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Quote# 16959

At the age of thirteen I was thrown into another world by a fateful accident. Clinically pronounced dead, I returned from the afterlife with knowledge rarely glimpsed by the average person. This experience has defined my life as a person with each foot in a different world. Explaining the afterlife to those who have not had a near death experience requires breaking down the illusions that most people hold of what they call "reality". I hope that my experiences can enlighten others while allowing me to share my insights with my fellow humans.

I have received the seal of the beast in afterlife world 20-22 years ago. Main information - the first who meets us in afterlife world is the BEAST which is described in Bible, but not God as many think!
BEAST - this creature has size about 12 meters in height. This creature is able to stay on two legs and has very long tail (so it also 30 meters long including the tail).
IMAGE OF BEAST is any creature which has seal of beast with spirit of beast inside and without man's status!
MARK OF BEAST. After sealing up appears imprint! This imprint has name - mark. It looks like black tattoo which is putted on spirit (not on body) therefore can not be cutted out. It contains the head of dog with iron slam on head.
SEAL OF BEAST. The beast has the seal. It is like iron seal on a long pole. Any host is able to mark by seal of beast.
666 is number of men who will be marked by beast but will be saved!!! (i.e. common number of saved from all who will be marked by beast).
FOREHEAD whole forehead bone from brows up to top of head! The seal of beast is fatal when it putted on forehead or on any hand.
NAME OF THE BEAST. The beast has name, same as any creature which was created by Creator.
NUMBER OF NAME OF THE BEAST it's number of people which will call themselves by name of the beast. I.e. 666 it's number of people which will be saved from the lake of fire with seal of beast on any place. But the number of name of the beast it's number of people which will call themselves same as the beast.
HOST is creature (man or angel) who received the seal of beast!!!
ROD OF IRON is spirit of beast which is inserted into us horizontally.

nickols_k, Internet Infidels 49 Comments [11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jaded_Revenge

Quote# 16968

There is a GOD, his name is JESUS. He was born he died and on the third day he rose from the grave as the new adam. He alone will you answer too. Then you can say he is a logical fallacy.

PLEASE BAN ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Primitives didnt believe in germs either, something they couldnt see, STILL DIED FROM THEM!!!!
PSS. It is still a shark, id expect some variation in a species. ever heard of a sealion, it has flippers oooooohhhhh aaaaaahhhhh so do turtles ooooooohhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. they still dont produce some other species of animal just turtles sharks and and sealions. ever heard of a duck ooooooohhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh it has webbed feet oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh evil-loonacy at work. not they all live in the water not suprised try agian.

YOU INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daniel, Evilbible.com 66 Comments [11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 16971

There are a lot of arguments against the existence of God (and heaven and hell) but what about Unseen Forces of Evil,wether you call them Satan or some other name.

1)Theres plenty of evil,death,disease and disaster in the world - a good argument,
for some people, against the existence of god but not against the existence of evil forces.

2)No scientific evidence? - well why would forces of evil want to leave evidence? It's perfectly logical that they would want to cover up their activities.

3)Their motives? - power perhaps or sadism.

4)Religions that believe in Satan also believe in lots of things that are,according to modern
science,illogical or unproven - Wouldn't that make them a great tool for 'forces of evil',use
religious fanaticism and fear to do your dirty
work for you on one hand and make yourself seem
so absurd to atheists and scientists (a possible threat?) that they don't believe in you
and they convince everyone else not to believe in you.

The theory of evolution and the big bang do nothing to disprove the existence of 'forces
of evil' since any such force would be destroyers/corruptors/manipulators rather than creators.

MY HERO!!, C4forums 42 Comments [11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 16973

Farmer Alipio Acosta climbed up the statue of Jesus in Ocaca, Columbia in front of a crowd of onlookers – and TV cameras – in an attempt to be cured of his epilepsy. Once at the top of the statue, he prayed for a few moments, then started to climb back down.

Unfortunately, he hadn't planned his descent route terribly well. To add to the problems, it had been raining, which made Jesus quite slippery.

Alipio Acosta, Metro 49 Comments [11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: upallnite

Quote# 16975

[After a long list of "atheists contradictions and lies"]

But again, that's what happens when people tell a lie. The have to tell subsequent lies to explain the first lie until they finally contradict the first lie. And this statement by an atheist has finally contradicted the first lie that God doesn't exist: (Quote)You don't seem to get the notion that the absence of something is a valid form of proof. PLEASE make an effort to understand.(Quote)

Therefore, according to atheists, then the absence of proof for God is a valid form of proof for God's existence. It's good that you can admit it yourselves.

Carico, Christian Discussion Forums 23 Comments [11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: PassingThrough

Quote# 16932

If any two species chosen at random share a common ancestor, would that not imply that every living creature today was ultimately derived from one singular “Mother-Beast”? Just what did this creature look like (I imagine a bulbous sphere, fourteen stories in diameter, with various heads sticking out all over: cow, porcupine, squid, human, etc. Most are confused; none are happy.)

Getalis, nicedoggie.net 61 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 16940

Precisely. And Deval is pro-queer-"marriage". Now we can count on the legislature to act to change MA law to officially legalize it, which at the moment it is not. They didn't do so after the MA SJC ruling, because Romney doubtless would have vetoed it. Now that they have a queer-friendly PoS in the governor's office, they'll push it through.

If terrorists nuked Boston into radioactive rubble, I would be dancing in the street alongside the Muzzies.

Dr Doom, Free Conservatives 47 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 16941

[We have heard from Dr. Hovind. He is faithfully serving the Savior in the Escambia County Jail. He has already lead at least two men to the Lord. The mother of one of the men called to CSE to thank us for an answer to her years of prayer.]

So here we may be seeing the real reason Dr. Hovind is jailed. So the judge, jury and prosecution unwittingly are instruments of God to answer the heart felt prayer of mother longing to see her jailed son find his way home. Praise God!

Danny, CSE Blog 30 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 16942

There’s a big problem with trying to use the so-called “fossil record” to prove evolution. Actually there’s a TON of reasons… but here’s the short version.

1) The strata aren’t in order. And don’t give me any bullcrap about earthquakes or similar malarky. They aren’t in order now and there is no way in hell they ever were.

2) Barring mummification or other forms of human intervention, to create a fossil, 99.9% of the time the creature must be BURIED ALIVE.

The so-called fossil record was created during major catastrophes in the course of history. That’s why there are huge gaps. Thats why things aren’t in order, because the things that died in one catastrophe and were buried and created fossils were whatever happened to be in that area when it was time for that catastrophe to hit. Then the next catastrophe hit and another dozen or so so-called “layers” got laid down, and your bacteria end up on top of the dinosaurs.

Simple. Logical. And the scientists will never accept it, because they are way too stuck on stupid blind faith in their god of Evolution.

LC RobertHuntingdon, nicedoggie.net 38 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 16943

If there was no God would there be any reason why the strongest man in the world shouldn't kill anyone he wants if it'll better himself?

woops sorry about that
Sorry about that

Joe91, Saber-Scorpion's Lair Forums 48 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Broken Egg

Quote# 16946

Rachel Scott, who calls herself a "one-woman Quiverfull activist," describes her conversion moment [to the anti-contraception movement]. One night after the birth of her fourth child--their third "oops" baby due to birth-control failures--when the prospect of tuition for four consumed husband Christopher and their pastor was urging vasectomy, Christopher saw a warrior angel in his dream. A "large, worrying warrior angel" with a flaming sword that he pointed at Christopher's genitals, telling him, "Do not change God's plan."

Rachel Scott, The Nation 41 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 16949

Then what is your definition of "science"? Is it evolution? The idea that dinosaurs suddenly sprouted wings and became birds? Or that monkeys broke there tails, started walking on 2 legs and became people?

Is that science to you?

Live!, Christian Forums 46 Comments [11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 16903

[In response to a documentary about a time where 1 in 13 babies were adopted out, women in functional de facto relationships were arrested for moral indencency and put in church homes and forced to work for their keep. Then due to deception, bullying, and other unethical means, coerced, cajoled and forced into giving up their children against their wishes, and in a thread where many adopted children were sharing that they'd gone to abusive or alcoholic homes.]

I am of the same era. I had the common sense and morals to wait until I was married before even having sexual relations. Can the mothers in this story really say that they had their child's best interest at heart? If they were mature enough to make that decision back then, then they would not have fallen pregnant in the first place.

No sympathy for the mothers here. Only for those poor poor babies that those mothers brought into this world. We're not talking dark ages here. There was contraception. Ask any of those children now and I doubt there are many who would regret being adopted.

So called "reform" in this issue is what has brought the taxpayer to a situation where they are paying millions toward single mother pensions. I do not include widows, divorcees, rape victims or any women who find themselves with children through no fault of their own

Bonnie, SBS Storyline Australia 26 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Julian

Quote# 16904

Mythology is often referred to as imaginary gods or imaginary animals that walked the earth and is generally thought of as beliefs that people had in the past because humans are under the erroneous asumption that we're smarter today than people in the past. But they overlook the fact that people in the past also thought the same thing about their intelligence and people in the future will always prove current thinking wrong again. So the biggest myth of all is that there are no myths in current society. Here are just a few of them:

1) Dinosaurs
2) Apes breeding humans
3) the Big Bang
4) the ice age

None of the above were ever witnessed by anyone in history any more than the gods were witnessed or pink unicorns were.

Carico, CARM 34 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 16905

The truth is;

1) the sun gives light by day
2) The moon and stars give light by night and mark days, months, seasons, and years
3) The earth is less than 10,000 years old
4) Man rules over the animals
5) Each species breeds its own kind
6) The bible even describes the first male and female
7) The genealogy of man can be traced back to Adam

Here are the lies:

1) Apes breed humans
2) The earth is 4.5 billion years old
3) There is no cause-effect, even though scientists base their mathematical formulas and theories on cause-effect through voluminous explanations
4) The ancestors of the Jews weren't Adam, cain, Seth, and David, but other people instead, even though they don't know which people
5) That there are accounts of our vine-swinging ancestors from ancient peoples
6) That Dinosaurs roamed the earth for millions of years before man came then suddenly died before there were any witnesses to them.

That just shows that denying God takes tremendous effort which means that unbelievers make a deliberate attempt at doing so which is demonstrated by the voluminous explanations of evolutionists trying to prove that apes bred human beings.

Carico, CARM 53 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 16907

Let the people decide for themselves and quit turning science into a communist enterprise in order to advance your stupidnatural god. Your communist tactics of pushing evolution on people and calling them dumb and not accepting of medicinal treatments is all part of your communist tactics to spread your religion founded by using science.

Science is not interested in investigating your stupidnatural god anymore. Pack up shop and go home.

mickey, CARM 45 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 16910

yeh i was lying down and just like in the snap of a finger i just got this feeling of being ABSOLUTLY drained. and at the same time i had this REALLY bad (evil scary) sound in my ear. which was like really similar to song by blink 182. so i deleted all blink songs i own. Ive got a couple of music books and i am going to physically burn them.

Anyway i was absolutly scared at this point cause ive never had this b4. like i didnt no wot it was all i knew is it wasnt good. so yeh i shut my eyes. and i saw this UGLY, green, anarexic, 2 foot tall (if that), it was slimey and it was just there sitting on me with his hands around my neck. and i was like ahhhhhhh LEAVE IN THE NAME OF JESUS' BLOOD. and it left. like i knew it was still in my room. i could still hear it. i could feel that he was around sumwhere. anyway i started praying i was like God keep it out of me keep it away from my room. guard me while i sleep keep it out of my house dun let it in. and it was gone. and yeh i was still like i scared child hugging a fathers leg for protection. But i did get to sleep and i woke up and i had the best sleep ive had in my life. because i had nothing to be scared of God was there and he was gonna whoop anythings behind if it came near me.

I respond to james, Myspace 43 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Crembels

Quote# 16912

Favorite part of this website: Word of God

Praise Report: Holy Trinity I praise you, i worship you and i adore you. You are the true God,the way, the truth and the life. May every tongue praise your Holy Name. Look upon all of us, especially those who are struggling with their prayer life that they may persevere with trust and tranquility till you send them the sweet fragrance of your closeness to them. Amen

Prayer Request: For the spiritual suffering caused by dryness.

nina, gogoodnews 27 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Chelsea

Quote# 16913

My Jeep Liberty has the picture below on the wheel cover, the only difference being that the wheel cover is black and the print is silver. I also have my lovely Rapture Ready bumper sticker on the bumper.

So's here's what happened tonight. I went to the grocery store to pick up a prescription that I phoned in. There wasn't a car parked in front of my Jeep when I left the store, so I walked that way to the driver's door around and didn't go around the back of the Jeep. I put the Jeep in reverse and it felt like I hit something or had a flat tire. I put the Jeep in park, went around to the back of the Jeep and there was a shopping cart on the ground. There was no wind to blow the cart there. (I wish we had some wind - it would have blown away all the leaf burning smoke that was burning my sinuses.) The cart had to have been put there deliberately.

I thought about Matthew 5:11 as I was driving home. "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecuteyou, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." To whoever didn't like my wheel cover, that's okay. I forgive you. I just hope you remember the Rapture Ready website address you must have saw on my bumper sticker and check it out. And I promise I won't put a shopping cart behind your car if I see something on it that I don't like.

Diane 1611, Rapture Ready 108 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher Lee

Quote# 16914

1.) Do you know any non-homo who has a high respect for a homo?
2.) Most homos just act weird around people.
3.) Homos don't have as many rights as non homos.
4.) Homos can't have the joy of raising their own flesh-and-blood children.
5.) Don't you shudder of the thought of homos kissing? If you do, (which I hope you do) it means you think they are lowly and disgusting.

Well their you have it! five solid reasons why it is wrong to be a homo!! (there would be more if I could include religion)

the brute, Saber-Scorpion's Lair Forums 69 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 16917

<a href="http://livedigital.com/content/52110" target="_blank">A really disturbing video about children praying.</a>

Daughter of Zion, Live Digital 39 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 16922

NAIROBI, Kenya: A Catholic nun has been sentenced to 30 years for helping militia kill hundreds of people hiding in a hospital during Rwanda's 1994 genocide, an official said Friday. [...]

"She was responsible for selecting Tutsis and would throw them out of the hospital and the militia would then kill them," said Jean Baptiste Ndahumba, president of the local gacaca court in Butare town. "This nun was organizing people to be killed." [...]

A number of Hutu Catholic and Protestant church leaders are alleged to have played significant roles in the east African nation's 100-day massacre. More than half a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by the militia, orchestrated by the extremist Hutu government then in power. The genocide ended when Tutsi rebels toppled the government. [...]

In 2001, two Rwandan Catholic nuns were convicted by a Belgian court of aiding and abetting the mass murders. A Roman Catholic priest is on trial before Tanzania-based U.N. tribunal, accused of ordering the slaughter of 2,000 people who sought refuge in his church.

Unknown, International Herald Tribune 23 Comments [11/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 16862

There was actualy 1,666 years (I think) from Adam to Flood. Which closely resembles the Artist Formerly Known As Prince's album entitled 1999 .

What is crazy to think about is that Adam lived long enough to know Noah's dad. In fact Adam died like 60 years before Noah. So we can think that Adam talked to Lamech. I can see all the children, and grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc sitting around a camp fire listening to Adam talk about the begining and the Garden. Crazy...

recoveringpunker, bibleforums 45 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 16866

[Discussing Rev. Haggard's treatment for homosexuality. Isn't this what got him in trouble in the first place?]

"From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling," London said.

The symbolic laying on of hands may also be a part of the recovery, London said.

H.B. London, Vice President, Focus on the Family 31 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 16869

Republicans are constantly accused of using fear but I am yet to find one person who has become fearful because of the Republicans.

[you are saying the Republicans don't use fear?]

It's obvious since there is nobody who has become fearful due to Republican policies or campaigns

MachZer0, Christian Forums 30 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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