Quote# 31965
God went to work for me!
This is going to sound confusing, but the end result is praise!
My job can be stressful, confusing at times, i cant go into much detail about it, it would take to long.... but months ago my company had me do billing... i hated it, my stomch hurt, i cried all day... it was a mess.... the next day my report came out and i had really messed up my files... i prayed Lord dont ever give me that again!
For months i never did that again... till yesturday! Well i knew 2 hours ahead i was about to do it, so i prayed.." Lord please go to work for me today, you do the job" where before i prayed for him to take it away.... this time i asked Him to do it for me.....
Well i went to work on the billing, i kept hearing in my head, DONT RUSH, there was a couple of times i thought, well that was a mistake ill hear about tomarrow! but kept going, saying God you do it!
well this morning i see the report.... last time i did it it was a mile long of mistakes... this time only 3.... i knew that was the few times i tried to think for myself and messed up instead of just letting go and letting God.
I know to some this may sound stupid... but you just dont know how this job did me the first time i did it... i was a mess, like you told me someone died, in hystaerics.... yesturday i knew God was in control!
Today im doing billing again... and feel great about it... im not scared of it at all... because i know... God is in control!
Rapture Ready 28 Comments [12/5/2007 4:40:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4