Quote# 7171
Masturbation is specifically identified in the Bible as 'unclean'... My thinking is, it makes sense that a woman who is facing her period is 'unclean', but it is easy to think that semen from masturbation is nothing more than something like 'snot', something that can be wiped away and forgotten. But these army dudes [i][in Deuteronomy 23:9][/i] weren't even allowed to reenter the camp until they became clean again. Furthermore, this is with regard to nocternal omissions... which are completely involuntarily. Why, then, could someone possibly think that masturbation, which is completely voluntary, is an exception to the rule of uncleanliness? So the next time you voluntarily discharge semen, keep in mind that, according to Old Testament law, the Lord (Yahweh), your Creator, finds it to be as filthy as the discharge of a woman's period. (Eww.)
Christian Forums 31 Comments [5/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9