Quote# 20478

Secondly a day has always been the same as obviously the Earth's rotation hasn't changed since the Lord created it, and the plants wouldn't have survived millions and billions of years without a sun as indicated in Genesis.

David Jay Jordan, 6000yearsofearthhistory 40 Comments [2/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20479

It took the anti-religious bigots long enough to crawl out of whatever septic tank you spawn from and vomit out your hatemongering BS. You're no different than David Duke and Osama Bin Ladin. 'Fundie' is just another word for 'infidel'.

CrossoverManiac, Spacebattles 36 Comments [2/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Dave

Quote# 20482

I'll stick to the facts and logically so. Atheism is logically void of any meaning. Try reading Isaiah 28. It mentions atheist. They have a covenant with death but death will deceive them and fail them and break the covenant and every atheist will be raised up on the last day to face God at the great white throne judgment and they will have to give God and acooiunting for their life and what they chose to believe. Believe it or not!

ocb, Apologetics.org 44 Comments [2/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 20484

The Bible says that the "Chariots will rage in the streets." How else is this possible unless mankind harnesses electricity. The future was already spelled out for the scientists, all they had to do was figure out how to implement it. Sorcerers and Wise men in many ancient civilizations did these kinds of things.

elijahmohammad, "Does God Exist?" Multiply community 35 Comments [2/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: megaste

Quote# 20371

<img src="images/dx_5bt.gif">

Father David C. Trosch, TROSCH.org 60 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: Chaoschaos

Quote# 20422

We are reckoned through our fathers, which is a custom that God started. This is why so many cultures place such value on the firstborn son. This is probably also why God designed the male chromosome (Y chromosome) to be dominant.

jmsnooks, Xanga 32 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Sayna

Quote# 20427

[Please explain, exactly, what known phenomena that the field of science known as "Intelligent Design" studies.]

Yes, of course. The field of science known as "Intelligent Design" studies the known phenomena of intelligent design.

[Please also explain whether this field is primarily a sub-field of physics, chemistry or biology.]

Why is that important?

[Also, are those who claim that Intelligent Design is a scientific theory, rather than a general scientific field, simply uninformed, or are they lying?]

The distinction is unimportant to my premise. Theory or not, if it is a general scientific field, you should have no objection to having the subject taught in a science class.

SkinnyHead, Fark 37 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20429

I had a thought today as i saw some text, what caught my eye was the letter B.

Sometimes the letter B can appear to resemble the number 13.

With that in mind if we take the word Bible and change the first B into the number thirteen then add the remaining letters we have the string Thirteenible.

Now if we use those letters they make the perfect anagram of the words "The Libertine"

(The concise Oxford Dictionary)
Libertine/ Free thinker, Free-thinking, on religion; (one) who follows his own inclinations.

At first i thought this was just a coincidence so i tried other words.

Beast/ thirteen-east = Enter Athiest

Bastard/ Thirteen-astard = The randiest art.

Baal/ Thirteen-aal = Alien threat.


Rotator, Above Top Secret 82 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 20433

The failiure of medical science

If the placebo effect can cure a person why cant it make a person ill.

I am not a strong fan of modern medical science.

Not at all?

To me it feels that you get to the hospital inorder for the doctor to force one's deseases upon the patint.

So while most argue that a person goes to the hospital becuase he is ill and wants to be cured.

I argue that a person goes to the hospital becaues he believes he is ill and then through a placebo effect becomes ill because of the doctors assumptions of what deasease the symthoms might fill up to.

When a persos fills diffrent symthoms of something. A placebo effect is caused for the patint, that causes the patient to become ill. But not until the doctor starts trating the preassumed illness.

This is marly hypothitical.

Open for debate.

lets take it once more:

If the placebo effect can cure a person, why cant it make a person ill?

Why do you get ill?

I prefer the healing power of Jesus.

All that is required is some faith

Lindstrom, Christian Forums 58 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20434

How can humanistic psychology be reconciled with Christianity? The views of Carl Rogers are NOT similar to Christ's - they are totally contradictory and more in line with those of the New Age Movement. The basis of person centred theory is its view of man as 'inherently good and moving in the right direction' and the opposite of biblical sinful man. The goal of humanistic therapy - 'actualization' (or, 'godhood for man') is hardly a Christian aim. I believe there is a place especially in treating mental health problems for the more scientific psychological approach of cognitive behaviour therapy with its goals of eradicating irrational thinking. Without doubt it would be better to look to the Lord for answers but what of relieving the human suffering of non believers? Please beware of 'holistic', client centred, humanistic pseudoscience with its hidden agendas.

cheryl doyme, CARM 38 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 20435

I've never found one Atheist book I've really been that impressed with. Its more shove these words down your throat and indoctrination.

Casey Powell, CARM 49 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20436

[It's all very postmodern of you to claim that science is just faith, but it's a little silly.]

Don't put things in my mouth that I never said. I never claimed that GW was religion. I merely said that liberals treat it with the same fanaticism Islamofascists treat their religion. I'm sorry you're too blind to see it.

You, my friend, WANT to believe in GW. So you'll accept anything eco-nazi "scientists" throw your way.

You are being more than a little silly. You're being downright superstitious.

Maggie_T, Free Conservatives 31 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20437

Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."

George Yurich, CARM 51 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20438

I(t) takes effort to deny God and deny that Jesus is the Son of God. It entails;

1) calling the authors of the bible liars or hallucinating the exact same thing
2) Claiming that other people made up Jesus's words when they didn't understand them to begin with and no Jew would have made up the personhood of Christ
3) That the design that scientists rely on everyday for their experiments isn't a design.
4) Trying to change history.

There is nothing about the above that is logical. So denying God is deliberate because one has to adopt even more unbelievable things than what's in the bible in order to deny God.

Carico, CARM 33 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20439

For those atheists who claim that the fulfilled prophecies were all made-up by the gospel writers, you need to remember that Jesus was not the messiah that the Jews were looking for which is precisely why they rejected Jesus as the messiah and still do.

So no Jew would make up the personhood of Jesus. And since all of the disciples and gospel writers were Jews, then not only is your claim illogical and absurd, but it's equally illogical that any human being could make up the words of Christ because most people, (including the disciples and gospel writers) didn't understand his words!

So there is nothing logical about claiming that the gospel writers made up a man named Jesus and put words in his mouth. Not a thing. So Christ's words alone prove that he's the Son of God because most of them are beyond human understanding. And "no he's not" Just doesn't cut it. They are as meaningless as claiming that anyone of you is the emperor Napolean.

Carico, CARM 35 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20441

If anyone sticks up for traditional marriage and opposes the homosexual agenda of same sex so-called “marriage” they are labeled “homophobic,” though the term is patently ridiculous in view of the fact a phobia is an irrational fear and who is actually irrationally afraid of homosexuals? The normal revulsion sexually normal people feel for perversion is just that; normal. The words perversion and normal are still there in ordinary dictionaries apart from dictionaries of Behavioral Science and no amount of laws passed are going to make sexually normal people well-disposed toward perverts or accept perverts can be “married” in any normal sense of the word.

Who expects Mexico to launch a space shuttle, build a base on the moon and go to Mars? That this kind of scientific and technological expertise is the purview of only the most educated and advanced nations should speak volumes to the logical mind. And are those who do not expect Mexico or the nations in Africa to participate in launching space shuttles or colonize the moon and Mars all “racists?” I don’t think so. But where was the logic to be found in a Supreme Court that for the sake of “equality” demanded the schools be desegregated when such a Draconian decision was bound to have the unintended consequence of white flight and the attendant evils visited upon an entire system of education throughout America?

samheath, The Weedpatch Gazette 30 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20442

This is as mad as a balloon.

Here's a situation that will enrage a feminist:-

- what about a woman fucking a man - yes, she's on top; a very popular position we'll all agree. But! The man says "nope, don't wanna do this anymore". But she's bouncing on top of him, regardless of his request. This surely must be rape too, if we are to be consistant.


I told you it was as mad as a balloon.

IMHO, SYG Forum 78 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 20443

(Which bits [of the bible] are logical and reasonable?)

100%, can you point some that are Not.

Jewpiter, CARM 47 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20444

Murder is killing an innocent. Taking out an abortionist is taking out the trash.

DISCLAIMER -- Government-sanctioned murder is still murder. The above is not to imply that I would take out the trash. The above is not meant to bring on a debate either. I've stated my stand.

Wolfcounsel, Free Conservatives 35 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20445

[Thread deals with the Theory of Evolution]

"You guys are really pathetic,..."

I'm willing to bet that you won't be thinking that when you're in Hell, looking up at us "pathetic" creationists.

Life is short, death is eternal for the non-believer, and your arrogance will evaporate in the fires of Hell.

Your belief in THAT is not required.

Nonetheless, you will receive prayers, in the probably-futile hope that some day you will be loosed from Satan's grasp, and embrace God.

[Tagline: ("...when the lion and the lamb lie down together, ...we'd better damn sure be the lion")]

jim35, Free Republic 40 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20447

janMember since: September 08, 2006

Total points: 2,927 (Level 4)

Points earned this week: 477
5%Best answer
986 answers

wooo - wait a minute, here. First of all, if you want to read of the dinosaurs, read Job.
Secondly, there aren't any unidentified flying saucers with God. God knows whats up there.
Also, God has vehicles - Read Ezekiel 1:1 -
He even has the Ark of the Covenant and His throne aboard when He travels. God is very natural, in fact, SUPER natural. These vehicles existed in the last earth age, and they still do, in Heaven. Also, the manuscripts state that satans favorite place in the Universe is the planet Saturn. It was named for him.
It may just be that when you see a UFO that its just one of those vehicles. I wouldn't be surprized if Antichrist didn't arrive in one of them when he comes on the scene....
You don't have a whole lot of Bible knowledge, I guess.
What would i do if aliens came from somewhere and they told us about how life came about, and it didn't involve a "God"??
It won't happen, except perhaps in your day dreams.

jan, Yahoo! Answers 31 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20449

Charles HMember since: May 29, 2006

Total points: 887 (Level 2)

Points earned this week: 142
3%Best answer
346 answers

Satan will masquerade as the angel of light(the Bible).

The Radar systems never really picked up these UFOs, or the defense system would have destroyed them. These are illusions that Satan is using to kill our belief in the Bible.

Charles H, Yahoo! Answers 27 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20450

One of the goals the powers-that-be (the anti-christ system) has is to identify and control everything on the planet. The subdermal microchip implant will be their solution for so many of mankind's problems and make life "so much easier". The Book of Revelations warns about such mark -- a device that gives the anti-system the power make it where you cannot buy nor sell without it. Walmart and the like are getting us scanner conditioned and ready for such a system.

http://wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com is a very eye-opening website.

????, WND Forums Home 32 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20451

[excerpted from a long diatribe explaining how Shakespeare is diabolical...]

" If we consider the ungodly thoughts of Shakespeare we will uncover the truth. In Hamlet, he portrays the idea that life is simply a dream or a stage. Hamlet says "there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Oh, how foolish we have been. How could we allow our innocent children to be manipulated by such doctrine. They may even begin to question the theology of the Bible itself. Is it any wonder that many children have departed from the faith of our fathers? In Romeo and Juliet, the young couple betray their parents and secretly meet. In the end, they commit suicide in a mistaken understanding of love and life. Do we then have any excuse for our own children in society who follow what they are taught in Shakespeare's writings? When murder, witchcraft, depression, and suicides are common among our youth, how can we even wonder how it all happened?

My dear readers, let us all Step out of the Darkness of delusion. You may think it is funny or a cliché when you read this, but the Bible, which was written through the inspiration of God himself, is the only literary work we really need. If you feel the urge to laugh or scorn my thoughts, may I suggest you try it? I did a little experiment with a teenage girl who was caught in the dark, gothic world of which she found pleasure. I told her to write out her thoughts at the moment. (Which were depressing to say the least.) Then I brought her an intense, spiritual novel to read. I told her to again, write her thoughts after she finished reading the book. The difference was miraculous. She felt like a new person. The contrast was un - mistakingly extreme. She even felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and began to witness to her Gothic friends."

[much more on the site]

Sharon White, Why I will Never allow my Children to Read Shakespeare 86 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: MK

Quote# 20452

Ok, well this is me attacking one dumb ass pro-choicer...you are a fucking cunt ass bitch Sarah. I honestly have horrible wishes for your future. Im so glad to know that I will not be reading your nonsence anymore. Go throw your bullshit at someone else.

As for the rest of you, I will not name names because all of you disgust me, I wish you all pain and suffereing for the rest of your miserable lives. As for me, I will continue planning my wonderful wedding, HAVING beautiful babies, and having faith in GOD.

~*Steph*~ is pro-life AND PRO-LOVE!!!, Myspace 92 Comments [2/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Sierra