Quote# 29908

Judaism is Satanic! Judaism is a lie of the Devil because it denies that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah). I will not speak quietly or beat-around-the-bush concerning any doctrine or belief that diminishes my Friend, Creator, God, and Savior... Jesus Christ! Jesus is Almighty God according to the Bible! Judaism denies the Bible. Judaism teaches damnable heresies. Judaism is a myth.

Am I anti-Semitic? Absolutely NOT!

David J. Stewart, jesus-is-saviour.com 62 Comments [10/10/2007 11:27:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 29907

I don't like self-contradictory books either. That's why I avoid the Qur'an and stick to the Bible.

paulfischer207, YouTube 47 Comments [10/10/2007 11:27:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 29898

[In response to "There's also the issue of indoctrination - if your religion is true, is it fair for God to punish those that were taught as children that a different religion is the true religion?"]

For the last one, I would say yes because that is justice. If the law is true, then the law has the right to punish whoever misinterpreted it or just straight up ignored it. Also, they had plenty of time to find about Christianity, which is by the way, not a religion but a relationship, and are smart enough to research about it. If they did not, then it's not God's fault, its theirs and they must pay the consequences for their actions. One should not blame something like this on God but rather on themselves because there is no reason not to find about Christianity.

SwordDancer, Naruto Forums 23 Comments [10/10/2007 11:26:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 29901

I once heard that Darwin observed his child sleeping and noticed that he had a resemblance to an ape and thus formed his hypothesis. That would seem laughable were it not so stupid. I have seen TV shows that show dogs and their owners that have look alike faces. Did we come from dogs? No, its more like we are going to the dogs!

Evolution is on the ropes. It has no real basis other than a "belief system" based on time, chance and speculation.

Cameron, Rapture Ready 49 Comments [10/10/2007 11:06:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: MarylandBear

Quote# 29897

[Responding to genocides attributed to God in the Old Testament:]

That's why I never use the argument that genocide is inherently and absolutely immoral.

Norrin Ratt, Temple of the Rat Creatures 41 Comments [10/10/2007 9:35:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 29877

Why are Americans duped into reading and admiring Harry Potter books? Harry Potter represents a male witch, or warlock, who makes curses or spells, which God condemns.

In Africa, witch doctors involved in the demonic spirit world perform curses on people.

By reading these Harry Potter books, your children could be opening themselves up to a spirit realm in which they can become depressed and suicidal.

Also, you don't know which child will become fascinated with the spirit world and become entrenched with it to the point of demonic possession, and then, through hatred or revenge, could cast a spell or curse on a school teacher, classmate, boss, neighbor or you as a mom or dad. As a result of the curse, you could become seriously ill to the point of death.

A book written by Dr. Rebecca Brown, "He Came to Set the Captives Free," tells of her experiences dealing with and getting people out of the occult in the United States. These people do cast spells on people and they do die tragic deaths.

The woman who wrote the Harry Potter books is in the occult and she knows everything about the spirit world, which God condemns you for getting into.

Why would you want to be fascinated with the spirit world, which are fallen angels that were cast out by God from heaven in three seconds?

Get into the Bible and read about the one who created them to begin with.

God has more love for you to forgive you of your sins and the power to protect you and to give you eternal life.

I have experienced his power, his forgiveness and his love in my life. Why don't you experience him for yourself?

John Carr


John Carr, Livingston County Press & Argus 45 Comments [10/10/2007 9:09:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Mason

Quote# 29884

(So God created whales with hindlimbs, even though they always lived out in the deep ocean? Pretty stupid God.)


Accident Reconstruction Man, Amazon.com science Discussion forum 60 Comments [10/10/2007 8:58:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Patashu

Quote# 29891

I am a creationist but I think its unlikely asteroids were propelled up into space. I believe the bible says a third of the stars fell to earth during a cosmic fight between satan the angle Michael. This would be soon after the fall. This explains, if accurate, where the choas we finf in space now comes from. Plus where all the great crators here and on other space bodies come from. The movement during the flood would of destroyed many craters or hidden them. Perhaps many meteors did not actually touch the earth but were destroyed as they entered.
I might speculate that all the devastating meteors is what turned much of the planet into a inhospitalable place and so particular kinds of animals did better then others. Dinos, lizards etc.
Just thought I throw my two sense in.

Robert Byers, IIDB 30 Comments [10/10/2007 8:53:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29883

In contrast, the record of avowedly atheistic regimes is, shall we say, less than inspiring. Atheist regimes like the Soviet Union, Red China, and Cambodia killed tens of millions of people in an effort to establish an atheistic alternative to the City of God. For men like Stalin and Mao, people were expendable precisely because they were not created in the image of a personal God. Instead, they were objects being manipulated by impersonal historical forces.

One atheist understood the moral consequences of his unbelief: That was Nietzsche, who argued that God is dead, but acknowledged that without God there could be no binding and objective moral order.

Of course, the “New Atheists” deny this. Instead, they unconvincingly argue that you can have the benefits of an altruistic, Christian-like morality without God.

Chuck Colson, Townhall 46 Comments [10/10/2007 8:53:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: nakedliz

Quote# 29882

[Is Christianity made by man or by God?]
adam & eve sinned thus christianity was born.

XenoNinja, GameSpot 32 Comments [10/10/2007 8:35:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29875

[If god can created the everything in the universe from nothing why did he need make man from dirt off the ground?

All the other life on the planet seems to have been just created, why the need in creating man did he use dirt.

The only thing I can think of is this is a kind of insult.]

Because He wanted to.

The Bible says we're "made in His image". Definitely doesn't sound like an insult to me. Anyway, personally I'd rather be made from dirt by God than by evolution

MoNiCa4316, Foru.ms 22 Comments [10/10/2007 8:34:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29895

I hope you die slowly and you fucking burn in hell! You dammed blasfemy!!! Right now you are rotting on the inside... But you must now (sic) that there is indeed a God! A great god! And he will forgive you if you regret from your fucking behavior. And you should realise thatyour entire life has been a delusion...and that right now your destiny is all fucked up! Fucking atheist!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown Author, Richard Dawkins.net 63 Comments [10/10/2007 8:27:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 29894

[NEW YORK — A woman filed a civil rights lawsuit against a popular Greenwich Village neighborhood restaurant Tuesday, claiming a bouncer chased her out of the women's bathroom because she looked too masculine.

Khadijah Farmer, who was at the Caliente Cab Company after New York's gay pride parade last June, said the bouncer ran into the bathroom, pounded on the stall door and demanded that she leave. He told her a customer complained a man was in the women's room.

"I told him I was a woman, and I tried to show him my I.D.," Farmer said at a news conference. "He refused to look at it. I was extremely uncomfortable and quite humiliated."]

Hmm, perhaps if ladies looked like ladies and men like men there would not be a problem.

Bluegrass Girl:
That's exactly right! Why should this even be an issue? Obviously it was very unclear as to what her gender was.

ImaSaved1, Bluegrass Girl, Teens-4-Christ 45 Comments [10/10/2007 8:17:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29893

[Describing the benefits of the Catholic Church being the Official Church of the US:]

If the Catholic Church were the OFFICIAL Church of the US, a Protestant or fallen-away Catholic would not be allowed to rule at all. Nor would such heretics have the right to vote, speak, or assemble in public. In the ideal Catholic State, candidates would not be elected based on popular votes, but based on morally correct choices. Morally correct choices are choices that would allow people to freely pick the objective [Catholic] good, with the complete and accurate picture of objective facts and objective [ie Catholic] Truth, both divine and human, and would execute laws that are morally objectively [ie Catholic]correct. The State would have the correct moral guidance, because only the Catholic Church has the fullness of understanding of human dignity to base laws on. If another religion, or a combination of religions, or constantly shifting popular manipulated consensuses were to decide, morality of executing laws would be [as is now] at best haphazard, or erratic, with only selective efforcement of laws and the law-making would frequently be inconsistent and contradictory to objective human dignity.

ghebreyesus, angelqueen 43 Comments [10/10/2007 7:32:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29890

And this has a great deal to do with how certain things take place that the Bible predicted.It says in the Bible that a loaf of bread will cost 20.00 in the last days.

cindy, Yahoo! Answers 30 Comments [10/10/2007 7:15:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29889

Actually any belief that is not biblical is a pagan religion, although most who follow them would say different; however that does not change the fact that they are.

If you’re not for the Truth of God’s Word then you are against God. If you are against God, then you are with Satan. Plan and simple that’s just the way it is, you’re either on God’s side or Satan’s side, there are no other sides. There is good and there is evil, no in-between, you can’t play on both teams.

† Prosperous One †, Yahoo! Answers 32 Comments [10/10/2007 7:02:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 29869

Yes, I'm quite familiar with "The God Delusion." Dawkins not only doesn't believe in God, he does believe there is no hope in this world or any other that he knows of.

His book is linked with mine on Barnes and Noble. Evidently my book rings so true that unbelievers must scurry to the darkness for fear of being overcome by the Light.

Greenstone, amazon.com discussion 12 Comments [10/10/2007 3:37:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 29848

Rearrange the letters in SANTA and you have


And since Satan is the negation of God, we can be sure he's going to take something like CHRISTmas and turn it into something pagan and secular, which is why we have to greet each other with terms the atheists and secularlists love, like "Happy Holidays" and "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry CHRISTmas".

lioninoil, foru.ms 56 Comments [10/10/2007 2:55:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29864

And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

Jerry Falwell, Snopes.com 31 Comments [10/10/2007 2:55:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29870

Yes Mr.Greenstone you are biblically correct on this. We are In the last days and the rapture Is a breath away. If people aren't ready they will be left behind to contend with the anti-christ and his antics....Look for everyone that has blood In your body...God created you. To believe In the rapture or God Or Jesus Is your choice. He's still God ! Eternity Is a VERY long time to be WRONG........If you decide to jump off a 2 story house,whether you believe It or not you're going down. Because gravity Is real. God Is Real ! It's a dangerous thing to be thrown Into the hands of the Living God.

Cynthia Duncan, amazon.com discussions 34 Comments [10/10/2007 2:00:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29874

What blasphemy! To even dare suggest that Jesus performed His miracles by magic is beyond evil. Can David Blaine raise the dead like Jesus did? Can David Blaine heal sick people with incurable diseases like Jesus did? Can David Blaine make the blind see, the lame walk, and the deaf hear? No! Yet, he arrogantly COMPARES his magic to the Son of God. David Blaine is obviously NO Christian and desperately needs to come to the Saviour He mocks. Mr. Blaine will go to Hell if he dies in his sins, and no amount of magic will enable him to escape the wrath of the God He mocks. Psalm 7:11 declares that "God is ANGRY WITH THE WICKED EVERY DAY." This is true of all Christ-rejecters, and not just David Blaine. Tragically, Mr. Blaine has the following of millions of people, and he is leading them further away from God.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 27 Comments [10/10/2007 1:51:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 29851

Christmas Star

The Star of Bethlehem was likely the mobile throne of God in Eze 1, the famous sapphire throne. The Father looking down on the birth of His son. That is why the star charts likely won't have a record of it.

The Star of Bethlehem has long been a mystery. Science has not found any star that fits the bill, of the time, and place that it was supposed to shine.

I propose that the star was a flying saucer, based on some evidence from the bible. That would explain why it was not seen far away, and not a 'star' in the modern sense of the word.

I call the vessel, the 'Sceptre'

Gen 49:10 - The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.

Ps 45:6 - Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.

What about it??

winner, IIDB 25 Comments [10/10/2007 1:46:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29880

Anyway, I was reading something recently, at they have a point. Let me know what you think-

The Bible has credibility because-
1. It was influenced by God Himself *
2. It was written by several authors
3. It has a high moral standard
4. It has changed peoples' lives

Three Things That Point to God
1. We have a design, so we must have a designer
2. We have morals, so there must be a moral law giver
3. We have logical minds, so there must be a higher Intellect

* 1 Timothy 6:3-4 tells that those who are false teachers have a desire to quibble with the meanings of words and stir up arguments.
"For the word of the Lord holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust." - Psalm 33:4
(There's another I need to find in 1 Timothy, but I forgot where it was.

LucyKnowsAslan, Quizilla Forums 30 Comments [10/10/2007 1:17:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 29855

Diane Whipple, a filthy dyke, died in her sins on Jan. 26, 2001, as a result of being mauled by two dogs. God used literal dogs to kill a figurative dog - sodomites being likened unto dogs for beast-filthiness (Deut. 23:17, Mat. 7:6, Phil. 3:2, 2 Pet. 2:7,8,12,22; Rev. 22:15). Fags & dykes = dogs & sows. She lived like a beast, died like a beast, at the hands of beasts, and is mourned by a family of beasts! The wrath and fury that smote Diane Whipple - suddenly and violently ripping her throat out and casting her forthwith into the everlasting flames of Hell - is poised to similarly visit this evil sodomite-dominated nation in final overwhelming vengeance. Jer. 9:9. Sharon Smith (the dead dyke's lover) and Penny Whipple-Kelly (the dead dyke's guilty, dyke-pimp, mother-from-Hell) need a reality check. Diane is in Hell, and you will join her there - where you three will bitterly curse each other forever, as you gnaw your tongues in pain and blaspheme God. Flames of God's wrath will engulf you and fill your heads, bowels, and limbs. The same is happening to Diane now.

Fred Phelps, God Hates Fags 74 Comments [10/10/2007 1:02:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29881

[After a brief discussion about Occam's Razor and its role in defining the possibility of external agency in the origin of the Universe...]

[Your theory includes two major elements: The Universe and some sort of supernatural First Cause. How is that less elements than the theory that includes just the Universe?]

Which is more plausible an event? Jesus was born with just Mary, or Jesus was born through Mary and Joseph.

With your logic, occam's razor follows that Jesus must have be born just based on Mary, because adding Joseph is adding elements. And there is no evidence to support the claim in either direction.

Total nonsense.

Daganev, Lusternia Forums 27 Comments [10/10/2007 12:58:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 6