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Quote# 20844

Genesis 1:1 says Evolution isnt true.

John 14:6 says all other religions are false.

Arguements over in this forum

Diseased88, Christian Teen Forum 55 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 20849

We ARE different from animals because they are afraid of us. They work for OUR benifit. They exist for us to enjoy. We do not exist for them to enjoy. Animals were not created in GOD's image. Animals lack an eternal soul. Animals are promoters of the environment, the tools of/for the established/created ecological system.

LittleNipper, Christian Forums 66 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 20851

One of my all-time favorite lies is that antibiotic resistance proves darwinism. This has been the one of the greatest fabrications of the 20th century. I have long questioned why, if antibiotic resistance proved Darwin's version of evolution, that science couldn't prove this same version with real animals........why is it that the proof is somewhere that 99.9% of the population can't see it?

supersport, CARM 25 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20854

If you are born a Homosexual, meaning you have no Choice. They find a gene that declares you to be homosexual and can find it in the womb...Can I have an abortion if I find out my Baby is Gay?

There is no need for a Homosexual baby, they are no use to the human race... I would abort a homosexual baby.

Marcus, Myspace 42 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Mestilf

Quote# 20855

Adam and Eve are said to be the parents of all creation and they are humans on earth. So, no. God did not create other people on other planets. If there is "something out there", it's probably just demonic spirits.

Scott, Myspace 45 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Peter

Quote# 20866

You know, REALLY, AIDS is with us for the same reason syphillus is with us...because men have sex with animals. Sheep in the case of syphillus and monkeys in the case of AIDS. AIDS was isolated in the early 1950's. Latex condoms do not protect you, either, no joke. The only thing that does? A condom made of polyurethane. If you're having to battle the AIDS virus, use boxwort, it's an herb that has shown promise.

heavenlei, Backpage.com 26 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20868

Regarding the existence or otherwise of my God, I hope you remember your little outburst come the day of judgement:
"Ah, yes, Welsh Wizard: Now, let me see: Hmmmm. Ah, yes: Go to hell."
"Aaaah, but God: I've been a good person, and I sent money to Africa so that the poor people could shag in safety, and not die from AIDS"
"Yes, but that didn't really help my plan, Boyo. And you failed to show me respect"
"Yes, but I didn't think that you really existed, though! I'm really intelligent, and I applied logic to the situation, and concluded that you couldn't possibly exist, so that's why I never gave you thanks for my home in the Welsh borders, or my education, or for food and drink, for clean air, for freedom from tyranny, for....."
"Don't give me that, you silly Welsh to$$er. Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him. Now, into the fiery pit with you"

Virgin Wool, C4forums 55 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 20870

I think we should summarily execute atheists on sight. Let them be scientific observers for us. If we never hear from them again, we will know that they were right. So come along atheists, do it for science and the satisfaction of knowing that you were right; life is a pointless series of events leading up to oblivion.

So what, anyway? You win. Life is pointless. Do you want a cookie? You still have to go to work in the morning. Only now, you have to be a little bit more depressed about it, but you win. In the end, when you are reduced to worm poop, you will always have the satisfaction of knowing that you were right. Oh wait, there is no right in oblivion. There actually happens to be no anything. Chomp my nuts, atheists. Chomp my nuts.

nimrodfunk, Atheism 73 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 20873

Try hard, if you will, to perceive the worth of atheism and if you make a proper assessment of its worth to any portion of mankind, it will be revealed to you that atheism is a demonic ideology or religion that is utterly worthless, to say the least. It darkens the minds of its subjects and bring curses upon every facet of human life.

The two basic responsibilities every person of mankind has are to love God more than all else and to love mankind. Atheism accomplishes neither one of these responsibilities. It blasphemes against God and brings harm and death upon mankind.

Atheists are not fit to be parents; they are not fit to be employed in any portion of any society; they are not fit to be any kind of leaders in any society, nor are they fit to serve in any area of public trust. Atheism makes every person who embraces it unfit for any good work.

Atheist are not even fit to live. They have forfeited the right to life by virtue of being unfit for any good thing.

The decline or absence of morals in any society can be traced to atheism or the like. All the problems in every facet of society the world over can be traced to atheism, or denial of God and disobedience to him. The rapid increase in crime the world over can be traced to the same. Atheism has nothing good to offer any society.

Atheism is so heinous and does so much harm that there is desperate need for legislation against it. It is not an ideology, philosophy or demonic religion which should be allowed to exist and flourish in any society. Every atheist should be regarded as high criminals by all governments who have no right to live on the earth.

Signed by: Karl Marx, Rene Descartes, Nicolo Machiavelli, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Ludwig Feuerbach, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Thomas Huxley, John Stuard Mill, A.J. Ayer

Robert T. lee, HolySmoke.org 66 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 20890

[On PET scans showing that homosexual love is the same as heterosexual love]

I don't care what "PET scans" reveal. Most scientists are liars anyway.

B®ent, Christian Forums 55 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 20893

(At least defensor looks for something, he may be a closet nazi but at least he isn't trying to rile up his peers to come irritate us even more.)

So Nazism over Christianity according to you? Wow, I guess that doesn't surprise me, since Evolution is what cause Hitler to kill so many people.

BigChrisFilm, FSTDT Forums 35 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20894

Nephillim have the power to transmutate matter on a molecular level. Stories have been told of Shaman's being able to transmutate themselves into animals (shapeshift) and all forms of beasts. Wearwolves are Nephillim shapeshifting into horrible monsters. I believe that the "bigfoot" creature is a shapeshifted Nephillim who after his little ruse, shifts back into a human form, and therefore remains ellusive. I am only conjecturing here, but it is my belief that they still have the power to shapeshift into giants, and they probably did that to intimidate the humans into control and fear. But now they want to infiltrate all area's of society, and so they remain in human form for the most part.

I do know this from my experience, that it takes a lot of their energy to shapeshift and to remain in that form for any length of time. It is much easier for them to hold their form in the higher dimensions. I also know that many of the Nephillim have their sex changed at birth. That is why many feel that they are a "woman" in a man's body, and vice versa; It is part of their occult practice to descecrate all of God's creation. The Nephillim's ability to shapeshift is by far the most bizzarre of all their atributes. I have seen them as birds, as mice, even as insects; I have seen them as cats, and large animals. But note this: if they die in the form they have shapeshifted into, then they remain in that form. Unlike in the movies when a wearwolf was shot by a silver bullet it transformed back into a human, the Nephillim die and remain in the form they shifted into. A common form they like to shift into these days is the common "reptilian" alien form that you hear a lot about. (I have seen this myself, and it is quite frightening when you see it) Another thing, just like the movies, it is a very painful process for them to shapeshift.

whiterider, The Resistance Manifesto 69 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20896

(where does it say in the Bible
"Thou Shall Hate The Blacks For Absolutely No Reason")

i dont hate blacks LOLZ
i hate NIGGERS
and if you cant see a difference
than you are racist

. california rest in peace . <3, Myspace 50 Comments [2/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20787

I still don't understand why a group of people who choose to do certain things with their bodies hopefully behind private closed doors, are labeled a "minority group" and demand tolerance.

Soooooo.....if my husband and I decide we want to dress as Ringling Brothers' Circus Clowns and have sex hanging from a trapeze in a big top, can WE have our own protected minority group?

Or how about people who like to weedwhack in pink shorts and a Hee Haw shirt? Can THEY have their own protected minority group?

Being born African-American is an example. That is WHAT you are because of WHERE you come from in your genetics. You CAN'T change THAT. I am from Mediterranean descent. I CAN'T change THAT either. THAT is a group. Gays ARE NOT a group. Because if they WANTED to they could NOT practice homosexuality.

But I can't stop being Mediterranean. An African-American CAN'T stop being an African-American.

But now behaviors qualify as a group!??!!

CaiperLane, Rapture Ready 54 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20788

I personally do not believe in the evolution theory and imagine that 30 years from now, people will look back and marvel at how universally society, our schools, and the greater scientific community embraced as fact, a theory, that has no empirical scientific proof. If you just think about how complicated the human brain is (let alone the human person), its mind boggling to think it was created through random mutation assisted by natural selection any more than if you left a monkey in a room with a typewriter for a million years, you would expect it would ultimately type out (perfectly without error) Shakespare's Hamlet or winds would, over that period, happen to pick up dirt and debri and configure a working jet aircraft (both significantly less complicated than human life - or animal life, or even a single cell, for that matter).

Robbinson, Rapture Ready 63 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20789

[Should we be cremated?]

Not if we can help it - cremation generally express disbelief in the importance of the resurrection of the dead.

Llauralin, Christian Forums 37 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 20791

God can know the future if He wants to know the future. He has to choose not to know the future so that He does not have a influence on the way that things turn out. We really do have free choice.

JohnR7, Rapture Ready 33 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20792

We really don't know how the flood waters affected the Earth after they assuaged, a flat Earth could have been rounded with the force of all that water leaving the planet. Even Noah couldn't have known and he'd be the only one to tell.

Abba's little girl, CARM 39 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20797

["Just because a website doesn't run around screaming bloody baby-murder doesn't mean it's biased."]

No, actually, that WOULD mean it's biased.

kp606, Gaia Online 16 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Chaoschaos

Quote# 20799

The greatest illuminati "science" hoax ever - revealed worldwide first by Matt Marriott

Not just another "science" hoax.
You can measure how great the hoax is. The measurement results prove it to be the greatest hoax ever.

No, not Evolution Theory, the most important hoax ever.
It is even older.

No, not Heliocentrism, the mother of all "science" hoaxes.
It is not as old.

Unlike Heliocentrism and Evolution, this hoax did not appear as the result of a new theory.
The acceptance of this hoax was
- the post-condition for the acceptance of the Heliocentic model;
- the pre-condition for the illuminati to launch the Evolution hoax.

The greatest hoax ever and the 9/11 "planes" hoax

It appeared just like the 9/11 "planes" hoax, i.e. as the result of manufactured "evidence".
Again like 9/11, the repetition technique in the context of the BIG LIE framework (9/11: using not only one but four "jets" to cover-up the hoax; second "impact" constantly repeated in the first hours) was used.
Like 9/11, the full story of this hoax is revealed first worldwide by Matt Marriott.

But what is probably the most incredible analogy with 9/11 is the "thousands of eyewitnesses" aspect, where 9/11 pales in comparison with this hoax ...

To get the hoax's name, just fill the blanks below:

[_ _ _ _ _ _ _] [_ _ _ _ _ _ax]

It should not be difficult to name it, right?

MattMarriott, Christian Forums 31 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: David

Quote# 20800

i want to go on the record and state that i believe in a form of evolution.....

Men are De Evolving into primative lifeforms .....Men are becoming more APE like as time goes on. Eventually they will finish as pond scum soup.

Could it be that all the Apes on the earth used to be men at one time? just a theory......

thereisacause, KJV 39 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20802

Fun is always around the bend as long as some people who hate Christians have a Hitler mentality.

ikester7579, King James Bible Only 25 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20803

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.

Today’s cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".

The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.

Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism

in every aspect of man’s "knowledge" about the Universe, the

Earth, and Himself.

Marshall Hall, Fixed Earth 45 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20805

Even when you show people videos, science lectures, eyewitness accounts from many angles, they still just can't believe the government (and the media) would lie. And that's just how the globalists want it. One of the conditions in the Tribulation is that God "will send them a powerful delusion" for rejecting the Truth.

Ready2Rapture, Curezone 26 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Promethean

Quote# 20806

If you are born a Homosexual, meaning you have no Choice. They find a gene that declares you to be homosexual and can find it in the womb...Can I have an abortion if I find out my Baby is Gay?

There is no need for a Homosexual baby, they are no use to the human race... I would abort a homosexual baby.

Marcus, Myspace 28 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen
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