do that I would actually have to read the thread. I will take your advise under consideration and give it some thought. But for now my objective is just to have fun with your guys. I like to push your buttons.

JohnR7, Christian Forums 1 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 3122

Also, evolution undermines the biblical teaching that humanity is ONE RACE because we are all descended from Adam...

Socrates, Theology Web 5 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 3123

This means that a person who believes we descended from apes or that all life came from a primitive protocell is inventing their own private version of Christianity which in a technical sense is not the Christianity of the Bible. This does not mean that their belief in Jesus Christ will not save them. It simply means that they are compromising with the world and in that sense could be said to not be genuine Christians.

Socratism, Theology Web 3 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 3124

And I would want to know why Christian parents were sending their kids to the anti-God public school system in the first place. It's like the Israelites sending their kids to the Canaanites to be educated.

Socratism, Theology Web 6 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 3125

I hope I haven't offended any of you evolutionist types by using facts and logic

Mathezar, God and Science Forum 8 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 3126

There indecision is in favor of no God rather than for there being a God so they in reality are atheists dressed in agnostic dogma.

oncedeceived, Rapture Ready 3 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 3127

So, this taking out Saddam may have been an act of God under the circumstances. God has had to take out other enemy nations bent on taking out Israel. God will protect Israel as He sees fit, if it means destroy the enemy in the case of Saddam.

Loneseer, Rapture Ready 0 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 3128

I have spent lots of time finding internet resources to show the witness the contradictions in their philosophy. We have had ten different [Jehovah's] witnesses come to our house, and everything we say goes in one ear and out the other.

NordicThunder, Rapture Ready 5 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 3129

Their reasoning is very circular - and you have to break the circle in order to make any headway.

LLee, Rapture Ready 4 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 3130

If you think most liberals are so open minded their brains fell out... you're in good company.

magnolia, Rapture Ready 8 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 3131

I remember watching a program many years ago where this scientist had conducted experiments on humans and different types of animals. When the people died there was a noticible reduction of weight at the moment of death (the beds were on a scale) and with the animals there was no change in weight at the moment of death. His conclusion was that something left the body, but he wasn't sure what.

ready2go, Rapture Ready 10 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 3132

Incidentally, the 'nothingness' is also in the school books. It is how kids are taught. They came from nothing, rained on rocks, swam in ooze, and evolved into monkeys then people. That is one of the reasons why we have the problems we have today.

Mrs. Hoppes, Rapture Ready 11 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 3133

I visited the Geocentricity website and found it not as looney as I'd thought.

fbridges2, Rapture Ready 9 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 3134

The dream I am referring to was one I had on January 23, 1993, and which was in two parts. The title of this thread was the answer God the Father gave me when I asked Him when the 'End' (the Rapture) would be... Possibly (not to "prophesy"), the Rapture would occur on June 8, 2003 A.D... It might mean that Saddam is kicked out of Iraq in June; it might mean that he attacks Israel in June; it might mean that the Rapture occurs in June... Something to keep in mind, at least until June 8.

Douglas, ARN Discussion Forum 5 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 3135

If it proves not to be the case, I would simply conclude that I was wrong. Actually, it would not be unless the Rapture did not occur within the first 2 months of 2004 that I would begin to doubt the general time frame for the Rapture that I believe is in several ways indicated...

Douglas, ARN Discussion Forum 6 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 3136

[On June 9th]I'm pretty sure, though, that I did not claim that the Rapture would happen June 8 of this year. I'm pretty sure I said that it was one of two apparently very strong possibilities. But thanks to charlie d for his concern. Now, it would seem that September 27 or so would be the most likely time for the Rapture. Assuming my assumptions are correct.

Douglas, ARN Discussion Forum 8 Comments [6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
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