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Quote# 15064

[That is a ridiculous thing to say about Abe Lincoln. There is far more evidence to support that he existed.]

Prove it! It's very easy to say, but very hard to prove. And don't give me history books, because the people that wrote the history book could be lying. So, thats not a good source of information. Scientist are just now discovering that there actually was a world-wide flood. Don't talk about something you don't know about.

missions2005, Teens-4-Christ 47 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 15065

[The bible is not a textbook of fact you have got to stop hiding behind it. Form your own opinions instead of quoting passages]

Folks, this is why so many people have been decieved by cATHOLICS. They want to believe the traditions of men instead of following the Word of God. Sometimes, the Word of God is not the easiest way to follow, but for the saint, for the believer, it is the only way!

By the way, if the Bible is not the absolute, complete truth, then God is a liar and we are in serious trouble!

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 41 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 15068

It [evolution] has absolutely nothing to do with biology; Biology is the science of life, while evolution is the philosophy of imagining life without God. They are literally light years apart.

editor-surveyor, Free Republic 29 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 15069

26 of 105 people found the following review helpful:

Ten Lies is Right!!
Reviewer: "buddycow" (Marietta, OH) - See all my reviews

It's not the church or God's word that's lying, it's this author and the pentecostal movement. What this book does is give women justification to disobey God's word and what His perfect plan is for us. He consistently downgrades the average housewife by using sarcasm (...because this is their humble, God-ordained "place" in life) as if serving someone else is demeaning (...they've been sent to a back room in the church to fix desserts for the Sunday night fellowship hour). The book is all about POWER, being in the spotlight.

The author bases some of his argument for 'enpowering' women based on God's original plan for Adam and Eve before the fall - they had an equal level of authority. After the fall, Eve's subordination to man occurred as a consequence, which is true. But, he takes it one step further and says because of Christ, the sin is forgiven and women can go back to the original plan of equal authority which has no basis in Scripture. If someone steals a loaf of bread to feed a hungry family, their plan or intent may be notable but the consequence is jail time. What the author would do, though, is just have the robber say "sorry" and then take the stolen bread to the family. Things don't work that way! There are still consequences which this author fails to recognize and falsely denies.

Throughout the book, he talks about Scripture twisting or faulty Bible interpretation on the part of others - I fear, though, that he's fallen into the same trap for personal gain. There's nothing more noble than a woman taking care of her family. There's nothing unworthy about having the gift of serving others by making cookies and serving tea at church events. Sadly, this author can't see the real value because of the dollar signs. Women have a place and, unfortunately, they don't want to accept what God says is that place. If you want a worthy book to read, stick to the good old-fashioned Bible. If you want an excuse to pump yourself up and do what you want outside of God's counsel, buy this book.

buddycow, Amazon.com book review for "10 Lies the Church Tells Women" 49 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 15070

[where do you guys come up with this stuff?]
From watching religious zealots like you defend calling your hateful, deceitful religion [evolution] 'science.'

editor-surveyor, Free Republic 37 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 15071

Character assignation is another biggie with evolutionists. It's always amusing to see just how little and illogical evolutionists are. Facts don't matter to evolutionists.

nmh, Free Republic 33 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 15075

Of course there is not a demon called Blanco; that is my name (I'm sure you could have figured the title out for yourself) but, anyway, I am typing to everyone who has a fascination with demons or the supernatural. I love all of the telekinetic and ESP stuff but I feel that there are demons after me for whatever reason they are after me. I haven't seen so many demon(s) as I have one. It's the one that has me in its arms practically. My spiritual advisor thinks its the fact that I study VooDoo and Santeria and cast spells upon people. There are many spells I have cast that I didn't know what they were and since then I have been unable to sleep; insomnia type deal. I have had several spieitual attacks by a demon or demons. They said that they just want to take me somewhere. My spiritual advisor suggested a Quiji Board. So I bought one and asked it...what is the matter with me. It gave me a response (DAMNATION). I'm really actually quite freaked out at the moment. If you would be so kind...anyone...contact me at [email protected] and possibly give me a few suggestions and whatever.

About a year ago...the same word came to me as a few friends put me under hypnosis and stuck a beanie baby in my arm and asked for it to leave a stain on one side but not the other...it worked. That could, I guess, be a possibility of my insomnia.

I have to get back to my rehab and therapy... I'm outy

Blanco, Wikipedia 14 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 15083

I just listened to some Muslim bitch, decrying the Pope, and talking about how the Moderate Muslims couldn't come out and denounce terrorism until the West does this and the West does that, and the Pope has to do something else, and the World has to start understanding Islam.

Screw the Muslim Bitch.

You have no idea how sick and tired I am of listening to these Death Cult Diaperheads bitch and moan and piss and complain about how misunderstood Islam is.

Funny thing.

I understand Islam perfectly: The ones who aren't actively trying to kill us are cheering on and defending the ones who are.

If just once I ever hear one of these Asswipes get on television and take an absolute rock-hard stand against terrorism, I swear, it'll take a gallon of smelling salts and a bucket of ice water to bring me around.

Lubbock, FreeConservatives 27 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 15101

Lets face it, I know science is awesome, true science that is. I have read numerous arcticles that place creation as the only possible way we arrived here.

Think about the likely hood that we just happened to be in the perfect balance on a axis that doenst freeze us solid of burn us up completely. Or that the rib cage specifically protects our vital organs. It had to be purposed.

Take 5 tooth picks put them in your hand. Hold your hand 6" from a flat surface. Think in your mind how you want them to fall to build an outline of a house. Now tilt your hand and let the fall. Likely? No its not, just like the likely hood that we just happened to have an imune system that is in constant development, that the healing process works as it does. It all poinst to a creator.

BroGrinder, Christian Forums 43 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 15103

I've come to believe that God may be using America's massive debt as part of His end-time plan. The Bible tells us that during the tribulation, Europe will be the main actor on the world stage. An economic meltdown in the U.S. would explain our nation's absence from prophecy.

The rapture could be what triggers this collapse. America has the highest percentage of Christians than any other nation on earth. The loss of such a large portion of the population during the rapture would cause this nation to collapse into chaos.

Todd, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [9/18/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 15024

"[quote;Tolerance is very important.]

No, tolerance is what has led to apostasy. Tolerance is what has led to moral relativism. Tolerance is what has led to the infestation of liberalism within the Church. Tolerance is what has led to people trusting man over God. Tolerance is what has led to a watering down of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What IS important is standing firm in God's Word and NOT tolerating that which seeks to destroy it."

Whispering Grace, Bibleforums.org 22 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Theironpaperclip

Quote# 15026

[Quote : Iosef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and Saloth Sar did not commit any of their atrocities in the name of atheism.]

But they WERE atheists! I find it amazing how people like Lanny and you will say that Christianity was the reason that the Nazis killed the Jews, but when it comes to your side, well that's different. Their atheist ideology affected their actions. If atheism was the pure and peaceful philosophy that you claim it is, then atheists wouldn't be this violent. Whether they did it in the name of atheism or not is completely beside the point. THEY DID IT.

[Quote : Another mistake you are making is thinking that atheism is a monolithic bloc. All atheism is is the non-belief in deities.]

How many times do i need to say this. PEOPLE USE PHILOSOPHIES AND IDEOLOGY TO JUSTIFY DOING THINGS THEY WOULD OTHERWISE SEE AS WRONG. Religion is a convenient justification for such deeds. While atheism does not nearly provide the covering that religion does, it HAS BEENN USED AS A JUSTIFICATION FOR ATROCITIES IN THE PAST. Those atheist dictators I mentioned earlier 'exterminated' religious people on the belief that their allegiance to their gods could cause resistance to the state. Atheism was preached as the state religion because people who believed it would be, in their opinions, easier to control. Go ahead, deny it. You will only prove that you are a revisionist historian who thinks he has all the answers. Your BA in history doesn't make you an expert, my friend.

[Quote : Your conclusions regarding the actions of Stalin, Mao, Hoxha and Pol Pot are just as biased as mine.]

Defend the gods of atheism at all costs. You are pathetic, dude!

Confused, God or Science 29 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 15027

I have been writing a book about human origins and Chapter one has been sitting in my draft for far too long. The work I wrote took me between 2004-2006 to complete in research and writing, and I did not commit heresy by giving into polythistic evolution like so many research specialist before me. So what I did differently, is just take what valid UFO-sightings there are and then conduct a thorough research in the Bible that identifies who these aliens are. The results of my research are too important to wait for printing, so I've decided to just send it out for free and too hell with money. If you read the entire chapter, you'll understand that the UFO-mystery has been greatly misunderstood by evolutionists who think that they know that these aliens come from planet X, who evolved before the earth. You'll see that the logical Law of Identity is pointing to the Bible code and the fact that the Bible is Divinely inspired. If interested feel free to write me at [email protected] (or try clicking my e-mail) and I will send you the book chapter free. Keep in mind that this chapter is approved by my church, so this is nothing that I just made up out of the bias of my imagination. This paper, has I'm thoroughly convinced, is the truth of the world. I hope you enjoy.

FEZZILLA, Christian Forums 32 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: David

Quote# 15028

I agree with the fact that the majority of valid UFO-sightings are demonic, but, in the case of the Apllo 11 mission sighting, I reason that it was an angel looking out for those going to the moon. Back then, NASA used to be moral in their quest to understand God's creation, so naturally, when trouble arose, there was an angel there to help them in such a way that they made it back to earth safely.
Now I mention the space-junk sighting in my book early in the chapter, and I never could tape it and never saw it again after the first and only time I saw it back in 2000 A.D. I don't know if it was a demon or holy angel, but whatever it was took off at the speed of time! (or, the speed of live...like FoxNews, hehehe!!!!).
Some of the angelic life my be indeed flesh-like creatures from other dimentions of space-time. M-Theory, a metaphysical conjecture, has some seeds of truth has to the notion that there are more than 4-dimentions of space-time. 11/12-dimentions in a multiverse would explain the Biblical data perfectly without materializing God. I explain some of this in my paper, but, what isn't emplained will be in chapter two.

Evolution is polytheistic because (a) the Babylonians and Egyptians came up with the framework of modern evolution and (b) evolutionists who understand the authenticity of UFO-sightings try to materialize it all in an explanation of evolution --which would, in theory, reach a polytheistic conclusion. I've studied many theories from SETI researchers and they all seem to believe that alien life evolved on some planet in our solar system (or some other place close by). However, the Bible identifies who they are, providing excellent descriptions that become clear to the modern mind.

FEZZILLA, Christian Forums 39 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David

Quote# 15029


LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER, Speakout 75 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jon Nicks

Quote# 15030

[This is from a thread discussing whether there is such a thing as Christian rock and whether to call it Christian rock or X-tian rock.]

"I don't think Christ and rock and roll should be put together. Where do you think they got the title? THe guy that invented it called it that because he heard postitutes use it.
Rock em' and Roll em'. Get it?"

Arlomay, teens-4-Christ 39 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: papabear

Quote# 15031

freedom of religion... a religion is any story(s) that explain the origin of man. what are we teaching the youth of america in our public schools about origins? we are teaching them about evolution... which, i mite say is a joke, because ther is no solid evidence supporting a big BANG or primape ancestors.if we can teach children that religion in schools, than why can we not teach them about creation, as it is explained in the bible? if you want to talk about a theocracy, than we can talk about america... although we say it isnt true, we are a nation controlled by theories of evolution. eg, praying in school has been outlawed in many forms, yet the very text books we rely on for the truth are teaching us that we came from a form of 'goo'! who has the power there, the "religious people"? or those who disregard the truth of god and substitute ther own?

jesse, Myspace 37 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: clemsecon

Quote# 15032

To Mr. Anonymous who claims that parents and God are on an equal playing field, you are wrong. Let me tell you why:

The reason that parents cannot kill their sons is because we live in a world of laws.
God however, is exempt from all human laws. God is neither subject to even the laws of Physics, nor Time itself.

He is Omnipotent, and created this world that we dwell in. As the creator of the Universe, He may do so as He pleases, and as stated previously, be "righteous in doing it".

God, in a matter of speaking, has the one true 'License To Kill' that which He has created.

Bryan Parker, Dwindling in Unbelief 44 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 15033

(On yet another thread abot Terri Schaivo: "The Hippocratic Oath is outdated, and actually is seen as such by many, many people.")

Yeah... those outdated oaths are of no value, correct?

The morals embodied in them are simply not hip, correct?

Bring on the death squads! We are in a NEW situation! This is the time to eliminate the undesirables. This is the time to decide who deserves to live and who does not! This is the Darwinian revolution!

Viva la Darwin!

DavidfromTexas, Internet Infidels 26 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 15035

Once I was talking with a lady about her husband who was really far from God. But I just knew that God was watching out for him and had plans for him. I said, "You know, it's really weird, but I have a picture of him falling off a roof head-first, but not hitting the ground." She said, "YEAH!! He was putting on a balcony deck and fell toward the concrete below and a giant, rusty, six inch nail sticking out from the deck caught him in the leg and saved him. He has a giant, nasty scar from hanging there by his leg bone until the fire department got him down!" All things considered, I think I'd rather have the scar then land on my head, but ... MAN! That's tough love! But at least you're breathing! God's ways are not our ways!

MartyrInTraining, FulfilledProphecy 33 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 15038

[Yo, HC -- Biology is only one of numerous fields of science that have something to say about human sexuality. There you will find, and I think ultimately agree, that sex (sexual instinct, libido) is about much MUCH more than mere human reproduction.]

Psychology and sociology are both subjective fields. These fields are similar to science because they are made of theories, and philosophies. The difference between the science fields and the sociology fields is that sociology is entirely made up of theories. Psychology by the way is a mixture of science and theories.

Keep in mind that both of the fields you mention back up the fact that sex is for the purpose of reproduction. Psychology explains how chemicals and hormones in the body and brain gets the human male and female bodies ready for intercourse and possible child birth. Sociology basically explains the same theory that I have mention before, which is that human beings around the world use sex for different reasons despite its role and purpose in nature.

Hot Chocolate, Myspace 24 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 15039

The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Exodus Design Studios, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 15047

... when God allowed me to heal all sorts of things from insects to animals to people I didn't jump to the conclusion it was God right away at first I thought my body was going through some sort of weird electromagnetism (Im talking green mile kinda stuff) Then I have experienced absolutely mind blowing communion where God was communicating with me as if I had one of those ear piece cell phone hook-ups you know where it looks like the person is talking to themselves but their on the phone.
the fact is I had to force myself to internalize my responces now I know that the reason God chose to reveal himself to me so strogly is because he does know that an experience like that can make someone feel crazy.
But, I'm a scientist at heart and I'm a hardcore sceptic so I wasn't backing down or running away and on the other hand I wasn't leaping forward either so God just kept proving Himself to me over and over again.
When I finished the book it was July 28, 2005 I have given it free to anyone who asks because I know that's what I'm supposed to do.

Bodhitharta, Infidel Guy Forums 25 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Moog

Quote# 15048

If you seek comfort before you seek Truth, you do not worship my God. If you value the love of yourself - or even the love of others - before the love of God, you do not practice my faith. If you think we have any obligation to associate with you just because you call yourself a Christian, consider this - you aren't a Christian, you never were a Christian, you do not belong in the Church, and unless you're willing to change, consider yourself excommunicated.

I'm not kidding. Go. We don't need you.

Pi Factorial, Livejournal 34 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Savrin

Quote# 15050

More like the story of Gilgamesh is a modified copy of the story of Noah. The so-called experts, athiests who also admit their main reason for distorting the evidence they find is to prove Christians wrong, all believe that Gilgamesh is older but there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise.

sweetbilly, youtube 31 Comments [9/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ben Loewen
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