Quote# 19745
The REAL distance from SUN to EARTH - revealed worldwide first by Matt Marriott
There are no doubts that Earth does not orbit the sun.
The hoax was created by the satanists to destroy the credibility of the Bible.
There are no doubts that Earth does not rotate (1). So there's only one question left:
How fast is the sun REALLY moving around the Earth?
Or in other words: what is the real distance from Earth to the Sun?
Answer: A fraction of what you were told in school...
A sun which size is a fraction of what you were told in school...
1 + 1 = 2
End Times is when some of those 1 + 1 equations that were previously hidden finally surface.
Solar eclipses (2) are not even in that category. They have been around from the beginning ...
(1) Reminder: to explain "scientifically" their hoaxes, the satanists use two types of "magic": unspecified equations for observable facts (examples: evolution, earth's rotation) or equations for dummies for the rest (example: theory of relativity).
(2) As one reader puts it:
Simple equation:
Sun Moon and Earth in a straight line.
Sun emits light, Moon blocks light, creates shadow on Earth.
Take the diameter of the Moons shadow, and distance of Moon from Earth.
I dont think the sun is as big as the solar scale says it is.
Christian Forums 48 Comments [1/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6