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Quote# 18503

[Christians stop trying to prove your position to the Atheist/Evolutionist]

Guys, we have all of the evidence and Logic in our corner. We've got Theism as the Philosophically default position. Atheism has been belittled to nothing more than merely a Psychological phantom in the rearviews of the Christian mirrors. We've got all of the evidence that Evolution thought they had in favor of YECS. So in effect...we have nothing to prove.

The Atheists need to prove Evolution to the YECS. And once we counter your arguments, Acceptance of the truth is the necessary action to proceed, not a denial of the truth as is usually occurring within the threads. Otherwise...well you know what happens other wise .

YeshuMarine, CARM 27 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18504

It sounds to me like you are dissapointed in how God has made and arranged things and you feel you could do better. Perhaps you could make a perfect world where no one gets sick and no one dies. No one would steal lie or get angry etc. You would have a perfect world. You would then have done a much better job than what God has done right?

Perhaps the child who experiences these physical shortcomings is blessed in other ways that are not obvious to you. Mentally retarded people often bless those around them in many wonderful ways. I have found in my life that I often don't accurately perceive situations and they appear to be one thing but then I find out they were actually something else. I think you may be seeing the limbs missing as the all in all when in fact there are other issues at work you are not seeing. Often times our sufferings humble us in a way that draws us closer to God. I hope you too will experience that closeness and love with God one day soon.

Slim1951, CARM 27 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18505

Ok, retards. Time to put this inot views you can understand. Abortion is murder, its killing an innocent child. When somebody kills a pregnant woman its double murder, but when its "abortion" its not called murder at all! You know what? You have no idea what your doing, you go in, kill the fetus, get it takin out of you, and you leave the fuckin shithole ready to fuck and kill another one of God's precious creations! Its murder and its wrong. Send the kid to an adoption center. Also, the only reason a black child is less likely to be adopted is because Americans are FUCKING RACISTS!

(And then, after several posts from other people in the thread)

I just read the replys you guys posted. Your all fucked up, go die, see you in hell. Its a child, you may think it isn't, but it is. Its murder and your fucked in the head if you think it isn't. It pre-planned so its 1st degree (I'm pretty sure). I know your Americans and I find that adorable but pull your head out of your ass and that penis out of your cunt.

Mr. lImey, Birth and Pregnacy as a Punishment 44 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Sarcastic-Fox (Known as Kakra on Gaia)

Quote# 18506

I am still wondering why God says in His Word that bats are birds. Every animal which flies is either a bat, a bird, or an insect. If God calls bats a type of bird, then they must be! Perhaps He considers all flying creatures except insects to be birds. Bats are currently classified in Class "Chiroptera" while birds are classified in Class "Aves." This may have to be revised at some future date.

Both bats and birds have modified forelimbs so that the fingers become the wing. The covering for bats is fur whereas that for birds is feathers. The flying reptiles from the fossil record appear to have a different type of structure elongated to produce the wing. One assumes God would also call these flying relatives of the dinosaur, simply "birds."

In the case of insects, the wings are separate structures which protrude out of the thorax wall in addition to forelegs, much as an angel's wings do. Thus when the wings are a modification of forelimbs the critter is called "bird" and when the wings are add-ons, the critter is called "insect." {unless they are angels, that is}

While my faith is not based upon the things seen but on hearing, and hearing the Word of God, I do not need to see the proof that what God said in his Holy Word is accurate. However, there is proof somewhere for what God has said. God does not reveal all the facts which would prove his statements are true. If he did, who would exercise their faith?

Scientists tell me that bats are not birds and that grasshoppers walk on all sixes, not all fours as God has said. Bats are funny looking birds to be sure. Because they are mammals that give live birth, suckle their young, and are covered with fur, one can see why learned men mis-classified them. It was a natural error, for scientists {or other educated and intelligent men} who fail to check such things out in the bible before publishing their conclusions.

As for grasshoppers, I see that they have four legs which appear to be the primary walking legs, while the two hind legs are much larger and apparently mostly used for jumping. Ask an entomologist, and he will likely tell you that the grasshopper uses all six legs for walking thus making God out to be a liar. With whom do you agree?

These amazing biblical statements of fact are found among the food ordinances given to Moses by God are in the book of Leviticus in the Holy Bible--[KJV]
There are many other apparent contradictions within the Bible which might be explained to be no contradiction at all if we had perfect knowledge, which only God has.

Walker Spence, Do rabbits chew their cud? 64 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 18507


OSONS FOR LIBERTY, Islamic Evil 43 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18508

The immediate consequences of saying no to the gay agenda are sometimes spectacular. Those who have experience debating homosexuals understand that if one exposes the dreadful realities of gay sexuality, the fallacies of gay arguments, or the public dangers of the gay agenda, homosexual opponents will sometimes throw temper tantrums and shout personal insults. Those who have never encountered this phenomenon have probably not debated many gays.

Should we walk on eggshells to avoid offending gays? No--but we need not use unnecessary roughness. Mere truth is very potent by itself, and we actually diminish the force of truth if we use words or actions that are more forceful that the circumstances require. Those who trust in the power of truth feel no need to shout.

When one speaks truth and says no to evil, the agendas of evil are exposed and resisted, and the momentum of evil is broken and thrown back in confusion. The tantrums, insults, and threats that might ensue are a manifest sign of the confusion and moral weakness of the wicked. We can claim victory only if we remain calm, reasonable, and resolute. "And in nothing be terrified by your adversaries, which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God." (Philippians 1:28) When we remain calm, respectful, rational, unafraid, and steadfast in our stand for the truth in the face of the threatenings and slanders of the wicked, it is a visible sign of victory for us. The misbehavior of the wicked is a shame to them.

Interestingly, our battle is not one of good versus evil, but of truth versus evil. Evil always concocts a lie that confutes truth. As Christians, we have authority to speak truth, but we have no grounds to claim to be good. The only goodness we have the right to claim is Christ's goodness imputed to our account and working within us, not as the reward of merit, but as an undeserved benefaction received by faith. In contrast, when we oppose evil, we have the right to say, "This is Truth, and Here I Stand," to paraphrase the famous words of Luther

Fred Hutchison, Renew America 29 Comments [12/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18432

The Whore of Babylon may very well be Madonna or Hillary Clinton

RWPBR, Above Top Secret 52 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18433

you are a godles man. you can not survive without the love of god and jesus and thre holy ghost.
And for all the pagans, thou shalt not sufer a witch to live... this means you!

josie, COTC Mailbag 41 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 18434

[Re: student who got expelled after complaining about his teacher preaching during class]

I say this kid and his family are assholes looking to make some money and trying to get national attention.Them and everyone who agrees with teaching about evolution and nothing else in school are idiots also. All you dumb and ignorent people will be sorry when you are in front of GOD and will be held acountable for not teaching nor believing the truth that this life and world as we know it comes from one true devine entity. It will be to late to be sorry then. As the old saying goes "you reap what you sow" I will pray for you though. I pray someday all will know the truth and the truth is the one and only living GOD.

godfearing, Kearny on the Web 24 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 18435

Since there seems to be confusion among atheists about what energy is. Energy is a potential and cannot be weighed because it has no parameters as no invisible force does and therefore cannot be weighed. An invisible force can, however, be measured as it reacts in resistance to mass, such as the wind. But like the wind, energy itself is weightless.

Mass on the other hand, which is any finite object, can be weighed when acted upon by gravity. So a weightless force cannot contain weight. But mass on the other can does contain potential energy which is why it can be released under the proper circumstances such as nuclear fission.

And neither can an explosion solidify mass. An explosion breaks up mass! So the "Big Bang" is impossible. It is another desperate attempt to deny God.

But, as Jesus tells us, we cannot enter the kingdom of God unless we become like little children. Children already know that explosions don't create and solidify mass but break up mass. But this is lost on "Scientists" who, in their rebellion against God come up with the most ludicrous and impossible arguments because they can't see basic simple concepts like those above.

So they first need to learn that the truth is always simple because it holds no contradictions. Truth affirms reality, it doesn't contradict it. But lies, on the other hand, are always convoluted, complex, and contradictory. And science always deals in the complex, convoluted and contradictory.

Carico, CARM 41 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18436

I have a question for you guys: Do you consider Catholics to be Christian?

I know a lot of you said "yes," but actually, you're wrong. Catholics aren't Christian. They claim to be, but they worship the virgin Mary, and not Jesus or God. Also, they dance pagan dances around that huge hat the pope has, when the Bible says that nobody should keep idols.

If you have any more questions, please direct them to me and I will be happy to direct you to the way of reason and light. True Christianity comes from your heart and Jesus, not Pope mobiles and bread cookies.

Please save your souls before it's too late.

Surf Kitty 69, gaiaonline.com 82 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: DoctorX

Quote# 18439

Ok I was watching CNN the other night and they were portraying Muslim children who have been taught hatred of America and the Western World from an early age. They went as far as showing a little girl on-camera saying that she would like to kill George W. Bush, I mean not just killing him but speaking of doing horrific, horrific acts to him. Let's face it folks this is the same way Liberals talk, so wouldn't it be wise to say, also adding their un-American views, that Liberals are just as bad as these people??

proudrepublican81, IMDb 21 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18442

who is forcing who to live by their beliefs?

oh yeah ..that'll be the homosexuals

lesley, CARM 37 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 18444

[1) A supernova is observed. Scientists say the original event occurred 4000 years ago using various techniques. You'd accept that.
2) A supernova is observed. Scientists say it occurred 100,000 years ago using the same techniques. You'd reject that.]

I reject #2 as science as it is unobservable. In order to study something in science one must observe the associated event.

Mickey, CARM 27 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Aagcobb

Quote# 18449

["I would like to know what scientific (non-biblical) basis there is for Creationism"]

IF It Is Good Enough For America
THEN It Is Good Enough For Me . . .

I pledge allegiance to the Flag [America]
of the United States OF America
and to the REPUBLIC for which
it stands: ONE NATION
Under GOD, indivisible
with liberty and justice for [some] . . .

The above is The Pledge of Allegiance . . .
with personal emphasis and interpretation added . . .

However, the POINT being:

* In God WE Trust

is also on American, MONEY . . .

However, you can't see it on electronic funds . . .

No matter WHO may remove it (the above mentioned religious phrases). . .

For time and eternity, these phrases will be
recorded in HISTORY . . .

Thusly, demonstrating that the MASSES
gave testimony, that GOD EXISTS and LIVES . . .

Kinda like: USA Cigarettes . . .

HolyGuardianAngels, Christian Forums 34 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18451

"why do evolutionists dig up animals' bones out of the ground and want so badly to call them "transitionals?" There are tons of different animals that exist on earth today.....take dogs, for example.....with evolutionists' mentality, they could dig up chihuahua bones and then dig up Great Dane bones and then say: "Oh, look...see there....it's evolution in action." In reality, it's just two different animals that existed at more or less the same time."

supersport, CARM 22 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Aagcobb

Quote# 18459

What is Pi, well to be exact it is 3.14159 or the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is always the same number, no matter which circle you use to compute it. Sometime between 2092 & 2093 it will be achieved or the worlds given time will come full circle. I mean I think by using all the clues in the Bible especially the verse in Revelation that says that the number 666 is the number of MAN, or in other words the allowed time for man to be accomplished.

Jesus said when you see the budding of the fig tree know that the time is nigh, for verily I say unto you that this generation shall not PASS away until all these things be fulfilled. I think you have to go not by 1948 which is the recognized date for Isreal becoming a nation once again, as many bible scholars will say, but actually 1967 during the six days war in which Isreal recaptured the temple mount, and even more territory.

Now the oldest person on earth today lives in Brazil, and is 125 years old. I think generation passing away means the very last person alive born during the 1967 war will still be alive. Now subtract 1967 from 2092 & you get 125! Now one final piece of the puzzle, take the "number" of mankind which again is 666 and divide it into 2092 and what do you get??? 3.14114114114...which is extremely close to Pi.

So this is just a theory, but pi means a full circle right...so my theory is that sometime during 2092-2093 the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven and the 1000 year millinial reign will begin. Sorry to those who are looking for Jesus to return during their lifetime, but if it's any consolation I know I wont be around for this, cause I'll already be in heaven. Mind you this is just a very interesting theory, so feel free to ask any questions you like

OTE TruthSpeaker, Above Top Secret 43 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 18461

[Speaking on his new film Rocky Balboa.]

I do plan to get out that this is a film with great spirituality, this is a film that to me was driven home by the guidance of God.

Sly Stallone, SFGate.com 14 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -36

Quote# 18463

[A 15-year-old girl has given birth at a school in Bradford. The baby was born in a medical room at St Joseph's Catholic College in Cunliffe Road on Friday, a school spokesman said. An ambulance was called but the girl had given birth by the time it arrived. The Year 11 pupil is not thought to have known she was pregnant.]

I'm glad she didn't know she was pregnant or I could garentee she would have aborted him.

Qwertygiirl, Youthink 23 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 18464

Since atheists don't listn to anything other than what they think, I'm sure it's a waste of time to explain why God allows slavery. But I want to let them know so they have no more justification to distort the bible even though they'll distort it anyway.

God allows slavery for many reasons, the chief of which is to show:

1) "The greatest among you will be your servant"
2) The relationship that mankind has to have to God
3) That happiness comes from the inside, regardless of outside circumstances
4) That man doesn't dictate his own fate
5) How to treat others who treat us badly
6) Why slaves are exalted in the eyes of God and proud men aren't
7) To learn humility
8) That even though all men aren't equal in the eyes of men, they are equal in the eyes of God

Those are just some reasons that God allows slavery. But since atheists aren't here to learn and understand Christianity, as they claim, then they will continue to look for reasons to keep hating God. They will thus distort the above arguments. They don't understand that if a man buys another human being and treats him badly, then he is indeed showing that his servant is greater than his master!

And most importantly, God allowed slavery to foreshadow the coming of Christ who would be a servant to the world and yet be treated as badly slaves are treated by their wicked slavemasters.

But since atheists don't understand simple concepts like those above, then all they can see is the justification of slaves to oppress their masters just like their masters opporess them. But God is teaching us spiritual concepts which are completely lost on atheists. Only a desire to understand God will make the above list clear to them. But the desire to hate God will keep them stuck in distorting the bible and passing along false claims about God.

Carico, CARM 49 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 18465

God lives on the lips of believers...
and nowhere else. When are believers going to realize that if we all decided to stop speaking for God, he would be unable to speak for himself?

Wyrdsmyth, CARM 50 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18471

[Said in response to the story of the fundie school teacher who was secretly taped by a student]

why is the town having problems with the best teacher to hit town in years!A PROUD AMERICAN IS 100 % RIGHT! the town has lost its way in the dark! and kearny IS IN ITS DARK DAYS! the very thing that our life and laws are made of is at risk! when god is left out of teaching in school the very way of life in the usa is at risk! thats just what UBL WANTS! the town folk NEEDS TO WAKE UP AND ASK GOD TO FORGIVE THE STUPID DUMB THINGS SOME FOLK ARE SAYING! this is a good time for kearny to " repent" for pushing god out of schools and every day life :wink:

oldfart56, Kearny on the Web 14 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 18472

[Was Jesus ever married? Did he have Sex?]

I believe this question is frivolous and without merit. It feels as if it is asked in a whimsical way.Jesus was not carnal. Sex is the ultimate carnality. Although he never states (like Nixon said "your president is not a crook" or Bill Clinton) that he never had sex with that woman, Mary Magdalene, everything we know about him says he was a pure as the wind driven snow. You can believe that he was lustful and acted on it, but I don't. If you preach that stuff you risk getting Jesus really annoyed with you. So...if I were you I would be careful regarding Jesus's so called sexuality.

Slim1951, CARM 41 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18474

Abortion, termination of the pregnancy, alternative prenatal treatment, and reproductive health care, are just a few of the terms that I have heard used to sugarcoat this evil and vile sin. No matter what you call it, no matter how sweet sounding the name, it is the termination of innocent life. God calls it MASS MURDER and SERIAL KILLING!

Icwseminary, Institute for Christian Works 33 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18476

Thank You Evolution........ For...

The holocaust,
For the furtherance of abortion,
For making people into animals,
For the furtherance of the fall of America,
For the mocking of Christianity,
For the doubters of the bible,
For the most stupid and ignorantly so-called "facts",
For the most stupid, dumbest, fairy tell, belief.

(I might add some more later )

Such a belief,
That we were,
Poor animals,
In such a way,
Denies God.

Please, no questions. I have already given my answers for many poorly asked questions,and am now done. For now, I will tell people the truth of the evolution theory and those who believe such a moronic thing.

GasTank, Christian Forums 54 Comments [12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: somnium
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