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Quote# 10102

[from a Cease & Desist letter regarding <a href="http://justinsomnia.org/images/straight_unhappy_small.jpg">this picture</a>, a clear act of parody on the part of Justin Watt]

You appear to believe that the stolen image is exempt from federal intellectual property laws as a "parody" due to "fair use." Unfortunately, the intricacies of federal law cannot adequately be covered on "Wikipedia" due to the variety of facts addressed by courts in numerous cases. Your use of the image is indeed a violation of copyright law and is not covered by "fair use." Nearly the entire image file from the Exodus web site was is used on your web site with only two changes. You changed "Gay" to "Straight?" and "www.exodus.to" to "www.gay.com." Furthermore, your altered image substantially diminishes the potential value of the original image as utilized by Exodus on billboards across America and online. Moreover, your infringing activity creates the false impression that Exodus is sponsoring or endorsing the altered billboard, in violation of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. ˜ 1125, as it contains the "E" logo mark that belongs to Exodus. You have not been licensed or authorized to use either the image or the logo belonging to Exodus.

Mathew D. Staver, Esq., Justinsomnia 17 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 10103

What is the second law of thermo dunamics? if Not Enthropy

Joshua, Myspace 25 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10105

As I discuss the topic of masculinity more and more with women, it becomes apparent that a large number of women quite frankly want feminine men (Or women with male parts - however you want to look at it). They just want men to be "good boys;" the next Mr. Rogers. Half of them hoping for a man uninterested in sex, or at least as little interested as she is. If men were lions, these women would clip their claws, inject them with estrogen, and put them on a leash.

Why are so many women interested in feminine men? Could it be that such a man harbors everything she wants: a woman companion but with male parts? I'm sorry, but a man who likes to knit sweaters, wear pink, watch sappy movies all day long, paints his toenails, carries a purse, likes fluffy animals and hates action movies... the guy is a mere shadow of a man. I'm sorry, ladies, but there is more to being a man than having a rod. If that's all you crave from a man, you really don't desire a man at all.

Tell me, ladies, what do you desire in a man? Is there anything masculine at all or is the only reason you're choosing to date a man over a woman because of the y chromosome they carry and the biblical commands that follow? It's sad indeed to see so many women craving feminine men. I suspect at this rate, most men will be feminine some time in the future, and people will ask themselves, "Where have all the real men gone?" I'll then spit in my grave in response: you asked them to be women.

Jedi, Christian Forums 33 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10106

[There is no male or female in Christ (Gal 3.27-28)]

For now:

That's referring to


(please look up the context, even)




would be o.k with God

(after all, there is 'neither male, nor female')

Same sex 'marriages', are

-NOT- o.k. with God,

by the way.

Also, much of what you spek of is in the Old Covenant:

You know, the place where

God used a


to instruct Ballam (Numbers 22)

Do you feel we should place

'donkeys behind pulpits'

to teach?

If so, I disagree with your hermanutic.

daverain, Christian Forums 18 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 10107

[Responding to story in which a student secretly records his geography teacher making anti-Bush comments in class]

He said that democracies don't go to war. He misquoted it unpurpose. Democracies don't go to war with EACH OTHER, is the correct statement. This guy is a hateful socialist who's brainwashing our kids. He said so much that I would have reacted to personaly by seeing him kicked out of the state, I ache! Isn't he supposed to be a Geography teacher??? Where did he teach Geography in that rant? This guy should be branded a traitor and burned at the stake.

Dakota_Cowboy, Free Conservatives 16 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 10108

["Thou shalt not kill." What does God do in the Bible?]

*Thou*, not *I* - God was telling *us* what to do; what makes you think he was also binding Himself?

jim_w, Internet Infidels 24 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 10110

[... you're telling me that God can kill us any time and he still won't be evil. You don't see anything wrong with that?]

Not at all.. What's wrong with that?

jim_w, Internet Infidels 12 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10111

I don't think terms like "moral" and "immoral" can be applied to God. Perhaps to "a god", in the sense of a supranatural entity that has much power and demands respect/obedience. But that's not what we're discussing - we're discussing the Christian conception of God as creator and sustainer of all. I simply can't see how such a God can be thought of (especially by His creatures!) as moral or immoral...

jim_w, Internet Infidels 12 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10118

[So you can judge whether God is good or evil. You've just handed us the stick to beat your idol with. And since contrary to your second answer, according to the Bible Yahweh does annihilate a great many people.

If annihilation is the act of an not-good being, Yahweh must be not-good.]

Yahweh is-good by restraining His Justice and excercising Mercy to allow even a remnant of the species to survive. Besides - it did not seem to impact our capacity to fill the Earth...

jdlongmire, IIDB 12 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 10119

[On homosexuality]
so sticking something larger then most fecial matter into a hole made for the removal of bodily waste is not painful?

i remember little bow wow cried when he took it in the ass from his body gaurds..

oh wait, it only hurts the first few times, then you get used to it.

go tell that to the wife who gets beat.

he does it because he loves you.. right?

TJ, Myspace 27 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 10125

We invaded Iraq (this time) for one reason only: We had a president with the balls to do something about 911.

DesertFox, Free Conservatives 33 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 10128

[On Social Security]

I'm just asking the people to stand up and if you are against taking a stand that rids us of the 'nazi' aspect of forcing others to be part of public insurance...then I've got to wonder at least about your maturity level...

Robert, Myspace 13 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 10129

There are many sources which describe the life of Jesus... I once heard a speech by a son of a former Russian official. He told a story how his friend (son of a general) took him to a secret underground library in Moscow and showed him a huge collection of ancient books which talk about life of Jesus. They even had a table from the last supper (Supposedly it is that table...)

TheEditor, bibleforums.org 28 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 10131

Feminists have to be the most frustrated women in the world, we were created as a vessel being to recieve, men were created as vessels to give.

The ideaology of feminism is from the enemy and comes to kill, steal and destroy.

abortion kills, homosexuality steals natural affections, and same sex marriages destroys the normal family unit,

these are the main issues of feminism, silly women have tried to usurp power that does not belong to them instead of using the God given power that they possess spiritually,

MY Place is beside the man that God gives me to, we are to be one, male authority came about because of sin, those joined together by God are to not be torn asunder, they walk as one.

always, bibleforums.org 25 Comments [3/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10094

your whole Flying spaghetti monster is as believable as the boogie man or other stupid creatures. this religon seems to be just based on a childs creative mind.

This makes me think all younger generations now are full with idiots like you.
No to believe that a spaghetti controls my life is crazy and stupid.

And I have a strong feeling that your joking and don't tell me your not cause I read it twice it seems all most too stupid please go read the bible or jump off the nearest cliff cause no one has use for you that's why your making stupid religons

Philmon TM, Myspace 36 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 10095

people need to take personal responsibility

if a mother has an abortion...she should be penalized...some how....tubes tied?

john, Myspace 20 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 10096

['Would Al Gore Have Won The Election?']

In 2000 God intervened. Just the little bit that I have read about AG's activities since he left the VPcy has been chilling to me. He is involved in power at a higher level than the national level; to be the US President would be a step down for him. I believe that's why he didn't run. Not interested.

talitha, Christian Forums 13 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 10097

Yank tax dollars for arts in schools

Editor: I am concerned about this current trend among “artists” to disrespect the conservative Christian values that our fathers, brothers and sons have fought and died for. The disrespect that these “creative” types have for the core moral fiber of our freedom-loving society is tantamount to high treason. Television, motion pictures, literature, plays, music and visual arts have all given rise to anti-American propaganda that is aimed at one target audience, alone — our children.

This is an abomination of our free-speech rights that cannot be allowed to continue. Imagine a generation of children growing up with a Green Day view of life that insinuates that our elected leaders, chosen by the voting majority, are nothing more than “American Idiots.” What about the Hollywood agenda to promote socialist-leaning candidates and anti-war-on-terror movies like “Syrianna” and Michael Moore’s disturbing pro-al-Qaida propaganda films? What about the preponderance of alternative lifestyle movies such as “Brokeback Mountain” and “TransAmerica”? This trend needs to be stopped immediately before our great nation succumbs to moral ambiguity. The malleable minds of our children are at stake.

My suggestion for solving this problem is simple: cut tax dollars for arts funding in our public schools. The arts are a breeding ground for anti-American sentiment that cannot be tolerated in our post- 9/11 world. Paintings of trees and placid scenes of natural beauty are sadly being replaced by images of President Bush as a buffoonish, uncomprehending “American Idiot.” Worse yet, these neo-artists depict our sacred religious icons in unspeakable ways that I will refrain from describing. Our kids are being brainwashed by these left-wing Nazis who pretend to be cool and trendy. I, for one, do not want my tax dollars to pay the salaries of leftist propaganda fomenters.

The money spent on arts programs, theater productions, speech league competitions and other “questionable value” expenditures could be better used to fund sports-based programs. These programs teach children to be a team player. They prepare kids for a life as a co-worker, solid citizen, and, if necessary, as a soldier to help fight the war on terror. Statistically, children who excel at sports do better in life than those who paint hateful pictures.

Do the right thing. Call your representative and demand that art programs be cut from our public schools. The fragile minds of our greatest resource are at risk.


Michael D. Leonard, Scranton Times 119 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 10098

Whenever children are born with birth defects, its never to punish the child, but the sins of the parents. Youve never seen good people have hermaphrodites do you? (and not good meaning nice, good meaning clean of sin)

God would never hurt children. After all, it was Jesus who said, "Anyone who dares harm one of these little ones will have to answer to me."

NickTheBlitz, Myspace 39 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 10099

Social justice, although laudable in it's purpose, is merely window dressing to the soul and spirit.

Do we give a man food, and ignore his eternal state? Jesus was our first example of right thinking and right actions. Social justice in His day would have been an overthrow of the Roman government. He chose to die on the Cross for our eternal redemption instead. Even He stated that we would always have the poor with us. And it's important to be compassionate toward those who are less fortunate...but it was a poor man in the bosom of Abraham, not a social justice advocate. God never meant that we, as Christians, should seek to eradicate poverty, or illiteracy, or prejudice. He knew that there would always be sin in the world. He did intend that we preach the gospel to any who would hear, and if we do that as we fill a plate, or give immunizations, or teach a reading class, so much the better...as long as we are preaching, and not merely thinking that these actions alone serve as spreading the gospel.

Fervent4Him, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 10100

Well, marriages are a lot more likely to survive if both people have a realistic idea of marriage (as in, what marriage is actually like and not just some dream come true fairy tale marriage you see in the movies), you don't live together before marriage, and you sort out issues that come up in marriage before you actually get married.
We went through a book called "1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married" and we talked about EVERYTHING and discussed EVERYTHING. If that doesn't give you a realistic idea of marriage, I don't know what does.

JoJo!, Myspace 18 Comments [3/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -8

Quote# 10081

[Do you concede that you misinterpreted Exodus 21:22-23?]

No, because I've prayed about this verse and I know what God is actually meaning in it, and it's the same thing I've been saying all along.

JoJo!, Myspace 18 Comments [3/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 10083

This is little publicized as Arab astronauts were first into space in the year 1344. This history is rarely found in American textbooks.

achilles6256, Yahoo! Message Boards 46 Comments [3/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 10084

[Should I wear a chastity belt to stop masturbation?]

Maybe not a chastity belt (not very practical/hygienic) but there are other devices you can get. My fiance has one, it goes round the base of his xxxxx and just sits there until he gets aroused, then it has teeth that stick in and hurt him so he turns his mind to something else. Plus, for obvious reasons it can't be removed by a guy who's in that condition.

Personally I think it's terrible that he has to wear that thing, it hurts him a lot at times and he bleeds, but we're sharing a home together now and not married and we've promised each other nothing immoral will happen and he feels it's the only way he can keep on the right path

Marie O's, Christian Forums 122 Comments [3/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 10087

Psychic remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue has posted two new images on his website at http://ummo.cc that indicates President George W. Bush is possessed.

The thing in President Bush is identified by Donahue as an angel. Its name is purposefully withheld. Donahue writes that the angel is “associated with a programmed system of belief that precludes the reality of Armageddon.

”Two remote viewed drawings are presented on Donahue’s site. One shows the top, or head of the entity projecting from the side of the head of President Bush. Donahue said he produced this image by surprise while remote viewing Mr. Bush during a recent public speaking appearance.

He said he was drawing the back of the president’s head during the talk, and was shocked to find the being’s head jutting from that of Bush, and looking directly back at him. It was very aware that it was being observed.

The second drawing offers a full body portrait of the angel that occupies Mr. Bush. It has what Aaron describes as a “strange tube-like morphology” and appears to possess but a single eye.

That this particular angel promotes a belief in Armageddon is very bad news. It suggests that Mr. Bush will continue to drive America into a world war from his high seat of power.

James Donahue, The Mind of James Donahue 21 Comments [3/11/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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