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Quote# 20808

This helps proves that Christianity is true.

A few days ago, there was a paraglider who was swept up into a storm to thousands of feet above the normal paraglider height. It was freezing, but she lived. The others didn't, it was a miracle. She is an atheist.

I think God was trying to get her to be a Christian. Hopefully she will not be stupid and she will convert after this. This was an opportunity that Jesus gave her to keep her from burning in Hell forever.

This proves that God is fair and that he gives people that deserve to burn in Hell a second chance.

Chris K, Yahoo Answers 62 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: AiW

Quote# 20810

The truth is that the fear of "Bothched Abortions" is still a Slipper Slope argument... And thus this question still has not been answered.... If it has been answered andI overlooked it, I apologize it is hard to fish out any good responses in 10 pages of nonsense.

And besides that getting is Clothes Hangar abortion is about as selfish an act as Suicide.

Marcus, Myspace 23 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20812

let's get serious here for just one second, who shouts down any lecturer that is giving an opposing view? The Liberals. Who tries to scilence those with opposing views by calling them fascists? The Liberals. The only reason liberals label people with opposing views as fascists is because the liberals have no response when faced with an intellectual debate...therefore have nothing to say...therefore are silenced...therefore we're fascists cuz they're dumb.

El Guapo, Myspace 32 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 20813

<A HREF="http://www.burntorangereport.com/upload/Chisum.pdf">Memo distributed to Texas state legislature calling for the banning of teaching evolution in public schools because it is the "religion of the Pharisees" and citing www.fixedearth.com as evidence</A>

Representative Warren Chisum (R-Texas), Burnt Orange Report 28 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 20814

[One for the Fundy Word Redefinition Project?]

Here's the discription of the Gnostics: 1John2: 22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

Subsets of gnostics include materialist, athiest, agnostics, secularist, mormons, Jeh. Witnesses, on and on. Like the scriptures says : anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ.,,,Anyone!

ocb, Apologetics.org 25 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20815

I have no intentions of backing down from anyone Jew or otherwise who tries to demonize Christianity because of a few bad apples who "called" themselves Christians. That would be stupid and it's clear that historically the Gnostics have done exactly that. They are perfessionals at hijacking religions and using violence to get their way.

A good stigma will whip a good dogma everytime and this is what I see one individual attempting to do here. He's wrong and I'm not going to shut up about it.

The Jews drew the first blood against the first century Christians, fact!
According to their own law, an eye for an eye, they are guilty for that.
For 2000 years now the true christian believers have been persecuted every bit as much and more than the Jews. It's still going on today. WWW.PERSECUTION.COM Therefore, if this individual wants a fight with one who follows Jesus Christ, he's got one .

ps. Brothers in Christ: We do not war against flesh and blood but powers and principalities in heavenly places, please remember that.

ocb, Apologetics.org 30 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20816

So if evolutionists convert Christians, then they are evolutionist missionaries.

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale 36 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 20817

The reason Christian are h*m*ph*bic is because it is not natural. And is considered a sin. But we are called this if we bring up the subject. And for what reason?

Guilt, shame and peer pressure is the best tool to get someone to either back off, or conform through fear of ridicule. So where does this type of control come from when one person controls another in this fashion?

It's a form of witchcraft. When one person is controlled by another, and is forced to do things against their will through all the things mentioned above. It's a form of witchcraft. It is more so when you use these things to keep someone from doing what is right, and make them do what is wrong.

But what about the Christianphobics? Are they really against all religion, or only one religion? Let us take the Islamic candidate for U.S. President. Do we hear separation of church and state while this guy tries to run? Do we hear that he may try and turn the nation into a religion through his faith? NO!

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale 38 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20818

But it's not like H*m*sexuals are knocking on your door on Sunday afternoons, handing you leaflets that say if you don't turn g*y you will tortured for the rest of your existence.]

You know where the trash can is, correct? If you don't want to read the stuff, toss it. It's your choice.

But h*m*sexuals do call churches and test them on what they allow to go on in their church. This is so they will record what they say pertaining to their lifestyle. And if they can make them say the wrong thing, they get together and file a class action lawsuit to sue the church right out of bussiness.

Now which is worse, the leaflets that can be thrown away?
Or being sued and your whole life ruined?

So don't try the guilt trip game here.

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale 42 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20820

[More hate aimed at Yahweh and Fstdt.]

FSTDT.com is no different. Their owner tried to convince me that all groups are treated on a equal bases as far as being mocked, made fun of, etc... But even their ratio percent is the same as this site's ratio. And FSTDT.com is a lot more vulgar. Maybe this site needs to learn how to project it's hate better and can learn some things from FSTDT.com. Like how to get your members to express a hate so extreme that they would suggest killing people for what they believe.

Issac, YEC 30 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 20821

[”You would be such a better Christian if you followed the example of the Master, who loved all people, ESPECIALLY those who were the LEAST loved by the rest of society.”]

now that’s funny. you stick your dick in shit and then try to tell me what kind of Christian I should be? FUCK YOU!!! i’m not the one who started a disease, which has killed millions of people! trust me, Jesus got angry with people like you as well. its not like you don’t know any better, its more like you’re too selfish to care! who cares your sick practices are causing all these deaths in the world so long as you get to stick your dick in shit! right?
yea, i’m sure Gods up there giving you the thumbs up……..NOT!

JustAGirl, Backpage.com 29 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 20823

“”“I've never even been to a bath house or sex party yet her hatred for gay men is so strong that she assumes that that's what all gay men do.”””

Oh sure you haven’t! you're all a bunch of sex crazed dick worshipping scums of the earth!!! otherwise you wouldn’t be sticking your dicks in shit to begin with! and there wouldn’t be aids or any other STD for that matter. you sickos are the ones spreading these diseases.

“””And I'm even more sorry that you have missed Jesus's message entirely and twisted it into one of hatred and judgement”””

if you actually believe Jesus is ok with what you are doing, you are even more twisted than I ever imagined. you may be able to fool yourselves but you can’t fool God. you are no better than murderers in his eyes. you slimebags have commited the biggest mass murder of all time with aids. and for what? your own sick pleasure! just so you can stick your dick in shit!!!!! i cant think of a bigger sin than that youre no better than scums like hitler and gaycy the clown!

“””for people who you don't like for whatever personal reason.”””


JustAGirl, Backpage.com 44 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 20824

evolution "scientists" actually have the overwhelming task of digging up the whole earth before they can begin formulating their final conclusions about their evolution hypotheses based on the COMPLETE archaeological and geological records. Otherwise, evolution "scientists" seem to think that they have the license to revise evolution "laws" every time the dog unexpectedly digs up a strange fossile. Such mentality shows that evolution "science" was born in Hollywood.

The truth of the matter is that evolution "scientists" long ago figured out that the only way that they could push their evolution fantasies on everybody was to put on their lawyer's hats and try to sell the "jury," that's you and me, on their tunnel-vision interpretation of inconclusive evolution evidence by means of slick-talking courtroom rhetoric.

The bottom line is that evolution is a mixture of scientific statistics and imagination. In other words, evolution remains nothing more than a convincing form of science fiction.

10thAmendment, Sean Hannity Discussion Forum 39 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 20825

The spin of the ACLU is that they are a non-partisan organization. This is the portrayal they want the average American to see and believe. Of course, that's beyond ridiculous as evidenced by their extreme slant to partisan belief. [...] Interestingly enough they have tried to stymie every Supreme Court Justice who didn't conform to their brand of politics. But wait.... I thought they are non-partisan? I must have forgotten that oft-repeated mantra. Its just so hard to think of them as being impartial when their record is so obviously to advance an agenda. They regularly take on cases that not only defend anti-American terrorism, but they also aide and abet them. They take on cases that support extreme patronage where an offender has been clearly indicted for a crime. Being the spin doctors they are they find ways to paint a picture that doesn't exist to make it sound as if there are nefarious purposes at hand. They will hold somebody up in the spotlight in order to make the defendant seem like a Robin Hood, launching their iconic status in order to subvert the status quo. They defend child pornographers and institutions who support crimes against children. They defend live sex acts irrespective of where and when. They have an unwaivering support of all forms of abortion, even partial birth abortion, and have the gall to now call it "reproductive freedom." They take on religious groups that want to display Nativity scenes, as if displaying baby Jesus is the crime of all crimes. They hate the boyscouts of America for crying out loud. They want all borders to be open, seemingly incapable of understanding the implications that would directly affect them. So on, and so on.


While its true that the ACLU takes on certain cases, its little more than social pittance, and they don't have warmhearted motives for doing it. They take on these cases to keep up the appearance of non-partisanship. But their defense of such cases is usually geared towards some individualistic right they have manifested in their minds.

nemesis juggernaut, EvC Forum 27 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20826

<img src="http://i18.tinypic.com/4bykoe9.jpg">

[The appropriate response being:
<img src="http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3074/goldenretrieverpuppyfe7.jpg">
- Editor]

supersport, CARM 29 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 20827

[Discussing freedom of religion in the US and how it compares to countries like Afghanistan]

I just told you how I do not have freedom of religion. Freedom of religion in this country for Christians is being systematically taken away. I do not have the right to "conscientious objector" status if I am drafted, simply because I am not a Quaker or Amish....this is not right. I also do not have the right to object to other government enforced programs based on my religion, such as Social Security, and the war against God's herbs, that he gave to mankind since the beginning. I do not have the right to carry around my sheathed sword, even though Jesus tells his followers to have swords, and tells Peter that the "place" for his sword is in it's sheath which he is carrying. I do not have the right to school my child at home in the subjects I deem appropriate.....there are standard government tests that require them to answer certain things in certain ways (some of which go against our religious and free beliefs, such as the age of the universe). I do not have the freedom of expression. I cannot go into a courtroom, and defend myself as I wish....if I am charged with a crime, the judges orders on what I can and cannot say apply, with the penalty of "contempt of court," for an indefinite period of time if I do not comply. And these things come nowhere near talking about all of the freedoms taken away by the Patriot Act, and similar legislation. As to being hung or stoned. The firing squad is the contemporary version of stoning. I do not doubt that some day, a firing squad may be sent against me because of my religious beliefs. It has happened to many others here already.

elijahmohammad, "Does God Exist?" Multiply Community 25 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 20830

Sadly i have 7 nieceis and nephews mix breeds thanks to my no good sister went with every race you can think of. On the good hand I have 6 of my brothers and sisters who had 5 kids or more and pure white and the other two can't stand blacks so they will have pure whites two. There is 9 of us all together. We need more white familyies like mind who have a **** load of white childern.

God-save-us, Stormfront 62 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 20833


Interestingly, and sadly, all we see on the internet and in society today is talk about domestic violence; but NEVER do we hear anything about statistics on wives who refuse to obey their husbands. It is evil. It is just as sinful for a wife to frustrate her husband through insubordination and disobedience as it is for a man to commit domestic violence. I am not lessening the sin of domestic violence, I am emphasizing the sin of wives who rebel against their husbands by not being obedient. I realize this is ancient mentality to feminists today; but it is 100% Biblical doctrine. A wife is expected by God to obey her husband. Feminists are eagerly willing to crucify abusive husbands; BUT they won't even address the issue of wives who disobey, mistreat, and frustrate their husbands. It takes two to tango.

Please understand that I believe a wife who is being physically abused should leave if she feels threatened; but not divorce. Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason. ...

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-savior.com 155 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: g-21-lto

Quote# 20835

Here lies the fundamental reason for all the ills that exist in America (or any society). Despite what blind patriots and Bill of Rights quoters think, America has failed to legislate itself in strict accord to the moral laws of God. In fact, the first amendment to its manmade constitution reveals that America has always been forbidden from doing so. If the government of America would officially embrace the true moral laws of God, it would be espousing a particular "religion".

Therefore, the principles of the heathen Constitution and its Bill of Rights rule instead of morality. There is a constant clamor across the nation against morality on the basis of so-called constitutional rights. But this is the way the forefathers established this nation. Since its inception, America has truthfully been foolishly seeking to govern itself rather than seeking to perfectly conform to the righteous, rightful authority and holy kingship of the most high God.

rtlee, The Campus Ministry, USA Bulletin Board 41 Comments [2/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Vyoma

Quote# 20737

[Various posts from a thread on a paedophile message board]

I don't think that many 5 year old boys..
don't already know how to masturbate.
I know I was shooting blanks on a
regular basis. We just knew not to
talk about it in front of adults..


But I have said a number of times that if the
parents aren't going to teach their kids about
sex, then it is up to the schools to do it.

I know Kindergarten is a bit too late to start,
but it would be a great help to a number of
youngsters to get some good instruction on
how to do it.


Of course, then again, if parents were smarter, generally speaking of course, then they would teach their kids about it themselves, and I say -- and I'm not saying this *just* to be erotic or whatever, but I say that teaching them through example and hands-on teaching is best, honestly. Not only does that teach them about it really well, but that would also be a wonderful bonding experience and leave them with great memories of how they first learned to masturbate.

(various posters), Boychat 114 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 20748

Another thing that scientists are now questioning is whether or not the earth revolves around the sun! They admit it's just another theory because motion is relative to other motion. So another thing that's for sure is; none of you knows whether the earth revolves around the sun. [laughing smiley]

Carico, CARM 59 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 20750


PS/ SEE ALSO&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; GEN.13:13 &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; GEN: 19: 1&gt;38
[more verses]


Pastor Billy Ball, Pam's House Blend 61 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Martha P.

Quote# 20751

If there really are animals that engage in homosexual behavior, this is evil and God will no doubt repay them for this.

Ceridwen, Christian Forums 48 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: TM

Quote# 20753

[Jim Robinson is the owner and founder of the Free Republic website]

{"You have no evidence other than stating that its in the bible, well, I refuse to accept the bible as a scientific text."}

And therein lies the rub. In order for you to prove the theory of evolution and to have it universally accepted by all people as true fact, you must first completely destroy the Holy Bible and all it teaches us.

There can be no Creator. No God. No miracles. God cannot possibly have created the Earth or the Heavens or Man and every Creature that walks swims or crawls. There was no Adam and Eve. No Garden of Eden. No original sin. There was no Noah. No Ark. No flood. No Moses. No burning bush. No Ten Commandments handed down from God. Jesus cannot possibly have been the Son of God, nor could he have died on the cross for our sins. The Resurrection could not possibly have happened. There is no Saviour and no Salvation. No life after death. No Heaven. No Hell. No God. No Satan. No good vs evil.

Therefore all of Christianity, in fact, all of all religions are simply mythical fairy tales based on lies and superstition.

The theory of evolution does not allow for the Holy Bible, or miracles including the miracle of Creation, the miracle of life, etc, or God our Creator, or Jesus Christ, or Christianity, Judaism, etc.

The Declaration of Independence is therefore also a lie. If there is no Creator, our rights cannot possibly have come from God. In other words, we have no unalienable rights. Our rights would only be what the government allows us.

The Declaration would be null and void and the founding would have been based on lies rather than "these truths we hold self-evident."

The first amendment would simply be a cruel joke. The Bill of Rights would have no foundation on truth or unalienable rights from God and that would also make the entire Constitution of the United States null and void. All laws based on the Ten Commandments would be null and void. There would be no God to guide our judges and no reason not to bear false witness.

Our entire American history, in fact all of civilization would be based on nothing but lies. Our ancestors passed down lies to our grand parents and parents and they lied to us and we have taught our children nothing but lies.

This is exactly what the Marxists (leftists) would have us believe.

If you destroy belief in the Creator, you destroy belief in God, Christianity, Judaism, etc. You destroy our entire civilized society and reason for being. We would be left with nothing but chaos and anarchy. A Marxist dream come true.

Believers in the theory of evolution may not be Marxists, but they are pushing exactly what the Marxists want pushed. And that makes it political.

And I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with science. Along with everything else, God created all knowledge and that includes the modern miracle of science.

Jim Robinson, Free Republic 39 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Long Cut

Quote# 20755

You'd think this cult [Scientology] would die out now that all the secrets of the highest levels have been exposed, and they proved to be just insane. I don't see its attraction, either, except that some of the training consists of self-hypnosis and other brainwashing techniques.

" We shall never be able to escape from the doctrine of divine predestination - the doctrine that God has foreordained certain people unto eternal life."

-Charles Spurgeon

Ripped, Rapture Ready 24 Comments [2/16/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
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