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Quote# 2601

Most politicians and religious leaders are members of secret societies. Masonry and the Vatican control the power of the world. These societies and the Vatican practice satanism. They have created international terrorism with the purpose of creating the third World War. They want to make it appear that all conflicts have been caused by conflicts and divisions between world countries and religions to establish a one world government and religion ruled by a leader who will claim to be the prophesied Messiah and to rule by divine authority. They will quote Bible verses to deceive people into thinking this is the Kingdom of God, and they will make all kind of signs and wonders. The UFO phenomenon and New Age Movement have been created for this purpose. This is the kingdom of the beast prophesied in the Bible in which all nations will gather. All people will worship the beast and all true followers of Yeshua will be persecuted. The aliens are fallen angels and hybrids, the gods worshipped by the ancient civilizations. Of course they will present great benefits to the population and they will relase new technologies and promises of peace and prosperity but do not believe them, they are only lying. This will be a fascist government, where all the people will be implanted with mind control chips and the useless eaters put to death. They have planted many lies to keep us away from the truth. God is not of any religion or denomination, because all are controlled and have substituted God because they claim to be the Truth, the Way and the Life. God is in our heart and teaches us individually, we must only understand and do what He commands. The Only Way is Yahshua the Messiah. What the majority believes is always the lie. Where the carcass is (false Christ), the vultures will gather (multitudes). <<<a href="http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/" target="_blank">http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/</a>>> <<<a href="http://www.sherryshriner.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sherryshriner.com/</a>>> <<<a href="http://www.mt.net/~watcher/" target="_blank">http://www.mt.net/~watcher/</a>>>

pokoloko, Internet Infidels 4 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 2603

[After asking "what is space", and being referred to Stephen Hawking's <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/055380202X?v=glance" target="_blank">The Universe in the Nutshell</a> and <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0553380168?v=glance" target="_blank">A Brief History of Time</a>]

I'd prefer not to read anything by Steven Hawking, but hey, what can it hurt? Maybe I'll learn something.

crystaleaglesprings, Evolution Fairytale Forum 12 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -6

Quote# 2604

Also, the truth of the matter is bob, we live in a democracy. Reguardless of what you would like to believe, if the majority of the people do not believe in evolution and want it banned, it should never be up to a judge to decide the will of the people, nor should it be up to elitist scientists who think they are better than ANYONE.

There is no question that intelligent design does not have the same scientific grounds as evolution, however truth is a matter of perception and not of reality in this case. The simple fact of the matter is, if the creationists are wrong, they die knowing their life meant something and die happy. [...]

The reason the scientists highlight evolution as the most fundamental principal in biology is thusly due to public attention will always lead back to the money tree, which will allow them to progress within the other fields of their sciences due to the attention of the public. Simply put, evolution is a crock to make money, whether it be true or untrue.

ConservativeYouthMovement, Free Conservatives 36 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 2605

as of yet, I have never seen an evolutionist run an experiment where a Dog evolved into a Falcon.

Apollo5600, Free Conservatives 32 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 2606

The problem that most have with dinosaurs and cavemen is that we are told that they didn't coexist. Theres absolutely no proof of this. Before the flood the Bible says that things lived longer. For instance Methuselah was 969 years old. Reptiles grow continuously until they die. Try to imagine one 1000 years old. It would be pretty stinking big. Yes there were probably species that existed then that do not now. But the same could be said about alot of animals, even humans.

mikebr, Bibleforums.org 4 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 2607

[referring to a WHOLE bunch of cut and paste preachy, end times post by "lighthouse"...]

Thanks Lighthouse for all of this. Amazing work. I'm printing it off and leaving it around for all of my employees to read at work.

Kathe, Rapture Ready 5 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 2608

[Responding to a hypothetical 'if God told you to kill 23 little babies, would you do it?']

if there was a command from God in His Word to kill 23 babies, then Christians are to obey it just as they are to obey every other command. SO don't think for a second in your hypothetical that just because they are babies that it would be just reason to disobey what God has commanded.

Zaac, Christian Forums 26 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 2609

[In the midst of a bizarre argument that we never sent probes to Mars or Saturn]

NASA engineers have not technology to steer their probes to Mars and Saturn.

They are only swindlers.

bigbrain, Skeptic Friends Network 9 Comments [8/9/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 2597

[On the coming Grand Unified Theory]

What are we able to say about the coming unified theory? Here are some of my thoughts.

1. It will be a mathematical theory, but will not make use of highly advanced mathematics. Indeed, knowledge of highly advanced mathematics may be an impediment to its understanding.

2. It will be developed by an outsider to the physics community. After all, physics has had over a century to produce a unified theory, and has failed, not for lack of intellect.

3. Many in the physics community will reject the theory, because it will differ from conventional understanding. It is questionable whether science will be able to accommodate the coming changes. Science may become an outdated institution, left in the wake of progress.

4. Indeed the coming unified theory will mark the end of the "industrial" age and the beginning of an age which is more spiritually inclined.

5. The main challenge will be understanding its implications at the human level. In this sense, it will represent a coming together of science and spirituality. Its understanding and implementation will require poetic ability as well as mathematical ability.

6. The coming theory will not be communicated using conventional means. The communicators will be well versed in prophetic methods.

7. There are people alive on the planet at this moment who know the details of the theory, but have little intention of communicating it openly. They are aware that the theory is available to anyone who has a sincere desire to know it, and a suitable background in mathematics/physics.

8. The main impediment facing people is not lack of intelligence, knowledge or status, but lack of belief in oneself.

Bariyon, Dionysus Forums 8 Comments [8/8/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 2598

i believe that God can put to death anyone who he wants; hes God after all

Dukey, Christian Forums 9 Comments [8/8/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 2599

[Replying to a report about <a href="http://www.washtimes.com/national/20050808-121804-4322r.htm" target="_blank">giving detainees at Gitmo Harry Potter reading material</a>.]

One thought - If people are so afraid of our children doing 'spells' after reading HP and some, I know, believe that the spells are genuine, WHY would we give these people with their child-like brains these books? Terrorists with spellcasting abilities

Mark 6:10, Rapture Ready 11 Comments [8/8/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 2600

With the evidence that there used to be water on mars would that mean that mars was the old earth and we are living on the new earth? With the evidence of water on mars and an atmosphere that used to be thicker than it is now would that indacate that mars once sastained life and was filled with violence and war fare that caused the atmosphere to thin and make the planet lifeless from the nuclear warfare?

hagar, Rapture Ready 20 Comments [8/8/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 2588

the universe was created billions of years ago. Man was created only 6000 years ago. Man did not run with the diasours as the movies portray. Nor did dinasours run with man. God created dinasours so we could burn them in our cars, and planes, and trains. Where do you think our fuel comes from. God knew what he was doing long before he did it. Do you know what you are doing?

parisletter2001, Yahoo! Message Board 20 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 2589

When I was a child I read a 'fantasy' series called the Belgariad series, author David Eddings. The 'fantasy' of witches and warlocks led me on a path that eventually rooted me in witchcraft, namely wicca.
If you believe your teenager has the ability to know fact from fiction, you are decieved. The bible is fact, witchcraft is also fact, albiet a demonic fact it is still fact.
My advise to you is get your daughters books and burn them. Dont pay money for the books, but burn anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.

shaz, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 2590

In a publicity stunt I wouldn't agree to burning books. But on a personal level, between God and maybe a FEW friends, it's ok.

coffeehubby, Rapture Ready 11 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 2591

[Replying to 'i like black sabbath better', not understanding the Black Sabbath is a band]

oh, like where you sacrifice and drink blood??

soon you're fate will be sealed, so you'd better repent

seawater9, LastStopHell.com 7 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 2594

My question is, is it ok for a Christian to buy goods or services from a companies who has Atheists executives. How can a Christian justify buying something from a company who is headed by someone who denies the existence of God?

Is there a resource where I could find Christian approved businesses somewhere, because I suppose that as long as the company itself does God's work, it would be ok to buy from it.

Cerlin, Christian Forums 12 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 2595

I am 100% serious. I really don't know if God would want me to give money to Atheists. For example both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are Atheists, and they both have helped push the computer industry foward. Doesn't anyone else feel guilty when they buy Windows and make the world's richest man (and atheist) richer?

Cerlin, Christian Forums 33 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 2596

[On life on Mars]

3) This must be a modern fairy tale. People will cling to ideas like this without any supporting facts. 100 years ago people believed in ghosts and goblins.
Today its UFO's and martian colonists.

MrMannn, Rapture Ready 4 Comments [8/7/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -5

Quote# 2587

G*d "allows" divorce in the circumstance of adultery...even though He hates it, it is "allowed"...

Could a wife (in good conscience) hand her husband a bill of divorce for adultery in the form of pornography?

prov15_4, Rapture Ready 15 Comments [8/6/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 2576

[Commenting on this <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4728191.stm" target="_blank">BBC article</a> on the real physics of Kung Fu.]

Again, another childhood fantasy ruined by the scientist. I would much prefer to belive in the magical side of these accomplishments.

Chris H, BBC News 28 Comments [8/5/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 2577

I have been studying Karate for 4 years now it comes as no surprise that this has to do with energy. The whole idea is that you draw upon your inner strength and force "chi" and use it as a powerful weapon. Humans only ever use a fraction of the power they really have!

Lucy, BBC News 13 Comments [8/5/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 2578

What these people are overlooking is that western science uses 'laws of physics' to determine a probable outcome based on already known equations, which to me seems a bit text-bookish and regurgitative. They aren't taking into account quantum sciences that acknowledge things such as Qi (Chi) energies that exist in every one of us. This Qi energy may be able to be used to perform similar feats with with an amount of effort that would defy our 'laws' of physics.

Kerry Taylor, BBC News 5 Comments [8/5/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 2579

i just had a random thought: satans job is to basically make us lose our faith. so, if we dont get enough water, we become dehydrated, and we might not even know it. dehydration makes us cranky and makes us feel crappy. so, is the lack of an urge to drink water satanic???? is that why it's so hard for americans to drink the average amount of water daily? whoa.....

babydane, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [8/5/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 2580

Society will only benifit if the ACLU becomes a mere memory. If the ACLU would drop off the face of the earth, the surging wave of applause would drown out what few tears would be shed.

I cannot imagine a more evil organization. To say I despise any member of the ACLU would be an understatement. The ACLU is a threat to children, freedom, and the constitution.

The ACLU must be destroyed!

MrMannn, Rapture Ready 17 Comments [8/5/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
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