Quote# 1633
Is al-Qaida and bin laden real or hoax?
Some people on this board think they are made out by the govenments.
Now i realy don't know, and i am not happy about this if this is ture.
I thought they was real but what happen to the 2 towers could of happen by insiders working against the US for a excuse to use to attack iraq and aggantaine without Bush aware of this.
Or insiders working for al-Qaida.
Yea it could be made up in a effort to enforce terror around the world for worldwide mark of the beast and it would be a master plan from the antichrist.
That it is such a master plan that no one saw it comming and there's no one in this world that can stop the antichrist rise to power' to enforce world wide worship with hes mark, before hes fall from when Jesus over throws him.
Just think how the world will react and the media.
Will the US and the allies fight the NWO army ?
They must do as they are a threat and they will lose to them how i don't know.
Yours Peter
Bibleforums.org 5 Comments [7/18/2005 12:00:00 AM]
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