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Quote# 14110

Another rather dispicable aspect of Liberalsim is that it reduces personal liberty.

92g, Evolution Fairytale Forum 33 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14119

I'm no expert but it is my supposition that the animals could all talk back then. Eve did not seem to be at all surprised that the snake spoke.

Kem, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Moses

Quote# 14123

<a href="http://abortionmakesmecry.ytmnd.com/" target="_blank">http://abortionmakesmecry.ytmnd.com/</a>

Listen to the entire thing.

DarthErik, You're the Man Now Dog 32 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Will

Quote# 14126

<img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/2582uxt.jpg">

Jack, Last Stop Hell Forum 29 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Moses

Quote# 14127

Morfos: apparently you haven't read the legal definitions of TRAITORS and SEDITION. We sure can execute you.

CrazyDuke: you are a certified LIBERAL-COMMUNIST, which probably does mean you're crazy. Michael Savage says liberals are ALL mentally ill, and he is right.

Why are you wrong? Because as a LIBERAL you believe in moral equivalence between GOOD and EVIL, between RIGHT and WRONG. You can't tell the difference. What you post is pure CRAP. Fox News is FAIR -- any objective measure shows this -- while PBS is a cesspool of Communist filth. If you don't understand this, and all that I posted, may God have mercy on your soul, because you're going straight to hell.

When the forces of GOOD rise, and they will, soon, I predict you will eat hot lead. I hope you live long enough, writhing in agony, to understand how EVIL you were.

Sammy, The Little Brown Reader 27 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14128

[Steve Abrams is a conservative Republican and the Chairman of the Kansas State Board of Education, quoted here in an article]:

"I think any time you put forth science standards formed in a dogmatic fashion it is a step backwards," he said. "I’m not in favor of scripture being taught in classes. I support only good peer-reviewed, empirical science standards and those things don’t support evolution."

Steve Abrams, Kansan.com, The University Daily Kansan 29 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 14129

The begging question is how nature was able to simultaneously, or nearly simulatnaeously, evolve a male with fully operational sex organs, evolve a female counterpart with fully operation sex organs that just so happen to be perfectly compatible, and be placed within the same locality that they could find one another, and for nature to give them the understanding that they must mate in order to create progeny, all in one felled swoop?

nemesis juggernaut, EvC Forum 34 Comments [8/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 14080

Over time the homosexual demon is so powerful it can actually change the appearance of the person.. This should no surprise you.. If a person is controlled by spirits of Hate .. they begin to have a dark look in their eyes.. And start to take on new characteristics in their appearance.. When you are controlled by the demon of Homosexuality you begin to look like a homosexual.. When this occurs the spirit is beginning to manifest in this persons life and is in full control.

Gods Servant, Homosexual Hellbound 30 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14081

About 75% of this battle will be fought in your own MIND.. since this spirit is linked to your soul.. The less you yield to your sick perverted thoughts.. The more ground you will gain.. after you gain it you must HOLD it by not slipping back.. This is direct combat with the homosexual demon.. It will increase its attack on you when it realizes you are fighting it.. So it will get worse before it gets better... when this happens rejoice! the demon is is starting to worry about losing its control.. Keep fighting! And using deliverance prayers on the demon itself.. This is like hand to hand combat on the demon. God will help you fight this battle.. Remember that you were not born a homosexual.. And by fighting this Demon you're choosing LIFE and saving yourself from a deep pit filled with HELLFIRE!

Gods Servant, Homosexual Hellbound 39 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14082

It's high time that common sense prevail---the liberal mindset is not only anti-American, it's anti-survival... The most hate-filled, discriminatory and mentally-deficient individuals in our country are LIBERALS in thought, word and deed. They weaken our species. They deserve to be eradicated like the diseased rats they are, before they further contaminate the human gene pool. Jerry Duncan has a point, but the method he advocates is not nearly surgical enough to suit me.

Neo, The Little Brown Reader 31 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 14083

Man made God in his image. This means Man possesses a boundless mind that can conceive of all things, and a free will, like God, to act on anything he can conceive. Some people choose to do evil, other choose to do good. This is a gift from God, yet you wish God did not give it to you? What depths Secularism has driven modern society to...but, when schools teach that men are monkeys, why should people prefer the freedom to choose between good and evil over the security and easy reward of the cage?

Executive Monkey, Fark 11 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: ProperJob

Quote# 14084

Jews have been tearing down Christian America for over a century. This is a serious problem because the Christian people of America have had their nation stolen out from under them.

I quoted the great American patriot Henry Ford's writing here to contrast it with the Judaized marxist homosodomite policies of the company he founded...

Defensor Fidei, FSTDT 45 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14085

[On the areest of Karr in the Jonbenet Ramsey case)

I think there are to many loose ends. I have believed for a long time that this little girl was the victim of an occult ritual. Some time around December 24, 25, is a High Sabot for the Witches and Devil worshipers. If Karr knows something about this case, it may only bee that he knows the ritual procedure, (requires a human sacrifice) he may not have been there.

This little girls parents, or at least one of them were probably involved in the ritual. If it was a coven ritual, and some of the things we know about the case could be consistent with, then what he has said he knows would be knowledge of the practice and not necessarily a witness of this case.

Look at this guys eyes, weird. Mr Ramsey's eyes always looked weird to me.

There are people who raise their children to a certain age for the purpose of occult ritual. Some of them are rich people.

omegatrump, Free Conservatives 30 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Gerard

Quote# 14086

The United States fought in World War II solely for the interests of communism and the Soviet Union, thanks to the influence of the Jews, the British, and the Roosevelt regime.

Defensor Fidei, FSTDT board 45 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 14087

Who the hell added that little parenthetical, which is a bunch of lies?

Jew Churchill's Rothschild Empire could fight its own wars.

People are even here defending the Soviet scum...

Defensor Fidei, FSTDT comments 20 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14089

The Antichrist will honor Satan, called Baal, Lord of Fortresses,
Lord of the High Places , Lord of those who quickly fly (in the high
places), Prince of the Power of the Air, and obviously Princeof the
Power behind flying craft in the high places...ufos.

David Flynn, Watcher 35 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 14091

King Juan Carlos. King of Spain. King of Jerusalem.
Born a Prince of Rome. Parents gave him away at birth to be groomed by Opus Dei, the controversial cult portrayed in Da Vinci Code. Opus Dei is the ancient order of OPVS DAI written about by Julius Caesar. Archdruids. Satanic. Carlos a member of Club of Rome. Circle of 10. A Catholic Mason. EU calls him, "The Saviour of Democracy." He abandoned his castle to go reside in the Fid Nemed, the Holy Oak Groves of OPVS DAI. He is Commander-in-Chief of Spain. Graduated from all three military academies. Flies an F-14 Fighter Jet.

Here is the man who will sit on the Throne of God in the new Temple.

[Just a note that Julius Caeser was around 80 years BC, so Opus Dei is really on the ball about the whole Catholic Church thing]

Author, War of Angels 21 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Tim Wilkins

Quote# 14092

[Veilhawk accuses Michael of being misleading and a False Prophet]

I pray for you. You have been kidnapped. You are not even close to being a "Christian." You are destroying the very foundation of Jesus Christ. You have become blind and clueless as to what the Evil One is doing to you.

You know nothing of the journey you have taken. Nothing about the Rapture. Nothing about the Prophecies. Nothing about behind the scenes of current events. You THINK you do, but this is NOT about the flesh and conspiracies. It is about who is going to sit on that Throne!!

And you are working overtime, to make certain that Satan regains it. I was wrong. You do NOT need a site about Apologetics. You would not SEE one Word. You are "veiled."

Prophet Michael Mullen, War of the Angels 12 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14094

The earth is the center of the universe. We cannot see that now, because we are in a temporal state where it is not apparent to the eye. I would certainly think that when God moves here, and the new earth appears, it will be crystal clear. I also wonder if it was in the past. Did the universe revolve around us?! I am inclined to think it may have, as it may again.

dad, Christian Forums 34 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Bone_Vulture

Quote# 14095

you need to stop with the dishonest talking points about Terri Schiavo.

She wasn't "brain dead," and the autopsy did NOT show any proof she was PVS.

The only "proof" she was PVS was that a judge--an incompetent judge, by the way--ruled that she was based on "evidence" provided by the husband's doctors, doctors who were HIRED to say she was PVS in order that he could have her killed. The appellate courts could do nothing to reverse this decision because they do not rule on so-called "findings of fact." THAT was why the Schindlers went to Congress to try to get a de novo review of the case, which, by the way was perfectly legal--Michael Schiavo's and his supporters' lies to the contrary--as it is often used by those on death row.

Why must the pro-Michael Schiavo people be so dishonest? If you take away their "arguments," ALL of which are based on what Judge Greer ruled, MS's case would evaporate, and he would be seen as a person with a total lack of believability.

Susan, Secondhand Smoke Blog 30 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14096

[In responce to Fresno City Council Member Jerry Duncan saying he wished he had a "dirty bomb" to kill every liberal in Fresno]

I think he's right. Liberals are traitors. We are at war. We need to execute all liberal treason-mongers who are advocating policies that undermine the great United States. We need to (legally) excute, immediately, all the "Liberal Arts" professors at all California government universities; we need to execute the slime at NPR and the ACLU and California librarians who oppose the Patriot Act that insures the safety of decent Americans. All John Ashcroft need do is tell the nation: liberals are traitors and must be executed to insure the safety of the nation. Thank God for Jerry Duncan!

Sammy, The Little Brown Reader 44 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 14097

[After suggesting ID be taught in science classes, and being told "Is it not enough to teach Creationism/ID in your churches and in your homes?"]

Is it not enough for you to teach science in your churches and in your homes? Why should it be taught in our schools?

JohnR7, Christian Forums 44 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 14099

Man the devil created the atomic bomb. God fuels the sun and holds it together, He has no need for an atomic bomb. The Lord did not need an atomic bomb to take Sodom and Gamora out of existance.

charlie, Christian-Forum.Net 24 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Moses

Quote# 14106

If evolving were remotely possible, we could then breed a dog with a primate and we would get a dogkey.

Steve, What The Hecataeus 51 Comments [8/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Rod

Quote# 14048

Homosexuality is a conscious choice. You are not "born" gay, because it is completely adverse to nature. If you were in fact, born gay, then you are a mutation. A mutation that should be put out of the gene pool via a twelve guage injection of lead.

Gay people are stupid, gross, and just plain annoying. I would have no problem killing every single gay person on this planet, especially the ones that say they have no choice.

It's like a child molester saying that he was born a child molester. That is his sexual orientation - one who likes to fuck children. Does that make it right? NO. So fuck 'em.

Zerstorer, Myspace 39 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: clemsecon
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