Quote# 14789

[Discussing his victimisation by virtually every single gay person ever]

One of their more recent stunts was to get together on a gay website to hatch a plan to destroy my marriage. Actually, they started their plan on one of the Transgendered websites. Since the Transgendered people are so angry, I suppose they are technically classified as “gay,” too.

The first step of their plan to destroy my marriage was to concoct a false story that I once committed adultery. For the record, I have never cheated on my wife. I did, however, attempt to cheat on my wife one time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past Ms. Coulter’s bodyguard.

Mike S. Adams, Townhall.com 49 Comments [9/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ben

Quote# 14792

Children deserve better than to be forced to live with homosexual parents. Where there are such parents, they should be punished according to Leviticus 20:13, and the children should be placed within righteous families.

[Aw hell, just read the whole site. It's pure, concentratred crazy]

Robert T. Lee, Society for the Practical Establishment of the Ten Commandments 21 Comments [9/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 14794

[The future is very bleak indeed, according to this guy's forecast]

November 2006-The Democrats take control of Congress.

Early 2006-The newly elected Democrat Congress begins Impeachment on President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.

Mid 2006-President Bush and Vice-President Cheney is removed from office, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi becomes President and vows to finish all the stuff President Clinton wasn't able to do when he was interrupted by a Republican Congress in 1994. The first order of business, to finally rid this country of all of our Gun rights, and succeeds.

Early 2007-The Communist wing of the Democrat party begins turning the Country into a Communist nation, with the help of American Communists like this guy from my "Take a look at this Liberal Democrat Folks" Thread, <a href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?">fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=8590080</a>. Pelosi becomes this nation's first Communist leader. Everyone is forced to wear the "Mark of the Beast."

Late 2007-As a Communist nation, and with a weak military, the Terrorists attack us in full force, this country and eventually this world is slowly wiped out, and the Second coming of Christ happens, it is the end of the World.

proudrepublican81, iMDB 73 Comments [9/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Mister J

Quote# 14797

The war on terror must be won what ever the consequences! The enemy within, Islam and the left are just as guilty as Osama.
Still the usual 911 conspiracies exist due to Islamic propaganda and the terrorist left, wake up! We were attacked by Islam and they admitted doing so.
Its about time people got behind the flag and support the fight just like we did against the Nazis in WWII. Which I might add, if where fought today we would have lost due to the liberal media and the far left questioning facts.

abzx-1, iMDB 25 Comments [9/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Mister J

Quote# 14798

As Mr. Scott points out, the glorious Constitution is there to protect the rights of Christians to profess their faith. This country was founded by good Christians and the Constitution guarantees our right to express our religion. It just is completely beyond me how we have allowed Liberals to deny us this guaranteed right. Oh, they raise ridiculous arguments like other (false) religions would be "upset" if they were forced to pray alongside the righteous in schools or council meetings. Surely those others would appreciate the opportunity to be saved.

Billie Miller, Washington Monthly 39 Comments [9/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 14770

...but the scientific method presumes something to be true until disproven. Therefore my belief in God is quite scientific. You must disprove His existence....and you cannot. Therefore you lose.

christdependent, CARM 61 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14771

[So are you going to hold a funeral for every miscarraige? Don't forget about the eggs that are fertilized but fail to implant.]

Now we're just going to the extreme. Doesn't the body have a way of taking care of some cases like that. In others then I see nothing wrong with burying the body of the child.

[The embryo was never "taken out". They're grown in petri dishes. If they're not used in research, they get incinerated. What do you think is better?

It won't be a potential anything - not all of the embyos get adopted.]

It was taken out, taken out of it's mothers body. Even so it is still a child that has been sentenced to death by having been taken out. Now there is nothing that can be done except show at least a little respect and prevent any additional death sentences. I think there was some thread earlier that said they have found a way to get stem cells without harming a baby. So long as it really doesn't do any harm and that they don't remove the child and put it in a petry dish or something like that, why can't we just do that?

Sam I Am, Naruto Forums 16 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14735

Actually there is much persecution today. In the Christian West with our stress on love and tolerance, the anti-Christian and anti-Jew persecution comes in many subtle forms...

It may be that workers and military personnel and professionals are given slightly lower performance ratings, or that they are socially excluded so they will quit jobs, or that gov't bureaucrats deny Christians and religious colleges equal access to grants and research funding...

And it may be that school teachers and college profs grade lower when a vocal believer is in class...

All these and a hundred more ways are non-violent persecution, but just as effective as if a thief stole a Christian's wealth at knife point.

God is greater than all these. I laugh at the enemy. The blood of martyrs is seed for the church. God will not allow us to suffer anything beyond His grace to withstand.

L:ovesTruth, Christian Forums 48 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 14745

<a href="http://www.worldviewweekend.com/secure/cwnetwork/media/1045.mp3" target="_blank">Ray Comfort casting out a demon from a woman(?)</a>.

Ray Comfort, Worldview Weekend 15 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14751

DNA for paternity and maternity is very recent and new. Some attempts have been made to use DNA to prove evolution. Now DNA is doing more to falsify evolution because the DNA fails to show the paternity and maternity needed for common descent to be true.

JohnR7, Christian Forums 29 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Alejandro

Quote# 14755

[Page Title : 'I met an Angel']

I noticed an older man walking up to the stop. He was dressed like a bum and walked with a slight limp that made him move slow. He walked up and sat right next to me. I sat for a minute and then looked at him and he was staring at me with a slight smile, so I moved over away from him. He then moved over again, at which point I started to get annoyed. And as I was about to say something, he asked me "What are you doing out here"? "Do you know your mother is worried about you"? I looked at him, I was angry with this old man, I felt he was judging me. I told him that he didn't know me and what I do is none of his business !! He said something about my atitude, but I didn't really pay attention to what he said because i saw my bus coming. He then said those words I have and will never forget, he said, "YOU CURSED GOD, DIDN'T YOU ?"

I was shocked, I looked at him stunned. He then said, "ASK GOD TO FORGIVE YOU DON'T DO THAT AGAIN !" My bus was there and I stood up shocked and boarded the bus, payed my fair quickly. As I turned to go to the back, the bus had began to roll away. I looked up to see the old man gone.

Ben, HEAVENLY MYSTERIES 24 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 14756

[Christian as a vision from God] I was in a desert walking with someone else, I thought it might be my sister or woman I am not sure I never really looked. Besides what caught my attention was I saw a LARGE BLACK SERPENT glossy black with a big red diamond on it's head. It was coiled up and it was at a great distance away. I got the impression it was 30 miles away that is how large it was, it looked right at me and I was terrified it stared at me for a moment, and then dropped below the horizon and I knew it was coming for me. The earth began to shake and I started to run, although I could not see it. I knew it was gaining on me when I willed myself somehow to fly. As I did I gained great speed and I noticed I was in the "MIDDLE EAST"

Ben, HEAVENLY MYSTERIES 32 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14757

Once you realize that Jesus himself created sex, then your whole attitude
about the most pleasurable experience in life should change. For it is not evil
but good. Sex didn’t come about by accident or evolutionary mutationsbut by
design. Evolution didn’t create sex, nor did the Devil who tries to take the credit
for it, but theKing of Kings, Jesus created Sex.

David Jay Jordan, HEAVENLY MYSTERIES 53 Comments [9/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 14692

Neo {meaning NEW} and Con { for CONSERVATIVE} is a name left wingers have made up for what they believe to be extreme right wingers. This is the left wing cocksucker mentality, making up names for parties that don't exist.........

Viking, Tight Rope Forums 19 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Darklord

Quote# 14693

This is something for thought.

If man evolved from apes, then why are there still apes? Why haven't they all become human, if that was God's plan? Apes are an animal, which is what some say we have evolved from? What about the fact Genesis is clear on the fact that God created animals, then man? Adam named them all, correct? Animals were named by man, not an intelligent animal. That I think we can all agree on.

threebigrocks's Avatar , Bible Database 37 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: David

Quote# 14694

ok winter asked me what do i mean by an agenda- the reason why evolution got so popular was not because there has ever been any form of proof for it it is because it was a theory where in man could completely ignore a creator and feel free to live in flesh and sin.originally evolution was a RELIGION and came from babylon thousands of years ago and it is still a religion today because there is no true science behind it! infact all true science proves it to be true and many men with PHD's christian and non christian have said that this is one of the biggest hoax's ever pulled on humans. the reason that most scientists believe it is that they are sinply not willing to beleive the ONLY other option which is creation. and the truth is that not a few scienctists have lost jobs and had all publications refuse to publish there work when they have even suggested evolution to be proven untrue. Now when you spend that many years getting a degree and having a career then find out all evidence is against the theory that most accept it is a hard choice to be the one to stand up and say hey somethings not right here.

GodspromisesareYES, Bible Database 36 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: David

Quote# 14696

[It's only going to become a child after nine months of pregnancy and birth.]

No, it becomes a person right at conception. Think about it. The egg inside the mother will just sit and do nothing if left alone. Nothing changes about it, it doesn't grow, it doesn't develop, etc. The moment it is fertilized something wonderful happens, then the growth, the development and all the other wonders of life start to happen. "Oh, it's just a clump of cells" doesn't work. A clump of cells that isn't alive won't do anything. The fact that the embryo is growing and developing proves it is alive.

Concerning stem cell research, the embryo should not have been taken out in the first place because the moment it was removed that little child was sentenced to death. I think it would be best now to treat them as any other human and give them a proper burial as much as possible.

Sam I Am, Naruto Forums 29 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14697

Gays and lesbians DON'T REPRODUCE (THANK GOD!)

If it was inherited, HOW COME they were born at all? They HAD TO COME from the union between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN; when 2 homosexuals meet, we must remember that one notch up the line, FOUR ADULTS fell for the opposite sex!

senteami3, Christian-Forum.Net 38 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 14698

[You've already been called on the sheer idiocy of attempting to make a diagnosis from a picture]

I never made a diagnosis. I simply looked at the photograph and formed my own judgment as to whether Terri (Schiavo) was or was not sentient. Forgive me for thinking for myself.

Jagella, Internet Infidels 36 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14710


Proverbs 30;14

There is a generation whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men

my friend found this in the bible sounds like a vampire to me

Bleedingvines, Above Top Secret 30 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14711

[In response to a post made about the "atheistic lifestyle" being very nearly the same as the "Christian lifestyle" in that atheists get up, eat, dress, work at jobs, etc., as do Christians]

Your implication that there is little difference between the Atheistic Lifestyle and the Christian Lifestyle was not really complete.

There are several activities associated with the Atheistic Lifestyle that you left out:

1) How about the time to find a sexual partner that results in AIDS.

2) How about the time to go to the doctor for diseases associated with AIDS and the time to take the AIDS cocktails.

3) How about the time to go get a drug fix.

4) How about the time to steal money for the next drug fix.

5) How about the time to find a sexual partner that results in an illegitimate child.

6) How about the time to go to the welfare office for checks for the illegitimate child.

7) How about the time on the Murray Povich show to figure out "who the daddy is" for the illegitimate child.

8) How about the time spent trying to get child support from a father that was interested in nothing but the sex.

9) How about the time to find an abortion clinic.

10) How about the time to go to a Psychiatrist to get over the guilt associated with the abortion.

11) How about the time at the AU, ACLU and NOW meetings.

There really is a major difference between Atheistic Lifestyle and the Christian Lifestyle.

clirus, Christian Forums 107 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14713

The Christian Family Concept represents the best possible situation for men, women and children. Men get their sexual needs satisfied, women get the security they need to have children, and children get training from both a loving father and mother.
Socialism destroys families by locking women into welfare that keeps them alive, but never allows them to leave. Socialism allows women to make casual choices about sex instead of the tough choice of what man provides the best security. Feminism deceives women into believing they do not need men for security. Pornography deceives men into thinking they can get good sex from bad women. Abortion is a way for women to go out and sow wild oats and then kill the crop.

clirus, Christian Forums 24 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14724

Since we are a democracy those things should have been voted on by the American people. If the American people wanted slavery we should have had the right to keep it. If the American people want to keep blacks from marrying whites we should be allowed to do so. The majority rules (guided by Biblical principles obviously).

Women should not be voting anyway. They're too inclined to make choices based on emotional appeal and they're easily deceived. According to Biblical principle the male heads of household should run the community and the nation (and the church). Each home should be granted one vote, which the eldest male should cast.

Gene, WorldMagBlog 50 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14729

Me and my husband is thinking about having a baby, but hestitate, because his brother (which we have no contact with whatsoever) is presumably gay. Might this affect the baby? Is there some precautions I can take, or some medicaments I can eat to make sure my child is pure? Thank you for your help, don't know what i'll do without you

friikii, Christian Forums 136 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Mandrake

Quote# 14730

Why have we put our children into education prisons called public schools? What crimes have they committed? Why do we condemn almost 45 million innocent children to this punishment? Do I exaggerate by calling these schools “prisons?” Well, let’s compare prisons and public schools.
School authorities force millions of children to sit in boxes called classrooms with 20 other children-inmates for six to eight hours a day, five days a week, for up to ten years. The children must obey the adult education wardens (teachers and principals), who they may fear or dislike. They must study subjects they may hate or that bore them to death. They must associate only with other children their same age who may be bullies, violent, or emotionally disturbed. They must do homework and study for tests they must pass or be left back in school.

The children are removed from their loving parents and put under the control of teacher-wardens who may not love them, care for them, or simply even have the time to pay attention to them. They are stopped from being a free-spirited child. They are told to keep quiet. They are told to obey the rules. They are told to march from classroom cell to classroom cell every 50 minutes to study different subject that may mean nothing to them.
Well, millions of kids, and probably your child, must sit through this agony of boredom or frustration for 6 to 8 hours a day for 10 years in public-school classrooms. Yet, to repeat, what crimes have your children committed to warrant this horrible punishment?

In fact, they have committed no crime whatsoever. They are simply innocent victims of local governments and public-school authorities who think they own your children, who think they have the right to put your children into education prisons for 10 years for “their own good.”
Parents, if you thought you had no choice, you are wrong. Happily, you can homeschool your child or give your child a fun, quality, rewarding, low-cost education with Internet private schools. You have many education options. If your child hates school, listen to him or her. Don’t let school authorities put your child in a public-school prison for ten years. You have a choice, and your child’s life is at stake.

Joel Turtel, The Conservative Voice 47 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Axver