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Quote# 10394

Just because the rocks don't build a church doesn't mean they aren't praising God.

FOCUS ( Followers of Christ Under Service), Myspace 30 Comments [3/27/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 10396

This year, well.. it's 2006.. I'm kinda scared. I feel like staying home the whole day locked up in my room. I know I sound weird, but I'm not even joking.. and my dog's birthday is June 6th. Is that weird?


tr0pica1rain, Bibleforums.org 39 Comments [3/27/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 10398

For anyone who might not understand why a 12 month calendar would keep us "in line", I will explain a little. If we were to follow a 13 month calendar we would be more in tune with the universe. A connection that is much needed for innovation and evolution. This lack of harmony has a profound effect on the way we relate to the Universe we live within.

Why would we go by a 12 month calendar, when the 13 moon cycle has been recognized supposedly for over 5000 years?

Well, what if the calendar was changed at a certain point. And what if it was changed, because whoever (or whatever) knew the affect it would have on the entire world. A simple change with a large impact. And this would take some incredible manipulative-intelligence.

What if this higher authority, is the same one responsible for presidential decisions, media playback, technological discoveries, etc. etc.

Okay, I know this is getting a iittle out there, but bare with me...

It just seems to me, as if there is a puppet master out there. And sometimes I wonder if it is all connected. If we assume that is true, the "being" that is pulling on all the strings, would have to be incredibly intelligent.

So what if this being actually is human. It thinks in the same manner, and has similar objectives, but is on a higher level. What if this "being" is actually a queen human? Much like a queen ant or bee.

Mr. Rogers, MySpace 35 Comments [3/27/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 10405

Look on the bright side. If she's that sincere about GOD, the Bible Creationism, it's likely she'll remain a virgin until married..... I know of no evolutionists who even care about such things....

LittleNipper, Christian Forums 20 Comments [3/27/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 10365

The fact that things evolve does not prove the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution explains man's origins, it doesn't simply say that "things evolve." This is another case of DUH!

The_Horses_Boy, Christian Forums 32 Comments [3/26/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 10371

One of the virtues of Christianity is undoubtedly that it put an end to human sacrifice in Europe.

michiel, TrekBBS 29 Comments [3/26/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 10373

i used to love philosopthy. I found it so intresting. Althoough i made up all my own ideas. But the way people acted towards others in war. War was the thing i was most intrested in. How and why poeple did the things they did. Killing people in grusome ways. The thing that i wondered is why do people enjoy it when others scream in pain. Why are humans so blood thirst?what kind of right do they have to kill people? What kind of right dont they have to kill people? Why should other people even care if other people die? who cares since morals come from a mind that also kills? Who cares about morals, everything is a dilusion. If i die why should anyone care. I am a mere 17 years oor so compared to 7 billion ytears it took the time to evolve. really thinking about it, we are pathetic. We are so minute, we are so tiny, what makes us special? What defines you to moral rights? Eventually io thought It is "ok" to kill a person for no reason. I was twisted and weird. I started getting weird thoughts in how i might kill people in certain points of my life, after watching war movies i saw dead people from the movies in my own home. I wanted to imagine them dead, not animals. why not animals? but human beings. I imagined children dead. at first i thought it would make me a stribnger person my views about philosopthy and life. I thought i would come out with morals, but only came out weak and pathetic. A few points i heard voices in my head. i thought i was going insane. i tried so many thoughts and things to think what made morals, i thought psycolgically, mentally, physically, and sometimes i just accepted it. but not once did i think it was god.

and one day i fiunally thought that even though i didnt believe in god. but strangly when i turned towards god all those twisted views and horrible thought suddenly went. What in the name of all names, in the thought of all thoughts, in the theories of all theories, in the thing of all things can such a big lie have such a huge effect on a soul that it can change them overnight? i have never come across such a lie, how can god not be there. How? what kind of twisted thing could make one suddenly feel with love......its like it jsut camme from nowhere.

the best philosopthy i ever know is god. He is the light of lights, the love of loves........

samsonknight, Christian Forums 23 Comments [3/26/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 10375

[On what would happen if all abortions, regardless of situation, were to be banned]

Children will be born with the potential to have a positive impact on the world; that's what will happen.

KalEl76, Christian Forums 19 Comments [3/26/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 10376

"The Prophet Muhammad has said several times that those who convert from Islam should be killed if they refuse to come back," says Ansarullah Mawlafizada, the trial judge.

"Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, kindness and integrity. That is why we have told him if he regrets what he did [converting from Islam to Christianity], then we will forgive him," he told the BBC News website.

Ansarullah Mawlafizada, BBC News 20 Comments [3/26/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 10337

in Armenia....there is a number thing that they give u...and if u dont have that number...u cant buy food....and that number happens to be 666!

Humble Servant, MySpace 20 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10340

[Response to an article "New UK Law: Restaurants Must Permit Gays to Publicly Exhibit Affection; Bed and Breakfasts Must Admit Homosexual Couples"]

Public decency certainly would be lowered by homosexuals. Their catty comments about fashion choices of fellow restaurant patrons. Remarks about the freshness of the ingredients of the meals. And the freshness of the waiters. Even the decor will not be spared.

Somehow I think this degradation continues, law or no law. Any way decent people can get homosexuals out of the restaurant and hospitality industries? They seem infested with sodomites! One can just imagine where the hands, serving our plates and making our beds, have previously been!! It's enough to put one off one's tea.

MikeinSD, Catholic Answers Forums 25 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10345

How come in hinduism that i doont feel guilty when eating meat. I get meat in my sandwiches, i prayed a few times when just comeing into christianity and said "god, if this is wrong for me to eat meat please make me feel extreme guilt" but nothing happened after waiting.

samsonknight, Christian Forums 12 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 10346

[Masturbation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.]

But simply having Faith that Jesus bought your cure for cancer on the cross makes it go away... and at the same time you dont have to gratify your flesh... because why do that to get rid of cancer when he can do it for you. =p

† I'm in love with Him and He's in love with me.†, Myspace 30 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 10347

The crisis question is whether the Koran is an evil book, or the Koran has been misinterpreted by evil people. If the Koran is an evil book, then the Islamic religion needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. If the Koran has been misinterpreted by evil people, then the evil people need to be wiped from the face of the earth.

No valid religion should ever advocate the killing of a person because they reject that religion or accept another religion.

clirus, Christian Forums 34 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 10348

Sorry, Evangelist, I'm not trying to drive you, but there is both theological and scientific proof that life doesn't exist on other planets. (From a theological point of view) how about that verse in the Bible that says, "Eve was the mother of all living"?

DodgeRamFanatic, teens4christ 18 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10351

[A strange form of the "something can't come from nothing" one-liner]

i really cant understand how something suddenly popped out of nowhere. Space is defined because there is space. Say there was space and nothing in space. No molecules or anything. But then you suddenly popped into it i thing many of you would agree that you would infact be floating around. How the freg could someone float in space if there was nothing? You can put spomething in space and it floats! how is that possible if there was once nothing?

samsonknight, Christian Forums 21 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10352

The main reason why we know that the Genesis account is true is because God was seen traveling in the presense of Israel in the manifestation of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. --A modern person would freak out and assummingly say, "It's a UFO!!" But God is not a UFO because God is identified!!

FEZZILLA, Christian Forums 25 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 10354

with all the science you know. With all the knowledge and understanding. please explain to me, how and why light enters a soul?

samsonknight, Christian Forums 18 Comments [3/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 10321

I don't care how you try to look at it, when girls freely spread their legs to a guy and end up getting pregnant, they now have a responsibility. If they decide to abort the child, because they don't want to have a child or are not ready, they are commiting murder. PERIOD. Now if the child is severally handicapped or the woman was raped, it can be looked at different. I have never been their, so I don't know what I would do. My belief is that abortion is a fancy word for MURDER. I believe if you freely spread you legs, you should deal with the aftermath.

Sarah, Myspace 23 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10323

rapists, sadists, addicts, fetishes, and monsters develop from a child's relationship with a parent of the opposite sex. for instance, if a young boy had a terrible and frightening relationship with his mother, usually that boy will turn into am addicted rapist/murderer with sick fetishes, and soon will be come monster flushed with sadism.

Schoff, Myspace 22 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 10324

I think it's okay if [married couples] watch [pornography] together, and I don't think it's a bad thing when it's accepted by both people. What I was talking about is when the guy (or girl, for that matter) gets an addiction to it or goes behind their partner's back to watch it, and that's when it becomes unhealthy. Sorry, I should have clarified.

Also I'd like to clarify--I personally would never watch porn, and my fiance would not watch it either. I don't believe it is morally right ever, or right in the eyes of God. JMO

JoJo!, Myspace 30 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -10

Quote# 10325

What world do YOU live in?! Except for FOX, it IS all biased!

If ya want truth first seek out the Bible, then seek out FOX News.
Amen for FOX.

Besides, there is really no such thing as homophobia. It is a false concept created by the gay community to smear the healthy aversion to a unnatural and disgusting deviancy.

MrMann, Rapture Ready 36 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 10328

You obviously don't see what I am saying. We have women who think it is ok to have sex, and then when they get pregnant , they just go and kill the baby. Is that not murder?

Why so blue Bear Panda?, Myspace 22 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 10330

Q. How can I tell if a religion is a cult?

A. There are several ways:

(1) It has one person (mortal) as the final authority.

(2) It has another book to explain the Bible and that book will be given the same authority as the Bible.

(3) It may be the enemy of the sciences.

(4) It will pervert the Trinity or the nature of Christ, calling Him a prophet, an archangel, a half-way house between God and man - but never God incarnate. It may deny His humanity.

(5) It will give undue emphasis to certain Scriptures and de-emphasize the rest.

(6) It will limit personal freedom -- in the name of submission to authority.

(7) It will get into your personal life with abnormal taboos.

(8) It will get much of your money.

apocalypsesoon.org, Apocalypse Soon 25 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10332

I think you would be surprised at how incredibly stupid some (thank GOd not all) Christians really are

mamacags, Rapture Ready 42 Comments [3/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -7
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