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Quote# 14050

You Idle Christians out there better start bearing some fruit! "..dried up branches will be cut from the vine". The fruitless Fig Tree was useless to Jesus.. He destroyed it!

If you feel timid about telling someone they are going to HELL.. then say it like this if it makes you feel better...

"..it is written that you are going to HELL!"

You might just save a soul from a Furnace of Fire.. God will not be mad at you..

Gods Servant, Laststophell.com 22 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14053

<img src="http://i7.tinypic.com/24ysnqw.jpg">

Every Fundie Ever, Image 37 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 14056

[Fundie commenting on the new creation museum and setting the record straight on the origin of man]

THEIR view is just as embarrasing as evolution.

The Genesis account shows an earth ALREADY in existance when He created Man. The earth was destroyed prior to the creation of Man when Lucifer and his angels (now demons) went to war with God ("I saw satan fall as lightening from heaven... & Isaiah 14:12-15)

Specter, Renew America 17 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Donald Keyballs

Quote# 14058

I know that it is partially due to errors in early scientific models, but our solar system seems to have a lot in common with an atom or cell. the oort cloud of asteroids could even be some sort of membrane. As things get larger and larger or smaller and smaller, there could be a pattern that holds up infinitely in both directions. Maybe there are tiny aliens living on electrons, who, five minutes from now will evolve into higher beings and organize sub-atomic particles into new cells. This could correspond with humans living on the planet Earth, who, in five zillion years will evolve into higer beings and say "let there be light" in order to create new universes. I mean, there must be some reason why god made us in his image and lets us fool around with evil.

JOH, Internet Infidels 23 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 14059

So if we want to go with they don't choose it we have to let pedophiles and rapists do their thing too and give them rights...cause it's genetic and they can't help. RIGHT? If I have an attraction to a 15 yr old girls...(AND LET ME STRESS, I am ONLY USING THIS FOR EXAMPLE) if I have a choice, I can act on that attraction or not. It doesn't mean I am gentically born to have sex with 15 yr old girls. ANd who brought up the bible?? I wrote 2 words. THere goes the trying to force things on someone else. Trying to twist my words? Hard to do with 2 words, but I see you suceeded. GOOD FOR YOU!!

Isaac, Myspace 22 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14060

(Imagine yourself to be an Egyptian, and these people come in and start terrorizing your town and causing all sorts of horrible things to happen, would YOU mark your door? If so would it have been out of fear, or because you honestly believed their claims?)

1)If a certain person does evil things, such as murder, ect, you have lost the right to live in my eyes. if an entire race is that way, it's the same. Without religion, there is no right or wrong. It's all based on how we see things. As you see it as wrong, I don't, making this pointless to debate. God wouldn't need to prove his reasons because 1) If he is God, he knows and is right. 2) That was not the point of the story, 3) It was common knowledge what they did back then.

MartialHorror, Naruto Forums 16 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14063


screw loose, Myspace 46 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: justinfr

Quote# 14064

[in response to a new campaign called BornDifferent]

"Dogs aren't born mooing, and people aren't born gay."

James Dobson (Focus on the Family), article 34 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Natgel

Quote# 14068

[What I'm trying to say is that to be a homosexual, you do not have to have sex.]


"An Attraction" means absolutely nothing, so long as you don't give in to that temptation!

I pray that you do!

Biff, Christian Forums 36 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: "Ringo"

Quote# 14069

Are Nephilim's invisible? They are 50% human though. This is a weird creation. Just as weird as the caged beast that'll be freed during the Tribulation. 1 stab = 6 monthes of HORRIBLE PAIN, then you die.

EG Zero, War of the Angels 17 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14070

Jesus tells us that the fallen angels who are released from the bottomless pit will not be able to hurt anyone "sealed" by God. Who gets sealed? That is up to Jesus.

Do alien abductions really happen?

Absolutely! But call them "Fallen Angels" instead of "Martians."

From the moment humans were created, the Fallen Angels wanted them. And I think Satan has examined every living cell of humans, knowing when best to attack before a deep sleep, how to alter their minds and trick them into believing astral projection, and much more. Especially wanting to know all about DNA to produce a perverted off spring AGAIN.

And stem cell research sounds too bizarre. And cloning.

Prophet Michael Mullen, War of the Angels 15 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14071

I have observed that the TV ads tend to portray white males as bafoons, dolts, dimwits, clutzes, (you name it). When was the last time, in a tv commercial, you saw a white male portrayed in an enobling light. This is not done to other ethnic groups or women. Then, you add on top of that, the burdens associated with old age, and you have a formula for depression. If that isn't enough, you've got the whole pc culture arrayed against you with all of the nonsense from the feminists, gays, and other fringe groups.

posterchild, Rapture Ready 44 Comments [8/19/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 13993

<a href="http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Roman%20Catholicism/SS/anti1.htm" target="_blank">The AntiChrist slideshow</a>.

Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord 21 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 13995

Pasteur shows us that if you have a theory you have to run experments and test your theory. Even Indiana Jones after his summer adventure had to go back to the lab and his teaching job. Darwin never did any work in the lab. A scientiest balances his field work with research and experments in the lab to back up his results from out in the field. Darwin never did any of this. He just wrote books and that makes him a philosopher not a scientist. There is nothing wrong with philosophy, but it is not science, because there is no evidence or proof for it.

["Darwin was now an eminent geologist in the scientific élite of clerical naturalists, settled with a private income, while privately working on his theory. He had a vast amount of work to do, writing up all his findings and supervising the preparation of the multivolume Zoology, which would describe his collections. He embarked on extensive experiments with plants and consultations with animal husbanders, including pigeon and pig breeders, trying to find soundly based answers to all the arguments he anticipated when he presented his theory in public."]

"Animal husbanders" is a Creation Science term based on Adam being the first "husband".
So are you deconverting to becoming a Creationist now that you are using our langage?

JohnR7, Christian Forums 34 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: The Josh

Quote# 13996

Fossilzed T-rex's may appear to be carnivore's, but they were fossilzed during the flood.

That doesn't disprove the possiblity that they ate a vegitarian diet before the fall, and changed between that time.

The flood being the prmiary cause of the fossils we find is also why you would never to expect to find any of them fossilzed before they changed, if they changed.

Its also possible that they they ate a vegitarian diet. You don't know enough about T-rex's to claim much about them at all, except that they were very big, and had a nice set of teeth.

92g, Evolution Fairytale Forum 30 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Tim Wilkins

Quote# 13998

don't these people read the bible or go to church. bout why sadam and gamora was destroyed or why the most people who moses led out of egypt when he went up to the mountain. the people down below were partying, worshiping false gods and making love by having same sex stuff spouses cheating. god would not let them cross into the holly land. or even read corinthians where i think peter said you can be gay but you can not have any king sexual activity. you have be abstinent. guess its to hard for them to go ask a priest if its wrong or not

mr_romance, Myspace 37 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Jodie

Quote# 14001

[I will judge you. I'm not a Christian. It doesn't bother me to say that your dreams of the genocide of humanity, and how you can't seem to wait for it to come, and pine for it, is disgusting along with insane.]

Ewwww, Satan...aren't we a little testy?.....No you will never ne my judge, not here or ever...

To Tell the TRUTH, Myspace 14 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Jodie

Quote# 14002

Why do you suppose that none of any group of ancient people in the world ever talked about their ape ancestors? The history of every group of people is passed along to its descendants by the written or spoken word of their ancestors. So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living, etc.? It's funny how that is absent. But the Jews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, etc. can all talk about their ancestors of ancient times. That's why we have their history. But their ape ancestors are never mentioned by them. Why do you think that is?

Carico, CARM 33 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14003

(God is a different story. he created everything to exist. He created the law of everything. he gave "us" the freedom to do as we wish.
He created Satan for whatever reason. He allowed Satan to do as he wished. If god was THAT omnipotent he could just blast Satan out of existance but why doesnt he?
What purpose does Satan serve other then torturing man kind?)

Satan was an angel but wanted more power that he couldn't have so he made his little base(HELL) and became a fag..

nInE-tAiLeD-f0x, Naruto Forums 34 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14008

(Actually homosexuality does catch on, check out the Romans for instance. It was literally culturally expected that men had several lovers; wives were almost strictly there to make babies and carry on the name.)

However I will list some other societies:

The Greeks
Sodom and Gomorah
Ancient India
The American Indians
(For more feel free to google it.)

History proves the moral degredation that occurs from it and furthur destroys the argument of "oh, it'll never catch on".
By the way, I asked whether or not people on the opposition were actually concerned with the catching on thing and I recieved the response I thought I would. Basically, they don't care if it catches on or not. Well, my point is that history does destroy any argument stating that homosexuality when permitted does catch on and history furthur destroys any argument stating the homosexuality doesn't degredate society. (Again, research it if you don't believe me)

narudown, Naruto Forums 24 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14011

Allah is not the God of the Bible. Islam (previouslly Arabic) writers (brilliant men as far as writing books go) copied things from the Bible from the Jews who lived around them, and then they brought in some legends from Egypt and Persia, and misinterpreted what Muhammed who was a Jew said, and they made up the rest of the Koran. Remember that Islam is what gave Genies to the world, which is not even mentioned in the Bible, the descriptions of the Djin are not anywhere near being close to what's talked about or mentioned in the Bible. Also as where the Bible is both literal and allegorical, in the Koran however when it states things like "Allah will turn them into Apes." or "Allah will turn them into pigs" it literally means that they will be physically transformed into Apes. So a good religion and teachings actually for evolutionists to get behind.

Longcrow, Myspace 23 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jodie

Quote# 14012

8 Compelling Reasons why Christ is coming very soon!

website, and ad in USA Today, www.christssoonreturn.com 25 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 14013

America had and has no "allies."

(Except during WWII when they allied themselves with Great Britain, France and Russia to stop Nazi Germany. Or during WWI when they allied with Britain, Russia and France to fight off Germany, or during 'Nam when they allied with the South Vietnamese, or during the Korean war, or the Gulf war, or...)

Those are not called allies; they are called parasites.

Defensor Fidei, FSTDT board 71 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 14014

Face it. The one thing which correlates most highly with every form of urban pathology in America is demokkkrat infestation. It is precisely those cities in which demokkkrat machine politics is most firmly entrenched which are the most dangerous and pathological.

[Tzelemel: Demokkkrat is gungasnake's insult word for Democrats].

gungasnake, able2know.com 13 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Tzelemel

Quote# 14015

(I have met homeschooled children, and their social skills flat out suck.)

You are full of it. Public school students typically stammer and stare at the floor when spoken to. I've met hundreds of homeschool kids over the years and have yet to see the supposed problem with social skills. Unless you mean they don't know how to put a condemn on a banana, roll a joint or work a bong. If those are the social skills you are referring to then yes, homeschoolers are deficient in those skills.

CRASH, Theology Online 37 Comments [8/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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