Quote# 20758

Atheism: Since Jesus is a reality according to the Bible, to hold Atheism consistently one must state that there is no reality! OOPS!

Just thought you might literally need a reality check.

Casey Powell, CARM 55 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 20763

The few that I have spotted came to me by the spirit.

One was a girl who was always sickly, and causing her adoptive parents a lot of trouble. The girl was going in and out of mental institutes. When I heard that, I knew she was Nephilim. When I suggested that to my mentor and a mutual friend, the mutual friend replied the one time the girl and him were in his car and he was praising God she felt really uncomfortable and she didn't want him to pray with her.

The second one was also a girl, a 9-year old to be in fact. She was always causing lots of problems at my church, which would drive her earthly father from the church. When I tried to create some peace between her and another girl by saying that God has created us to be wonderful, she said, how could God have created her to be wonderful, which was when the scripture of the serpent came immediately to my mind, did not god say. Too bad that thing has to be in a family where the father is really honest in wanting to serve the lord. He comes to church alone, repents, gets baptized, and then he starts bring his daughter to the church, and all of a sudden he stops going.

GoodNewsJournalist, The Resistance Manifesto 35 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 20771

As I was viewing this sight, I noticed a Google ad, which advertised the Satanic and Un-Christlike musician, Ozzy Osbourne.

The Lord does not wish for this site to be supported by Satanism.

My hope is that someone in charge may do something about this problem.

I believe that we should reject ads by Google, if Google is in support of Satanism.

Gehst, Christian Teen Forum 42 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20773

[A genuine fear of God]

For many years, I've been tip-toeing through life, afraid that if I make the wrong move, God will punish me horribly. Whether or not that is theologically accurate, I do not know. But it's like everytime I do something that I think might be bad in some way, no matter how small it is, I start thinking "Please God, don't hurt me. Just don't hurt me!" It's just gotten worse in the last year or so, and I don't want to live my life in utter misery and constant fear of God spiritually hitting me over the head. Any advice?

Blue Hobgoblin, Christian Teen Forum 63 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20780

"Flaw" is probably not the right word. A flaw is a defect that mars the perfection of something. There is nothing approaching perfection in evolution. I think if anyone looked at it objectively i.e. not trying to prove there is or isn’t a God, as fills up most of these forums, then it would not stand up to scrutiny. Evolutionists HAVE to find a material answer to everything and will not allow anything that resembles supernatural intervention. Therefore they clutch at straws in trying to squeeze evidence into their already prepared framework. Evolution says everything started with a Big Bang but offers no evidence of where all the matter came from. They say that life started from nothing but offer no explanation of how. In order for evolution to work there has to be information added to DNA, this is a central key which cannot simply be avoided, and there is no evidence of this happening at all never mind the millions of times it is supposed to have happened to get we are today from nothing. The same applies to mutations which are usually harmful and damaging but we are supposed to believe that millions of beneficial mutations have taken place over millions of years to move microbe to man. Evolutionists will avoid answering these questions or point to some ridiculous idea that bacteria evolved immunity to insecticides and if left long enough would change into an elephant or bird. Evolution is not flawed it is blatantly ridiculous and if there was another way for people to live without admitting the existence of a superior being, and of course what that would mean in terms of answering to him, then it would be laughed at, as indeed it should be. Of course if people want to believe in evolution it is their choice. However there is a far more serious issue to consider. There is a God and there is an afterlife and evolution is stopping a lot of people from hearing the truth. Jesus once gave a blind man sight and the man was asked how it happened. He said “I do not know, all I know is that once I was blind and now I can see”. Until the blindness that believes the lie of evolution is removed then people, tragically, will fall for it.

rothwellrogue, C4forums 17 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 20781

If you are atheist you fall into these demographies:

1. Has NO concept of weirdo and none-weirdo
2. Filled with pride and think your to smart to have faith
3. Thinks scientific evidence is the ULTIMATE evidence and wont think on any other grounds
4. Thinks life is ALL about sex
5. More likely to become a criminal as you belieave there is no supreem being that will punish you for your sins no matter what.
6. More likely to be a coward as you dont think your soul will be saved if you have been faithful enough.
7. stupid
8. Likely to go to hell
9. All of the above

the_Christian_Dalek, IMDB 98 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: starlightangel20

Quote# 20783

I dont HATE them, as in i dont go around beating them up, i am just totally against the whole GAY thing. This whole thing is getting worse and worse, with gay couples getting recognized and getting all these rights. they are allowed to get married, adopt kids. i think its all getting out of hand.

I also HATE all muslims who support GAYS, i mean, it says in clear words in our religion that the punishment for HOMESEXUALITY is STONED to DEATH. So how can we support an act like that.

Bhola#1, GupShup Forums 33 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20784

I used to be ok with gays being in the world ... till a gay felt me up in a suburban train .... I beat the **** out of him .... he had to be hospitalised for a broken skull .. I mean if you are not used to having your bottom pinched then you wont like it . Anyways that made me more sensitive to the plight of women who get subjected to eve teasing. SO i guess you learn from everything ..

Rudra, GupShup Forums 51 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20785

When I mentioned the maggots and radiation water, I didn't mean to say that science was always wrong. I meant that science is as inherently flawed as the people who pracitce it (which is a lot). The accuracy of science is limited to our limited knowlage. If science "proves" evolution, it could just mean that we havn't found the evidence required to disprove it. I admit this logic works in either direction.

But as for proof that evolution didn't happen, it isn't so much proof (It impossible to prove a negative) but pointing out some logical flaws. For example, if everything evolved by random mutation, it follows that we would see a bunch of failed species whose mutations didn't help them. You don't see any.
I admit their are new strains and breeds appearing, but that doesn't prove evolution of species. But even if evolution did happen, it means that God created evolution. The reason people champion evolution is because no better theory has yet arrived that leaves God out. It's not about science, it's about the elimination of God.

Sho-Re, NationStates Forum 43 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Witty Name Here

Quote# 20693

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs8HlJIP7AM" target="_blank">Youtube guy proves the earth is 6000 years old. Hilarity ensues</a>.

That youtube guy, Youtube 29 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20699

[In response to a description of the well-documented effect of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_birth_order">fraternal birth order on homosexuality</a>, where the more older brothers a male has, the more likely he'll be homosexuality]

Another person might see a quite diiferent reason for a statistical correlation than was seen by the original researchers. so here goes with an upsetting alternative analysis . . .

. . . the boy with more older siblings is more likely to be molested by one of them. The more older siblings, the less merry. I regret suggesting this alternate explanation but I am sure that this is the case.

granthodges, Steorn forum 43 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: nleseul

Quote# 20700

Love that evolutionary drivel. If evolution wants everything to live so badly, why no unlimited life spans? Twist that one, Darwinheads.

shandooga, Damn Interesting 51 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 20705

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8coxnHKaplk">An excellent fundie conspiracy video.</a>

NuffRespect, YouTube 20 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jean-Sebastien

Quote# 20707

Ok, So my great-great-grandfather was a monkey and my great-great-grandmother was pond scum, they met and decided to reproduce creating a lizard (they also had another monkey, but I haven't found it in our family tree, YET) that lizard met a fish and they created a chicken. After grandma chicken spent years trying to learn how to fly, she finally gave up, reproduced with my grandfather monkey (a different monkey this time of course, which really didn't go over to well with the relatives) she had my mom, who met my dad (a giant north american sloth, found in australia). Now i'm here, I expect one of my children to have a tail or at least some feathers...also, I hope to one day marry either a dinosaur,bird of somesort,a weasel,a mosquito,a gator or another monkey. The one question I have is this...

Will I lay eggs like my grandmother chicken or will I give regular birth like mommy monkey did?

redfiber, Christian Teen Forum 72 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 20716

No, I never said that. You do know that the theory of gravity is based on the assumption of heliocentrism, right? Now if we were to assume geocentricity were correct(assuming the earth is stable and that the universe revolves the earth everyday) and create the theory of gravity from there, it would fit.

What i'm saying is, gravity works everywhere in the universe, except for the case of the earth. It cannot be shown scientificly that the earth actually adheres to it.

You only assume it to be true, because it works for the other planets...

Gravity could very well work within the geocentric assumption.

RichardT, KJB Only 38 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 20721

If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.
* * *
Let me also say, If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example when our spouse does the same things to us.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 97 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Doctor Whom

Quote# 20727

(shut the fuck and stop trying to justify it, crip called a black man a nigger unprovoked.)


. california rest in peace . <3, Myspace 35 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20730

I don't worship the same God as the Roman Catholics. My God is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. My God is not Allah

Before you ask what I mean by that...

The Roman Catholic Catechisms claim that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God. I don't worship the same God as a Muslim. They can if they want.

And here it is. Catechism 841
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.

Wickedness. The Muslims DENY Jesus Christ. And if the Catholics worship the same God, they ALSO deny Jesus Christ.

Gideon, FSTDT Forums 40 Comments [2/15/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 20581

Research: God did speak world into existence
Student's scientific documentation offers evidence of biblical account

[article that follows is...shocking]

Samuel J. Hunt, World Net Daily 38 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: pandaman

Quote# 20642

"If God spoke everything into existence as the Genesis record proposes, then we should be able to scientifically prove that the construction of everything in the universe begins with a) the Holy Spirit (magnetic field); b) Light (an electric field); and c) that Light can be created by a sonic influence or sound," Samuel J. Hunt writes on his website.

"There are several documented and currently taught laboratory experiments that accurately portray the events in Genesis in sequential order, the most important being that of sonoluminescence," he wrote.

That, he described to WND, is the circumstance in which sending a sonic signal into bubbles in a fluid causes the bubbles to collapse and they release photons, or create light.

That aligns with one of the earlier descriptions of the creation by God, when, in Genesis 1:1-3, the Holy Spirit moved upon the face of the deep, which generally is considered water, and said "Let there be light," he explained.

Samuel J. Hunt, WorldNetDaily 16 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20644

>If your god gave me free will, then get the fuck out of my >life and don't try to convert me......Your god will hate you >for an eternity for trying to remove my free will. My free >will is to not believe in fairytales.

But, dear Earl, God did not give you free will. Free will is a fairy tale.

That's good you don't believe in fairy tales. So you should believe in God and Him sending His Son to save you.

TonyN, Internet Infidels 28 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20648

Girls with short hair are ugly and need to read the Bible.

Samer, King James Bible Only 101 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Heather

Quote# 20652

(Killing a zygote is wrong, but killing an adult human being is ok? Please explain.)

babies are innocent. Humans can be found GUILTY

(Why do gays deserve to die if they don't become straight?)

why dont they

. california rest in peace . <3, Myspace 30 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20656

Does anyone else think it's significant that the news media have been reporting multiple UFO sighting in multiple states (North Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas, Arizona, and Hawaii) in just the last few weeks? Is it more than possible that the NWO is setting up the world for a "Alien landing" in which these "benevolent" aliens will proclaim to the world that we must create a world government system and attack our belief in God as false and preach a new belief system in a type of "intelligent design", works-based, universal religion that will be nothing more than Satanism disguised? Is it coincidental that the world faces the greatest barrage of threats, nuclear, biological and terror-based, that we have ever known? Will theses "aliens" (perhaps fallen angels or Nephilim) come as saviors to humanity, performing miracles, and will they herald the public appearance of the antichrist? Does anybody else have the same feelings that I do? Or am I way off base here?

gypsymike, The Resistance Manifesto 53 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 20657

How many planes would have fallen out of the sky if the Rapture occurred on the afternoon of 9/11/2001? Answer: None.

sracer, Rapture Ready 62 Comments [2/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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