Quote# 31423

[Do you think that all beliefs are worthy of respect? Surely not. I don't think that beliefs based on ignorance and superstition deserve respect, especially when they are as intolerant (not to mention hopelessly contradictory) as the bible (reference: read the first post in this thread).]

The Bible does not contradict itself. I explained the first post in my last post. The Bible DOES make sense if you read it page by page instead of quote by quote. Have you read the Bible completely, Moonbeam? If not, then how can you criticize it?

Beanhole, Dreamviews Forums 18 Comments [11/21/2007 8:19:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31422

Only evolutionists say and believe that, very predictable.

Creationism is the only true and valid science because it recognizes that reality is a direct reflection of God's mind and power.

Evolution is Atheist ideology, also known as Scientism, supported by a mass of confused and ignorant Christians, including a grinning embecile like Judge Jones, the Darwinian judge who ruled as expected, and shit on the Constitution while justifying it with a classic Nuremburg Argument "it was my job."

Ray Martinez, talk.origins 34 Comments [11/21/2007 7:56:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Patashu

Quote# 31426


Did you know that 100 million years ago there were unicorns on the earth? But you see, there were not that many of them. you'll never find a fossil or skeleton.

Jake M, IIDB 42 Comments [11/21/2007 7:55:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31420


Liberals say its better to teach kids about sex and "protecting themselve and the younger the better. Teach them to respec themselve etc etc but sorry I agree with an earlier posted in that you tech them this stuff and they want to try it out and see if it is as fun as all the "role models" on TV and music say it is.

I think this is WRONG

My reasoning is this

How many 12 year old girls were [censored] by 8 and 9 year old boys 20 years ago or 30 or 40???? How many young girls have been gang [censored] in the last couple years - alot more than this one if you watch the news, and ONE is ONE too many!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But we must be politically correct and we must destroy G O D and we must promote S E X and Homosexuality and then ask why things like this happen.

SFC_America, CoH - Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 39 Comments [11/21/2007 6:44:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31430

[on the subject of interracial marriage]

"I don't believe in interracial marriage. The Bible says each creature after it's own kind. I love my race. Also, it would be cold to fight for your own country in a war, only to fly back to your own country and find an alien race in your living space."

RyanLeeParis, Foru.ms 43 Comments [11/21/2007 6:43:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31412

[The Fundie take on the gospel message. It would be nice if they at least read their own book]

We can not just let our "salt shine" and its going to bring peopel to Christ. See how many real Christians have come to know Christ because they saw someone had God in there life and they wanted it to. Thats not true salvation. Thats actually a reason why there are so many drop outs in church and so many false converts. So we cant just let people see God through...Seeing God through us any way would be us doing His will which is to go out to preach repentence and His Gospel.

There are so many people out there when I evangelize that know the gospel but then ask questions like "well this scripture Jesus is called a man, I want to believe he is God but im not sure." IF i were just to say God loves you and he did this for you what would that do? YOu need to be able to say look here, Jesus is in a hypostaic union, we can see through these scriptures.

Theroc, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [11/21/2007 6:41:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31414

[PRATT. "Theory" in a scientific context is different from the common use of the word; atoms, relativity, and gravity are theories too. Evolution is both a fact and a theory.]

That's just word play. Science used to be much more approachable and practical before the time of godlessness. A theory was a theory no matter who used the word; it meant the same thing. And it was understood to mean unproven. Generally we didn't think gravity was an unproven theory and likewise we didn't think the atomic theory or relativity were unproven. We didn't call them theories then. Rather we considered them proven theories or science.

MarkT, Foru.ms 27 Comments [11/21/2007 6:40:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 31421

Mike, you're ashamed of your fellow homosexuals? That's not uncommon. Forget AIDS for a minute, consider typhus, cholera, strep infections, dysentery, 'gay bowel syndrome', assorted venereal diseases...then there's suicide, murder, murder/suicide, assault, rape, theft, lying and petty head games, all the pathetic spiteful things a hysterical self-loathing homosexual will resort to...base behaviour and quite pathetic.

#366223, FSTDT Comments 34 Comments [11/21/2007 6:20:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 31417

just say your Christian and you believe in Jesus...hate will turn to prosecution in nothing flat...

A BELIEVER, Rapture Ready 49 Comments [11/21/2007 4:20:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31418

Makes me wish that when we are ratured that the Lord would allow a few minutes of
Neener neener neener...........ofcourse I know once we are raptured then we will be soooooo overjoyed we won't even think of those we tried to reach. But still my flesh wants that " told you so "

Heartstorm, Rapture Ready 57 Comments [11/21/2007 4:20:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31415

Christianity isn't the cause of 9/11 so how can you blame it? Islam is a very evil belief, it even says to kill Christians in the Koran, what type of a God would "want" his people to kill, not the trueGod that's for sure.

This earth would be in utter chaos with no rules or morals without Chrisitanity,we would NOT be better off without Christianity.We would be better off withoutIslam and Hinduism, very evil teachings.

(Actuallywe wouldn't even exist without Christianity b/c what would be the point of this life? Have you ever asked yourself that question?)

I would fear for my soul if I said those evilthings you said about Christianity.

Toyeboy, GameSpot 35 Comments [11/21/2007 1:53:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 31407

Nepal Airlines, which was having technical trouble with one of its two Boeing 757s in August, announced that it had fixed the problem by sacrificing two goats to appease the Hindu sky god Akash Bhairab.

Nepal Airlines, News of the wierd  40 Comments [11/21/2007 12:29:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 31411

Appended to Senate Bill 419 was Rep. Will Hartnett's firm conviction that despite the imminent failure of any other vital organs she might possess, a woman can live without "anything but a brain." Both houses of the legislature voted with Hartnett that "impairment to a woman's health" is no justification for late abortion when "we could be killing off Einstein" just because "a woman might have some organ damage."

Rep. Will Hartnett, Texas Kaos 49 Comments [11/21/2007 9:35:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31397

Belief in this case is spirtual based and doesn't require to be supported by conjecture whether something is possible or not. Since anything is possible with God, I worry less about whether something is intellectually feasible than I do about faith and trust in the Lord.

Turbo, total war center forums 22 Comments [11/21/2007 4:27:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Wautd

Quote# 31400

there are no beneficial mutations. mutations are either neutral or negative. darwinist dogmatists like to cover this up. and actual research and testing has been done. the conclusion is unilateral:life cannot form spontaneously

Masta Munsa, total war center forums 45 Comments [11/21/2007 2:09:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: wautd

Quote# 31408

Joe cocker: "something seizes control of my body" Joe Cocker is possesed like madonna and prince. Thats why prince changed his name, he wasnt sure if the spirit (demon) inside of him is male or female.The entertainment industry is run and controlled by the possesed.

YaOkRight , YouTube 29 Comments [11/21/2007 2:08:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31406

[Trying to explain a modern Christian's stance on slavery, in relation to the OT]
We have man-servant and hand-maids to this day. We purchase them through paying for them and they become part of your "property" as they handle your property. Obviously your own property you handle with care and delicacy, be no different. The only reason why "property" sounds degrading is because its considered "politically incorrect". Also, these settlers as the Bible called some of them, needed work so the work was given to them and usually they stayed and became part of the family. To this day many servants and maids stay in the family even if a original "owner" passes away, as the servant becomes part of the family. A servant doesn't have to just take care of the house a servant could also become an apprentice for a blacksmith.

In referring to your second question, if you are in the market for servants this yes treating them good and all this would apply to you. If you aren't then it doesn't. In a sense it still does but you do not have to think about it as you aren't taking care of one.

LogosRhema, Foru.ms 26 Comments [11/21/2007 2:07:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31405

This morning I was flipping through the news channel and I happened to land on E! Entertainment (not that that is a wholesome station in the SLIGHTEST), but I just happened to come across the latest story of the writer who wrote Harry Potter made one of her characters (the wise wizard I guess??) gay. The story is as a boy he fell in love with his fellow wizard friend and got rejected which made him evil (I guess? I don't follow HP).

The point to this is: KIDS LOOOOVE HARRY POTTER! So OF COURSE they are going to introduce that in the series! Not that HP is in ANY way wholesome with all of the witchcraft and sorcery ... but still! I feel so bad for the coming generations! I am seriously wondering if I should even have kids now.

The media is EVIL!

ChristiRenee, Rapture Ready 53 Comments [11/21/2007 1:47:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31395

I only feel bad for the people who have HIV because of rape or transfusions. I do not have any sympathy whatsoever for queers with this disease, which they have brought on themselves.

C.F., JTF Forum 32 Comments [11/21/2007 1:06:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31396

I recently saw a trailer for a movie that will be hitting theaters nationwide in December. The movie itself looked incredible. Visually stunning, and rich in detail. I speak of course of "The Golden Compass", an adaption of the book, "The Northern Lights" by Phillip Pullman. I was so jazzed up about it .. another "epic" movie. I was ALARMED when in passing my friend told me that the basis of the movie/book is that They Kill God, and finally live free, without the oppression of "the Church". God is aptly named "The Authority" in these books, and from all accounts is portraited as oppressive, and cruel. From what I heard, the books endorse everything from witchcraft, to TEENAGE SEX... like KIDS .. not like 18 or 19 ... like 14.... I haven't read the books myself... I admit as much... But CONSIDER .. if half of the claims are true .. then it is time to go to war. Our ideals are being attacked by the Godless, who seek to remove God from the world (as if they can).

CONSIDER .. prayer in school is limited. Prayer at work is gone. All aspects of visible Christianity are gone outside of our Churches and homes.

Consider John Lennon, and how he prayed for a world without God. This is the basis, and the foundation for the doctrine of the Anti-Christ. The same STATANIC spirit resides in the pages of these books. Waiting to take the minds of our children. Waiting to blind their hearts so that they can not see God. We must be ready to fight.

How empty are the praises of cowards.

Mike, MySpace 47 Comments [11/21/2007 1:06:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 31399

The Internet was created by the United States of America - a Christian nation [ref. 1, 2, 3] - and should not be used to spread anti-Christian, secular, or non-Christian propaganda and hatespeech. This is our Internet, and we should exercise our position as its owners and as the guardians of civilization to stop its misuse.

[The rest of the page is a veritable goldmine!]

Jim Carlson, Objective Ministries 52 Comments [11/21/2007 1:04:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lucan

Quote# 31402

They should stop funding research for AIDS cures immediately. Let fags and junkies die.

newman, JTF Forum 42 Comments [11/20/2007 11:14:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 31398

<On how the fossil record disproves evolution>

-- the fossil record should show countless organisms that are the failed experiments of evolution -- eyes on the back of heads, noses on feet...cats or other mammals with worthless wingsprouts....countless bum organs or useless tissues -- yet we don't see any of that. All we see are millions of different kinds of animals....there is no evidence of any animal "evolving" into some other type of animal.

guzman (supersport), Foru.ms 42 Comments [11/20/2007 9:38:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 31393

Fred Phelps and his scrum are Democrats.

They hate the military!

RideOnHardOn , YouTube 25 Comments [11/20/2007 9:34:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31390

There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.

JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race. JTF's attacks on WHITE european anti-semites and self-hating JEWS have been far greater in number and more vitriolic than any criticism of the cultures of any non-whites

To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.

The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.

The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.

newman, Jewish Task Force 39 Comments [11/20/2007 9:31:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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