Quote# 30973

I have news for the athiests out there … the MAJORITY of industrialized countries are Athiest, and the MAJORITY of these countries are more currupt than any others. Actually, now that I think of it, is there even one country in the world that is run by Christians? I don’t think so … but one thing is for sure … It’s sure isn’t AMERICA! Remember people, just because someone says they are Christian, that does NOT make it so. Infact the Bible says you will know them (Christians) by their fruits, (Fruits of the Spirit) so doesn’t that mean that those who are hypocrites to Biblical standards are not genuine Christians?

Seriously … even those who worship Satan in the open aren’t ignorant enough to claim there is no God, unfortunatly they just hate Him like most of the world, which of course there is NO justifiable reason. Now, don’t come on here and tell me that there’s no reason to Love God either, because you have more than enough evidence throughout history to show the mercy and compassion of God, and the exact opposite is shown for the one who rules this earth in whom the Athiests serve unknowingly … Satan. (Sad but true)

Alright I admit I’m getting preachy and off topic, but this seemed like a good time to get that off my chest.

I do however find it funny that the Athiest movement is the one group who is always whining about how they are persecuted about their beliefs. Have Athiests been killed for their belief around the world on a Daily Basis? Have they been continually persecuted throughout history like the Jews and Christians? Have they ever had to give their life for what they believe?

Why am I expected to have sympathy for a group of people who are supposed to believe in nothing ANYWAY! Alright, you believe in nothing … we get it!

Joel, irReligion 23 Comments [11/9/2007 8:15:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30981

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism.

Randall Terry, Quotes From the Religious Right 23 Comments [11/9/2007 8:10:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30980

Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.

Pat Robertson, Quotes From the Religious Right 318 Comments [11/9/2007 8:08:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 30960

[in response as to why Michican voters voted against Nativity scenes on public property]

Yeah but who would vote no? I suspect Michigan's rising Muslim population.....

CaiperLane, Prophecy Fellowship Forums 15 Comments [11/9/2007 4:28:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 30976

If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. Think about that.

Kent Hovind, Kent-hovind.com 54 Comments [11/9/2007 1:03:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 30941

[Explaining why the post recommending learning something about radiometric dating before dismissing it was truncated]

[EDITOR’S NOTE: We did have a raging creation vs. evolution debate for many months. Go back but one month and look at this blog’s history, if interested. A few of the skeptics resorted to incessant name calling and using “liar” a lot, when confronted with the real scientific evidence. Many remained willingly ignorant. Unrepentant folks are they.

If we had a blog on particle physics and a few detractors wanted to keep asking overly basic questions about why electrons spin around the nucleus (demanding photos for proof of this) and how come euclidean geometry makes so many straight lines, we may eventually realize that such uneducated questions and distractions hold the rest of us back.

Samphire needs to go back and study, as I stated a few times previously. We do not need unscientific evolutionary beliefs re-re-re-re-stated here as it reduces down to what it really is as a mental hiding place from God.

Either the universe just kinda exploded from nothing into something for no reason and then began to improve itself; each step of the way in defiance of the known laws of science. Or a Supreme Being made all that is, and for some divine purpose. If one chooses something in the middle, a weak-god evolution, that is fine for them, but then that excludes Biblical knowledge of our all-powerful God.

Just as one cannot truly combine voodoo with Christianity, one cannot combine the beliefs of evolution (heartless suffering for “improvement”) with what Christianity teaches.

P.A., CSE blogs 22 Comments [11/8/2007 11:40:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30967

[A gay man wishes he were straight]

if you don't want to be gay then how the hell are you?? it's a personal choice, not something your born with

thatonedude, Yahoo Answers 34 Comments [11/8/2007 11:20:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Zoe

Quote# 30963

[Talking about an eleven year old girl who was raped and then buried alive]

god was sacrificing this child as a way to show others the light. much as he did his own child. what a beautiful gift he has given us.

Howie R, Yahoo Answers 376 Comments [11/8/2007 7:42:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Zoe

Quote# 30965

Is it possible for an Athiest to be a moral person?
Somehow I think not.
Someone once said those who believe in nothing now, will believe everything later and how sad it must be to know that every breathe you take is a Sin according to God.
Your very being disgust me to the point of sickness, you must glee with happiness to live your life in abomination.

How Sad.

Pierce, Yahoo Answers 43 Comments [11/8/2007 7:40:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Zoe

Quote# 30955

When I try to talk to my 20 yr old son about the end times he would even listen and say's ---Where did God come from?
He say's he doesnt believe in God OR Satin.

Mrgravyard50, Rapture Ready 58 Comments [11/8/2007 6:28:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30949

People usually use this philosophy to defend their beliefs in aliens. We have no idea how big the universe is, because God is amazing and i believe that the universe was made for us to explore and discover new things, ideas, and inventions. Just because the univrse is big doesn't mean that there are aliens. If there were aliens, it would've said that God made them in the Bible. The bible says, "God made the heavens, and the earth" heavens meaning the universe, but earth meaning: the only special little tiny planet that's inhabitible. If there were aliens, the Bible would've said "God made the heavens, the Earth, and mars." or something like that.

huladog123,  GameSpot 26 Comments [11/8/2007 6:20:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 30948

I took piano from my music director one time, who is a man, an i STILL had my mom or my older brother with me!!!! Some might have questioned, "you don't trust your Church's Music director" but our answer would quickly be "NO ONE IS ABOVE SIN" Do you know how many "MEN OF GOD" fall into perverse sins every single day??? Anyone is capable of falling. Never Chance it!!!! Its' better to be dafe than sorry!!!!!

Ashley Brianne, Teens-4-Christ 42 Comments [11/8/2007 6:12:17 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 30930

I am a staff representative for Collegiate Christian Fellowship, a religious student organization at Lehigh. In understanding the history of Lehigh, students must realize the strong tie between the religious Moravians and Asa Packard.

Lehigh was established with a non-denominational view, but certainly the Bible was recognized as the standard to live by.

Because of this, I am shocked the administration would invite the Dalai Lama, whose beliefs include demon possession, to Lehigh.

The history of our Ivy League colleges suggests that even where In Christi Gloriam, meaning "For the Glory of Christ," has been inscribed, such as Harvard University, today Christ is no longer the center of their belief.

The peace the Dalai Lama talks about is not obtained through enlightenment, but only in the right relationship with God. Romans 5:1 tells us "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Also, not only does the believer in Christ have peace with God, he has an inner peace to guide him (John 14:27). One of the counterfeits for salvation is enlightenment. Don't be fooled by this.

Andy Rice, Campus Minister of the College Christian Fellowship, Lehigh University Brown and White 22 Comments [11/8/2007 5:01:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30943

God, (If there is such a person) love’s uncontrollable. It is a shame that we can’t be the same way. What I don’t get is those that make such and effort to crush a child’s belief in God. Would they do this if it were Santa Claus? Far be it Santa being compared to Jesus. Though they both have the same looks and clothing. White hair and beard, Red clothing, One flies with dears, Jesus on the cloud, Both watching who’s naughty and nice. Too bad the Evolutionist is on Santa naughty list.

YoCuzwaasup, CSE Blogs 28 Comments [11/8/2007 4:14:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 30940

Science and the Bible agree perfectly. But scientists don’t always do good science. Consider the Galileo episode. For some 1200 years the consensus of scientists believed and taught others (like the religious leaders of their day) that the rest of the universe revolves around the Earth. Well, the consensus of scientists were wrong. What they believed and taught on that topic was in error. (The Bible does not say either way.) They fought against waht Copernicus and Galileo had come to realize from the scientific evidence. So it is important to make a distinction between what the scientific evidence indicates vs. what the consensus of scientists (using peer review/pressure) believe. They openly mocked Louis Pasteur. They denied Einstein’s relativity calculation for many years.

P.A., CSE blogs 33 Comments [11/8/2007 2:39:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30926

Two of the biggest problems we have facing us today is: FAGGOTS & FEMINISTS (femcunts, femhags, etc.). We should not forget the manginas (male feminists). Basically souls possessed with MANY DEVILS that manifest as haters of God & His True Servants. Of course Communism/Socialism is a tool of Satan & his servants to control/drive the populace into degradation as well, using the above means to do so along the way.

apostledbm, YouTube 32 Comments [11/8/2007 2:36:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 30939

[to a poster who tried to direct readers to accurate information about radiometric dating]

One should study BOTH sides of a debate prior to engaging oneself as a proponent of either side. You have not done this, per your recent posting attempts, Samphire. :-( Please either study, then come back. Or just save your typing for other blogs. We don’t want ignorant skeptics to hold us back any longer. I have made that clear. Start your own blog and I will be glad to post its address here. (Or study, learn that creation is true, then come back.)

P.A., CSE blogs 34 Comments [11/8/2007 2:35:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30928

[Answers are in regards to the location of Heaven]

[We have satellites, people have been (and are) up there). We have really really really really powerful telescopes.]
I see. So, these satellites, people and telescopes have been to the end of the Universe?

[How can you possibly think it is up there? What makes you think God thinks it is up there?]

Because God said so.

WarEagle, Foru.ms 21 Comments [11/8/2007 1:50:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30936

[on Pat Robertson supporting Guiliani]

Unbelievable! How can you endorse a man with Giuliani’s marital background and his position on abortion? I will immediately be canceling my CBN monthly donation and redirecting funds to a morally conservative Christian organization.

Marie,Virginia Beach,Va, CNN Political Ticker 29 Comments [11/8/2007 1:29:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 30937

Peer pressure (peer review) combined with “publish or perish” holds back scientific exploration. If a professor wants to stay employed then he or she must submit to the consensus of evolutionary beliefs. Science then comes secondary. If a publication’s referees reject quality (but evolution contradicting) articles at the outset and then turn around and claim that “creationists don’t publish in the journals” that is a convenient contradiction. Some persons put their religious beliefs ahead of science. Thus creationists publish and teach others as we are able, but largely outside of the anti-God publications.

P.A. (editor), CSE blogs 26 Comments [11/8/2007 8:22:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30935

[on reasons to ban gay marriage]

The number 1 reason!!!!.................

It has nothing to do with"WHAT RELIGION YOU ARE!!!!"

MixedGurl, Yahoo Answers 51 Comments [11/8/2007 8:16:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: green_meklar

Quote# 30934

Kucinich is a loony spinless TRAITOR and should be held accountable for his actions. The current administration is trying to protect us from a deadly enemy. That is what the libs and dems dont understand is how dangerous the terrorist trully are and their ignorance is so clear. Thank GOD we actually have the GROWN-Ups in the Whitehouse.

Ryan Indianapolis, CNN Political Ticker 40 Comments [11/8/2007 8:13:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 30927

The BEAST government put 'Dr. Dino' in jail for refusing to submit to them. Kent Hovind's talks on Creation & Satanic 'evolution' are quite an eye-opener. One needs MORE faith to believe in SATANIC evolution than Creation. You & your ass-boys can burn in Hell, NV.

[Also check out the video, it will make you feel sick to your stomach.]

apostledbm , YouTube 37 Comments [11/8/2007 6:12:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 30921

[You'll all love this ... he's done it again!]

You might believe that science has something to do with all this foreign technolgy which is not of the earth's nature and that has been introduced in the last 100 years. It doesn't.

There hasn't been this kind of technology since 10,500 BC, and then all of a sudden it appears and is introduced in the last 100 years?

Jake M, IIDB 33 Comments [11/8/2007 12:59:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 30933

Do you believe so many stars n galaxy exsist for real?

i cannot believe so many stars even exist. i mean personally i think all telescopes are bunch of toys taking fake pictures. there are only 5000 stars in universe and they're fixed to solid firmament as mentioned in Genesis.

solar system is a lie and earth is flat immobile circle.

please take bible literally or you are a fool. scientists should grow up too.

NONAME, Yahoo Answers 73 Comments [11/8/2007 12:53:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: green_meklar