Quote# 7618
I detest liberalism/leftism. I feel utter, undiluted, undissembled contempt for liberals. Lazy, self-centered, self-indulgent buggers, every single one of them. They don't want to do anything for themselves. Not even think. They shun responsibility, blame anyone and anything else for their failures. They are slaves to their genitals and call that freedom. They are dangerous for any country they live in. They are the enemy within. And yes, they HATE this country. And don't anyone try to tell me any different. They hate America because she's rich, strong, and powerful. And liberals have been brainwashed into believing that is something to be ashamed of. They want to turn this great country into a pathetic, weak, inconsequential socialist hellhole, like so many European countries nowadays, including their idol, France. Liberals/leftists are the worst thing to have happened to mankind since the Black Death. They are even worse than the Black Death because the latter just killed everyone and put them out of their misery. Leftism grows like AIDS, rotting everything in its path. Leftism is without a doubt one of the worst scourges of mankind.
Free Conservatives 16 Comments [7/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6