Quote# 14731

[Fundie outraged by a "Christian" organization, who helped to free a Hostage.]

I was shocked to find out that the guy from Canada (where I live) who was freed from captivity was a practicing homosexual and that the so-called "christian" organization is apparently so-called in name only. I am glad that that they were saved from death, but it seems that they have yet to be saved in the biblical sense of the word though.

Now the world papers are shaming the name of Jesus as they report about a "homosexual christian." No wonder many Muslims think christians are infidels and want to kill them! Of course I am against such violence, but to attach the name of Christ to such an organization is positively devilish! What better way to confuse Muslims as to the real Christ?

Shekel, Christian-Forum.Net 25 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 14732

Are you trying to suggest that science learned something new? Imagine that, huge amounts of money is spent for research and now they actually have learned something to add to man's understanding.

JohnR7, Christian Forums 36 Comments [9/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14647

[college will send you to hell. inexplicably, he is attending college, albeit an evangelical one (Bethel MN)]

good job bringing the whole thing up man. it's the most important issue in the world, no matter what anybody thinks. it's not a matter of what you believe, it's a matter of absolute truth. and the absolute truth is that Jesus Christ is the only way to go. unless you want to burn forever in hell. but that's your decision, and if you really want eternal torture, than i don't think you guys should even be in college. college is for education, not screwing up your entire life on earth and after. more props to the starter of this.

Grant Kadansky, WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE! (it's about God y'all) [Facebook] 31 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14648

The Church used to be "prudish", which is a liberal term for "anyone who doesn't have sex with virtually anyone they meet, animals, donkeys, and homosexuals"........then, in the 1960's, Vatican II made the mistake of going left by listening to the perverts of the sexual revolution who told the church to "get into the 20th century" by allowing sicko homosexuals into the priesthood....(this was supposed to be "progressive" and a good idea.........the priesthood then became a secret society of homosexual activity, which also engaged in molestation of children, 90% of which involved gay pedarasty........of course, liberals acted "shocked" at this, and then blamed the church for "covering up" this activity..... (activity which is condoned by NAMBLA and other criminal left wing organizations).......amazing, isn't it.......you do what liberals tell you to do, then they castigate you as the cause when your perverse activity is discovered !!!

mocus1, faith forums 35 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 14650


Elite world leaders know that the desire for a Rapture out of this sin-cursed world is the most important desire in many Christian hearts. Therefore, knowing this, and possessing the technological ability to simulate such the rapture, the Illuminati just may pull it off -- just to try to deceive and destroy the faith of limitless numbers of Christians. As these two Illuminati Card Game cards -- shown above -- indicate, the Illuminati fully understands the Christian doctrine of the Rapture and they intend to stage their own Messiah.

I do not know enough about the specific technology to know exactly how such a fake rapture would be carried out; however, I do know that such an event is technologically possible. I believe it would take only a couple of elements to deceive the unsaved world and the undiscerning Christian.
1. If all the major networks suddenly simultaneously broke through to announce that tens of thousands of people are suddenly missing.
2. If these networks showed a film prepared beforehand, where people will be shown to be here on earth one second and mysteriously gone the next.
3. If "experts" were suddenly interviewed saying that this may be the foretold Rapture of the Church
4. Maybe, just maybe, 3-dimensional holographic images might project people on sparsely occupied streets, seemingly walking down the street, and then having them disappear right in front of real people's eyes. This would produce the eye-witness accounts so needed to give this event the weighty credibility. I know the technical problem exists of having the 3-dimensional holographic images superimposing themselves upon real people, a problem that would blow the cover of the operation; however, I have learned not to underestimate the technological capabilities of Hollywood. Certainly, the news accounts simply would not air the testimony of someone who claimed he or she saw the holographic images on top of real people.

The vast majority of mankind would believe it; too many Christians would also be convinced they had missed the real Rapture of the Church.

Copying and distributing this article in violation of the above notice is also a violation of God's moral law.

Cutting Edge Ministries, The Cutting Edge 50 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 14657

[Paul's response to a thread he created entitled, "Is abortion OK if it would end homosexuality?]

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, and he presented this interesting scenario. What would happen if the woman's right to choose an abortion interfered with homsexual's rights - which I think it is very conceivable that this could happen. Would the gays champion the right for a woman to choose an abortion, even if it means there will be far less homosexuals in the world - at least enough that they will no longer be a political force in the world? My guess that if this scenario ever hapens the homosexuals would become the staunchest pro-life group ever.

And what of the feminist? Would the feminst change his position on abortion? Would the feminist be in favor of outlawing abortion if it would endanger the homosexual right to exist? My guess is that the pro-abortion crowd do not care if it means the total extinction of their homsexual friends.

PaulAckerman, Christian Forums 38 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14660

God wants gay people? I don't think so. Wait. Yes, He does want us to be gay -- HAPPY gay but not disgusting gay gay.

ChrisWin1, Christian Forums 31 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 14665

Liars, thieves and witches are running the top levels of our government at this time; and they threaten to bring down the entire government.

I mean, Honey, it's so bad, military men are talking about mutiny and honest politicians (meaning, people of leadership quality willing and able to serve) are talking about setting up a parallel government.

The Bush Regime needs to be led off in handcuffs and straitjackets, they're that crazy.

Unfortunately, the Special Prosecutor who's archiving all the evidence against Bush and the puppeteers behind him, is on their side. How that works, I don't have a clue.

I think some of the whackiness has to do with the presence of UFOs and space technologies. That's where the data gives out and mere conjecture begins.

Emily, BBC Religion 29 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 14669

The most useful arm to the Christian warrior is probably the rifle or the carbine. A rifle is a long arm with a rifled (grooved) barrel chambered for a full power cartridge, and intended to be fired from the shoulder. A carbine is simply a more compact version of the rifle, most often with a shorter barrel and chambered for an intermediate power cartridge.

The most probable scenario that the Christian American, called to fight for God, family, and country, will be presented with is that of the guerrilla resistance. He will be facing an enemy occupational force that will have great superiority in materiel and organization. Outside sources of supply and instruction will not be likely. The wisest course in this situation is to choose weapons and tactics that minimize supply, training, and maintenance problems.

Gospel Plow, Gospel plow 43 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Redhunter

Quote# 14670

[Which would you choose: security or liberty?]

Maybe it's a stupid answer but I say : none. The love of God is enough for me, he can give me either one of them.

BlessedOverAll, ChristianForums.com 19 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Axver

Quote# 14672

Could the Muslims be right about women?
It's the only thing I agree with them on. Our Christian women seem to think it's okay with God to run around showing their skin and looking sexy in public. That's an abomination with God.

I would like to see all Christian women dress in modest clothing that covers skin except maybe the ankles (since they're ugly anyway) and hands. The Burka veil would be useful when we take our wives into public and men want to look at their pretty faces with lust.

Do you support me on this movement brothers and sisters?

whynotaskdonny, Yahoo! Answers 61 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 14676

[Every person who comes to this thread doesn't understand a word you say, can't understand your point because of your poor communication skills. And then you accuse them of not understanding you and being stupid.]

Good Day
Thank you for the education. Now, my message is not for the masses to understand. It is not tailored for the masses. If you have studied the Scripturers, you will see that Jesus' messsgage was not understood by the masses. This is because they were not made for the masses. Those that need to understand will understand. Those that think themselves to be so intelligent will not.


Mindonfire, able2know.com 33 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Tzelemel

Quote# 14677

If there were no Creator then what is stopping gravity from pushing instead of pulling? What is stopping the sun instead of radiating heat, radiate cold?

drf333, BBC Message board - The Christian Topic 50 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14681

Day after day, more and more people are experiencing the brunt of the heat, as God systematically breaks them down unto transformation, even by the hand of their brother (Genesis 9: 5). The Idolatrous Woman, the American Idol, known to her fans as Lady Liberty (Hosea 2: 5) has been pampered for years while she has lived as a queen: living in the pleasures of her vain life; and she is a stench in the nostrils of her maker, by divine design: for while yet in the world of vanity, you reak of death (flesh).

She has been given homes, with comfortable couches and beds. She no longer washes clothes by hand: she uses electricity and man's inventive ingenuity. She has a machine to do all her preordained labor: instead of walking, she motors along. Instead of preparing meals, she has fast food. She has a credit card for everything. She has her cell phone that she may satisfy her lust for vain communication.

She has been plugged in to ignorance and her mouth has been wired shut (and she can't breath out a prayer): she is electrical: unplug her, and her light (life) goes out. She burns more rubber than Goodyear; and her favorite drink is gas. She outwardly professes good works, seeking the children, the grandchildren, and so forth; but inwardly she is full of wickedness (selfness). She is pleasure mad, in love with her name, her image, her seed, and her abundant possessions, which bring her glory.

Helez, Laststophell.com Forum 32 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14686

Scientific truths often turn out to be false, PATRICK PAYETTE, Dunbarton - Letter

For the Monitor
August 28. 2006 8:00AM

r. Melander's letter regarding his faith in science as truth should probably result in him being awarded a lifetime subscription to NationalGeographic. However, let's look at some of the scientific truths that turned out to be anything but.

Archaeoraptor, the new missing link featured in NationalGeographic, later turned out to be a skeleton of different species of birds and dinosaurs struck together by man.

The following were all hoaxes: Java Man (1891), Piltdown Man (1912), Nebraska Man (1922), Peking Man (1926), Neanderthal Man (1929).

The following quote is from evolutionist D. Watson: "The theory of evolution is universally accepted not because it can be proven, but because the only alternative is special creation (by God), which is clearly incredible."

The explosion of Mount St. Helens left sediment layers that look just like the geologic sediments that evolutionists said took millions of years to form.

Darwin expected that millions of transitional fossils would be found - animals changing into other animals, but they have never found one.

Living snails were dated by the Carbon 14 methods and said to be 2,300 years old.

Hawaiian lava only a few years old was dated by the potassium-argon method, which calculated their age to be 3 billion years old.

Conversely, a creationist view of the universe has not only never been disproved or found to be a hoax but rather continues to garner evidence that supports it. Do not dismiss the Bible in lieu of unproven theories that have been shoved down your throat since grade school.

Think about it. Does the human body with the brain and all its amazing functions scream intelligent design or random chance?



Patrick Payette, Concord Monitor Online 30 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: StrangerOnAForeignShore

Quote# 14687

Have you ever heard an idiot, tree hugging lie-beral say something like this? ["This is the best planet in the galaxy, so we had better take care of it!"- Thread title] It just boggles my mind how these people can have no faith in God. When someone says that taking care of the planet is our responsibility, I always remind that person that even if we destroy this planet, God can simply make another one by snapping His fingers, blinking His eyes, clapping His hands, wiggling His nose, or doing whatever it is He has to do in order to unleash the power of His magic.

Having faith that Yahweh will create a brand new planet for our use will allow us to tap the resources of this planet in order to make life easier. There is all sorts of oil under the Earth's surface that we are not allowed to use because the lie-berals won't let us "hurt the planet". Doesn't that sound crazy? How can you hurt a planet? A planet is not some living being, it doesn't have feelings or emotions. You know, when I was younger, I used to be in love with myself a little bit, but now I'm a humble man, and being humble is a humbling experience.

Once you realize that you can't control what happens on this planet, then it just makes everything else easier. Just put it in God's hands and allow Him to do His work. He exorcised the demon of alcoholism out of my body. He has exorcised the demon of obesity out of the body of many people around the world, He has exorcised the demon of drug addiction out of people's body, you and I have both seen the proof of His magic power. Now, you have to put your faith in that power.

William_G_Boykin, iMDB 55 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Mister J.

Quote# 14688

how ignorant can these posers be

The guy says that this is the hottest that has been seen in 80 million years, We didn't have thermometers until the late 1500's by a guy named Galileo Galilei. They don't even know what the temperature was before that. I get really amused by these posers who think we have no brains. I'm beginning to wonder where their's is.

nokovichspi, Yahoo! Message Boards 27 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 14689

ok so for school my homework was to read a book on evolution in biology. i didnt want to do it but i had to because i need a good grade in biology. well anyways i waited till the last minute to do it, at like 130 in the morning before school. and i was at my hosue alone in my room. i started to open the book but then i got a really cold feeling. i looked around and nothing was there. i tried opening it again and then it seemed the walls started shaking and i thought i heard a voice saying 'beware the way of heathens' i was just wondering if this was god trying to keep me away. also, should i not do my homework to stay good to jesus mk thanks LoLz.

guitar_nate, www.waroftheangels.org 168 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Garret

Quote# 14690

Male rape by a woman isn't rare, the leftist media cover it up.

Its always the man! the mans always to blame!

Women can be predators to, but Ohh no the media as to be pro woman and anti man!!

MR Tizz, alt.sex 31 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -10

Quote# 14691

What is the ROUTE of all evil, you may ask? Women of course.

Men are not responsible for EVIL, HERES two examples :-:

Adolf hitler -

His mother was anti-jew and she was his main role-model, ENOUGH said.

Adam -

Eve was to BLAME for the corporation of MAN & the serpent in the garden represents femininity, for satan is most likely to be a WOMAN.

JJ_Wilder, C4 Forums 69 Comments [9/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 14600

so you think if no one believed in any religion there would be no wars or fighting? i think it would be worse. i know if i didn't fear god's judgement i would have killed many many times.

cajunXLVII, GameFAQs 135 Comments [9/6/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 14601

[Credit - this was posted on Rapture Ready as too Darnded even for them].

Did you know 94% of all the preachers in the world live in North America—where only 6% of the world’s population lives?! How can we reach the world for Christ, when 96% of ALL the preachers are trying to reach 6% of the world?

[Read the rest of the article for the fundierific solution]

David and Barbara Cerullo, Inspiration Today! 49 Comments [9/6/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: never been there

Quote# 14603

My drug of choice
...is secular music.

I threw out all of my secular CDs a year ago, and since then I haven't bought a CD that wasn't explicitly Christian. I felt like it was something that I needed to do.

From time to time I get in a blue funk and I try to listen to my Christian CDs...sometimes they make me feel better, but usually they don't. However, when I turn on the radio to a secular station or I play secular songs on the internet, I almost always change my mood.

I asked the Lord about it, and he pointed out to me that some people take drugs to alter their moods...the drugs have side effects and they often cause more problems than they solve, but they take care of the problem that the person wanted them to take care of.

So now it makes sense. Secular music is my drug and when I listen to it (like right now), I'm showing personal defeat.

BaptistFundie, CARM 108 Comments [9/6/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14604

[Re: homosexuals]

These sick twisted freaks need to be stopped. I'm so sick and tired of being force fed their trash and being told I'm supposed to like it. Kiss my ass! I'll never tolerate queers, I'll NEVER accept their perverted lifestyle, and I have no problem expressing my beliefs, LOUDLY. Call me a homophobe. I've never been afraid of any fag and never will be. I'm just fed up with being forced to "accept" them. I really don't give a rat's ass what anyone does, as long as they don't bother me with it. But these people can't leave well enough alone, gotta have it all. Well they will never be 100% "accepted", and it's time they came to realize that. Maybe they can all move to Mass. and form their own country, Massofaggots.

Mayberry, Heads Need to Roll 41 Comments [9/6/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Maleficent

Quote# 14605

the reptilians are the ones who live for one god. they are only left brain beings.and they do not possess even close the potential of us. there scared of us. why else would they have to trick us and confuse us? becuase they cant openly enslave us or else we'd all unite, and go against them.... thats why they are tricking us now and making us against ourselves.

once we all balance, and find both energies in ourselves... we will transform from flesh to spirit.

divine chronic, Above Top Secret 54 Comments [9/6/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5