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Quote# 19861

Wow I didn't realize that it was wrong for a woman to translate, pastor. Thanks for pointing that out. I have helped once or twice (not really publicly) to partially translate english to german for the german speaking visitors. I won't do that again.

AmazingGrace, King James Bible Only 63 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 19870

Paedophiles can't help being attracted to children and many avoid sexual contact with them altogether. Those who have sex with a child after the child gives consent are not acting immorally. As a libertarian, I believe that free will is the most important factor of morality. Those who say that paedophilia is wrong without having any idea why they think that, other than because they have been taught to think it by society, are usually very ignorant and closed-minded individuals.

fencingmatt, Naruto Forums 133 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 19878

Well Jordan and I have been discussing the issue on what age to let any daughters we have be allowed to cut their hair if they want to or pierce their ears (which isn't wrong but I want them to make their own decision I hate it when parents pierce baby girls ears) or other such things. We thought age sixteen might be a good age to start letting them decided some things (and begin wearing makeup about then if they want to) but the whole not wearing pants thing would be when they leave home if they are gonna wear pants we can't stop them but while our daughters (if God blesses us with any) are in our house they will wear skirts.

AmazingGrace, KJBChurch 54 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Archangel_Lucifer

Quote# 19879

[Talking about whether piercings are okay]

OK, I assume this person has left home? Because if the person hasn't, then I believe that person should be under the authority of their parents, just like a wife to her husband.

DeJaUnkle, KJBChurch 26 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Archangel_Lucifer

Quote# 19883

[Replying to a post that pointed to the fact that paintings on cave walls predate monotheism.]

Cavemen (and women) were people who left home to dwell in communes. They were the "hippies" of their time.

AV1611VET, Christianforums 57 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Jane the Bane

Quote# 19887

[You may think I'm supposed to have children, but you're wrong. I simply have the capability to do so if I wish.]

A hundred years ago you would have been hung for being so defiant.

Debra Henry, Myspace 56 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 19889

[Referring to an abortion-provider shooter]

[" Killing doctors is clearly not going to be effective in this goal unless someone kills a whole bunch at once."]

Well, the longest march starts with but a single step.

And yeah, had I been on the jury I would not have voted to convict him, rather I would have suggested he be given a medal and a better rifle. Read back to my original post on this thread where I stated that I sincerely hope all abortionists die violent and painful deaths, just like the babies they've killed. Make of that what you will, I won't retract a bit of it. Unlike you, who argue from a third-party point of view, I've been personally involved in the issue.

oldfart, Free Republic 51 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Long Cut

Quote# 19892

I have read Ayn Rand's books and found that she believed in the "Spirit of Man." I'm not sure she meant a "spirit" as in an inanimate force or not, but to be an "atheist" is to believe in no purpose for anything. She promoted a purpose for living as in "We, The Living." To be an athiest is to be a hedonist.

Joe Btfsplk, FSTDT Forums 36 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JohnRaptor

Quote# 19893

The Hebrew tongue from my understanding is read backwards ie right to left. Now anything backwards is always a negative thing, and not a positive. For those who think Hebrew is the language of heaven lets search the scriptures and see what they say.

Donskey, King James Bible Only 66 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: L Bartlett

Quote# 19894

[Supersport takes fundie asshattery to a whole new level]

All Aboard! Everyone hop on the Darwinist holocaust train!

Well the everyone grab your ticket! The dark side is going to make it that every man, woman and child has free health care. It's not exactly the same, but for me it brings back images of the jews being led towards the death showers in Germany.

supersport, CARM.org 120 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Bone_Vulture

Quote# 19895

[regarding an article about funding to study plant evolution...]

This release only deals with micro evolution. Read the statement,

"The outcomes of this new program will tie together studies of the evolution of gene structure, function and regulation across the whole plant kingdom," said Collins.

they only talk about the plant kind. Come back when Collins talks about across the whole macrolevel kingdom (as in goo, dogs, and bananas).

random_guy, Christian Forums 27 Comments [1/25/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19820

A woman wants to abort a rape child? She should have thought of that before she walked down that dark alley without a male prescence, not to mention she should have thought before putting on revealing attire.

[Yes. It should (be legal). Otherwise you're screwing over the women who don't deserve their fate.]

Are you calling them victims now? Should've stayed in the house where it's safe.

Uberbeliever, Christian Forums 303 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Tdevil

Quote# 19822

What reasonable person might presume to have no soul when they are the embodiment of a living soul?

[This statement is either begging the question or equivocation. ]

It is begging the question. Answer it.

jcrawford, Debating Christianity 36 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: upallnite

Quote# 19831

<a href="http://www.eveningservice.com/Video" target="_blank">Upbeat Christian rock with unforgettable chorus</a>.

Evening Service, EveningService.com 76 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 19833

Also did you know that sometimes when the tattoo "artist" is doing the tattoo, he is worshipping false gods and also sometimes drinks the blood gushing out of the tattoo. Drinking blood is wrong...just as it was wrong for me when I used to cut myself and then lick the blood, it is as wrong to get a tattoo. They are on the same level.

AmazingGrace, King James Bible Only 75 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 19842

[Just because you have power does not mean you should be worshipped. I will not be bowing to anyone.]

Famous last words! Oh but you WILL be bowing my friend, you will be bowing whether you like it or not!

Jeff Mills, ITPOG Forum 49 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19846

[In a post where our dear katy-anne is complaining about how one version of the KJV changes a word like 'saviour' to 'savior']

I've never been too concerned about the "message" or the "meaning." It's the words that I'm concerned about.

MC1171611, kjbchurch 37 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Traitor1

Quote# 19847

While I'm not advocating jailing all Homosexuals, I do think it would benefit them greatly. It would be for their own good. When a person is forced to think they will generally be able to see their problems and solve them by themselves.

Donnie Davies, Donnie Davies Home Page 48 Comments [1/24/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Heather

Quote# 19759

The problem, Theresa, is that most people do not have fully consistent belief systems.

So someone who does not believe in God may also believe in karma and in angels. Is this person an atheist? Yes.

Afterall, there are many people who don't believe in the existence of God but who accept the existence of men and of rocks. And these beliefs are also inconsistent.

Lifesaver, Christian Forums 33 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 19761

Satanic strongholds (“doors” or “gates”) in the heavenlies prevent God’s blessings and aid, being sent via good angelic beings, from coming down to cities, regions, and even entire nations. The strongholds over the Soviet Union were sealed tightly for seventy years; now help finally is getting through. Spirits of false religion keep the strongholds closed over Moslem, Buddhist, and Hindu countries. And stronghold “gates” are being slammed shut and locked over areas of the USA and within the minds of its citizens; a growing anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sentiment is evidence of this.

Ted M. Montgomery, Ted's Web Site: a Varied and Informative Site. 28 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 19763

I have two cousins autistic and two dead from vaccinations. It is just a social agenda and if you do the research, it may not have got rid of all the diseases that it claims it has. There is proof that some diseases may have just been re-named. Also God wants us to look after our bodies and that means not injecting poison and aborted baby tissue (yes they put that in there) into our bodies. Where in the Bible does it say that it's a really good idea to stick poison and weak diseases in our bodies as a method to fight illness?

Amazinggrace, KJB Church 71 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Archangel_Lucifer

Quote# 19765

Yep, when it comes down to it I want to go home. I have always said that if we were attacked they would probably bomb Wichita, Ks., which is 2 hours west of me, and that I would drive as fast as I could toward Wichita. Why wait for the fallout to blow my way? I would prefer to spend up what was going to happen anyway.

...I really can't say what I will do till something happens, but do know that He is with me, and I know as you said that to die is gain. PRAISE THE LORD!!

savedandhappy1, Christian Forums 51 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 19770

I think atheists have the lowest divorce rate because atheist marriages are easier than trying to live a holy marriage blessed by God. Married Christians have to work hard and sacrifice to meet the requirements set by God for marriage. Atheists can have affairs and it doesn't matter because there is nothing requiring them to be faithful. Atheists can demand little or nothing of their spouse so there is less conflict. It's the easy way out and where life is easy one will find Satan. Satan paves the road of ease. God paves the holier way with troubles that have to be overcome.

William, Atheist In a Minivan 60 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 19774

120 months?! That's like - 10 years!! Kent will do alot of good and save many souls in 10 years. At least we can take solice that anyone in contact with him in the pokey will never rape, steal or murder again.

HighFlyin, Pensacola News Journal - Comments 42 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Puistokemisti

Quote# 19777

Evolution isn't even a real word. It means nothing. Inventions don't "evolve", transportation and communications don't evolve. The sun and moon are NOT evolving. No chemical elements surge upward: all radioactive material disintegrates. The universe is not integrating, it is exploding outward. [...]

Well, come on evolutionists show us a man evolve from a monkey. Let us observe it, since this is what science is. Let us observe a star evolve from hydrogen. Let us see a bird turn into a twix candy bar. Come on SHOW US HOW GREAT YOUR GOD OF SCIENCE IS.

Jesus Saves, Pensacola News Journal - Comments 47 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Puistokemisti
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