Quote# 30788
I think it's time I clarify some things.
First, Homosexuality is a sin. Just like adultery is a sin. Just like lying is a sin.
Second, we are all hardwired from birth to sin. The heart of man is inately evil. Sin is first-nature to all humans.
Third, just because I'm born a liar doesn't mean I (habitually) lie. I was born a thief, but I don't (habitually) steal. Likewise, I was born a homosexual, but I don't engage in homosexual relations.
Fourth, nowhere does God condemn homosexuality. He condemns those who practice sodomy. Nowhere does god condemn liars, but he condemns those who lie.
Fifth, what's the difference? Not much. If you lie, that makes you a liar. If you steal, that makes you a thief. If you practice sodomy, that makes you a sodomite.
As a sum up: Stealing is a sin. We're all born in sin. Therefore, we're all thieves. Sodomy is a sin. We're all born to sin. Therefore, we're all born sodomites.
The true difference is if one acts on their orientation. I've known many gay men and lesbians who have turned from their lifestyles and avoid the temptation to act on their urges.
We're not saying that homosexuals are evil, any more than all the rest of us are evil. But sodomy is a sin. We've been instructed by Christ to rebuke sinners, but not to judge them.
Two of my friends are bisexual. One is practicing, one is not. Which one is the sinner? All three of us.
Get it?
thewaythetruth.com 35 Comments [11/4/2007 3:35:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 4