Quote# 30086

Our govt along with atheists and the Amerikan Commies Lawyer Unit (ACLU) are actively working overtime to destroy religion in the United States of America. We have bastardilzed the Bible and taken everything religious (to us) away from out own people. Our current Bush regime is intent on creating a atheist ununited states of north america.

AFRet91, Military.com 37 Comments [10/16/2007 2:25:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30069

With that said, the Bible does describe a period of traumatic upheaval (the Flood – Genesis chapters 6-9) upon the earth during which time civilization was utterly destroyed and men were forced to start over. It is in this historical context that some scholars believe that men lived in caves and made use of stone tools. These men were not primitive; they were simply destitute. And they certainly weren't half ape. The fossil evidence is quite clear: cavemen were human (hence the term cave-"men," men who lived in caves).

There are some fossilized ape remains which Darwinian paleo-anthropologists interpret as being some sort of transition between ape and men. Most people seem to think of these interpretations when they imagine cavemen. They picture furry half-men half-ape crouched in a cave next to a fire, drawing on the walls with their newly developed stone tools. This is a common misconception. And as far as Darwinian paleo-anthropology goes, please keep in mind that these interpretations reflect a peculiar worldview. They are not necessarily the clear leading of the evidence. In fact, not only is there major opposition to these interpretations within the academic community, the Darwinists themselves don't entirely agree with each other on the details.

srprimeaux, Yahoo! Answers 22 Comments [10/16/2007 1:32:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 30083

Homosexuals shall be taken to the niggest cliff, then thrown off.
Or a wall should come tumbling down on them.
The world is a better place without these sick people.
How else was AIDS spread, in the USA it was mostly because of these gays AIDs spread.

muhammad atta, Ummah forum 46 Comments [10/16/2007 12:23:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30076

Originally Posted by eric
One thing evolutionists believe is that the earth is 4.6 billion years old and they get this from an instrument that apparently "measures the age of the earth". However, there are many different kinds of instruments that measure the age of the earth, and they all point to a young earth.

Absolutely! I can't remember the evidence is for a young earth, but I remember that it was convincing.

Roy S, Christianlinks 39 Comments [10/15/2007 7:23:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 30078

I have a question about evoltuion.

If the giraffes neck evolved because it had to eat high up in the trees to survive. All those thousands of years of stretching and pulling made it evolve that way. Why is a mans penis not longer? Surely masturbation has been around as long as man has. I mean millions of years of tugging and pulling and yet, it is the same size.

Jeanjum, Movie Forumz 65 Comments [10/15/2007 7:13:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 30075

I think I can prove the truth of the biblical word. I live in Canada, and I notice the aboriginal natives live in squalor with drug abuse, violence and suicide. The natives practiced pagen religions until they were enlightened with the word of God. However, the bible states that a man who sins against God will suffer and his subsequent generations will suffer. The suffering of the natives is due to the sins of their forefathers and the fact that they never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Touchedbyanangel, Ethical Atheist 46 Comments [10/15/2007 6:40:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30071

No, it's the biggest lie ever believed. It's a deceptive tool of satan's to draw you away from God.
You trust a bunch of guys who call themselves scientists and doctors. they tell you stories with no real scientific facts to support their myth and you eat it up because you don't want God to be real.
If you add up the intelligence of all the evolution scientist it would fit on the head of a pin compared to Gods wisdom which would take up the entire universe.
As for me I'll trust Gods knowledge.

wristshot, Yahoo! Answers 31 Comments [10/15/2007 6:22:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30055

Don't use your "logic" with me. I have no use for it.

Supersport, Carm.org 48 Comments [10/15/2007 4:29:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 30058

[I find Shield of Faith's view as offensive as the smell of a dead rat.]

Remember that God does not care what you think. I also do not care what you think. You can think anything you want. You can think that ChaCha the magical flute player is singing songs of love to you. Ok.

Here is the Truth; God rules the nations. God will bless or punish as He sees fit. He has said in His Word that sin is a reproach to any nation.

Our sins in this country are out of control! God has to judge and punish us if we do not repent. It is that plain and simple.

ShieldOFaith, foru.ms 35 Comments [10/15/2007 2:11:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30045

IMO, the reason we have so many different denominations is not so much do to interpretation of scripture, but do to sin in our lives. For instence, imoral sex, many churches tolarate imoral sex within their churches, only IMO because they refuse to acept the clear writting of scripture and refuse to give up their love for that sin. Just an example and just MO, so they form a church that does not convict themselfs of those sins.

Kjlistrom, RaptureReady 28 Comments [10/15/2007 12:15:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 30062

You atheists remind me of little spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum when you did'nt get your own way.You're mad at daddy (God)because you did'nt get your way,you don't like his rules,so you said ;I'm just gonna run away from home(I'm even gonna change my name,I'm not even gonna talk to him anymore ,whine,whine.

knightster1951 , YouTube 37 Comments [10/15/2007 12:14:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30065

Once we take something on faith we start to see all of God's truths over a period of time. If faith were based on scientific evidence it wouldn't be faith. That's why God waits until after we've accepted Him, often, to show us the science, and why so many eyes are veiled. In using the muslims or mormons as an example, they always go back to their book of mormon or quran, written by men and found to have enormous errors. That's how we know their faith is a lie from hell. The Bible has no errors or contradictions, and has been correct in all of it's prophecy. It could not have been written by man (uninspired). It is impossible for the Bible to exist as it does if man were writing it alone without God's hands on every word. After we accept Christ in FAITH, the science begins to become evident to us. We start to have a lot of V-8 moments "gee, it's so obvious, why didn't I see that before" Faith comes first, science comes after. Man has it backwards.

goinghome, Rapture Ready 23 Comments [10/15/2007 11:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30056

[OK why are you using a book that we do not believe in to support your arguments?]

Well my friend 'left' of stalin, let me explain.

While you and others here are harping on the weak lie of evolution and politics left of stalin (by the way if I were ever to become a communist --my stomach gets sick at the thought-- I would throw in with Trotsky, he was way cooler than that maggott stalin, or that filth lenin!), I have a secret weapon that you do not know about. There are things in Christianity that are secret and some that are just out of sight to the unbeliever. Actually I am using the latter. But it's secret to you.

You see my friend, while you may try to use the things of this world, I have something a trillion times more powerful; the Word of God. It is actually unmeasurable, I only use 'trillion' to give you an idea of its power. Are you ready:

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. --Heb. 4

I can just keep using this and it will do the work that God wants it to do on your heart!!! God is at work on this board. You are not here by accident. God will either push you away, or drag you to Him. I expect the latter to happen here on this board. You can not fight against the Word of God. It is eternal and powerful beyond your minds comprehension.

Hence I will use the eternal Word of God, versus all on comers.

God wins! Always!

ShieldOFaith, foru.ms 46 Comments [10/15/2007 11:20:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30052

atheism would also be a cult of socialist construction to make people look for nothing but the government to be their saviour.

United States Earth, NationStates 29 Comments [10/15/2007 11:16:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Broken Egg

Quote# 30063

The most nasty people I have met are leaders in their respective churches. Many Christians develop a self righteous attitude and overlook their own flaws. I've had brothers in Christ judge me while at the same time I have caught them lying,cheating, and stealing. Some even homosexual. I truly know what the Lord wants and he has blessed me with a couple gifts. He has developed me to speak in boldness for his cause. I was in the company of a couple Christians who are self righteous and a commercial came on the radio speaking of dealing with depression. I shouted out accept the gift of salvation and become obedient to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the rest will fall into place! You won't need to go to that depression center. They just looked on astonished at what I had just said.

Comfort me, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [10/15/2007 11:09:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30059

9/11 was just a small prelude to what is about to come. God does not relish laying the Smack Down on nations. He is not up in heaven rubbing His hands together just waiting to back-hand the U.S.. However, He can only let our wickedness go so long before He has to bring judgment.

The blood of over 40,000,000 little ones is crying out of the ground to Him. The mass amount of porn, strip clubs, adultery,fornication, divorce, and homosexuality; are screaming up at Him!!! Along with our lawlessness and violence...

His hand of judgment is lifting and getting ready to drop!

As a nation, His hand will come down upon us; unless we REPENT!


ShieldOFaith, foru.ms 57 Comments [10/15/2007 7:43:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30057

(Said to a poster who lost a relative in the 9-11 attack)

Greywolf, I do not mean to be offensive. I know I am however. That still does not matter to me. I am all about 1 thing. God and His Word.

None of those other countries you mentioned have the Christian history we do. None of those countries you mention have done as much for God as our country has done.

Are you aware that the biggest church in our country when it first started was Congress? The congress building was used as a church during Sundays. It was a marvelous and awe inspiring scene. Sorry, God has blessed us over and above the rest of the world. Our country was a Christian nation. Now we are running the opposite way. God does not like His special nations playing the whore!!! Read the Word of God very carefully. You will understand that He is very displeased with those that He blesses, that turn their back on Him.

9/11 was just the beginning. There is more to follow.

You want to turn your hurtfulness into helpfulness? Start telling all your friends who are not Christians to REPENT!!!

ShieldOFaith, foru.ms 36 Comments [10/15/2007 6:32:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 30061

There is law and there is grace. Innocent rape victims, you mean those that didn't scream for help? They knew the law. They weren't innocent if they were enjoying the rape. (Wonder how often this happened...) We are under grace. If you're well versed, you should be familiar with these terms. I'm not even well versed.. -_-;

Ishida, Foru.ms 56 Comments [10/15/2007 5:12:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: EnemyPartyII

Quote# 30051

[This cropped up during a gigantic debate on Walt Brown's infamous Hydroplate Theory, a massive piecc of creo-tard that is undergoing a forensic evisceration at IIDB. Here's our resident creationist energiser bunny and part time FSTDT favourite with a retort that many at IIDB think is a classic. For the record, Walt Brown thinks the Asteroid Belt got where it is today because it was blasted into place off the Earth's surface during the biblical flood ...]

It strikes me as odd that YOU think the earth was blasted (indirectly of course) from the Big Bang and managed to land in a perfect orbit at just the perfect distance from a near perfect energy source and had just the perfect mix of elements to provide a perfect environment for life to evolve.

BUT ...

You think it's implausible that the asteroids got blasted into their present orbits because of a much smaller Big Bang here on earth.

afdave, IIDB 54 Comments [10/15/2007 12:20:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30041

And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.]

Ok - how is that not New York...?

And what about the ships and the sea captains and the center of world trade ...?

Look at the imagery, not what you think you know about history. All those prophetic visions are just that -- they are visuals, like dreams. And like dreams that come true, you can only tell that when they do come true. T

he total destruction of Babylon is the last thing that happens before the final act. But the total destruction is announced by a different angel than the one that announced that " Babylon has fallen, has fallen. In one hour ..."

The second angel drops what appears to be a "huge millstone into the sea." And that is how Great Babylon will be wiped off the face of the earth. Did you ever see what an ancient millstone looks like? It is mushroom shaped...

surfnetter.com, amazon.com forums 23 Comments [10/14/2007 11:00:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30043

The current interest in atheism reminds me of a story of a century and more ago. The distinguished speaker Robert Ingersoll was in Chicago to present the case for atheism. Walking in the loop district, Ingersoll paused to listen to a gospel message by Christian evangelist Dwight L. Moody, who was preaching on the street. After the message, Ingersoll challenged Moody to a debate on the existence of God. Moody agreed.

Moody suggested that Ingersoll have several people describe how it changed their lives to learn there is no God, to be convinced the Bible is a tissue of lies and that Christ could not have risen bodily from the dead. He said that after those testimonies, he would produce scores of former thieves, addicts, gangsters, prostitutes and the vilest of criminals whose lives were changed through faith in the saving grace of God and the cross of his son, Jesus Christ.

Needless to say, the debate never came off, for no one has ever been changed by atheism. God is real. His book is inerrant and infallible and Jesus lives.

Lyle P. Murphy
Overland Park

Lyle P. Murphy, The Kansas City Star 34 Comments [10/14/2007 11:00:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 30039

[on atheists]

I said they have the spirit of the atheist, anti-Christ, anti-God Satan IN them, whether they 'believe' that or not, is immaterial.

BTW, they (we) cannot control this. No one can.

They (we) are in thrall to Satanic spirit . All people here are from the fallen Adamic race are born with this Spirit.

Some fallen humans out-work the inborn spirit of Satan, thus the Criminals and Evangelical Atheists and many others for example.

Others are able to suppress it in false religions, watching sports, being-a-nice-guy (tm), going to a self-congratulating political or peace rally, sporting event, posting on forums, religious debate, idol worship, etc. etc. ad infinitum.

This infestation of Satan's spirit that is originally in everyone has but one cure.

Ed B., amazon.com forums 33 Comments [10/14/2007 10:59:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30035

ya know, science has time and time again proved evolution wrong. charles darwin himself stated that if one theory was proven wrong the whole thing was wrong. well through the kent hovind videos and other videos this has infact been proven very wrong. not to mention can some one show me a monkey that has turned into man lately. see if this were true it would still be happening now before our very eyes and oh that is right its not.

Chris Overy, Christian links 50 Comments [10/14/2007 6:33:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30034

Not really, Evolution is not even a scientific theory, it has no evidence, and looking at the history of this so called science, it all based on opinions and even forged evidences. Many scientists dont even regard it as science. And I bet any knowledgible creationist, can out argue any well educated por-evolutionists. So, I doubt about the laghing part, only naive and people with little knowledge would laugh, that is they are unlikely to be having a scientific conversation.

led, Movie Forumz 35 Comments [10/14/2007 6:21:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30025

But why should they respect our belief? I don't respect the belief of any other religion and I certainly don't respect the belief in god of those who haven't personally experienced him. If someone believes because of "faith" or logic, they deserve to be mocked.

Karlofmanchester , Christian Teen Forums 26 Comments [10/14/2007 5:46:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jeff