Quote# 6128
I am an historian with a minor in Anthropology and I understand the truth of the Bible. First, God did not create dinosaurs man did. What we fell to realize, that these ancient people were geniuses, as the Bible stated in Gen. Chapter six... Now it is clear that God state that every imagination of evil man did. He did mess with DNA back then and started genetic breeding with reptiles and other animals. Jurassic Park was not completely false. Satan wants to create and he is using man hoping to make this attempt, but he cannot. What man did do was make dinosaurs, Cyclopes, mermaids, neantherdal and cavemen, centaurs, and other deform creatures... What God did during the flood is wipe out all of the animals and creatures that He did not create. Using the flood, and water which is a catalyst that speeds up the chemicals on the earth God quickly decompose all of the billions of people who died in the flood... Satan wants us to believe that dinosaurs lived millions of year, not so!
Christianity.com Forums 26 Comments [2/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9